Closed Cycle Gas Turbines: An ECAS Update — Part 1
This paper presents a discussion of the significant results of a study program conducted for the Department of Energy to evaluate the potential for closed cycle gas turbines and the associated combustion heater systems for use in coal fired public utility power plants. Two specific problem areas were addressed: (a) the identification and analysis of system concepts which offer high overall plant efficiency consistent with low cost of electricity (COE) from coal-pile-to-bus-bar, and (b) the identification and conceptual design of combustor/heat exchanger concepts compatible for use as the cycle gas primary heater for those plant systems. The study guidelines were based directly upon the ground rules established for the ECAS studies to facilitate comparison of study results. Included is a discussion of a unique computer model approach to accomplish the system analysis and parametric studies performed to evaluate entire closed cycle gas turbine utility power plants with and without Rankine bottoming cycles. Both atmospheric fluidized bed and radiant/convective combustor /heat exchanger systems were addressed. Each incorporated metallic or ceramic heat exchanger technology. The work culminated in conceptual designs of complete coal fired, closed cycle gas turbine power plants. Critical component technology assessment and cost and performance estimates for the plants are also discussed.