Feasibility of Determination of Mechanical Properties of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms by Simultaneous Pressure and Volume Measurements In-Vivo
In an effort to better predict the risk of rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), methods have been developed that comprise more than diameter information alone. Wall stress calculations demonstrated superior results compared to the diameter criterion [1]. Accurate wall stress calculations require patient specific geometry, load, and wall properties of the aneurysm [2]. Usually, values for mechanical properties obtained from in-vitro tensile tests of excised aneurysmal wall material are used for wall stress calculations [3]. For obvious reasons such experiments to obtain vessel properties are impossible to perform in patient specific cases for risk assessment.
2004 ◽
Vol 126
pp. 438-446
2013 ◽
2008 ◽
Vol 15
pp. 468-484
2010 ◽
Vol 9
pp. 511-521