The effect of temperature inhomogeneity on the concentration of impurities in a street canyon

2021 ◽  
Dmitry V. Leshchinskiy ◽  
Evgeniy A. Danilkin ◽  
Alexander V. Starchenko
H. Asai

This article examines the THz emission from high-temperature superconducting (HTS) cuprates in the mesoscopic state using the intrinsic Josephson junction model. Cuprate superconductors are high-temperature superconductors that exhibit exotic electromagnetic properties. One of the remarkable features of HTS cuprates is high anisotropy due to their layered structures. Almost all HTS cuprates are composed of stacks of CuO2 layers and blocking layers which supply charge carriers to the CuO2 layers. The crystal structures of the HTS cuprates naturally form Josephson junctions known as intrinsic Josephson junctions (IJJs). This article first describes the basic theory of IJJ and the mechanism of THz emission before discussing the effect of temperature inhomogeneity on the emission properties. It then introduces a novel IJJ-based THz emitter that utilizes laser heating. Theoretical results show that the THz emission is caused by the strong excitation of transverse Josephson plasma waves in IJJs under a direct current bias.

2019 ◽  
Vol 83 ◽  
pp. 20-28 ◽  
Erlend Hodneland ◽  
Sarah Gasda ◽  
Roland Kaufmann ◽  
Tor Christian Bekkvik ◽  
Christian Hermanrud ◽  

P. R. Swann ◽  
W. R. Duff ◽  
R. M. Fisher

Recently we have investigated the phase equilibria and antiphase domain structures of Fe-Al alloys containing from 18 to 50 at.% Al by transmission electron microscopy and Mössbauer techniques. This study has revealed that none of the published phase diagrams are correct, although the one proposed by Rimlinger agrees most closely with our results to be published separately. In this paper observations by transmission electron microscopy relating to the nucleation of disorder in Fe-24% Al will be described. Figure 1 shows the structure after heating this alloy to 776.6°C and quenching. The white areas are B2 micro-domains corresponding to regions of disorder which form at the annealing temperature and re-order during the quench. By examining specimens heated in a temperature gradient of 2°C/cm it is possible to determine the effect of temperature on the disordering reaction very precisely. It was found that disorder begins at existing antiphase domain boundaries but that at a slightly higher temperature (1°C) it also occurs by homogeneous nucleation within the domains. A small (∼ .01°C) further increase in temperature caused these micro-domains to completely fill the specimen.

T. Geipel ◽  
W. Mader ◽  
P. Pirouz

Temperature affects both elastic and inelastic scattering of electrons in a crystal. The Debye-Waller factor, B, describes the influence of temperature on the elastic scattering of electrons, whereas the imaginary part of the (complex) atomic form factor, fc = fr + ifi, describes the influence of temperature on the inelastic scattering of electrons (i.e. absorption). In HRTEM simulations, two possible ways to include absorption are: (i) an approximate method in which absorption is described by a phenomenological constant, μ, i.e. fi; - μfr, with the real part of the atomic form factor, fr, obtained from Hartree-Fock calculations, (ii) a more accurate method in which the absorptive components, fi of the atomic form factor are explicitly calculated. In this contribution, the inclusion of both the Debye-Waller factor and absorption on HRTEM images of a (Oll)-oriented GaAs crystal are presented (using the EMS software.Fig. 1 shows the the amplitudes and phases of the dominant 111 beams as a function of the specimen thickness, t, for the cases when μ = 0 (i.e. no absorption, solid line) and μ = 0.1 (with absorption, dashed line).

1990 ◽  
Vol 80 (3) ◽  
pp. 431-436 ◽  
Isabelle Delvallee ◽  
Annie Paffen ◽  
Geert-Jan De Klerk

1973 ◽  
Vol 29 (01) ◽  
pp. 183-189
C. A Praga ◽  
E. M Pogliani

SummaryTemperature represents a very important variable in ADP-induced platelet aggregation.When low doses of ADP ( < 1 (μM) are used to induce platelet aggregation, the length of the incubation period of PRP in the cuvette holder of the aggregometer, thermostatted at 37° C, is very critical. Samples of the same PRP previously kept at room temperature, were incubated for increasing periods of time in the cuvette of the aggregometer before adding ADP, and a significant decrease of aggregation, proportional to the length of incubation, was observed. Stirring of the PRP during the incubation period made these changes more evident.To measure the exact temperature of the PRP during incubation in the aggre- gometer, a thermocouple device was used. While the temperature of the cuvette holder was stable at 37° C, the PRP temperature itself increased exponentially, taking about ten minutes from the beginning of the incubation to reach the value of 37° C. The above results have a practical significance in the reproducibility of the platelet aggregation test in vitro and acquire particular value when the effect of inhibitors of ADP induced platelet aggregation is studied.Experiments carried out with three anti-aggregating agents (acetyl salicyclic acid, dipyridamole and metergoline) have shown that the incubation conditions which influence both the effect of the drugs on platelets and the ADP breakdown in plasma must be strictly controlled.

1967 ◽  
Vol 17 (01/02) ◽  
pp. 112-119 ◽  
L Dintenfass ◽  
M. C Rozenberg

SummaryA study of blood coagulation was carried out by observing changes in the blood viscosity of blood coagulating in the cone-in-cone viscometer. The clots were investigated by microscopic techniques.Immediately after blood is obtained by venepuncture, viscosity of blood remains constant for a certain “latent” period. The duration of this period depends not only on the intrinsic properties of the blood sample, but also on temperature and rate of shear used during blood storage. An increase of temperature decreases the clotting time ; also, an increase in the rate of shear decreases the clotting time.It is confirmed that morphological changes take place in blood coagula as a function of the velocity gradient at which such coagulation takes place. There is a progressive change from the red clot to white thrombus as the rates of shear increase. Aggregation of platelets increases as the rate of shear increases.This pattern is maintained with changes of temperature, although aggregation of platelets appears to be increased at elevated temperatures.Intravenously added heparin affects the clotting time and the aggregation of platelets in in vitro coagulation.

TAPPI Journal ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 9-14 ◽  

Under certain conditions, ash in black liquor forms a locally corrosive environment in a kraft recovery boiler. The ash also might cause efficiency losses and even boiler shutdown because of plugging of the flue gas passages. The most troublesome compounds in a fuel such as black liquor are potassium and chlorine because they change the melting behavior of the ash. Fouling and corrosion of the kraft recovery boiler have been researched extensively, but few computational models have been developed to deal with the subject. This report describes a computational fluid dynamics-based method for modeling the reactions between alkali metal compounds and for the formation of fine fume particles in a kraft recovery boiler furnace. The modeling method is developed from ANSYS/FLUENT software and its Fine Particle Model extension. We used the method to examine gaseous alkali metal compound and fine fume particle distributions in a kraft recovery boiler furnace. The effect of temperature and the boiler design on these variables, for example, can be predicted with the model. We also present some preliminary results obtained with the model. When the model is developed further, it can be extended to the superheater area of the kraft recovery boiler. This will give new insight into the variables that increase or decrease fouling and corrosion

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