Human Behavior in Evacuating a Building: A Problem Definition

Simone Sillem ◽  
J. W. F. Wiersma ◽  
B. J. M. Ale

There are different phases in which attempts can be made to prevent an emergency situation from happening or to fight its consequences when it does occur. These phases describe all activities that are aimed at increasing safety and can be represented schematically. This representation is called the safety chain. This paper looks at the phases of the safety chain where human behavior in evacuation can be influenced to mitigate the outcomes of an occurring emergency situation. A literature research has been done and the problems with human behavior are identified. Possibilities for further research are given, as well as the contours of a research project that will be carried out by the end of this year at Delft University of Technology.

2011 ◽  
Vol 199-200 ◽  
pp. 1671-1675
Jing Sun ◽  
Wen Ji Xu ◽  
Dian Long Wang

All countries of the world carry forward progress in engineering education reform actively to meet the keen demand of innovative engineering talents which results from the global industry development, the source from which the global engineering excellence research project stems. Firstly, this paper reviews the origin and prophase research results of exemplary engineering innovators (EEI) research project. Secondly, this paper provides a systematic and comprehensive introduction to the industry-oriented EEI cultivation mode for bachelor’s degree engineering practiced in Mechanical Design & Manufacturing and its Automation of Dalian University of Technology based on an analysis of the cultivation actuality of EEI. Finally, this paper puts forward advices to form EEI cultivation mode with Chinese characteristics.

Al-Albab ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 177 ◽  
Patmawati Patmawati

Inter-religious relations in the period of Prophet Muhammad were running in harmony. Although there were theological differences between some religious faiths, these differences do not detract good relations. One of the written evidence of the condition of inter-religious harmony in this period was the agreement to live in peace as outlined in a treaty to respect and protect. The Madina Charter is proof that Prophet Muhammad was a religious leader as well as a political leader. The Madina Charter was born ahead of its time and can be used as a source of inspiration for building a plural society. Through the Medina Charter, the Prophet successfully organized all ethnic and religious groups in Medina, uniting them as brothers, despite different religious and ethnic backgrounds, all having the same duty to defend the State of Medina should there be an attack from outside. As a work which is based on literature research project, this article shows that the discussion of inter-religious relations in the period of Prophet Muhammad were not only supported by the works of schoolars in the fields of history and other related fields but also by the religiously based texts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (4A) ◽  
pp. 598-606
Mohammed Shuaib ◽  
Zarita Zainuddin

Crowd management and fire safety studies indicate that the correct prediction of the threat caused by fire is crucial behavior which could lead to survival. Incorporating intelligence into exit choice models for accomplishing evacuation simulations involving such behavior is essential. Escaping from moving source of panic such as fire is of tremendous frightening event while evacuation situation. Predicting the dynamic of fire spreading and the exit clogging are intelligent aspects which help the individuals follow the correct behaviors for their evacuation. This article proposes an intelligent approach to accomplishing typical evacuations. The agents are provided with the ability to find optimal routes that enable them overcome spreading fire. Fire and safe floor fields are proposed to provide the agents with the capability of determining intermediate points to compose optimal routes toward the effective chosen exit. The instinct human behavior of being far from the fire to protect himself from sudden unexpected attack is introduced as essential factor risen in emergency situation. Simulations are conducted in order to examine the simulated evacuees’ behavior regarding overtaking the fire and to test the efficiency of making smart and effective decisions during emergency evacuation scenarios

1995 ◽  
Vol 31 (Supplement) ◽  
pp. 458-459
Thor IKEGAMI ◽  
Shuji HISAMUNE ◽  

1969 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 154-163
I. Kuroda

Brent B. Moritz ◽  
Arunachalam Narayanan ◽  
Chris Parker

Problem definition: We study the bullwhip effect and analyze the impact of human behavior. We separate rational ordering in response to increasing incoming orders from irrational ordering. Academic/practical relevance: Prior research has shown that the bullwhip effect occurs in about two-thirds of firms and impacts profitability by 10%–30%. Most bullwhip mitigation efforts emphasize processes such as information sharing, collaboration, and coordination. Previous work has not been able to separate the impact of behavioral ordering from rational increases in order quantities. Methodology: Using data from a laboratory experiment, we estimate behavioral parameters from three ordering models. We use a simulation to evaluate the cost impact of bullwhip behavior on the supply chain and by echelon. Results: We find that cost increases are not equally shared. Human biases (behavioral ordering) at the retailer results in higher relative costs elsewhere in the supply chain, even as similar ordering by a wholesaler, distributor, or factory results in increased costs within that echelon. These results are consistent regardless of the behavioral models that we consider. The cognitive profile of the decision maker impacts both echelon and supply chain costs. We show that the cost impact is higher as more decision makers enter a supply chain. Managerial implications: The cost of behavioral ordering is not consistent across the supply chain. Managers can use the estimation/simulation framework to analyze the impact of human behavior in their supply chains and evaluate improvement efforts such as coordination or information sharing. Our results show that behavioral ordering by a retailer has an out-sized impact on supply chain costs, which suggests that upstream echelons are better placed to make forecasting and replenishment decisions.

Sandra Regina Rech ◽  
Gabrielle Stockey Chinchilha

This article has the purpose to describe and to report the methodology used by the research project “Future of the Present: an area to analysis and observation of signs”. It will clear up in detail the process of observation, analysis, and interpretation of signs and how new trends are possible to comprehend. It’s necessary to analyze and research different sections, at the same time that the human behavior is studied and also its lifestyle into the most various cultures. Understood as a language, the exploration of the signals issued by the society is a cross-behavioral study guide which enables tangible recommendations for all levels of the market supported by the irrational and emotional trend phenomenon and synthesized in images. It is a very detailed process that requires a lot of work and sensibility in order to see the evidences that the zeitgeist sends and to change them into fashion trends.

1987 ◽  
Vol 81 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-25 ◽  
R.A.L. Hinton ◽  
D.G. Ayres

This article reports on the research and curriculum development work on biological diagrams of the Tactile Diagrams Research Project at the Loughborough University of Technology, and describes significant construction approaches adopted, and the method and results of classroom evaluation.

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