Reproduction and Survival of Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri) Fed Linolenic Acid as the Only Source of Essential Fatty Acids

2009 ◽  
Vol 44 (9) ◽  
pp. 306-308 ◽  
T.C. Yu ◽  
R.O Sinnhuber ◽  
J.D Hendricks
1982 ◽  
Vol 243 (3) ◽  
pp. R223-R228 ◽  
P. A. Sellner ◽  
J. R. Hazel

Hepatocytes from 5- or 20 degrees C-acclimated rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) were incubated with [1-14C]oleic, -linoleic, or -linolenic acid. Both acclimation groups demonstrated greater incorporation of derivatives from linolenic and linoleic acids into phospholipids when assayed at 5 and 20 degrees C; few derivatives of oleic acid were formed. Cells from cold-acclimated trout, when assayed at 5 degrees C with linolenic acid, incorporated a large proportion of radioactivity into free fatty acids. Analysis of each lipid fraction revealed a relatively specific incorporation of certain fatty acids. For example, "dead end" elongation products of the three substrates were preferentially incorporated into neutral lipids, while delta 6 desaturation products of the three acids were retained in the free fatty acid fraction. Twenty-carbon acid derivatives of linoleic and linolenic acids were directed into the phospholipid fraction. Incorporation of the delta 5 desaturation products was temperature sensitive in cells from cold-acclimated but not warm-acclimated trout. The results suggest that selectivity of incorporation of specific fatty acids into phospholipids may be of importance in restructuring membranes of poikilotherms during thermal adaptation.

1972 ◽  
Vol 102 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-92 ◽  
J. D. Castell ◽  
R. O. Sinnhuber ◽  
D. J. Lee ◽  
J. H. Wales

2012 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-209 ◽  
Boris Pejin ◽  
Ljubodrag Vujisic ◽  
Marko Sabovljevic ◽  
Vele Tesevic ◽  
Vlatka Vajs

The fatty acid composition of the moss species Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P. Beauv. (Polytrichaceae) and Hypnum andoi A.J.E. Sm. (Hypnaceae) collected in winter time were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) as a contribution to their chemistry. Eight fatty acids were identified in the chloroform/methanol extract 1:1 of A. undulatum (linoleic acid 26.80%, palmitic acid 22.17%, ?-linolenic acid 20.50%, oleic acid 18.49%, arachidonic acid 6.21%, stearic acid 3.34%, cis-5,8,11,14,17-eicosapentaenoic acid 1.52% and behenic acid 1.01%), while six fatty acids were found in the same type of extract of H. andoi (palmitic acid 63.48%, erucic acid 12.38%, stearic acid 8.08%, behenic acid 6.26%, lignoceric acid 5.16% and arachidic acid 4.64%). According to this study, the moss A. undulatum can be considered as a good source of both essential fatty acids for humans (linoleic acid and ?-linolenic acid) during the winter.

2021 ◽  
pp. 8-12
Иван Александрович Кечкин ◽  
Георгий Несторович Панкратов ◽  
Ирина Сергеевна Витол

Введение в ежедневный рацион продуктов, обогащенных эссенциальными нутриентами, является актуальной задачей стратегии здорового питания. В этой связи особое место занимают продукты переработки зерна, как основы пирамиды здорового питания. Среди наиболее востребованных незаменимых нутриентов следует выделить полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты, и особенно жирные кислоты семейства ɷ-3. Главным источником линоленовой кислоты из растительного сырья является льняное масло, которое может быть введено в виде тонкоизмельченных семян льна в состав хлебопекарной муки. Химический состав продуктов питания на зерновой основе, полученных с использованием традиционной технологии, характеризуется недостаточной сбалансированностью, невысокой пищевой и биологической ценностью. В связи с этим с целью расширения ассортимента зерновых продуктов функциональной направленности общего, диетического и профилактического назначения на основе полизерновых смесей разработаны методология управления мукомольными свойствами зернового сырья при его переработке для получения продуктов питания на зерновой основе заданного состава и свойств; показана возможность совместного размола пшенично-льняной смеси с получением муки, обогащенной незаменимыми жирными кислотами (НЖК) - омега-3 (линоленовая кислота) и омега-6 (линолевая кислота); сформированы новые виды муки, обогащенные незаменимыми жирными кислотами; определены некоторые физико-химические характеристики пшеничной муки, обогащенной НЖК; выявлены особенности хлебопекарных свойств пшенично-льняной муки. На основании динамики изменения показателя кислотного числа жира (КЧЖ) спрогнозирован срок безопасного хранения пшенично-льняной муки, который составил 9,4 месяца. The introduction of foods fortified with essential nutrients into the daily diet is an urgent task of a healthy eating strategy. In this regard, grain processing products occupy a special place, as the basis of the pyramid of healthy nutrition. Among the most demanded essential nutrients are polyunsaturated fatty acids and especially fatty acids of the ɷ-3 family. The main source of linolenic acid from plant raw materials is linseed oil, which can be added in the form of finely ground flax seeds to baking flour. The chemical composition of grain-based food products obtained using traditional technology is characterized by insufficient balance, low nutritional and biological value. In this regard, in order to expand the range of functional grain products for general, dietary and prophylactic purposes on the basis of polygrain mixtures, the following have been developed: a methodology for controlling the milling properties of grain raw materials during its processing to obtain food products based on a grain basis of a given composition and properties; the possibility of joint grinding of a wheat-flax mixture to obtain flour enriched with essential fatty acids (EFA) - omega-3 (linolenic acid) and omega-6 (linoleic acid) is shown; formed new types of flour, enriched with essential fatty acids; some physicochemical characteristics of wheat flour enriched with EFA have been determined; the features of the baking properties of wheat-flax flour are revealed. Based on the dynamics of changes in the acid number of fat (FAT), the period of safe storage of wheat-flaxseed flour was predicted, which was 9.4 months.

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