PWSCC of Bottom Mounted Instrument Nozzles at South Texas Project

Steven Thomas

Primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) susceptibility of bottom mounted instrument (BMI) nozzles in the South Texas Project reactor vessels was considered low due to the Tcold temperature of the bottom head. During a routine bare metal visual inspection of the Unit 1 bottom head in April 2003 small boric acid deposits were identified at the location where two of the BMI nozzles penetrated the bottom surface of the vessel head. Subsequent nondestructive examination showed three cracks in one of the nozzles two crack in the second nozzle and no cracks in the other 56 nozzles. The nondestructive examinations showed that both leaking nozzles had an axial crack in the nozzle base metal extending from above the J-weld to below the J-weld. One of these cracks extended nearly through-wall while the other did not extend through wall. A boat sample removed from one of the leaking nozzles confirmed the presence of a PWSCC crack in the nozzle base metal and the presence of welding defects at the tube to J-weld interface which could be responsible for initiating the cracks. This paper summarizes the field inspections and laboratory investigations and briefly descries the repair method. See References 1 and 2 for additional information.

1999 ◽  
Vol 121 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-10 ◽  
J. L. Hechmer ◽  
E. J. Kuhn

Based on the author’s hypothesis that nondestructive examination (NDE) has a major role in predicting the fatigue life of pressure vessels, a project was initiated to develop a defined relationship between NDE and fatigue strength reduction factors (FSRF). Even though a relationship should apply to both base metal and weld metal, the project was limited to weld metal because NDE for base metal is reasonably well established, whereas NDE for weld metal is more variable, depending on application. A matrix of FSRF was developed based on weld type (full penetration, partial penetration, and fillet weld) versus the NDE that is applied. The NDE methods that are included are radiographic testing (RT), ultrasonic testing (UT), magnetic particle testing (MT), dye penetrant testing (PT), and visual testing (VT). The first two methods (RT and UT) are volumetric examinations, and the remaining three are surface examinations. Seven combinations of volumetric and surface examinations were defined; thus, seven levels of FSRF are defined. Following the initial development of the project, a PVRC (Pressure Vessel Research Council) grant was obtained for the purpose of having a broad review. The report (Hechmer, 1998) has been accepted by PVRC. This paper presents the final matrix, the basis for the FSRF, and key definitions for accurate application of the FSRF matrix. A substantial amount of additional information is presented in the PVRC report (Hechmer, 1998).

Nematology ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-169 ◽  
Il-Kweon Yeon ◽  
Gaurav Singh ◽  
Irfan Ahmad ◽  
Chung-Don Choi

AbstractThe type species of the genus Butlerius, viz., B. butleri Goodey, 1929, is redescribed and illustrated from specimens collected in South Korea. Additional information is provided for the cuticle, stoma structure, female reproductive system and the male caudal region. The Korean population is 1336-1857 μm long, a = 33.9-43.5, b = 5.41-6.34, c = 3.38-4.20, c′ = 14.13-19.0 and V = 40-45%. Males have spicules 39-49 μm long and a gubernaculum 25-33 μm long. There are nine pairs of genital papillae, three pairs precloacal and six pairs postcloacal. The v5,6,7 clusters are widely separated, one group situated just posterior to the phasmids and the other group at level of pd. Although there are some differences in morphometrics as compared with the type population, the species is easily identified by the similarities in the structure of the stoma, pharynx, spicules and gubernaculum. Butlerius singularis and B. filicaudatus are proposed as synonyms of the type species.

Perception ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-86 ◽  
Michel-Ange Amorim ◽  
Jack M Loomis ◽  
Sergio S Fukusima

An unfamiliar configuration lying in depth and viewed from a distance is typically seen as foreshortened. The hypothesis motivating this research was that a change in an observer's viewpoint even when the configuration is no longer visible induces an imaginal updating of the internal representation and thus reduces the degree of foreshortening. In experiment 1, observers attempted to reproduce configurations defined by three small glowing balls on a table 2 m distant under conditions of darkness following ‘viewpoint change’ instructions. In one condition, observers reproduced the continuously visible configuration using three other glowing balls on a nearer table while imagining standing at the distant table. In the other condition, observers viewed the configuration, it was then removed, and they walked in darkness to the far table and reproduced the configuration. Even though the observers received no additional information about the stimulus configuration in walking to the table, they were more accurate (less foreshortening) than in the other condition. In experiment 2, observers reproduced distant configurations on a nearer table more accurately when doing so from memory than when doing so while viewing the distant stimulus configuration. In experiment 3, observers performed both the real and imagined perspective change after memorizing the remote configuration. The results of the three experiments indicate that the continued visual presence of the target configuration impedes imaginary perspective-change performance and that an actual change in viewpoint does not increase reproduction accuracy substantially over that obtained with an imagined change in viewpoint.

E. A. Ray ◽  
K. Weir ◽  
C. Rice ◽  
T. Damico

During the October 2000 refueling outage at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Station, a leak was discovered in one of the three reactor vessel hot leg nozzle to pipe weld connections. The root cause of this leak was determined to be extensive weld repairs causing high tensile stresses throughout the pipe weld; leading to primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) of the Alloy 82/182 (Inconel). This nozzle was repaired and V.C. Summer began investigating other mitigative or repair techniques on the other nozzles. During the next refueling outage V.C. Summer took mitigative actions by applying the patented Mechanical Stress Improvement Process (MSIP) to the other hot legs. MSIP contracts the pipe on one side of the weldment, placing the inner region of the weld into compression. This is an effective means to prevent and mitigate PWSCC. Analyses were performed to determine the redistribution of residual stresses, amount of strain in the region of application, reactor coolant piping loads and stresses, and effect on equipment supports. In May 2002, using a newly designed 34-inch clamp, MSIP was successfully applied to the two hot-leg nozzle weldments. The pre- and post-MSIP NDE results were highly favorable. MSIP has been used extensively on piping in boiling water reactor (BWR) plants to successfully prevent and mitigate SCC. This includes Reactor Vessel nozzle piping over 30-inch diameter with 2.3-inch wall thickness similar in both size and materials to piping in pressurized water reactor (PWR) plants such as V.C. Summer. The application of MSIP at V.C. Summer was successfully completed and showed the process to be predictable with no significant changes in the overall operation of the plant. The pre- and post-nondestructive examination of the reactor vessel nozzle weldment showed no detrimental effects on the weldment due to the MSIP.

2018 ◽  
Vol 301 ◽  
pp. 44-52
Tomasz Kowalski ◽  

The aim of the article to present the role of analysing the manner of generating fingermarks in the investigative proceedings. These examinations are based on the analysis of the location of the marks on a given background and aim at providing the requesting party additional information about the circumstances of the investigated incident. The Author refers to two unusual cases, in which Voivodeship Police Command Forensic Laboratory issued expert opinions in the area of fingerprint identification. In the first case, at the initial stage of the proceedings the circumstances and recovered evidential fingermarks indicated a fatal accident or manslaughter by means of a firearm. In the other case at the preliminary stage recovered evidence did not allow identification of the perpetrator due to incorrectly selected exhibits. These cases would not be off special interest to us without the significant role of proper recovering of fingermarks and their analysis in a broader context than just identification.

1990 ◽  
Vol 36 (11) ◽  
pp. 1906-1910 ◽  
J Osada ◽  
T Gea ◽  
C Sanz ◽  
I Millan ◽  
J Botella

Abstract A group of substances of molecular masses between 300 and 1500 Da have been found to be toxic metabolites in patients with uremia. We determined the concentration in serum of these molecules in the following groups of patients: two hemodialyzed groups (one with cuprophane and the other with polyacrylonitrile dialyzers), one group treated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, one group of nondialyzed azotemic patients, and one control group of healthy persons. Ultrafiltrates of the subjects' sera were fractionated on Sephadex G-15 followed by ion-exchange chromatography. Eluates were monitored by absorbance at 254 and 206 nm. Partially characterized peaks P1 and P2, obtained by gel filtration, correlated with the concentration of creatinine in serum; their concentrations were significantly (P less than 0.01) larger in hemodialyzed groups than in peritoneal dialyzed or in nondialyzed azotemic patients. After ion-exchange chromatography, two peaks (P'5 and P'6) correlated with serum creatinine and also were larger in hemodialyzed patients than in the other groups. Apparently, adequate discrimination is obtained by gel-filtration analysis and further analysis by ion-exchange chromatography does not provide additional information in most of the affected patients.

2019 ◽  
Birthe Macdonald ◽  
Tom Johnstone

In this study we trialled a novel paradigm that aims to bridge the gap between the research into the extinction of conditioned responses and the instructed regulation of emotion via a prescribed strategy. This was done through a process we called Selective Extinction through Cognitive Evaluation (SECE). Participants were conditioned to associate a previously neutral stimulus (letter, CS+) with an aversive burst of white noise (US) and another letter with no aversive event (CS-). In a second phase, the same letters were presented within words belonging to two distinct categories. One group did not receive any more noise bursts during this phase which lead to the extinction of the conditioned responses (extinction group). The other group (SECE group) was told that the CS+ now only carried a risk of the noise occurring when it was presented in one (dangerous), but not the other word category (safe). Affective responses were assessed using skin conductance responses (SCR). We found overall increased SCR’s in response to CS+ (safe and dangerous) compared to CS- trials in the SECE group, and also increased SCR’s in response to dangerous compared to safe CS+ trials. This suggests that the conditioned response (CR) can be reduced through the cognitive evaluation of additional information and it is possible that extinction mechanisms are involved in this process. We did not find any effects in the extinction group. It is possible that extinction was completed too quickly so that any differences between conditions could not be captured. We therefore conducted a second study to pilot an improved paradigm. We visually amended the trials, amended the reinforcement schedule, and changed to a fully within-subjects design. Here we once again found significantly reduced SCR to safe compared to dangerous CS+ trials. Future experiments will use these results as a basis for an improved paradigm to better capture changes in SCR as well as BOLD fMRI in future experiments.

1973 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 449-463 ◽  
D. J. Harmon ◽  
V. L. Folt

Abstract Analysis of molecular size distribution of polymers by steric exclusion liquid chromatography (GPC) is well known. Problems exist, however. These problems involve copolymers and polymer blends. The objectives of the research were to develop methods of analyzing comonomer distribution in copolymers, to study the breakdown of one polymer independent of another in a polymer blend, and to obtain any additional information as might be available. The separations were performed on a Waters Model 200 Gel Permeation Chromatograph. Detectors employed were a Waters R-4 differential refractometer, a Wilks Miran-1 infrared analyzer, and a Beckman Model 144 UV photometer. Examples are given of analysis of average styrene, styrene distribution, and oil content of oil extended SBR. The data is compared with that obtained by other methods. In general the agreement is good. The ability to examine one polymer of a blend independent of the other is also demonstrated. Since elastomers are frequently used as blends, this becomes very important to such studies as milling and extrusion behavior.

2012 ◽  
Vol 590 ◽  
pp. 51-55
Hui Yang ◽  
Guo Dong Zhang ◽  
Yuan Mei Fei

With the self-designed welding powder formula,this experiment employed the SHS reaction to weld the base metal,which was steel Q235 here,then respectively used Olympus large-scale horizontal digital microscope to analyze the structure morphology of the welding seam's different regions,JEOL SEM to point-analyze and line-analyze elements' distribution near the the weld interface and HV-1000 CCD automatic measurement microscopic vickers hardness tester to measure the microhardness of the pure copper's welding seam.The experiment's result shows the hardness of different part of the welded joint varies largely,and that the join of alloy elements can increase the microhardness of the welding metal,and that the welding metal and base metal interdiffuse,grow and mix remarkably near the fusion line,realizing wonderful metallurgical bonding.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 154-170
Nasimah Abdullah ◽  
Lubna Abd. Rahman ◽  
Abur Hamdi Usman

A mutashabihat verse (anthropomorphism) is a verse that contains many interpretations as it has various dimensions of meaning. Explicitation is one of the translation procedures introduced by Vinay and Darbelnet as an effort to make the target language readers understand clearly the implicit meaning contained in the source text. In other words, the implicit meaning contained in the source text can be revealed into the target text through this procedure. A translator whose role is to transfer the meaning of source text is always bounded by a certain ideology that will influence his translation works. This study aims to examine the forms of explicitation used in the translation of the mutashabihat verses in the Quran and relate them to translators’ ideologies. This study adopted a qualitative approach that led to the analysis of text content of the Quran, which is elaborated descriptively by selecting three (3) words found in the text of the Quran that is related to Allah, as the sample of the study which are )يد( ,)استوى( and (أعين ). The corpus texts used are the Malay Quran translation by Abdullah Basmeih, Mahmud Yunus, and Zaini Dahlan. The findings showed that the translation of the mutashabihat verses used various forms of explicitation to enhance a clearer understanding of the target readers to the meaning of the Qur'an, such as lexical specification, the addition of explanatory remarks, additional information in brackets and footnotes. In addition, studies found that Mahmud Yunus and Zaini Dahlan retained the meaning of translated mutashabihat verses literally without giving an esoteric interpretation of the Quran and sometimes inclined towards the ideology of al-Ta’wil. On the other hand, Abdullah Basmeih was more prone to the ideologies of al-Ta’wil and al-Ithbat bi Dawabit in translating the verses. ABSTRAK Ayat mutashabihat ialah ayat yang mengandungi banyak pentafsiran kerana mempunyai pelbagai dimensi makna. Eksplisitasi pula ialah salah satu prosedur terjemahan yang diperkenalkan oleh Vinay dan Darbelnet sebagai usaha agar pembaca bahasa sasaran memahami dengan jelas makna implisit yang terkandung di dalam teks sumber. Melalui prosedur ini, bentuk makna implisit yang terkandung di dalam teks sumber dapat dizahirkan ke dalam teks sasaran. Penterjemah selaku pihak yang memainkan peranan dalam memindahkan makna sebenarnya sentiasa terikat dengan ideologi tertentu yang akan mewarnai teks sasaran yang dihasilkannya. Kajian ini bertujuan meneliti bentuk eksplisitasi yang terdapat dalam terjemahan ayat-ayat mutashabihat dalam al-Quran serta menghubungkaitkannya dengan pengaruh aliran pemikiran yang dipegang oleh penterjemah. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang menjurus kepada analisis kandungan teks al-Quran yang dihurai secara deskriptif dengan memilih tiga (3) perkataan yang dinisbahkan kepada Allah SWT yang terdapat dalam teks al-Quran sebagai sampel kajian iaitu lafaz )ىوتسا(, )دي( dan (أعين ). Korpus kajian pula adalah teks al-Quran yang diterjemahkan oleh Abdullah Basmeih, Mahmud Yunus dan Zaini Dahlan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa terjemahan ayat-ayat mutashabihat menggunakan pelbagai bentuk eksplisitasi untuk memberi kefahaman yang lebih jelas kepada pembaca sasaran terhadap makna al-Quran iaitu bentuk pengkhususan, penambahan maklumat, maklumat tambahan dalam kurungan dan nota kaki. Selain itu, kajian juga mendapati bahawa Mahmud Yunus dan Zaini Dahlan mengekalkan makna literal teks al-Quran tanpa takwilan dan kadang-kadang condong kepada aliran pemikiran al-Ta’wil dalam menterjemahkan ayat mutashabihat. Manakala Abdullah Basmeih pula lebih cenderung kepada aliran pemikiran al-Takwil dan al-Ithbat bi Dawabit dalam memberikan maksud ayat mutashabihat.

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