Separation Control on Low-Pressure Turbine Airfoils Using Synthetic Vortex Generator Jets

2003 ◽  
Vol 125 (4) ◽  
pp. 765-777 ◽  
Ralph J. Volino

Oscillating vortex generator jets have been used to control boundary layer separation from the suction side of a low-pressure turbine airfoil. A low Reynolds number (Re=25,000) case with low free-stream turbulence has been investigated with detailed measurements including profiles of mean and fluctuating velocity and turbulent shear stress. Ensemble averaged profiles are computed for times within the jet pulsing cycle, and integral parameters and local skin friction coefficients are computed from these profiles. The jets are injected into the mainflow at a compound angle through a spanwise row of holes in the suction surface. Preliminary tests showed that the jets were effective over a wide range of frequencies and amplitudes. Detailed tests were conducted with a maximum blowing ratio of 4.7 and a dimensionless oscillation frequency of 0.65. The outward pulse from the jets in each oscillation cycle causes a disturbance to move down the airfoil surface. The leading and trailing edge celerities for the disturbance match those expected for a turbulent spot. The disturbance is followed by a calmed region. Following the calmed region, the boundary layer does separate, but the separation bubble remains very thin. Results are compared to an uncontrolled baseline case in which the boundary layer separated and did not reattach, and a case controlled passively with a rectangular bar on the suction surface. The comparison indicates that losses will be substantially lower with the jets than in the baseline or passively controlled cases.

Ralph J. Volino

Oscillating vortex generator jets have been used to control boundary layer separation from the suction side of a low-pressure turbine airfoil. A low Reynolds number (Re = 25,000) case with low free-stream turbulence has been investigated with detailed measurements including profiles of mean and fluctuating velocity and turbulent shear stress. Ensemble averaged profiles are computed for times within the jet pulsing cycle, and integral parameters and local skin friction coefficients are computed from these profiles. The jets are injected into the mainflow at a compound angle through a spanwise row of holes in the suction surface. Preliminary tests showed that the jets were effective over a wide range of frequencies and amplitudes. Detailed tests were conducted with a maximum blowing ratio of 4.7 and a dimensionless oscillation frequency of 0.65. The outward pulse from the jets in each oscillation cycle causes a disturbance to move down the airfoil surface. The leading and trailing edge celerities for the disturbance match those expected for a turbulent spot. The disturbance is followed by a calmed region. Following the calmed region, the boundary layer does separate, but the separation bubble remains very thin. Results are compared to an uncontrolled baseline case in which the boundary layer separated and did not reattach, and a case controlled passively with a rectangular bar on the suction surface. The comparison indicates that losses will be substantially lower with the jets than in the baseline or passively controlled cases.

Jeffrey P. Bons ◽  
Rolf Sondergaard ◽  
Richard B. Rivir

The effects of pulsed vortex generator jets on a naturally separating low pressure turbine boundary layer have been investigated experimentally. Blade Reynolds numbers in the linear turbine cascade match those for high altitude aircraft engines and industrial turbine engines with elevated turbine inlet temperatures. The vortex generator jets (30 degree pitch and 90 degree skew angle) are pulsed over a wide range of frequency at constant amplitude and selected duty cycles. The resulting wake loss coefficient vs. pulsing frequency data add to previously presented work by the authors documenting the loss dependency on amplitude and duty cycle. As in the previous studies, vortex generator jets are shown to be highly effective in controlling laminar boundary layer separation. This is found to be true at dimensionless forcing frequencies (F+) well below unity and with low (10%) duty cycles. This unexpected low frequency effectiveness is due to the relatively long relaxation time of the boundary layer as it resumes its separated state. Extensive phase-locked velocity measurements taken in the blade wake at an F+ of 0.01 with 50% duty cycle (a condition at which the flow is essentially quasi-steady) document the ejection of bound vorticity associated with a low momentum fluid packet at the beginning of each jet pulse. Once this initial fluid event has swept down the suction surface of the blade, a reduced wake signature indicates the presence of an attached boundary layer until just after the jet termination. The boundary layer subsequently relaxes back to its naturally separated state. This relaxation occurs on a timescale which is 5–6 times longer than the original attachment due to the starting vortex. Phase-locked boundary layer measurements taken at various stations along the blade chord illustrate this slow relaxation phenomenon. This behavior suggests that some economy of jet flow may be possible by optimizing the pulse duty cycle and frequency for a particular application. At higher pulsing frequencies, for which the flow is fully dynamic, the boundary layer is dominated by periodic shedding and separation bubble migration, never recovering its fully separated (uncontrolled) state.

Jeffrey P. Bons ◽  
Rolf Sondergaard ◽  
Richard B. Rivir

The application of pulsed vortex generator jets to control separation on the suction surface of a low pressure turbine blade is reported. Blade Reynolds numbers in the experimental, linear turbine cascade match those for high altitude aircraft engines and aft stages of industrial turbine engines with elevated turbine inlet temperatures. The vortex generator jets have a 30 degree pitch and a 90 degree skew to the freestream direction. Jet flow oscillations up to 100 Hz are produced using a high frequency solenoid feed valve. Results are compared to steady blowing at jet blowing ratios less than 4 and at two chordwise positions upstream of the nominal separation zone. Results show that pulsed vortex generator jets produce a bulk flow effect comparable to that of steady jets with an order of magnitude less massflow. Boundary layer traverses and blade static pressure distributions show that separation is almost completely eliminated with the application of unsteady blowing. Reductions of over 50% in the wake loss profile of the controlled blade were measured. Experimental evidence suggests that the mechanism for unsteady control lies in the starting and ending transitions of the pulsing cycle rather than the injected jet stream itself. Boundary layer spectra support this conclusion and highlight significant differences between the steady and unsteady control techniques. The pulsed vortex generator jets are effective at both chordwise injection locations tested (45% and 63% axial chord) covering a substantial portion of the blade suction surface. This insensitivity to injection location bodes well for practical application of pulsed VGJ control where the separation location may not be accurately known a priori.

2001 ◽  
Vol 124 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-85 ◽  
Jeffrey P. Bons ◽  
Rolf Sondergaard ◽  
Richard B. Rivir

The effects of pulsed vortex generator jets on a naturally separating low-pressure turbine boundary layer have been investigated experimentally. Blade Reynolds numbers in the linear turbine cascade match those for high-altitude aircraft engines and industrial turbine engines with elevated turbine inlet temperatures. The vortex generator jets (30 deg pitch and 90 deg skew angle) are pulsed over a wide range of frequency at constant amplitude and selected duty cycles. The resulting wake loss coefficient versus pulsing frequency data add to previously presented work by the authors documenting the loss dependency on amplitude and duty cycle. As in the previous studies, vortex generator jets are shown to be highly effective in controlling laminar boundary layer separation. This is found to be true at dimensionless forcing frequencies F+ well below unity and with low (10 percent) duty cycles. This unexpected low-frequency effectiveness is due to the relatively long relaxation time of the boundary layer as it resumes its separated state. Extensive phase-locked velocity measurements taken in the blade wake at an F+ of 0.01 with 50 percent duty cycle (a condition at which the flow is essentially quasi-steady) document the ejection of bound vorticity associated with a low-momentum fluid packet at the beginning of each jet pulse. Once this initial fluid event has swept down the suction surface of the blade, a reduced wake signature indicates the presence of an attached boundary layer until just after the jet termination. The boundary layer subsequently relaxes back to its naturally separated state. This relaxation occurs on a timescale which is five to six times longer than the original attachment due to the starting vortex. Phase-locked boundary layer measurements taken at various stations along the blade chord illustrate this slow relaxation phenomenon. This behavior suggests that some economy of jet flow may be possible by optimizing the pulse duty cycle and frequency for a particular application. At higher pulsing frequencies, for which the flow is fully dynamic, the boundary layer is dominated by periodic shedding and separation bubble migration, never recovering its fully separated (uncontrolled) state.

E. M. Curtis ◽  
H. P. Hodson ◽  
M. R. Banieghbal ◽  
J. D. Denton ◽  
R. J. Howell ◽  

This paper describes a programme of work, largely experimental, which was undertaken with the objective of developing an improved blade profile for the low-pressure turbine in aero-engine applications. Preliminary experiments were conducted using a novel technique. An existing cascade of datum blades was modified to enable the pressure distribution on the suction surface of one of the blades to be altered. Various means, such as shaped inserts, an adjustable flap at the trailing edge, and changing stagger were employed to change the geometry of the passage. These experiments provided boundary layer and lift data for a wide range of suction surface pressure distributions. The data was then used as a guide for the development of new blade profiles. The new blade profiles were then investigated in a low-speed cascade that included a set of moving bars upstream of the cascade of blades 10 simulate the effect of the incoming wakes from the previous blade row in a multistage turbine environment. Results are presented for two improved profiles that are compared with a datum representative of current practice. The experimental results include loss measurements by wake traverse, surface pressure distributions, and boundary layer measurements. The cascades were operated over a Reynolds Number range from 0.7 × 105 to 4.0 × 105. The first profile is a “laminar flow” design that was intended to improve the efficiency at the same loading as the datum. The other is a more highly loaded blade profile intended to permit a reduction in blade numbers. The more highly loaded profile is the most promising candidate for inclusion in future designs. It enables blade numbers to be reduced by 20%, without incurring any efficiency penalty. The results also indicate that unsteady effects must be taken into consideration when selecting a blade profile for the low-pressure turbine.

2011 ◽  
Vol 133 (4) ◽  
Ralph J. Volino ◽  
Olga Kartuzova ◽  
Mounir B. Ibrahim

Boundary layer separation control has been studied using vortex generator jets (VGJs) on a very high lift, low-pressure turbine airfoil. Experiments were done under high (4%) freestream turbulence conditions on a linear cascade in a low speed wind tunnel. Pressure surveys on the airfoil surface and downstream total pressure loss surveys were documented. Instantaneous velocity profile measurements were acquired in the suction surface boundary layer. Cases were considered at Reynolds numbers (based on the suction surface length and the nominal exit velocity from the cascade) of 25,000 and 50,000. Jet pulsing frequency, duty cycle, and blowing ratio were all varied. Computational results from a large eddy simulation of one case showed reattachment in agreement with the experiment. In cases without flow control, the boundary layer separated and did not reattach. With the VGJs, separation control was possible even at the lowest Reynolds number. Pulsed VGJs were more effective than steady jets. At sufficiently high pulsing frequencies, separation control was possible even with low jet velocities and low duty cycles. At lower frequencies, higher jet velocity was required, particularly at low Reynolds numbers. Effective separation control resulted in an increase in lift and a reduction in total pressure losses. Phase averaged velocity profiles and wavelet spectra of the velocity show the VGJ disturbance causes the boundary layer to reattach, but that it can reseparate between disturbances. When the disturbances occur at high enough frequency, the time available for separation is reduced, and the separation bubble remains closed at all times.

2002 ◽  
Vol 124 (4) ◽  
pp. 656-664 ◽  
Ralph J. Volino

Spectral analysis was used to investigate boundary layer separation, transition and reattachment under low-pressure turbine airfoil conditions. Cases with Reynolds numbers ranging from 25,000 to 300,000 (based on suction surface length and exit velocity) have been considered at low (0.5%) and high (9% inlet) free-stream turbulence levels. Spectra of the fluctuating streamwise velocity and the turbulent shear stress are presented. The spectra for the low free-stream turbulence cases are characterized by sharp peaks. The high free-stream turbulence case spectra exhibit more broadband peaks, but these peaks are centered at the same frequencies observed in the corresponding low turbulence cases. The frequencies of the peaks suggest that a Tollmien-Schlichting instability mechanism drives transition, even in the high turbulence cases. The turbulent shear stress spectra proved particularly valuable for detection of the early growth of the instability. The predictable nature of the instability may prove useful for future flow control work.

2002 ◽  
Vol 124 (4) ◽  
pp. 645-655 ◽  
Ralph J. Volino

Boundary layer separation, transition and reattachment have been studied experimentally under low-pressure turbine airfoil conditions. Cases with Reynolds numbers (Re) ranging from 25,000 to 300,000 (based on suction surface length and exit velocity) have been considered at low (0.5%) and high (9% inlet) free-stream turbulence levels. Mean and fluctuating velocity and intermittency profiles are presented for streamwise locations all along the airfoil, and turbulent shear stress profiles are provided for the downstream region where separation and transition occur. Higher Re or free-stream turbulence level moves transition upstream. Transition is initiated in the shear layer over the separation bubble and leads to rapid boundary layer reattachment. At the lowest Re, transition did not occur before the trailing edge, and the boundary layer did not reattach. Turbulent shear stress levels can remain low in spite of high free-stream turbulence and high fluctuating streamwise velocity in the shear layer. The beginning of a significant rise in the turbulent shear stress signals the beginning of transition. A slight rise in the turbulent shear stress near the trailing edge was noted even in those cases which did not undergo transition or reattachment. The present results provide detailed documentation of the boundary layer and extend the existing database to lower Re. The present results also serve as a baseline for an investigation of turbulence spectra in Part 2 of the present paper, and for ongoing work involving transition and separation control.

2003 ◽  
Vol 125 (4) ◽  
pp. 754-764 ◽  
Ralph J. Volino

Two-dimensional rectangular bars have been used in an experimental study to control boundary layer transition and reattachment under low-pressure turbine conditions. Cases with Reynolds numbers (Re) ranging from 25,000 to 300,000 (based on suction surface length and exit velocity) have been considered at low (0.5%) and high (8.5% inlet) free-stream turbulence levels. Three different bars were considered, with heights ranging from 0.2% to 0.7% of suction surface length. Mean and fluctuating velocity and intermittency profiles are presented and compared to results of baseline cases from a previous study. Bar performance depends on the bar height and the location of the bar trailing edge. Bars located near the suction surface velocity maximum are most effective. Large bars trip the boundary layer to turbulent and prevent separation, but create unnecessarily high losses. Somewhat smaller bars had no immediate detectable effect on the boundary layer, but introduced small disturbances that caused transition and reattachment to move upstream from their locations in the corresponding baseline case. The smaller bars were effective under both high and low free-stream turbulence conditions, indicating that the high free-stream turbulence transition is not simply a bypass transition induced by the free stream. Losses appear to be minimized when a small separation bubble is present, so long as reattachment begins far enough upstream for the boundary layer to recover from the separation. Correlations for determining optimal bar height are presented. The bars appear to provide a simple and effective means of passive flow control. Bars that are large enough to induce reattachment at low Re, however, cause higher losses at the highest Re. Some compromise would, therefore, be needed when choosing a bar height for best overall performance.

Ralph J. Volino ◽  
Olga Kartuzova ◽  
Mounir B. Ibrahim

Boundary layer separation control has been studied using vortex generator jets (VGJs) on a very high lift, low-pressure turbine airfoil. Experiments were done under low freestream turbulence conditions on a linear cascade in a low speed wind tunnel. Pressure surveys on the airfoil surface and downstream total pressure loss surveys were documented. Cases were considered at Reynolds numbers (based on the suction surface length and the nominal exit velocity from the cascade) of 25,000, 50,000 and 100,000. Jet pulsing frequency, duty cycle, and blowing ratio were all varied. In all cases without flow control, the boundary layer separated and did not reattach. With the VGJs, separation control was possible even at the lowest Reynolds number. Pulsed VGJs were more effective than steady jets. At sufficiently high pulsing frequencies, separation control was possible even with low jet velocities and low duty cycles. At lower frequencies, higher jet velocity was required, particularly at low Reynolds numbers. Effective separation control resulted in an increase in lift of up to 20% and a reduction in total pressure losses of up to 70%. Simulations of the flow using an unsteady RANS code with the four equation Transition-sst model produced good agreement with experiments in cases without flow control, correctly predicting separation, transition and reattachment. In cases with VGJs, however, the CFD did not predict the reattachment observed in the experiments.

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