Various types of defects detection in flat and curved laminated composite plates using nonintrusive Lamb wave system
Abstract Composite materials are widely used in aerospace industries due to their light weight, strength, and various other desired properties. However, they are susceptible to various defects occurring during the manufacturing process or in service. Typical defects include porosity, wrinkles, and delamination. Nondestructive means of detection of the defects at any stage are of great importance to ensure quality and safety of composite structures. A nonintrusive removable Lamb wave system and accompanied methodology that is not material-dependent is presented in this paper to detect various types of typical defects in laminated composite plates, flat or curved. Through multidimensional data acquisition and processing, abnormality in waves caused by defects is captured and presented in inspection images. The methodologies are demonstrated in 2 cases: delamination in a curved plate, and wrinkles in a flat plate. Overall the results show that Lamb waves using the piezoelectric transducer and laser vibrometer system can be used for various types of defects inspection in flat or curved composite plates.