scholarly journals Impact of a Cooled Cooling Air System on the External Aerodynamics of a Gas Turbine Combustion System

A. Duncan Walker ◽  
Bharat Koli ◽  
Liang Guo ◽  
Peter Beecroft ◽  
Marco Zedda

To manage the increasing turbine temperatures of future gas turbines a cooled cooling air system has been proposed. In such a system some of the compressor efflux is diverted for additional cooling in a heat exchanger (HX) located in the bypass duct. The cooled air must then be returned, across the main gas path, to the engine core for use in component cooling. One option is do this within the combustor module and two methods are examined in the current paper; via simple transfer pipes within the dump region or via radial struts in the prediffuser. This paper presents an experimental investigation to examine the aerodynamic impact these have on the combustion system external aerodynamics. This included the use of a fully annular, isothermal test facility incorporating a bespoke 1.5 stage axial compressor, engine representative outlet guide vanes (OGVs), prediffuser, and combustor geometry. Area traverses of a miniature five-hole probe were conducted at various locations within the combustion system providing information on both flow uniformity and total pressure loss. The results show that, compared to a datum configuration, the addition of transfer pipes had minimal aerodynamic impact in terms of flow structure, distribution, and total pressure loss. However, the inclusion of prediffuser struts had a notable impact increasing the prediffuser loss by a third and consequently the overall system loss by an unacceptable 40%. Inclusion of a hybrid prediffuser with the cooled cooling air (CCA) bleed located on the prediffuser outer wall enabled an increase of the prediffuser area ratio with the result that the system loss could be returned to that of the datum level.

2021 ◽  
Gang Zhao ◽  
Shuiting Ding ◽  
Tian Qiu ◽  
Shenghui Zhang

Abstract Pre-swirl nozzles are often used in gas turbines to deliver the cooling air to the turbine blades. The static axial nozzles swirl the cooling air in the direction of rotation of the turbine disk, thereby reducing the relative total temperature of the air. Most studies about nozzles focus on its shape, radial location, tangential angle to reduce the pressure loss and increase the temperature drop of the pre-swirl system, but few of them consider the benefit of a radial angle of nozzles. This paper investigated numerically the performance of a pre-swirl system whose pre-swirl nozzles have a radial angle. Six radial angles are selected to study the flow dynamics of a direct-transfer pre-swirl system in terms of the total pressure loss coefficient of the pre-swirl cavity, the discharge coefficient of the receiver holes, and the adiabatic effectiveness. It is shown that the nozzles with radial angles can adjust the tangential velocity and radial velocity and thus can influence the performance of a pre-swirl system. There is a lowerest value of total pressure loss in pre-swirl cavity, that is α = 90°, which can hardly be influenced by the radial angle of nozzle and pressure ratio π. For a specific swirl ratio β∞, there exists an optimal αopt where the discharge coefficient of receiver hole is maximum. Moreover, αopt decreases as pressure ratio π increases. And so is the adiabatic effectiveness Θad.

A. D. Walker ◽  
L. Guo

The trend for higher overall pressure ratios means that turbine entry temperatures are continually increasing. Furthermore, the development of lean, low-emission combustion systems reduces the availability of cooling air and is accompanied by new problems at the combustor/turbine interface. For example, the exit temperature traverse differs from that found in traditional rich-burn combustors with increased swirl and a much flatter profile. Effectively cooling the turbine components is becoming increasingly difficult. One solution is to employ cooled cooling air (CCA) where some of the compressor efflux is diverted for additional cooling in a heat exchanger located in the by-pass duct. An example CCA system is presented which includes an off-take within the dump cavity and the addition of radial struts within the pre-diffuser through which the cooled air is returned to the engine core. This paper addresses the impact this CCA system has on the combustion system external aerodynamics. This included the development of a fully annular, isothermal test facility which incorporated a bespoke 1.5 stage axial compressor, engine relevant outlet guide vanes, pre-diffuser and combustor geometry. A datum aerodynamic performance was established for a non-CCA configuration with a clean, un-strutted pre-diffuser. Results for this baseline CCA system demonstrated that inclusion of a bleed in the dump cavity had limited effect on the overall flow field. However, the inclusion of struts within the pre-diffuser caused a reduction in area ratio and a notable increase in system loss. Consequently an alternative pre-diffuser was designed (using CFD) with the aim of increasing the area ratio back to that of the un-strutted datum. A so-called hybrid diffuser was designed in which the CCA bleed was moved to the pre-diffuser outer wall. The bleed was then used to re-energize the boundary layer, preventing flow separation, enabling the area ratio to be increased close to the datum value. The mechanisms of the hybrid diffuser are complex; the geometry of the off-take and its location with respect to the OGV and strut leading edge were seen to be critical. Experimental evaluation of the final design demonstrated the effective operation the hybrid diffuser with the result that the system loss returned to a level close to that of the datum. Only small differences were seen in the overall flow field.

Feng-Shan Wang ◽  
Wen-Jun Kong ◽  
Bao-Rui Wang

A research program is in development in China as a demonstrator of combined cooling, heating and power system (CCHP). In this program, a micro gas turbine with net electrical output around 100kW is designed and developed. The combustor is designed for natural gas operation and oil fuel operation, respectively. In this paper, a prototype can combustor for the oil fuel was studied by the experiments. In this paper, the combustor was tested using the ambient pressure combustor test facility. The sensors were equipped to measure the combustion performance; the exhaust gas was sampled and analyzed by a gas analyzer device. From the tests and experiments, combustion efficiency, pattern factor at the exit, the surface temperature profile of the outer liner wall, the total pressure loss factor of the combustion chamber with and without burning, and the pollutants emission fraction at the combustor exit were obtained. It is also found that with increasing of the inlet temperature, the combustion efficiency and the total pressure loss factor increased, while the exit pattern factor coefficient reduced. The emissions of CO and unburned hydrogen carbon (UHC) significantly reduced, but the emission of NOx significantly increased.

David J. Cerantola ◽  
A. M. Birk

A genetic algorithm was implemented to determine preferential solutions of a short annular diffuser exhaust system of length 1.5Do (outer annulus diameters). Five free variables defined the centre body shape and two variables determined the outer wall profile. Diffuser performance was evaluated using three objectives—(i) diffuser pressure recovery, (ii) outlet velocity uniformity, and (iii) total pressure loss—that were calculated from steady state solutions obtained using the computational fluid dynamics software FLUENT 13.0 with the realizable k-ε turbulence model and enhanced wall treatment. Inlet conditions were ReDh = 8.5 × 104 and M = 0.23. After thirty-five generations, a paraboloid-shaped centre body with length 0.74Do and initial annular expansion of approximately 14° produced preferential solutions. A configuration with a converging outer wall above the centre body developed greater outlet flow uniformity and lower total pressure loss whereas a straight outer wall followed by the solid diffuser generated more static pressure recovery.

Qiuye Tu ◽  
Rutan Deng ◽  
Dongdong Zhang ◽  
Xingjian Sun

In the previous studies, the proposed method for gooseneck geometric modeling employed two polynomials to construct the inner-wall and area distribution curves. The inflection point location served as the variable to control the inner-wall polynomial curve, and the peak point location and peak value to control the area distribution polynomial curve. In the effort to be quickly located, the control variables were provided with more geometric meaning. 3D numerical simulations indicated that there existed a total pressure recovery island for given solution area of the three control variables. Consequently, the relationships between the geometric parameters and the total pressure loss were set up. This paper focused on the 2D simplifications to quickly address the control variables for the total pressure island. The studies were conducted in three aspects. First, the simplified model took the constructional blocking effects of struts into account. The baseline of the 2D simplified modeling was set at 30% spanwise near the hub through comparisons of different settings. Therefore, 70% blocking area compensated to outer-wall and 30% to inner-wall along the normal direction of the baseline. The 2D simulation results indicated that the static pressure distribution was consistent with the 3D results, but waves exited at the end walls of both leading and trailing edges due to the geometric changes. Second, the simplification considered the blocking effects of the wake. The wake was converted to boundary layer thickness, and moreover, compensation to the end wall was similar with the constructional blocking of struts. The simulation results revealed that wake blocking had very small impacts to the simplification, although the peak values of static pressure slightly increased at the end wall. Third, smoothing treatments were done for both inner-wall and outer-wall after the above compensating transformations. The results showed that smoothing treatments were very necessary and improved the waves located at end wall on the static pressure distribution which was nearly the same with 3D results. After all the simplifying treatments above, the final 2D results had almost the same total pressure loss distributions with the 3D results, and could save at least 40% calculation time as a quick assessment used to search the reasonable geometric solution areas of inflection point location and peak point location for minimum total pressure loss of the gooseneck.

Boris F. Kock ◽  
Bernd Prade ◽  
Benjamin Witzel ◽  
Holger Streb ◽  
Mike H. Koenig

The first Siemens AG SGT5-4000F engine with hybrid burner ring combustor (HBR) was introduced in 1996. Since then, frequent evolutionary design improvements of the combustion system were introduced to fulfill the continuously changing market requirements. The improvements particularly focused on increased thermodynamic performance, reduced emissions, and increasing operational flexibility in terms of load gradients, fuel flexibility, and turndown capability. According to the Siemens product development process, every design evolution had to pass several validation steps to ensure high reliability and best performance. The single steps included cold flow and mixing tests at atmospheric pressure, high-pressure combustion tests in full-scale sector combustion test rigs, and full engine tests at the Berlin test facility (BTF). After successful validation, the design improvements were gradually released for commercial operation. In a first step, cooling air reduction features have been implemented in 2005, followed by the introduction of a premixed pilot as second step in 2006. Both together resulted in a significant reduction of the NOx emissions of the system. In a third step, an aerodynamic burner modification was introduced in 2007, which improved the thermo-acoustic stability of the system towards higher turbine inlet temperatures and adapted to fuel preheating to allow for increased cycle efficiency. All three features together have been released as package in 2010 and to date accumulated more than 50,000 operating hours (fleet leader 24,000). This paper reports upon the steps towards this latest design status of the SGT5-4000F and presents results from typical focus areas of lean premixed combustion systems in gas turbines including aero-dynamical optimization, fuel/air mixing improvements and cooling air management in the combustor.

2020 ◽  
Roupa Agbadede ◽  
Biweri Kainga

Abstract This study presents an investigation of wash fluid preheating on the effectiveness of online compressor washing in industrial gas turbines. Crude oil was uniformly applied on the compressor cascade blades surfaces using a roller brush, and carborundum particles were ingested into the tunnel to create accelerated fouled blades. Demineralized water was preheated to 500C using the heat coil provided in the tank. When fouled blades washed with preheated demineralized and the one without preheating were compared, it was observed that there was little or no difference in terms of total pressure loss coefficient and exit flow angle. However, when the fouled and washed cases were compared, there was a significant different in total pressure loss coefficient and exit flow angle.

Koji Murata ◽  
Hiroyuki Abe ◽  
Yasukata Tsutsui

The aerodynamic characteristics of turbine cascades are thought to be relatively satisfactory due to the favorable pressure of the accelerating flow. But within the low Reynolds number region of 50,000 where the 300kW ceramic gas turbines which are being developed under the New-Sunshine Project of Japan operate, the characteristics such as boundary layer separation and reattachment which lead to prominent power losses cannot be easily predicted. In this research, experiments have been conducted to evaluate the performance of a linear two dimensional turbine cascade. Surface pressure distributions of the airfoil were measured for a range of blade chord Reynolds numbers from 40,000 to 160,000 (at inlet), and at 1.3% inlet turbulence intensity. In addition, the wake of the cascade was measured simultaneously using a five hole pilot tube. Traverses of the wake show that there is a drastic increase in the mean total pressure loss at the wake between the Reynolds number of 80,000 to 40,000, and in some conditions, a rise as much as 10% was confirmed. Thus, in accordance with the pressure distribution of the surface of the airfoil, a relation between the total pressure loss and the length of the laminar separation bubble formed on the airfoil could be seen.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. I9AB30 ◽  
Dajan Mimic ◽  
Christoph Jätz ◽  
Florian Herbst

Diffusers convert kinetic flow energy into a rise in static pressure. This pressure recovery is the primary aerodynamic design objective for exhaust gas diffusers in power-generating steam and gas turbines. The total pressure loss is an equally important diffuser design parameter. It is strongly linked to the pressure recovery and the residual kinetic energy of the diffuser outlet flow. A reduction benefits the overall thermodynamic cycle, which requires the adjacent components of a diffuser to be included in the design process. This paper focuses on the total pressure losses in the boundary layer of a highly loaded annular diffuser. Due to its large opening angle the diffuser is susceptible to flow separation under uniform inlet conditions, which is a major source for total pressure losses. However, the unsteady tip leakage vortices of the upstream rotor, which are a source of losses, stabilise the boundary layer and prevent separation. Experiments and unsteady numerical simulation conducted show that the total pressure loss reduction caused by the delayed boundary layer separation exceed the vortex-induced losses by far. This flow interaction between the rotor and diffuser consequently decreases the overall total pressure losses. The intensity of the tip leakage vortex is linked to three rotor design parameters, namely work coefficient, flow coefficient and reduced blade-passing frequency. Based on these parameters, we propose a semi-empiric correlation to predict and evaluate the change in total pressure losses with regards to design operating conditions.

KVL Narayana Rao ◽  
BVSSS Prasad ◽  
CH Kanna Babu ◽  
Girish K Degaonkar

The effect of compressor exit swirl angle (θsw) at the intake of an aero engine combustor on the exit temperature non-uniformity (pattern factor) and combustor total pressure loss is investigated. Experiments are conducted in the engine test rig, measuring the gas temperature and pressure at the inlet and exit planes of the combustor. These parameters are measured at distinct locations along the circumferential and radial directions in the engine test facility. Simulations are carried out using RANS based turbulence modeling and reacting flow approach with Ansys CFX commercial code. The predicted results are validated with experimental data at 5° swirl angle. The swirl angle at the combustor intake is further varied from 0° to 15° and 4 cases (0°, 5°, 10° and 15°) has been considered to predict the effect on the combustor pattern factor and pressure loss. The changes in the flow structure inside the combustion chamber for all these 4 cases are reported in detail. The pattern factor varies from 0.34 to 0.49 as swirl angle changes from 0° to 15°. The lowest pattern factor of 0.34 occurs at 10° swirl angle. However a linear increase in combustor total pressure loss from 5.85% to 6.53% is predicted with the change in swirl angle from 0° to 15°.

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