Code to Code Validation of SAC-3D Based on EBR-II Benchmark Problem

2021 ◽  
Lu Daogang ◽  
Siyu LYU ◽  
Danting Sui
James R. Scott

NASA has conducted a series of Computational Aeroacoustics (CAA) Workshops on Benchmark Problems to develop a set of realistic CAA problems that can be used for code validation. In the Third (1999) and Fourth (2003) Workshops, the single airfoil gust response problem, with real geometry effects, was included as one of the benchmark problems. Respondents were asked to calculate the airfoil RMS pressure and far-field acoustic intensity for different airfoil geometries and a wide range of gust frequencies. This paper presents the validated solutions that have been obtained to the benchmark problem, and in addition, compares them with classical flat plate results. It is seen that airfoil geometry has a strong effect on the airfoil unsteady pressure, and a significant effect on the far-field acoustic intensity. Those parts of the benchmark problem that have not yet been adequately solved are identified and presented as a challenge to the CAA research community.

Robert F. Stengel ◽  
Christopher I. Marrison

1997 ◽  
John G. Telste ◽  
Roderick M. Coleman ◽  
Joseph J. Gorski

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