International Agreements and Environmental Management Follow-up in Bangladesh

C. Abrar
Robert L. Trestman

Managing aggression is a challenge for psychiatry in all settings. Recognizing opportunities for appropriate assessment and intervention in correctional settings is an important component of correctional psychiatry. Studies reflect significant risks of violence for both correctional officers and inmates. Although prison homicides occur at rates below estimated community homicide rates, the rate of non-lethal violence is substantial. The data for assault are less clear, as definitions of what constitutes assault vary. Inmate-on-inmate assault has been estimated to range from 2 per 1000 inmates to as high as 200 per 1000 inmates. However assault is defined, correctional officers who have been the target of offender violence have elevated risk of emotional exhaustion and burnout. Effectively addressing aggression requires a thoughtful and comprehensive approach that may incorporate elements of environmental management, evaluation of potential motivating factors, differential diagnosis, and a coordinated intervention. This always involves includes effective communication among stakeholders including the patient. Recommended milieu changes and psychotherapeutic and / or pharmacologic interventions need to be explicitly defined; available data are described in this chapter. Consistent oversight and follow up to measure the effects of each component of the intervention(s) is critical, as aggressive behavior may be both habitual and episodic. This chapter reviews the factors that contribute to the broad range of assaultive behavior observed in correctional settings, and some of the pragmatic issues and opportunities for assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of aggressive behaviors, both impulsive and predatory.

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (01) ◽  
pp. 1650002 ◽  
Amarilis Lucia Casteli Figueiredo Gallardo ◽  
Alexandre de Oliveira e Aguiar ◽  
Luis Enrique Sánchez

Effective delivery of mitigation remains a challenge in environmental impact assessment (EIA) practice. Actual environmental protection outcomes depend as much on an appropriate ex-ante assessment as on the capacity of project proponents of implementing preventative, corrective and compensatory programs, using environmental management tools to ensure demonstrable performance. The context question explored here is: How can the EIA follow-up phase take advantage of the features and resources of environmental management systems (EMS)? Evidence was obtained by studying two cases of highway construction affecting valued environments. The projects, intentionally selected, were built in the same area with an eight-year interval between them. Follow-up resulted in the identification of significant unforeseen geo-environmental impacts leading to the adoption of corrective action not required in the terms and conditions of approval. It was found that lessons learned by different actors involved in the first project led to stronger environmental management procedures incorporated in the latter.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-118
Respati Triana Putri ◽  
Febri Tursandi Ar-Rasyid

This paper was written to find out the state of application of international legal instruments regarding refugee cases in a cross-brick country and to find out why there was a flow of refugees across Indonesian borders. By conducting studies in several libraries so that a written paper is created which has several important points, namely first, the State of Indonesia as a developing country does not have to justify the contents of the 1951 convention and the 1967 Protocol, because the Indonesian state has practiced the contents of the international agreements that have been mentioned. And refugees will continue to enter and make Indonesia a transit point to occupy destination countries that have been targeted by refugees. Second, cooperation between the Indonesian government and international institutions such as IOM and UNHCR is believed to be able to solve the problem of refugees which continues to be present in the territory of the State of Indonesia even though in practice it is often problematic in the realm of immigration because there is no governing law in Indonesia or the Indonesian authorities that determine it. Refugee status for those who enter Indonesian territory without holding official letters or documents related to entry into Indonesian territory. Therefore, the Immigration Service classifies them as legal immigrants if they are part of the refugees and cooperate with UNHCR, which is an international institution as a follow-up to determine the status of immigrants.

Robert L. Trestman

Managing aggression is a challenge for psychiatry in all settings. Recognizing opportunities for appropriate assessment and intervention in correctional settings is an important component of correctional psychiatry. Studies reflect significant risks of violence for both correctional officers and inmates. Although prison homicides occur at rates below estimated community homicide rates, the rate of non-lethal violence is substantial. The data for assault are less clear, as definitions of what constitutes assault vary. Inmate-on-inmate assault has been estimated to range from 2 per 1000 inmates to as high as 200 per 1000 inmates. However assault is defined, correctional officers who have been the target of offender violence have elevated risk of emotional exhaustion and burnout. Effectively addressing aggression requires a thoughtful and comprehensive approach that may incorporate elements of environmental management, evaluation of potential motivating factors, differential diagnosis, and a coordinated intervention. This always involves includes effective communication among stakeholders including the patient. Recommended milieu changes and psychotherapeutic and / or pharmacologic interventions need to be explicitly defined; available data are described in this chapter. Consistent oversight and follow up to measure the effects of each component of the intervention(s) is critical, as aggressive behavior may be both habitual and episodic. This chapter reviews the factors that contribute to the broad range of assaultive behavior observed in correctional settings, and some of the pragmatic issues and opportunities for assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of aggressive behaviors, both impulsive and predatory.

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