The Stability of a Second Order Linear Periodic System
Necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for the stability of the following second order linear system: x˙=θ(t)x,θ(t)=θt+∑i=1lTi and θ(t) =A1,0<t<T1=A2,T1<t<T1+T2⋮=Al,∑i=1l−1Ti<t<∑i=1lTi in terms of the eigenvalues and elements of the matrices Ai, i = 1, 2…l. The conditions become very simple for the case that l = 2. An example of a pendulum with a vibrating support is included.
1995 ◽
Vol 117
pp. 145-153
2000 ◽
Vol 213
pp. 105-115