Effect of Toe-Joint and Heel Height on Balancing of a Standing Biped

Ehsan Kouchaki ◽  
Mohammad Jafar Sadigh

Postural control of a standing bipedal model with toe-joints is studied. The model contains an inverted pendulum as the upper body and a foot, which consists of a heel-link and a toe-link. Taking advantage of ankle strategy, the biped is actuated by two torques at ankle-joint and toe-joint to regulate the upper body in upright position. To assess the stability of the system the Lyapunov exponents phenomena are used and the stability regions are calculated in the phase plane. To investigate the effect of toe-joint on control performance and the stability, the results are compared with those of a flat foot model without toe-joint. The relationship between heel’s height and balancing stability is investigated as well. The results show that toe-joint enhances stability of the system and reduces the actuator demand. This effect is more important especially in the case with high heel foot.

A.M. Zetty Akhtar ◽  
M.M. Rahman ◽  
K. Kadirgama ◽  
M.A. Maleque

This paper presents the findings of the stability, thermal conductivity and viscosity of CNTs (doped with 10 wt% graphene)- TiO2 hybrid nanofluids under various concentrations. While the usage of cutting fluid in machining operation is necessary for removing the heat generated at the cutting zone, the excessive use of it could lead to environmental and health issue to the operators. Therefore, the minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) to replace the conventional flooding was introduced. The MQL method minimises the usage of cutting fluid as a step to achieve a cleaner environment and sustainable machining. However, the low thermal conductivity of the base fluid in the MQL system caused the insufficient removal of heat generated in the cutting zone. Addition of nanoparticles to the base fluid was then introduced to enhance the performance of cutting fluids. The ethylene glycol used as the base fluid, titanium dioxide (TiO2) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) nanoparticle mixed to produce nanofluids with concentrations of 0.02 to 0.1 wt.% with an interval of 0.02 wt%. The mixing ratio of TiO2: CNTs was 90:10 and ratio of SDBS (surfactant): CNTs was 10:1. The stability of nanofluid checked using observation method and zeta potential analysis. The thermal conductivity and viscosity of suspension were measured at a temperature range between 30˚C to 70˚C (with increment of 10˚C) to determine the relationship between concentration and temperature on nanofluid’s thermal physical properties. Based on the results obtained, zeta potential value for nanofluid range from -50 to -70 mV indicates a good stability of the suspension. Thermal conductivity of nanofluid increases as an increase of temperature and enhancement ratio is within the range of 1.51 to 4.53 compared to the base fluid. Meanwhile, the viscosity of nanofluid shows decrements with an increase of the temperature remarks significant advantage in pumping power. The developed nanofluid in this study found to be stable with enhanced thermal conductivity and decrease in viscosity, which at once make it possible to be use as nanolubricant in machining operation.


В статье представлены материалы о взаимосвязи продолжительности продуктивного использования коров с характеристикой устойчивости к деградации, с возрастом отела и удоем. В исследованной, разнородной по происхождению, группе животных для прогноза продуктивного периода коров, обусловленного устойчивостью к деградации и возрастом первого отела, пригодно уравнение регрессии, аргументами в котором являются индекс устойчивости, возраст первого отела в первой и второй степенях. Коэффициент корреляции межу предсказанными значениями продуктивного периода и его фактическими величинами в I группе составляет 0,502, во II - 0,604. При этом крайние варианты прогнозируются со статистическими ошибками 5 мес при оценке индекса устойчивости по 2 лактациям и 4,1 мес по 3, а средние варианты, соответственно, 1,6 и 1,51 мес. Индекс устойчивости к процессу старения является важной характеристикой биологических особенностей коров, определяющий их продуктивное долголетие. Его оценка по первым 2 и 3 лактациям имеет прямолинейную связь с продуктивным периодом (r=0,4109 и r=0,5270), соответственно. Зависимость продуктивного периода от возраста первого отела криволинейная — с увеличением возраста первого отела сокращается срок продуктивного использования, при возрасте первого отела более 1400 дней срок продуктивного использования колеблется от 1,33 до 1,41 лактации. Коэффициент корреляции между этими характеристиками коров составляет - 0,2164 в I и - 0,2620 во II группах. The article presents materials about the relationship of the duration of productive use of cows with the characteristic of resistance to degradation, with the age of calving and milk yield. In the studied group of animals, which is heterogeneous in origin, the regression equation is suitable for predicting the productive period of cows due to resistance to degradation and the age of the first calving, the arguments of which are the stability index, the age of the first calving in the first and second degrees. The correlation coefficient between the predicted values of the productive period and its actual values in group I is 0.502, in group II - 0.604. At the same time, the extreme variants are predicted with statistical errors of 5 months when evaluating the stability index for 2 lactations and 4.1 months for 3, and the average variants, respectively, are 1.6 and 1.51 months. The index of resistance to the aging process is an important characteristic of the biological characteristics of cows, which determines their productive longevity. Its estimate for the first 2 and 3 lactations has a direct relationship with the productive period (r=0.4109 and r=0.5270), respectively. The dependence of the productive period age at first calving curvilinear with increasing age at first calving reduces the time to productive use, while age at first calving of more than 1400 days, the period of productive use ranges from 1.33 to 1.41 lactation. The correlation coefficient between these characteristics of cows is-0.2164 in I and-0.2620 in II groups.

Fesenko, H.

Purpose. Increasing the uniformity of distribution of mineral fertilizers and other bulk materials due to the stability of their feed from the body to the spreading working bodies using the top feeder. Methods. The following methods are used to achieve this aim: the method of comparing the differences between individual groups of fertilizers, the method of analyzing the properties of a new technical system, the method of functional inventiveness, and the methods of theoretical and analytical mechanics. Results. The traction body of the conveyor of the upper feed of the body fat body machine for mineral fertilizers and other bulk materials was substantiated and the relationship between the height of its scrapers and the distance between them was established, as well as the nature of the mineral fertilizer pressure on the curvilinear wall of the body. In addition, the design of the advanced body fertilizer spreader is justified, which ensures a stable flow of fertilizers from the body due to the improvement of the top feeder. Conclusions. Because of the conducted researches, the advantages of machines equipped with top feeder are found. They create the conditions for the forced feeding mineral fertilizers and other loose materials from the container to the distribution bodies, which is a prerequisite for their evenness on the surface. With this, the imperfection of known machines with the top feeder constrains their introduction into agricultural production. On this account, a more thoroughly constructed solution of the body feeder of the top feed is substantiated, in which the conveyor provides a stable supply of fertilizers from the body with reduced energy consumption during operation. Keywords: analysis, feed, upper device, conveyor, stability, fertilizers, flow ability, body.

2004 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-26 ◽  
Mercedes Bernal Lloréns

Financial crises have had a decisive influence on banking regulations in Spain. During the mid-19th century the publication of the financial statements of banks was considered key to the stability of the financial system. All new joint stock banking companies were to publish their statements in the Madrid Gazette in return for the privilege of limited liability. Similar obligations were placed on issuing banks. The copious publication of financial statements coincided with a period of financial prosperity. However, the crises that followed from 1864 to 1868 led to a reduction in the official publication of statements. This paper is concerned with an early response to crises in financial reporting. The study focuses on the relationship between the publication of accounting statements by banks and the GDP in Spain during the mid-19th century. The results suggest that the frequency of publication of financial statements may be an indicator of economic performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 664
Lin Li ◽  
Qian Yu ◽  
Wenrui Zhao ◽  
Fabian Herold ◽  
Boris Cheval ◽  

Objectives: the current study aimed to investigate the relationship between physical activity (PA) level and inhibitory control performance and then to determine whether this association was mediated by multiple sleep parameters (i.e., subjective sleep quality, sleep duration, sleep efficiency, and sleep disturbance). Methods: 180 healthy university students (age: 20.15 ± 1.92 years) from the East China Normal University were recruited for the present study. PA level, sleep parameters, and inhibitory control performance were assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Scale (PSQI), and a Stroop test, respectively. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results: A higher level of PA was linked to better cognitive performance. Furthermore, higher subjective sleep quality and sleep efficiency were associated with better inhibitory control performance. The mediation analysis revealed that subjective sleep quality and sleep efficiency mediated the relationship between PA level and inhibitory control performance. Conclusion: our results are in accordance with the literature and buttress the idea that a healthy lifestyle that involves a relatively high level of regular PA and adequate sleep patterns is beneficial for cognition (e.g., inhibitory control performance). Furthermore, our study adds to the literature that sleep quality and sleep efficiency mediates the relationship between PA and inhibitory control performance, expanding our knowledge in the field of exercise cognition.

Paleobiology ◽  
10.1666/12001 ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 323-344 ◽  
Carlo Meloro ◽  
Sarah Elton ◽  
Julien Louys ◽  
Laura C. Bishop ◽  
Peter Ditchfield

Mammalian carnivores are rarely incorporated in paleoenvironmental reconstructions, largely because of their rarity within the fossil record. However, multivariate statistical modeling can be successfully used to quantify specific anatomical features as environmental predictors. Here we explore morphological variability of the humerus in a closely related group of predators (Felidae) to investigate the relationship between morphometric descriptors and habitat categories. We analyze linear measurements of the humerus in three different morphometric combinations (log-transformed, size-free, and ratio), and explore four distinct ways of categorizing habitat adaptations. Open, Mixed, and Closed categories are defined according to criteria based on traditional descriptions of species, distributions, and biome occupancy. Extensive exploratory work is presented using linear discriminant analyses and several fossils are included to provide paleoecological reconstructions.We found no significant differences in the predictive power of distinct morphometric descriptors or habitat criteria, although sample splitting into small and large cat guilds greatly improves the stability of the models. Significant insights emerge for three long-canine cats:Smilodon populator,Paramachairodus orientalis, andDinofelissp. from Olduvai Gorge (East Africa).S. populatorandP. orientalisare both predicted to have been closed-habitat adapted taxa. The false “sabertooth”Dinofelissp. from Olduvai Gorge is predicted to be adapted to mixed habitat. The application of felid humerus ecomorphology to the carnivoran record of Olduvai Gorge shows that the older stratigraphic levels (Bed I, 1.99–1.79 Ma) included a broader range of environments than Beds II or V, where there is an abundance of cats adapted to open environments.

1990 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 267-277 ◽  
Janet E. Eschen ◽  
David S. Glenwick

To investigate the possible contributions to dysphoria of interactions among attributional dimensions, 105 freshmen and sophomores were administered the Attributional Style Questionnaire and the Beck Depression Inventory. Analyses examined the relationship to dysphoria of (a) the traditional composite score; (b) multiple regression analyses including interactions among the various dimensions; and (c) indices of behavioral self-blame, characterological self-blame, and external blame. The results provided modest support for the specific hypothesized interactional model and, to a large extent, appeared to support the validity of the standard manner in which dysphoric attributional style is viewed. Refinements of the traditional model are suggested, involving the self-blame construct, the possible role of the stability dimension, and the relationship between controllability and positive event attributions.

2011 ◽  
Vol 422 ◽  
pp. 688-692
Xiao Hei He ◽  
Geng You Han ◽  
Rui Hua Xiao

Abstract:Since the Wenchuan earthquake happened, the slope stability had been paid much more attention. The safety factor is an important parameter that can be used to evaluate the stability of slope. The pseudo-static method that based on limit equilibrium and the method of numerical simulation can calculate the safety factor accurately, but the velocity that gets the result is slow. If we can establish the relationship between safety factor and some other parameters, then we can calculate the safety factor by using the relationship more quickly. This paper establishes much relationship, such as the relationship between the rock mechanics parameters and the average danymic safety factor, the relationship between the rock mechanics parameters and the ratio of average danymic safety factor to static safety factor, the relationship between the rock mechanics parameters and the average earthquake acceleration coefficient, the relationship between the average earthquake acceleration coefficient and the ratio of average danymic safety factor to static safety factor, and the relationship between the earthquake acceleration coefficient and the ratio of danymic safety factor to static safety factor on the condition of different rock mass.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (12) ◽  
pp. 69-77
Аleksey V. Zverev ◽  
Marina Yu. Mishina ◽  
Andrey V. Novikov ◽  

This article reflects the peculiarities of the psychological connection between a financial fraudster and his potential victim. The process of forming a stressful situation depending on the type of financial fraud is described, the reasons for its occurrence and the result of implementation associated with a decrease in critical thinking are indicated. The essence is also revealed, including from the perspective of the relationship between the fraudster and the potential victim, and the types of financial fraud and practical examples of their manifestation are considered. The psychological portrait of a financial fraudster and his transformation in connection with the changing preferences of consumers of financial services are described. The role of the Bank of Russia in reducing the activity of financial fraud and ensuring the stability of the financial market is reflected.

2021 ◽  
pp. 073401682110383
Bruno Truzzi ◽  
Marcelo Justus ◽  
Henrique C. Kawamura ◽  
Thomas V. Conti

This article investigates the relationship between the perception of violence and the spending on security goods and services in households. Individual microdata from a random national survey on family budget carried out in Brazil in 2008-2009 were used for modeling the household spending using two instrumental variables. The stability of results was checked by applying the Lasso-Gaussian regularization method in the selection of the statistically significant variables. Positive relationships were found between household spending on security goods and services and (i) the fear of insecurity at the household level, (ii) the neighbors’ spending on security, and (iii) the registered criminality, but no evidence was found on the relationship between the role of police on household spending on security goods and services.

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