scholarly journals Use of an HRP2‐based rapid diagnostic test to guide treatment of children admitted to hospital in a malaria‐endemic area of north‐east Tanzania

2011 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 545-550 ◽  
George Mtove ◽  
Behzad Nadjm ◽  
Ben Amos ◽  
Ilse C. E. Hendriksen ◽  
Florida Muro ◽  
PLoS ONE ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. e0125796 ◽  
Dennis Adu-Gyasi ◽  
Kwaku Poku Asante ◽  
Sam Newton ◽  
David Dosoo ◽  
Sabastina Amoako ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 111 (7) ◽  
pp. 383-387 ◽  
Ajit Gopal Samal ◽  
Prativa Kumari Behera ◽  
Akshay Kumar Mohanty ◽  
Sanghamitra Satpathi ◽  
Abhishek Kumar ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 56-58
Dharma Raj Regmi ◽  
N. Basnet ◽  
C. Jaishwal ◽  
S. Pun

A case of a 2-year-old female child who initially presented with fever, later diagnosed and successfully treated as Malaria in Jajarkot Hospital in the District of Jajarkot which is a low malarial prevalence region. Patient had been treated with oral antibiotics in a local out of hospital pharmacy but continued to remain febrile. Patient admitted for evaluation of fever and inability to feed. Malaria was confirmed with ICT based Rapid Diagnostic Test after other foci/infection with high degree of suspicion were ruled out. Patient was treated based on the recent national guideline and eventually discharged after showing significant signs of improvement. This isolated case of malaria in a hilly low risk area like Jajarkot emphasizes the need to remain vigilant and adopt a stringent protocol-based diagnostic for diagnosis and treatment of a febrile patient.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-35
Maria Estela Karolina ◽  
Oktovia Rezka Nurmaajid ◽  
Armaidi Darmawan ◽  
Solha Elfrida

Abstract Backgrounds : Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) is a imunologic methode to diagnose malaria. Mostly, Orang Rimba hunt nomadically. Orang Rimba have traditional medicine to cure malaria. The purposes of this research are to know the incident of malaria based on RDT and malaria treatment behaviour of Orang Rimba. Methode :  This research was descriptive study. The populations of this research were Orang Rimba in Desa Bukit Suban and Sekamis, Kabupaten Sarolangun. The number of samples in this research is 49 respondents. The sample was taken by systematic random sampling. Data were analyzed with univariat analysis. Result : The result showed that 16,7 % had malaria positive, P. vivax was the dominat species of plasmodium (62,5%). Mostly the aged of respondent was 5-11 years old (41,7%), the gender was male (58,3%), occupation was doesn’t work (56,3%), marriage status was marriage (56,3%). Most of Orang Rimba had worse knowladge level (53,6%), the mostly used term in Orang Rimba was demam kuro (50%), only (42,9%) respondents knew the trias of malaria, only 9 respondents knew that cause of malaria was mosquito’s bites, Orang Rimba mostly knew the danger of malaria (85,7%) and the complication of malaria (89,3%), and knew that malaria could be cured (82,1%). The users of modern combined with traditional medicine were as much as 57,1%, Orang Rimba mostly used ≥ 3 kinds of traditional medicine 53,6%, traditional medicine was mostly processed by boiling (24 respondents) and mostly knew one way of processing the traditional medicine  (57,1%), traditional medicine was mostly for being eaten or drunk and external medicine  (50%), the duration of using  traditional medicine was mostly  2-3 days (46,4%), Orang Rimba mostly said that traditional medicine was efficacious (92,9%). Conclusions : The incident number of malaria was 16,7% and the mostly users of modern combined with traditional medicine were as much as 57,1%. Keywords : Malaria, RDT, orang rimba, malaria treatment behaviour   Abstrak Latar Belakang : Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) merupakan metoda imunologik untuk mendiagnosis malaria. Lokasi berburu Orang Rimba cenderung berpindah-pindah. Orang Rimba memiliki kearifan lokal dalam mengobati malaria. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui skrining malaria berdasarkan RDT dan perilaku pengobatan malaria pada Orang Rimba. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Populasi penelitian seluruh Orang Rimba yang berada di Desa Bukit Suban dan Sekamis. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 48 responden. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Systematic Random Sampling. Data dianalisis dengan analisis univariat. Hasil : Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan 16,7% positif malaria, jenis plasmodium yang dominan adalah P. vivax (62,5%). Sebagian besar responden berusia 5-11 tahun (41,7%), sebagian besar berjenis kelamin laki-laki (58,3%), sebagian besar pekerjaan responden tidak bekerja (56,3%), sebagian besar berstatus kawin (56,3%). Sebagian besar Orang Rimba memiliki tingkat pengetahuan kurang baik (53,6%), sebagian besar menggunakan istilah demam kuro untuk menyebutkan malaria (50%), hanya 42,9% yang mengetahui trias malaria, hanya 9 responden yang menjawab penyebab malaria adalah gigitan nyamuk, sebagian besar mengetahui bahaya malaria 85,7%, jenis bahaya malaria 89,3%, dan mengetahui bahwa malaria dapat disembuhkan 82,1%. Pengguna pengobatan modern dikombinasi dengan pengobatan tradisional sebanyak 57,1%, sebagian besar menggunakan ≥ 3 jenis obat tradisional (53,6%), cara pengolahan yang paling banyak dengan cara direbus (24 responden) dan mengetahui 1 cara pengolahan (57,1%), cara pemakaian yang paling banyak dengan dimakan atau diminum dan obat luar (50%), lama penggunaan yang paling banyak selama 2-3 hari (46,4%), sebagian besar mengatakan obat tradisional berkhasiat (92,9%). Kesimpulan : Angka kejadian malaria sebesar 16,7% dan upaya pengobatan malaria terbanyak adalah dengan pengobatan modern dikombinasi dengan pengobatan tradisional (57,1%).   Kata Kunci :  Malaria, RDT, orang rimba, perilaku pengobatan malaria

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