Orthogonal Machining of Copper Alloy With a Hardness Gradient

Lewis N. Payton

An experimental and analytical investigation of the effects of hardness upon the classical orthogonal machining geometries was conducted using copper alloy with 12 levels of hardness as measured on the Brinell hardness scale. A real time data collection method permitted the collection of a large body of data for analysis. 720 experimental runs were analyzed. The experimental results were compared to thirteen geometrical models that have been formulated including Merchant’s and Piispanen’s independently derived orthogonal machining equations of the 1940’s. One model [1] was verified by the results of the experiment in copper when a regression study of the data was conducted. Their application of the minimum energy principle in deriving an expression for the shear front angle ψ, the onset of shear plane angle ϕ, and the tool face rake angle α, provided an accurate shear strain model that is well supported by the physical evidence. The resulting relationship: ψ=45°-φ+α2 is predictive. It correlates directly and strongly with the measured material hardness.

Eiji Shamoto ◽  
Masahiro Kato ◽  
Norikazu Suzuki ◽  
Rei Hino

A new and basic analytical model of three-dimensional cutting is proposed by assuming multiple thin shear planes with either the maximum shear stress or minimum energy principle. The three-dimensional cutting process with an arbitrarily shaped cutting edge in a flat rake face is formulated with simple vector equations in order to understand and quickly simulate the process. The cutting edge and workpiece profile are discretized and expressed by their position vectors. Two equations among three unknown vectors, which show the directions of shear, chip flow, and resultant cutting force, are derived from the geometric relations of velocities and forces. The last vector equation required to solve the three unknown vectors is obtained by applying either the maximum shear stress or minimum energy principle. It is confirmed that the directions and the cutting forces simulated by solving the proposed vector equations agree with experimentally measured data. Furthermore, the developed model is applied to consider the three-dimensional cutting mechanics, i.e., how the chip is formed in the three-dimensional cutting with compressive stress acting between the discrete chips, as an example.

1964 ◽  
Vol 86 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-121 ◽  
U. M. Rao ◽  
J. D. Cumming ◽  
E. G. Thomsen

An investigation of the mechanics of orthogonal cutting on an acetal resin (Delrin 150x) plastic and a nylon resin (Zytel 101) plastic was carried out. The specimens were in the form of tubes and the rake angles and feeds were varied from −10 to +40 deg and 0.003 to 0.0115 ipr, respectively. It was found that a shear-plane type of analysis and the minimum-energy principle at low tool chip contact friction are applicable. It was found further that some of the reasons for the formation of discontinuous chips for Delrin 150x were excessive strains and induction of tensile stresses into the zone ahead of the tool. By the use of the minimum-energy principle and a constant dynamic shear stress, which appears to correlate with static properties, it was possible to predict the tool forces for Zytel 101 to a satisfactory degree of accuracy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 502 (3) ◽  
pp. 4064-4073
Y Ellinger ◽  
M Lattelais ◽  
F Pauzat ◽  
J-C Guillemin ◽  
B Zanda

ABSTRACT The analysis of the organic matter of meteorites made it possible to identify over 70 amino acids (AA), including 8 of those found in living organisms. However, their relative abundances vary drastically with the type of the carbonaceous chondrite, even for isomers of same chemical formula. In this report, we address the question whether this difference may have its origin in the relative stability of these isomers according to the conditions they experienced when they were formed and after. To this end, we rely on the fact that for most of the species observed so far in the interstellar medium (ISM), the most abundant isomer of a given generic chemical formula is the most stable one (minimum energy principle, MEP). Using quantum density functional theory (DFT) simulations, we investigate the relative stability of the lowest energy isomers of alanine (Ala) and amino butyric acid (ABA) in the neutral, protonated, and zwitterionic structures together with corresponding nitrile precursors. It is shown that β-alanine and γ-ABA are the most stable in a protonated form, whereas α-AA are the most stable in the zwitterionic and nitrile structures. The different composition of the carbonaceous chondrites CIs and CMs could be linked to the chemical context of the aqueous alterations of the parent bodies.

1992 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 97-116 ◽  
Ikuo Towhata ◽  
Yasushi Sasaki ◽  
Ken-Ichi Tokida ◽  
Hideo Matsumoto ◽  
Yukio Tamar ◽  

1986 ◽  
Vol 28 (1B) ◽  
pp. 347-355 ◽  
P Centen ◽  
M P H Weenink ◽  
W Schuurman

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