Analysis of a Class of Coupled Nonlinear Oscillators With an Application to Flow Induced Vibrations

T. I. Haaker

Abstract We consider in this paper the following system of coupled nonlinear oscillatorsx..+x-k(y-x)=εf(x,x.),y..+(1+δ)y-k(x-y)=εf(y,y.). In this system we assume ε to be a small parameter, i.e. 0 < ε ≪ 1. A coupling between the two oscillators is established through the terms involving the positive parameter k. The coupling may be interpreted as a mutual force depending on the relative positions of the two oscillators. For both ε and k equal to zero the two oscillators are decoupled and behave as harmonic oscillators with frequencies 1 and 1+δ, respectively. The parameter δ may therefore be viewed as a detuning parameter. Finally, the term ε f represents a small force acting upon each oscillator. Note that this force depends only on the position and velocity of the oscillator upon which the force is acting. To analyse the system’s dynamic behaviour we use the method of averaging. When k and δ are choosen such that no internal resonance occurs, one typically observes the following behaviour. If the trivial solution is unstable, solutions asymptotically tend to one of the two normal modes or to a mixed mode solution. For the special case with δ = 0 a system of two identical oscillators is found. If in addition k is O(ε) we obtain a 1 : 1 internal resonant system. The averaged equations may then be reduced to a system of three coupled equations — two for the amplitudes and one for the phase difference. Due to the fact that we consider identical oscillators there is a symmetry in the averaged equations. The normal mode solutions, as found for the non-resonant case, are still present. New mixed mode solutions appear. Moreover, Hopf bifurcations in the averaged system lead to limit cycles that correspond to oscillations in the original system with periodically modulated amplitudes and phases. We also consider the case with δ = O(ε), i.e. the case with nearly identical oscillators. If k = O(ε) again a 1 : 1 internal resonant system is found. Contrary to the previous cases the normal mode solutions no longer exist. Moreover, different bifurcations are observed due to the disappearance of the symmetry present in the system for s = 0. We apply some of the results obtained to a model describing aeroelastic oscillations of a structure with two-degrees-of-freedom.

1962 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-14 ◽  
R. M. Rosenberg

A system of n masses, equal or not, interconnected by nonlinear “symmetric” springs, and having n degrees of freedom is examined. The concept of normal modes is rigorously defined and the problem of finding them is reduced to a geometrical maximum-minimum problem in an n-space of known metric. The solution of the geometrical problem reduces the coupled equations of motion to n uncoupled equations whose natural frequencies can always be found by a single quadrature. An infinite class of systems, of which the linear system is a member, has been isolated for which the frequency amplitude can be found in closed form.

1964 ◽  
Vol 60 (3) ◽  
pp. 595-611 ◽  
R. M. Rosenberg

1. Introduction. In linear systems, the concept of ‘free vibrations in normal modes’ is well defined and fully understood. The meaning of this phrase is far less clear when it is applied to non-linear systems. It is the purpose here to define and examine the free vibrations in normal modes (and their stability) in certain non-linear systems composed of masses and springs and having a finite number of degrees of freedom. Of necessity, such a paper is in some degree conceptual in nature.

1964 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 283-290 ◽  
R. M. Rosenberg ◽  
J. K. Kuo

When a nonlinear system having several masses vibrates in normal modes, the time histories of the motion of these masses are, in general, different in wave shape (although in certain special nonlinear systems they differ at most in amplitude, but not in shape). When the wave shapes differ, the normal mode vibration is called nonsimilar. In this paper, nonsimilar normal mode vibrations are analyzed with respect to wave shape and stability. The systems considered are those lying close to systems having similar normal mode vibrations. An example is worked out in detail, and a comparison with an experimental study is reported.

Dongying Jiang ◽  
Christophe Pierre ◽  
Steven W. Shaw

This paper considers the use of numerically constructed invariant manifolds to determine the response of nonlinear vibratory systems that are subjected to periodic excitation. The approach is an extension of the nonlinear normal mode formulation previously developed by the authors for free oscillations, wherein an auxiliary system that models the excitation is used to augment the equations of motion. In this manner, the excitation is simply treated as an additional system state, yielding a system with an extra degree of freedom, whose response is known. A reduced order model for the forced system is then determined by the usual nonlinear normal mode procedure, and an efficient Galerkin-based solution method is used to numerically construct the attendant invariant manifolds. The technique is illustrated by determining the frequency response for a simple two-degree-off-reedom mass-spring system with cubic nonlinearities, and for a discretized beam model with 12 degrees of freedom. The results show that this method provides very accurate responses over a range of frequencies near resonances.

1949 ◽  
Vol 53 (468) ◽  
pp. 1095-1099
N. F. Harpur

At some stage in the design of every aeroplane it is necessary to estimate or to measure the resonance modes of vibration. This has not always been the case, but the problems of flutter, control reversal and dynamic loads have increased in importance as speeds have risen. Nowadays, it is an airworthiness requirement that these effects be considered and the aircraft made safe for all conditions of flight. A knowledge of the normal modes of vibration is essential for all accurate estimates of these aeroelastic effects.Taking flutter as an example, the technique of flutter investigations consists of first determining which combinations of the various possible degrees of freedom are liable to excite dangerous oscillations. Typical degrees of freedom for a wing are bending and twist in each normal mode, aileron deflection and tab deflection; for a tailplane and elevator we might consider tailplane bending or twist, elevator deflection, tab deflection, fuselage bending and twist, and pitching of the whole aeroplane.

John H. D. Eland ◽  
Raimund Feifel

Double ionisation of the triatomic molecules presented in this chapter shows an added degree of complexity. Besides potentially having many more electrons, they have three vibrational degrees of freedom (three normal modes) instead of the single one in a diatomic molecule. For asymmetric and bent triatomic molecules multiple modes can be excited, so the spectral bands may be congested in all forms of electronic spectra, including double ionisation. Double photoionisation spectra of H2O, H2S, HCN, CO2, N2O, OCS, CS2, BrCN, ICN, HgCl2, NO2, and SO2 are presented with analysis to identify the electronic states of the doubly charged ions. The order of the molecules in this chapter is set first by the number of valence electrons, then by the molecular weight.

1998 ◽  
Vol 06 (04) ◽  
pp. 435-452 ◽  
Robert P. Gilbert ◽  
Zhongyan Lin ◽  
Klaus Hackl

Normal-mode expansions for Green's functions are derived for ocean–bottom systems. The bottom is modeled by Kirchhoff and Reissner–Mindlin plate theories for elastic and poroelastic materials. The resulting eigenvalue problems for the modal parameters are investigated. Normal modes are calculated by Hankel transformation of the underlying equations. Finally, the relation to the inverse problem is outlined.

S. Y. Chen ◽  
M. S. Ju ◽  
Y. G. Tsuei

Abstract A frequency-domain technique to extract the normal mode from the measurement data for highly coupled structures is developed. The relation between the complex frequency response functions and the normal frequency response functions is derived. An algorithm is developed to calculate the normal modes from the complex frequency response functions. In this algorithm, only the magnitude and phase data at the undamped natural frequencies are utilized to extract the normal mode shapes. In addition, the developed technique is independent of the damping types. It is only dependent on the model of analysis. Two experimental examples are employed to illustrate the applicability of the technique. The effects due to different measurement locations are addressed. The results indicate that this technique can successfully extract the normal modes from the noisy frequency response functions of a highly coupled incomplete system.

2000 ◽  
Veniamin D. Kubenko ◽  
Piotr S. Kovalchuk

Abstract A method is suggested for the calculation of nonlinear free and forced vibrations of thin elastic shells of revolution, which are modeled as dynamic systems of multiple degrees of freedom. Cases are investigated in which the shells are characterized by two or more closely-spaced eigenfrequencies. Based on an analysis of averaged equations, obtained by making use of asymptotic methods of nonlinear mechanics, a number of new first integrals is obtained, which state a regular energy exchange among various modes of cylindrical shells under conditions of nonlinear resonance. Amplitude-frequency characteristics of multiple-mode vibrations are obtained for shells subjected to radial oscillating pressure.

1960 ◽  
Vol 64 (599) ◽  
pp. 697-699 ◽  
R. P. N. Jones ◽  
S. Mahalingam

The Rayleigh-Ritz method is well known as an approximate method of determining the natural frequencies of a conservative system, using a constrained deflection form. On the other hand, if a general deflection form (i.e. an unconstrained form) is used, the method provides a theoretically exact solution. An unconstrained form may be obtained by expressing the deflection as an expansion in terms of a suitable set of orthogonal functions, and in selecting such a set, it is convenient to use the known normal modes of a suitably chosen “ basic system.” The given system, whose vibration properties are to be determined, can then be regarded as a “ modified system,” which is derived from the basic system by a variation of mass and elasticity. A similar procedure has been applied to systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom. In the present note the method is applied to simple non-uniform beams, and to beams with added masses and constraints. A concise general solution is obtained, and an iteration process of obtaining a numerical solution is described.

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