Fatigue Assessment of Work-Over Risers Through Physical Testing
Critical sections of work over strings, with respect to integrity, are components located close to end terminations, near well heads and above drill floors, where recurring bending moments are prevalent. The lifetime of these components are strongly dependent on the stiffness in the components of the string. Connections between these components are often complex, and of a type where the stiffness is unknown, or hard to reveal based on theoretical analysis. This paper considers the feasibility of applying state-of-the-art measurement technology for testing of the physical behavior of specific connections on a landing string to be used for work over operations in harsh environmental conditions, where low fatigue life of components have proven to be a recurring problem. Behavior of joint-connections revealed through measured response from physical testing serve as input for the global finite element (FE) analysis, where accumulated fatigue damage for each sea state is calculated based on site specific met-ocean data. The present work was carried out in advance of an operation on the Norwegian shelf, where a four-point bending test of the actual landing string to be used during the offshore campaign were performed on a section containing two critical couplings, in order to reveal the actual stiffness of the connections. The test string was subject to variable internal pressure, axial tension and bending loads, representative for the applicable work-over riser operational loads. The performance of the system was monitored through strain, displacement and force sensors, in order to relate applied loads to structural response. The results from these tests where later recreated from local FE analysis, where non linear springs was implemented and modified to fit the experimental results at the connections of interest. These springs was later input to the global fatigue analysis, where the complete system, including marine riser and inner work over string, was implemented in one model. Results from the fatigue assessment where used to determine the operational criteria for the work over operations.