Design of a Two-Piece Brassiere Cup From its Data Points Toward its Automation
Abstract A method to design the two-dimensional shapes of patterns of two piece brassiere cup is proposed when its target three-dimensional shape is given as a cloud of its data points. A brassiere cup consists of several patterns and their shapes are designed by repeatedly making a paper cup model and checking its three-dimensional shape. For improvement of design efficiency of brassieres, such trial and error must be reduced. As a cup model for check is made of paper not cloth, it is assumed that the surface of the model is composed of several developable surfaces. When two lines that consist in the developable surface are given, the surface can be determined. Then, the two-piece brassiere cup can be designed by minimizing the error between the surface and given data points. It was mathematically verified that the developable surface calculated by our propose method can reproduce the given data points which is developable surface.