scholarly journals The Role of Senior University Students’ Career Adaptability in Predicting Their Subjective Well-Being

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 47 ◽  
Oğuzhan Kırdök ◽  
Ayten Bölükbaşı

The aim of this study is to examine whether career adaptability and career adaptability subscales of senior undergraduates could predict subjective well-being.  The research was a descriptive correlational study which was conducted on 310 senior students (173 women, 137 men) in a state-funded university on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey and participants participated in this study voluntarily. Participants ranged in age between 20 and 28 years. Career Adaptability Scale, Life Satisfaction Scale, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule were used as data collection tools in this study. Pearson's Product-Moment Correlation Analysis, Simple Regression Analysis, and finally Multiple Regression Analysis were performed to examine the effect of the total score of career adaptability and subscale scores of careers adaptability of senior undergraduate students on subjective well-being. All analyses were conducted using the SPSS version 20.0. The findings of the research showed that career adaptability predicts the subjective well-being of university senior students. Control as a subscale of career adaptability was found to be the strongest predictive variable for subjective well-being among senior university students. Concern and confidence as subscales of career adaptability were found to be other predictive variables of subjective well-being in this study. However, curiosity as a subscale was not found to be a predictor of subjective well-being. These findings are discussed through career construction theory.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
Seher Balcı Çelik ◽  
Gülden Öztürk Serter

The concept of "subjective well-being" is used as a term for happiness in positive psychology.  The subjective well-being called "happiness" among the people is the emotional and cognitive evaluation of the life. Being in a romantic relationship is one of the factors that increase the subjective well-being of the individual. Being in a romantic relationship can provide satisfaction and happiness to the individual, as well as causing events that would lead to get hurt from time to time. Here, the individual displays behaviours such as avoidance or revenge or prefers forgiving as a result of negative emotions caused by getting hurt. In this study, it is aimed to investigate whether the forgiveness levels of university students who have romantic relationship predicts the subjective well-being or not. The study is performed on 329 students who are studying at Hitit University and On Dokuz Mayıs University in 2016-2017 academic year and who have romantic relationships. "Heartland Forgiveness Scale", "Positive Negative Feelings Scale" and "Life Satisfaction Scale" and "Personal Information Form" prepared by the researchers are used in the study. In the study, it can be stated that as the forgiveness scores of the students increase, the subjective well-being scores are also found to increase thus high forgiveness is a factor that increases the subjective well-being level. As a result of the study, the predictor effect of forgiveness levels on subjective well-being is examined and it is determined that self-forgiveness, forgiving others and forgiving the situation which are the sub-dimensions of forgiveness explain 13% of the subjective well-being. Extended English abstract is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.Özet“Öznel iyi-oluş” kavramı pozitif psikolojide mutluluk kavramının karşılığı olarak kullanılmaktadır. Halk arasında ”mutluluk” olarak adlandırılan öznel iyi oluş yaşamın duygusal ve bilişsel açıdan değerlendirilmesidir. Romantik ilişki içerisinde olmak, bireyin öznel iyi oluşunu artıran etkenlerden biridir. Romantik ilişki içerisinde olmak bireylere doyum ve mutluluk sağladığı gibi zaman zaman incinmesine yol açacak olaylar yaşamasına da neden olabilmektedir. Birey incinmenin getirdiği olumsuz duygular sonucunda kaçınma ya da öç alma gibi davranışlar sergilemekte ya da affetme yolunu seçmektedir. Bu çalışmada romantik ilişki yaşayan üniversite öğrencilerinin affedicilik düzeylerinin öznel iyi oluşlarını yordayıp yordamadığının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma 2016-2017 eğitim öğretim yılında Hitit Üniversitesi ve Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesinde öğrenim gören ve romantik ilişkisi olan 329 öğrenci üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan “Kişisel Bilgi Formu” ile “Heartland Affetme Ölçeği”, “Pozitif Negatif Duygu Ölçeği” ve “Yaşam Doyum Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada öğrencilerin affetme puanları arttıkça öznel iyi oluş puanlarının da arttığı belirlenmiştir ve bu sonuca göre affediciliğin yüksek olmasının öznel iyi oluş düzeyini artıran bir faktör olduğu söylenebilir. Araştırma sonucunda affedicilik düzeylerinin öznel iyi oluş üzerinde yordayıcı etkisi incelenmiş ve affetmenin alt boyutları olan kendini affetme, başkalarını affetme ve durumu affetme öznel iyi oluşun  % 13’ünü açıkladığı belirlenmiştir.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 532-539
Murat Gökalp

                In this study, it is aimed to determine and evaluate the relationship between the subjective well-being levels of the university students and their academic achievement according to various variables. The study group consisted of 600 students from various faculties of Samsun 19 Mayıs University. Subjective Well-being Scale developed by Tuzgöl-Dost (2004) and academic achievement scores prepared by the researcher were used as data collection tools. The subjective well-being scale, which consists of 46 items, aims to measure the subjective well-being of individuals. Students' academic achievement scores were obtained with personal information form. In the study, simple regression analysis was performed to examine the predictive power of subjective well-being on academic achievement. According to the results of the regression analysis, subjective well-being significantly predicted positively (β = .330, t = 54.704, p <.01) and 5% of the variance in subjective well-being scores. According to these results, as the subjective well-being of the participants increased, their academic achievement levels increased. The level of subjective well-being of the students differed according to the number of faculty and the number of siblings they studied. These findings were discussed in the light of the literature and suggestions for practitioners and researchers were presented.   Keywords: Faculty, level of well-being, subjective well-being, university students;

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 2570
Makiko Takao ◽  
Nobutaka Ishiyama

This study aimed to elucidate how career adaptability (CA) affects subjective well-being by focusing on the psychological adjustment of middle-aged and older workers. Two web-based surveys were conducted at 1-year and 3-month intervals with 3540 workers aged 40 to 64 years, including those eligible for both position-retirement and reemployment. Factor analysis of CA in the first wave extracted two factors “control and confidence” and “concern and curiosity”. Multiple regression analysis, adjusted for important covariates, was conducted with the overall CA and the two factors of CA as the independent variables, and scores of the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) as the dependent variable. For satisfaction with life, only concern and curiosity had a significant positive association, while control and confidence had no significant association. Analysis by employment stage indicated that only concern and curiosity had a significant positive association with satisfaction with life, while control and confidence had no significant association with any employment stage. The results suggest that the effect of CA on satisfaction with life remains the same, even among those who are position-retired or reemployed at the end of their vocational lives, which is a transition period in their lives.

2021 ◽  
pp. 089484532110055
Michaël Parmentier ◽  
Thomas Pirsoul ◽  
Frédéric Nils

This study used a person-centered approach to investigate university students’ profiles of career adaptability and determine whether different combinations of concern, control, curiosity, and confidence could be identified. We also explored the relations of these profiles with emotional intelligence, anticipatory emotions, and career decision-making self-efficacy. We found six distinct profiles of career adaptability among 307 university students who differed both on their level and on shape. Emotional intelligence was associated with profiles displaying higher levels of career adaptability. Furthermore, profiles of career adaptability significantly displayed differences in terms of positive anticipatory emotions at the prospect of the school-to-work transition and career decision-making self-efficacy but not in terms of negative anticipatory emotions. These results highlight that differentiating profiles of career adaptability provide insights for the design and the implementation of career-related interventions among university students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 13509
José Manuel Otero-López ◽  
María José Santiago ◽  
María Cristina Castro

The appraisal of goal-related constructs, generally, and of personal projects (PP) in particular, is one of the most solid research paths with regard to subjective well-being and health. In the last few years, the appraisal of PP has been linked to such problems as excessive alcohol and marijuana use, but no study has been conducted in the field of compulsive buying (CB). In this study, using Little’s personal-projects-analysis (PPA) methodology, the differences in university students were analyzed in both broad domains (meaning, structure, community, efficacy, and stress) and specific appraisal dimensions in groups with low (n = 293), moderate (n = 191), and high (n = 41) compulsive-buying propensities. The results confirm that the high-propensity group presented the highest significant levels in the domain of stress and the lowest in efficacy, meaning, and structure. As to appraisal dimensions, the group with a high propensity to CB attained statistically lower appraisals in the dimensions of importance, enjoyment, self-identity, absorption, control, time adequacy, progress, and outcome of their projects; the appraisal of the level of stress, difficulty, and conflict increased as the level of involvement in CB increased. These findings have major implications for the design of prevention and intervention programs for this behavioral problem.

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