A Method for Correlating the Influence of External Crossflow on the Discharge Coefficients of Film Cooling Holes

D. A. Rowbury ◽  
M. L. G. Oldfield ◽  
G. D. Lock

An empirical means of predicting the discharge coefficients of film cooling holes in an operating engine has been developed. The method quantifies the influence of the major dimensionless parameters, namely hole geometry, pressure ratio across the hole, coolant Reynolds number, and the freestream Mach number. The method utilises discharge coefficient data measured on both a first-stage high-pressure nozzle guide vane from a modern aero-engine and a scale (1.4 times) replica of the vane. The vane has over 300 film cooling holes, arranged in 14 rows. Data was collected for both vanes in the absence of external flow. These non-crossflow experiments were conducted in a pressurised vessel in order to cover the wide range of pressure ratios and coolant Reynolds numbers found in the engine. Regrettably, the proprietary nature of the data collected on the engine vane prevents its publication, although its input to the derived correlation is discussed. Experiments were also conducted using the replica vanes in an annular blowdown cascade which models the external flow patterns found in the engine. The coolant system used a heavy foreign gas (SF6/Ar mixture) at ambient temperatures which allowed the coolant-to-mainstream density ratio and blowing parameters to be matched to engine values. These experiments matched the mainstream Reynolds and Mach numbers and the coolant Mach number to engine values, but the coolant Reynolds number was not engine representative (Rowbury et al., 1997 and 1998). A correlation for discharge coefficients in the absence of external crossflow has been derived from this data and other published data. An additive loss coefficient method is subsequently applied to the cascade data in order to assess the effect of the external crossflow. The correlation is used successfully to reconstruct the experimental data. It is further validated by successfully predicting data published by other researchers. The work presented is of considerable value to gas turbine design engineers as it provides an improved means of predicting the discharge coefficients of engine film cooling holes.

D. A. Rowbury ◽  
M. L. G. Oldfield ◽  
G. D. Lock

This paper discusses measurements of the discharge coefficients of gas turbine nozzle guide vane film cooling holes under fully engine representative conditions. These unique experiments were carried out in a large scale annular blowdown cascade which models the three-dimensional external, flow patterns found in modern aero-engines, including all secondary flow phenomena. Furthermore, the coolant system design allows the coolant-to-mainstream density ratio and blowing parameter to be matched to engine values, although they can be independently varied. The results confirm that the discharge coefficients of film cooling holes are significantly altered by external crossflow. The discharge coefficient is usually reduced by external crossflow, but under certain external flow conditions it can be increased over the non-crossflow case. This previously unhightighted phenomenon has been termed ‘the crossover effect’, and, although an initially surprising result, is of importance to aero-engine designers as taking account of it should lead to improved predictions of coolant consumption. As a consequence, more uniform blade cooling should be achieved and, in turn, the attainment of greater component durability will be possible.

M. Gritsch ◽  
A. Schulz ◽  
S. Wittig

This paper presents the discharge coefficients of three film-cooling hole geometries tested over a wide range of flow conditions. The hole geometries include a cylindrical hole and two holes with a diffuser shaped exit portion (i.e. a fanshaped and a laidback fanshaped hole). The flow conditions considered were the crossflow Mach number at the hole entrance side (up to 0.6), the crossflow Mach number at the hole exit side (up to 1.2), and the pressure ratio across the hole (up to 2). The results show that the discharge coefficient for all geometries tested strongly depends on the flow conditions (crossflows at hole inlet and exit, and pressure ratio). The discharge coefficient of both expanded holes was found to be higher than of the cylindrical hole, particularly at low pressure ratios and with a hole entrance side crossflow applied. The effect of the additional layback on the discharge coefficient is negligible.

2000 ◽  
Vol 123 (2) ◽  
pp. 258-265 ◽  
D. A. Rowbury ◽  
M. L. G. Oldfield ◽  
G. D. Lock

An empirical means of predicting the discharge coefficients of film cooling holes in an operating engine has been developed. The method quantifies the influence of the major dimensionless parameters, namely hole geometry, pressure ratio across the hole, coolant Reynolds number, and the freestream Mach number. The method utilizes discharge coefficient data measured on both a first-stage high-pressure nozzle guide vane from a modern aero-engine and a scale (1.4 times) replica of the vane. The vane has over 300 film cooling holes, arranged in 14 rows. Data was collected for both vanes in the absence of external flow. These noncrossflow experiments were conducted in a pressurized vessel in order to cover the wide range of pressure ratios and coolant Reynolds numbers found in the engine. Regrettably, the proprietary nature of the data collected on the engine vane prevents its publication, although its input to the derived correlation is discussed. Experiments were also conducted using the replica vanes in an annular blowdown cascade which models the external flow patterns found in the engine. The coolant system used a heavy foreign gas (SF6 /Ar mixture) at ambient temperatures which allowed the coolant-to-mainstream density ratio and blowing parameters to be matched to engine values. These experiments matched the mainstream Reynolds and Mach numbers and the coolant Mach number to engine values, but the coolant Reynolds number was not engine representative (Rowbury, D. A., Oldfield, M. L. G., and Lock, G. D., 1997, “Engine-Representative Discharge Coefficients Measured in an Annular Nozzle Guide Vane Cascade,” ASME Paper No. 97-GT-99, International Gas Turbine and Aero-Engine Congress & Exhibition, Orlando, Florida, June 1997; Rowbury, D. A., Oldfield, M. L. G., Lock, G. D., and Dancer, S. N., 1998, “Scaling of Film Cooling Discharge Coefficient Measurements to Engine Conditions,” ASME Paper No. 98-GT-79, International Gas Turbine and Aero-Engine Congress & Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1998). A correlation for discharge coefficients in the absence of external crossflow has been derived from this data and other published data. An additive loss coefficient method is subsequently applied to the cascade data in order to assess the effect of the external crossflow. The correlation is used successfully to reconstruct the experimental data. It is further validated by successfully predicting data published by other researchers. The work presented is of considerable value to gas turbine design engineers as it provides an improved means of predicting the discharge coefficients of engine film cooling holes.

A. Kohli ◽  
K. A. Thole

Film-cooling is a widely used method of prolonging blade life in high performance gas turbines and is implemented by injecting cold air through discrete holes on the blade surface. Most experimental research on film-cooling has been performed using round holes supplied by a stagnant plenum. This can be quite different from the actual turbine blade conditions in that a crossflow may be present whereby the internal channel Reynolds number could be as high as 90,000. This computational study uses a film-cooling hole that is inclined at 35° with respect to the mainstream and is diffused at the hole exit by 15°. An engine representative jet-to-mainstream density ratio of two was simulated. The test matrix consisted of fourteen different cases that were simulated for the two different blowing ratios in which the following effects were investigated: a) the effect of the orientation of the coolant supply channel relative to the cooling hole, b) the effect of the channel Reynolds number, and c) the effect of the metering length of the cooling hole. Results showed that the orientation of the coolant supply had a large effect whereby the worst orientation, in terms of a reduced adiabatic effectiveness, was predicted when the channel supplying the cooling hole was perpendicular to the mainstream. For this particular orientation, higher laterally averaged effectiveness occurred at lower channel Reynolds numbers and with the hole having a short metering length.

2019 ◽  
Vol 141 (4) ◽  
Marc Fraas ◽  
Tobias Glasenapp ◽  
Achmed Schulz ◽  
Hans-Jörg Bauer

Internal coolant passages of gas turbine vanes and blades have various orientations relative to the external hot gas flow. As a consequence, the inflow of film cooling holes varies as well. To further identify the influencing parameters of film cooling under varying inflow conditions, the present paper provides detailed experimental data. The generic study is performed in a novel test rig, which enables compliance with all relevant similarity parameters including density ratio. Film cooling effectiveness as well as heat transfer of a 10–10–10 deg laidback fan-shaped cooling hole is discussed. Data are processed and presented over 50 hole diameters downstream of the cooling hole exit. First, the parallel coolant flow setup is discussed. Subsequently, it is compared to a perpendicular coolant flow setup at a moderate coolant channel Reynolds number. For the perpendicular coolant flow, asymmetric flow separation in the diffuser occurs and leads to a reduction of film cooling effectiveness. For a higher coolant channel Reynolds number and perpendicular coolant flow, asymmetry increases and cooling effectiveness is further decreased. An increase in blowing ratio does not lead to a significant increase in cooling effectiveness. For all cases investigated, heat transfer augmentation due to film cooling is observed. Heat transfer is highest in the near-hole region and decreases further downstream. Results prove that coolant flow orientation has a severe impact on both parameters.

1998 ◽  
Vol 120 (2) ◽  
pp. 327-336 ◽  
K. Thole ◽  
M. Gritsch ◽  
A. Schulz ◽  
S. Wittig

One viable option to improve cooling methods used for gas turbine blades is to optimize the geometry of the film-cooling hole. To optimize that geometry, effects of the hole geometry on the complex jet-in-crossflow interaction need to be understood. This paper presents a comparison of detailed flowfield measurements for three different single, scaled-up hole geometries, all at a blowing ratio and density ratio of unity. The hole geometries include a round hole, a hole with a laterally expanded exit, and a hole with a forward-laterally expanded exit. In addition to the flowfield measurements for expanded cooling hole geometries being unique to the literature, the testing facility used for these measurements was also unique in that both the external mainstream Mach number (Ma∞ = 0.25) and internal coolant supply Mach number (Mac = 0.3) were nearly matched. Results show that by expanding the exit of the cooling holes, both the penetration of the cooling jet and the intense shear regions are significantly reduced relative to a round hole. Although the peak turbulence level for all three hole geometries was nominally the same, the source of that turbulence was different. The peak turbulence level for both expanded holes was located at the exit of the cooling hole resulting from the expansion angle being too large. The peak turbulence level for the round hole was located downstream of the hole exit where the velocity gradients were very large.

K. Thole ◽  
M. Gritsch ◽  
A. Schulz ◽  
S. Wittig

One viable option to improve cooling methods used for gas turbine blades is to optimize the geometry of the film-cooling hole. To optimize that geometry, effects of the hole geometry on the complex jet-in-crossflow interaction need to be understood. This paper presents a comparison of detailed flowfield measurements for three different single, scaled-up, hole geometries all at a blowing ratio and density ratio of unity. The hole geometries include a round hole, a hole with a laterally expanded exit, and a hole with a forward-laterally expanded exit. In addition to the flowfield measurements for expanded cooling hole geometries being unique to the literature, the testing facility used for these measurements was also unique in that both the external mainstream Mach number (Ma∞ = 0.25) and internal coolant supply Mach number (Mac = 0.3) were nearly matched. Results show that by expanding the exit of the cooling holes, the penetration of the cooling jet as well as the intense shear regions are significantly reduced relative to a round hole. Although the peak turbulence levels for all three hole geometries was nominally the same, the source of that turbulence was different. The peak turbulence level for both expanded holes was located at the exit of the cooling hole resulting from the expansion angle being too large. The peak turbulence level for the round hole was located downstream of the hole exit where the velocity gradients were very large.

Tay Chu ◽  
A. Brown ◽  
S. Garrett

In this article measurements of fluid flow through impingement and film cooling holes for typical turbine blade cooling systems are presented. The purpose of the measurements was to determine hole discharge coefficients over a range of Reynolds numbers from 5,000 to 30,000 and to observe in this range the dependence of discharge coefficient on Reynolds number. The effect of hole geometry, that is, sharp edged inlet or corner radius inlet, on discharge coefficients is also measured. Correlations relating discharge coefficients to Reynolds number, corner radius to hole diameter ratio, and blowing parameter are suggested.

1998 ◽  
Vol 120 (3) ◽  
pp. 557-563 ◽  
M. Gritsch ◽  
A. Schulz ◽  
S. Wittig

This paper presents the discharge coefficients of three film-cooling hole geometries tested over a wide range of flow conditions. The hole geometries include a cylindrical hole and two holes with a diffuser-shaped exit portion (i.e., a fan-shaped and a laidback fan-shaped hole). The flow conditions considered were the crossflow Mach number at the hole entrance side (up to 0.6), the crossflow Mach number at the hole exit side (up to 1.2), and the pressure ratio across the hole (up to 2). The results show that the discharge coefficient for all geometries tested strongly depends on the flow conditions (crossflows at hole inlet and exit, and pressure ratio). The discharge coefficient of both expanded holes was found to be higher than of the cylindrical hole, particularly at low pressure ratios and with a hole entrance side crossflow applied. The effect of the additional layback on the discharge coefficient is negligible.

Kristian Haase ◽  
Jeffrey P. Bons

The choice of synthetic fuels (synfuels) in order to achieve greater fuel flexibility may lead to unwanted solid depositions on the blades of turbomachines. The objective of this paper is to gain information of the flow field over a turbine blade with depositions around the film cooling holes. For the investigation the particle image velocimetry technique (PIV) is utilized. The experiments are conducted in a low speed wind tunnel at a Reynolds number of 300,000 based on the distance from the leading edge to the middle of the cooling holes and a Reynolds number of 9,200 based on the hole diameter. Three different simulation plates are tested in the tunnel—a flat plate for comparison, a plate with large depositions only upstream of the holes, and one with smaller depositions all around the holes. The two deposition configurations are scaled models of actual depositions formed at simulated engine flow conditions on a turbine test coupon. The experiments are conducted at four different coolant to free stream blowing ratios—0, 0.5, 1, and 2—and at a density ratio of 1.1. PIV images are taken in four planes from the side of the tunnel to record the main flow structures and in five planes from the end of the tunnel to record the secondary flow structures. The results show that the type of deposition has a large influence on the flow field. With the smaller depositions the penetration of the coolant jet into the free stream is significantly reduced but the dimension and strength of the kidney vortices is increased compared to the flat plate. With the large depositions, on the other hand, the penetration of the coolant jet is much higher due to the ramp effect and the dimension of the secondary vortices is also increased. It can also be seen that the coolant gathers and stays behind the large depositions and then flows off very slowly. Film effectiveness and surface heat flux data acquired with the same plates (and reported previously) allow the identification of flow features and their direct influence on the film cooling performance.

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