Kinematics Analysis and Motion Control of a Mobile Robot Driven by Three Tracked Vehicles

Xin-Jun Liu ◽  
Zhao Gong ◽  
Fugui Xie ◽  
Shuzhan Shentu

In this paper, a mobile robot named VicRoB with 6 degrees of freedom (DOFs) driven by three tracked vehicles is designed and analyzed. The robot employs a 3-PPSR parallel configuration. The scheme of the mechanism and the inverse kinematic solution are given. A path planning method of a single tracked vehicle and a coordinated motion planning of three tracked vehicles are proposed. The mechanical structure and the electrical architecture of VicRoB prototype are illustrated. VicRoB can achieve the point-to-point motion mode and the continuous motion mode with employing the motion planning method. The orientation precision of VicRoB is measured in a series of motion experiments, which verifies the feasibility of the motion planning method. This work provides a kinematic basis for the orientation closed loop control of VicRoB whether it works on flat or rough road.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
F. Heidari ◽  
R. Fotouhi

This paper describes a human-inspired method (HIM) and a fully integrated navigation strategy for a wheeled mobile robot in an outdoor farm setting. The proposed strategy is composed of four main actions: sensor data analysis, obstacle detection, obstacle avoidance, and goal seeking. Using these actions, the navigation approach is capable of autonomous row-detection, row-following, and path planning motion in outdoor settings. In order to drive the robot in off-road terrain, it must detect holes or ground depressions (negative obstacles) that are inherent parts of these environments, in real-time at a safe distance from the robot. Key originalities of the proposed approach are its capability to accurately detect both positive (over ground) and negative obstacles, and accurately identify the end of the rows of bushes (e.g., in a farm) and enter the next row. Experimental evaluations were carried out using a differential wheeled mobile robot in different settings. The robot, used for experiments, utilizes a tilting unit, which carries a laser range finder (LRF) to detect objects, and a real-time kinematics differential global positioning system (RTK-DGPS) unit for localization. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed technique is capable of successfully detecting and following rows (path following) as well as robust navigation of the robot for point-to-point motion control.

2015 ◽  
Vol 776 ◽  
pp. 396-402 ◽  
Nukman Habib ◽  
Adi Soeprijanto ◽  
Djoko Purwanto ◽  
Mauridhi Hery Purnomo

The ability of mobile robot to move about the environment from initial position to the goal position, without colliding the obstacles is needed. This paper presents about motion planning of mobile robot (MR) in obstacles-filled workspace using the modified Ant Colony Optimization (M-ACO) algorithm combined with the point to point (PTP) motion in achieving the static goal. Initially, MR try to plan the path to reach a goal, but since there are obstacles on the path will be passed through so nodes must be placed around the obstacles. Then MR do PTP motion through this nodes chosen by M-ACO, in order to form optimal path from the choice nodes until the last node that is free from obstacles. The proposed approach shows that MR can not only avoid collision with obstacle but also make a global planning path. The simulation result have shown that the proposed algorithm is suitable for MR motion planning in the complex environments with less running time.

2007 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-131 ◽  
Ioannis Tortopidis ◽  
Evangelos Papadopoulos

C. L. Chung ◽  
S. Desa

Abstract An important consideration in the use of manipulators in Microgravity environments is the minimization of the base reactions, i.e. the magnitude of the force and the moment exerted by the manipulator on its base as it performs its tasks. One approach which has been proposed and implemented is to use the redundant degrees of freedom in a kinematically redundant manipulator to plan manipulator trajectories to minimize base reactions. In this paper we develop a global approach for minimizing the magnitude of the base reactions for kinematically redundant manipulators which integrates the Partitioned Jacobian method of redundancy resolution, a 4-3-4 joint-trajectory representation and the minimization of a cost function which is the time-integral of the magnitude of the base reactions. We also compare the global approach with a local approach developed earlier for the case of point-to-point motion of a three degree-of-freedom planar manipulator with one redundant degree-of-freedom. The results of study show that the global approach is more effective in reducing and smoothing the base force while the local approach is superior in reducing the base moment.

1987 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 197-200 ◽  
B. Benhabib ◽  
R.G. Fenton ◽  
A.A. Goldenberg

The basic characteristic of kinematically redundant robots is that non-unique joint solutions may exist for a specified end effector location. Thus, trajectory planning for a kinematically redundant robot requires an optimization procedure to determine the joint displacements when solving the inverse kinematics relations. In this paper an analytical solution is developed for the trajectory optimization problem of redundant robots based on the classical Lagrange’s method. A detailed formulation is provided for seven degrees of freedom robots, which minimizes the Euclidean norm of joint dislacements for point-to-point motion trajectory planning.

2005 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 187-192
Gianluca Antonelli ◽  
Stefano Chiaverini ◽  
Marco Palladino ◽  
Gian Paolo Gerio ◽  
Gerardo Renga

2014 ◽  
Vol 543-547 ◽  
pp. 1397-1400 ◽  
Wen Zhe Wang ◽  
Shi Yue Liu ◽  
Qing Bo Geng ◽  
Qing Fei

This paper developed a 6-DOF (degree of freedom) PC-Based robotic arm system. The system mainly include in software platform and servo control card, servo control card based on microcontroller STC12C5A60S2 was designed to drive the servomotor connected with each joint of robot. The software was implemented by combining MFC with OpenGL. By using the OpenGL functions, the software is able to draw and simulate the 3D kinematic scheme of the robot, it also provides 3D motion planning simulation feature. With the help of simulation in the GUI, users can visualize the manipulator motion planning. Furthermore, user also can control the real robotic arm through this software. Finally, point-to-point motion and continuous path motion are all tested in simulation and real robot control. The entire system has been successfully implemented.

Muhammad Aziz Muslim ◽  
Mochammad Rusli ◽  
Achnafian Rafif Zufaryansyah ◽  
B. S. K. K. Ibrahim

As the main testbed platform of Artificial Intelligence, the robot plays an essential role in creating an environment for industrial revolution 4.0. According to their bases, the robot can be categorized into a fixed based robot and a mobile robot. Current robotics research direction is interesting since people strive to create a mobile robot able to move in the land, water, and air. This paper presents development of a quadruped mobile robot and its movement system using geometric-based inverse kinematics. The study is related to the movement of a four-legged (quadruped) mobile robot with three Degrees of Freedom (3 DOF) for each leg. Because it has four legs, the movement of the robot can only be done through coordinating the movements of each leg. In this study, the trot gait pattern method is proposed to coordinate the movement of the robot's legs. The end-effector position of each leg is generated by a simple trajectory generator with half rectified sine wave pattern. Furthermore, to move each robot's leg, it is proposed to use geometric-based inverse kinematic. The experimental results showed that the proposed method succeeded in moving the mobile robot with precision. Movement errors in the translation direction are 1.83% with the average pose error of 1.33 degrees, means the mobile robot has good walking stability.

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