Forced Response Analysis of a Mistuned Compressor Blisk

Bernd Beirow ◽  
Thomas Giersch ◽  
Arnold Kühhorn ◽  
Jens Nipkau

The forced response of an E3E-type high pressure compressor (HPC) blisk front rotor is analyzed with regard to varying mistuning and the consideration of the fluid-structure interaction (FSI). For that purpose, a reduced order model is used in which the disk remains unchanged and mechanical properties of the blades, namely stiffness and damping, are adjusted to measured as well as intentional blade frequency mistuning distributions. The aerodynamic influence coefficient technique is employed to model the aeroelastics. Depending on the blade mode, the exciting engine order, and aerodynamic influences, it is sought for the worst mistuning distributions with respect to the maximum blade displacement based on optimization analyses. Genetic algorithms using blade-alone frequencies as design variables are applied. The validity of the Whitehead limit is assessed in this context. In particular, the question is addressed if and how far aeroelastic effects, mainly caused by aerodynamic damping, combined with mistuning can even cause a reduction of the forced response compared to the ideally tuned blisk. It is shown that the strong dependence of the aerodynamic damping on the interblade phase angle is the main driver for a possible response attenuation considering the fundamental as well as a higher blade mode. Furthermore, the differences to the blisk vibration response without a consideration of the flow and an increase of the disk's stiffness are discussed. Closing, the influence of pure damping mistuning is analyzed again using optimization.

Bernd Beirow ◽  
Arnold Kühhorn ◽  
Thomas Giersch ◽  
Jens Nipkau

The forced response of an E3E-type HPC-blisk front rotor is analyzed with regard to varying mistuning and the consideration of the fluid-structure interaction (FSI). For that purpose, a reduced order model is used in which the disk remains unchanged and mechanical properties of the blades namely stiffness and damping are adjusted to measured as well as intentional blade frequency mistuning distributions. The aerodynamic influence coefficient technique is employed to model the aeroelastics. Depending on the blade mode, the exciting engine order and aerodynamic influences it is sought for the worst mistuning distributions with respect to the maximum blade displacement based on optimization analyses. Genetic algorithms using blade alone frequencies as design variables are applied. The validity of the Whitehead-limit is assessed in this context. In particular, the question is addressed if and how far aeroelastic effects, mainly caused by aerodynamic damping, combined with mistuning can even cause a reduction of the forced response compared to the ideally tuned blisk. It is shown that the strong dependence of the aerodynamic damping on the inter-blade phase angle is the main driver for a possible response attenuation considering the fundamental as well as a higher blade mode. Furthermore, the differences to the blisk vibration response without a consideration of the flow and an increase of the disk’s stiffness are discussed. Closing, the influence of pure damping mistuning is analyzed again using optimization.

Bernd Beirow ◽  
Arnold Kühhorn ◽  
Thomas Giersch ◽  
Jens Nipkau

The forced response of the first rotor of an E3E-type high pressure compressor blisk is analyzed with regard to varying mistuning, varying engine order excitations and the consideration of aeroelastic effects. For that purpose, SNM-based reduced order models are used in which the disk remains unchanged while the Young’s modulus of each blade is used to define experimentally adjusted as well as intentional mistuning patterns. The aerodynamic influence coefficient technique is employed to model aeroelastic interactions. Furthermore, based on optimization analyses and depending on the exciting EO and aerodynamic influences it is searched for the worst as well as the best mistuning distributions with respect to the maximum blade displacement. Genetic algorithms using blade stiffness variations as vector of design variables and the maximum blade displacement as objective function are applied. An allowed limit of the blades’ Young’s modulus standard deviation is formulated as secondary condition. In particular, the question is addressed if and how far the aeroelastic impact, mainly causing aerodynamic damping, combined with mistuning can even yield a reduction of the forced response compared to the ideally tuned blisk. It is shown that the strong dependence of the aerodynamic damping on the inter-blade phase angle is the main driver for a possible response attenuation considering the fundamental blade mode. The results of the optimization analyses are compared to the forced response due to real, experimentally determined frequency mistuning as well as intentional mistuning.

Bernd Beirow ◽  
Thomas Giersch ◽  
Arnold Kühhorn ◽  
Jens Nipkau

The forced response of the first rotor of an engine 3E (technology program) (E3E)-type high pressure compressor (HPC) blisk is analyzed with regard to varying mistuning, varying engine order (EO) excitations and the consideration of aero-elastic effects. For that purpose, subset of nominal system modes (SNM)-based reduced order models are used in which the disk remains unchanged while the Young's modulus of each blade is used to define experimentally adjusted as well as intentional mistuning patterns. The aerodynamic influence coefficient (AIC) technique is employed to model aero-elastic interactions. Furthermore, based on optimization analyses and depending on the exciting EO and aerodynamic influences it is searched for the worst as well as the best mistuning distributions with respect to the maximum blade displacement. Genetic algorithms using blade stiffness variations as vector of design variables and the maximum blade displacement as objective function are applied. An allowed limit of the blades' Young's modulus standard deviation is formulated as secondary condition. In particular, the question is addressed if and how far the aero-elastic impact, mainly causing aerodynamic damping, combined with mistuning can even yield a reduction of the forced response compared to the ideally tuned blisk. It is shown that the strong dependence of the aerodynamic damping on the interblade phase angle is the main driver for a possible response attenuation considering the fundamental blade mode. The results of the optimization analyses are compared to the forced response due to real, experimentally determined frequency mistuning as well as intentional mistuning.

Bernd Beirow ◽  
Arnold Kühhorn ◽  
Robby Weber ◽  
Frederik Popig

Abstract The last stage bladed disk of a steam turbine is analyzed with respect to both flutter susceptibility and limitation of forced response. Due to the lack of variable stator vanes unfavorable flow conditions may occur which increases the risk of flutter at part load conditions. For this reason, intentional mistuning is employed with the objective to prevent any self-excited vibrations. A first step in this direction is done by choosing alternate mistuning, which keeps the manufactural efforts in limits. In this sense, two different series of blades have been made. However, small deviations from the design intention are unavoidable due to the manufacturing procedure, which could be proved by bonk tests carried out earlier. The influence of these additional deviations is considered in numerical simulations. Moreover, the strong dependence of blade frequencies on the speed is taken into account since centrifugal stiffening effects significantly attenuate the blade-to-blade frequency difference. Focusing on the first flap mode it could be shown that a mitigation of flutter susceptibility is achieved by prescribing alternate mistuning, which indeed evokes an increase of originally small aerodynamic damping ratios. Nevertheless, the occurrence of negative damping ratios could not be completely precluded at part load conditions. That is why optimization studies are conducted based on genetic algorithms with the objective function of maximizing the lowest aerodynamic damping ratios. Finally, mistuning patterns could be identified featuring a tremendous increase of aerodynamic damping ratios. The robustness of the solutions could be proved by superimposing additional random mistuning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 141 (2) ◽  
Benjamin Hanschke ◽  
Arnold Kühhorn ◽  
Sven Schrape ◽  
Thomas Giersch

Objective of this paper is to analyze the consequences of borescope blending repairs on the aeroelastic behavior of a modern high pressure compressor (HPC) blisk. To investigate the blending consequences in terms of aerodynamic damping and forcing changes, a generic blending of a rotor blade is modeled. Steady-state flow parameters like total pressure ratio, polytropic efficiency, and the loss coefficient are compared. Furthermore, aerodynamic damping is computed utilizing the aerodynamic influence coefficient (AIC) approach for both geometries. Results are confirmed by single passage flutter (SPF) simulations for specific interblade phase angles (IBPA) of interest. Finally, a unidirectional forced response analysis for the nominal and the blended rotor is conducted to determine the aerodynamic force exciting the blade motion. The frequency content as well as the forcing amplitudes is obtained from Fourier transformation of the forcing signal. As a result of the present analysis, the change of the blade vibration amplitude is computed.

Bernd Beirow ◽  
Arnold Ku¨hhorn ◽  
Jens Nipkau

The effect of blade frequency mistuning on the forced response of HPC-blisks is studied by means of experimental and numerical investigations applying discrete mechanical low degree of freedom models. Besides the mistuning resulting from manufacturing and inhomogeneous material also strain gauge (S/G) induced mistuning is considered. Blade by blade measurements supported by numerical calculations are used to determine mistuning distributions within an iterative approach. Due to the stiffness contribution of high temperature S/G, a significant increase of blade alone frequencies can be proved. It is shown within laser scanning measurements that this S/G induced mistuning can cause strongly localized mode shapes. Since S/G signals are used to monitor also non-instrumented blade resonances in engine-tests, it is reasonable to consider the S/G contribution within model-updates. The numerical models introduced in this paper are adjusted to experimentally determined blade alone frequency distributions. Within simulations of the forced response it is shown in principle, that the S/G-instrumentation also affects the response of non-instrumented blades which is important with regard to the S/G calibration process. Additional investigations are addressed to the consequences of small variations in measured mistuning distributions on the maximum forced response, i. e. resulting from a changing ambient temperature while measurement or a limited frequency resolution. In this context, a strong dependence on the engine order excited, the damping level and thus the flow conditions could be proved. As an example all investigations presented in this paper are carried out for two stages of a research compressor.

Bernd Beirow ◽  
Arnold Kühhorn ◽  
Robby Weber ◽  
Frederik Popig

Abstract The last stage bladed disk of a steam turbine is analyzed with respect to both flutter susceptibility and limitation of forced response. Due to the lack of variable stator vanes unfavorable flow conditions may occur which can lead to flow separation in some circumstances. Consequently, there is the risk of flutter in principle, particularly at nominal speed under part load conditions. For this reason, intentional mistuning is employed by the manufacturer with the objective to prevent any self-excited vibrations. A first step in this direction is done by choosing alternate mistuning, which keeps the manufactural efforts in limits since only two different blade designs are allowed. In this sense, two different series of blades have been made. However, it is well known that small deviations from the design intention are unavoidable due to the manufacturing procedure, which could be proved by bonk tests carried out earlier. The influence of these additional but unwanted deviations is considered in numerical simulations. Moreover, the strong dependence of blade frequencies on the speed is taken into account since centrifugal stiffening effects significantly attenuate the blade-to-blade frequency difference in this particular case. Focusing on the first flap mode it could be shown that a mitigation of flutter susceptibility is achieved by prescribing alternate mistuning, which indeed evokes an increase of originally small aerodynamic damping ratios. Nevertheless, the occurrence of negative damping ratios could not be completely precluded at part load conditions. That is why optimization studies are conducted based on genetic algorithms with the objective function of maximizing the lowest aerodynamic damping ratios. Again only two different blade designs are admitted. Finally, mistuning patterns could be identified causing a tremendous increase of aerodynamic damping ratios. The robustness of the solutions found could be proved by superimposing additional random mistuning.

K. Vogel ◽  
A. D. Naidu ◽  
M. Fischer

The prediction of aerodynamic damping is a key step towards high fidelity forced response calculations. Without the knowledge of absolute damping values, the resulting stresses from forced response calculations are often afflicted with large uncertainties. In addition, with the knowledge of the aerodynamic damping the aeroelastic contribution to mistuning can be considered. The first section of this paper compares two methods of one-way-coupled aerodynamic damping computations on an axial turbine. Those methods are: the aerodynamic influence coefficient, and the travelling wave mode method. Excellent agreement between the two methods is found with significant differences in required computational time. The average deviation between all methods for the transonic turbine is 4%. Additionally, the use of transient blade row methods with phase lagged periodic boundaries are investigated and the influence of periodic boundaries on the aerodynamic influence coefficients are assessed. A total of 23 out of 33 passages are needed to remove all influence from the periodic boundaries for the present configuration. The second part of the paper presents the aerodynamic damping calculations for a centrifugal compressor. Simulations are predominantly performed using the aerodynamic influence coefficient approach. The influence of the periodic boundaries and the recirculation channel is investigated. All simulations are performed on a modern turbocharger turbine and centrifugal compressor using ANSYS CFX V17.0 with an inhouse pre- and post-processing procedure at ABB Turbocharging. The comparison to experimental results concludes the paper.

Bernd Beirow ◽  
Felix Figaschewsky ◽  
Arnold Kühhorn ◽  
Alfons Bornhorn

The potential of intentional mistuning to reduce the maximum forced response is analyzed within the development of an axial turbine blisk for ship diesel engine turbocharger applications. The basic idea of the approach is to provide an increased aerodynamic damping level for particular engine order excitations and mode shapes without any significant distortions of the aerodynamic performance. The mistuning pattern intended to yield a mitigation of the forced response is derived from an optimization study applying genetic algorithms. Two blisk prototypes have been manufactured a first one with and another one without employing intentional mistuning. Hence, the differences regarding the real mistuning and other modal properties can be experimentally determined and evaluated as well. In addition, the experimental data basis allows for updating structural models which are well suited to compute the forced response under operational conditions. In this way, the real benefit achieved with the application of intentional mistuning is demonstrated.

Bernd Beirow ◽  
Arnold Kühhorn ◽  
Felix Figaschewsky ◽  
Jens Nipkau

The forced response of an E3E-type high pressure compressor blisk front rotor is analyzed with regard to intentional mistuning and its robustness towards additional random mistuning. Both a chosen alternating mistuning pattern and artificial mistuning patterns optimized concerning the forced response are considered. Focusing on three different blade modes, subset of nominal system mode-based reduced order models are employed to compute the forced response. The disk remains unchanged while the Young’s modulus of each blade is used to define the particular mistuning pattern. The well established aerodynamic influence coefficient technique is employed to model aeroelastic coupling and hence to consider the strongly mode- and inter blade phase angle-dependent aerodynamic damping contribution. It has been found that a reduction of the maximum forced response beyond that of the tuned reference can be achieved for particular mistuning patterns and all modes considered. This implies an exciting engine order which would cause a low nodal diameter mode in case of a tuned blisk. At best a nearly 50% reduction of maximum response magnitudes is computed for the fundamental bending mode and large mistuning. The solution proved to be robust towards additional random mistuning of reasonable magnitude, which is of particular interest with regard to a potential technical realization. In case of small mistuning as assumed for the first torsion and the longitudinal bending mode the advantage of achieving response magnitudes beyond the tuned reference gets lost indeed, if random mistuning is superimposed. However, mostly a lower response level is calculated compared to responses obtained from models adjusted to mistuning determined by experiment.

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