Risk assessment model of drought-caused winter wheat yield loss and its applications in Henan province

2006 ◽  
Ronghua Liu ◽  
Shuanghe Shen ◽  
Zixi Zhu ◽  
Wenying Kang ◽  
Wensong Fang ◽  
2006 ◽  
Zixi Zhu ◽  
Ronghua Liu ◽  
Guoqiang Zhao ◽  
Wensong Fang ◽  
Youhe Wang ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 2801
Yuan Li ◽  
Yi Dong ◽  
Dongqin Yin ◽  
Diyou Liu ◽  
Pengxin Wang ◽  

Monitoring agricultural drought is important to food security and the sustainable development of human society. In order to improve the accuracy of soil moisture and winter wheat yield estimation, drought monitoring effects of optical drought index data, meteorological drought data, and passive microwave soil moisture data were explored during individual and whole growth periods of winter wheat in 2003–2011, taking Henan Province of China as the research area. The model of drought indices and relative meteorological yield of winter wheat in individual and whole growth periods was constructed based on multiple linear regression. Results showed a higher correlation between Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) drought indices and 10 cm relative soil moisture (RSM10) than 20 cm (RSM20) and 50 cm (RSM50). In the whole growth period, the correlation coefficient (R) between vegetation supply water index (VSWI) and RSM10 had the highest correlation (R = −0.206), while in individual growth periods, the vegetation temperature condition index (VTCI) was superior to the vegetation health index (VHI) and VSWI. Among the meteorological drought indices, the 10-day, 20-day, and 30-day standard precipitation evapotranspiration indices (SPEI1, SPEI2, and SPEI3) were all most relevant to RSM10 during individual and whole growth periods. RSM50 and SPEI3 had a higher correlation, indicating that deep soil moisture was more related to drought on a long time scale. The relationship between Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS soil moisture (AMSR-E SM) and VTCI was stable and significantly positive in individual and whole growth periods, which was better compared to VHI and VSWI. Compared with the drought indices and the relative meteorological yield in the city, VHI had the best monitoring effect during individual and whole growth periods. Results also showed that drought occurring at the jointing–heading stage can reduce winter wheat yield, while a certain degree of drought occurring at the heading–milk ripening stage can increase the yield. In the whole growth period, the combination of SPEI1, SPEI2, and VHI had the best performance, with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.282 with the combination of drought indices as the independent variables and relative meteorological yield as the dependent variable. In the individual growth period, the model in the later growth period of winter wheat performed well, especially in the returning green–jointing stage (R2 = 0.212). Results show that the combination of multiple linear drought indices in the whole growth period and the model in the returning green–jointing period could improve the accuracy of winter wheat yield estimation. This study is helpful for effective agricultural drought monitoring of winter wheat in Henan Province.

2011 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-57 ◽  
Andrew R. Kniss ◽  
Drew J. Lyon

Field studies were conducted in Wyoming and Nebraska in 2007 through 2009 to evaluate winter wheat response to aminocyclopyrachlor. Aminocyclopyrachlor was applied at rates between 15 and 120 g ai ha−1 6, 4, and 2 mo before winter wheat planting (MBP). Redroot pigweed control was 90% with aminocyclopyrachlor rates of 111 and 50 g ha−1 when applied 4 or 2 MBP. Aminocyclopyrachlor at 37 g ha−1 controlled Russian thistle 90% when applied 6 MBP. At Sidney, NE, winter wheat yield loss was > 10% at all aminocyclopyrachlor rates when applied 2 or 4 MBP, and at all rates > 15 g ha−1 when applied 6 MBP. At Lingle, WY, > 40% winter wheat yield loss was observed at all rates when averaged over application timings. Although the maturing wheat plants looked normal, few seed were produced in the aminocyclopyrachlor treatments, and therefore preharvest wheat injury ratings of only 5% corresponded to yield losses ranging from 23 to 90%, depending on location. The high potential for winter wheat crop injury will almost certainly preclude the use of aminocyclopyrachlor in the fallow period immediately preceding winter wheat.

2009 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 564-568 ◽  
Randy L. Anderson

Improving crop vigor can suppress growth of weeds present in the crop. This study examined the impact of preceding crop and cultural practices on rye growth in winter wheat. Preceding crops were soybean, spring wheat, and an oat/dry pea mixture. Two cultural treatments in winter wheat were also compared, referred to as conventional and competitive canopies. The competitive canopy differed from the conventional in that the seeding rate was 67% higher and starter fertilizer was banded with the seed. The study was conducted at Brookings, SD. Rye seed and biomass production differed fourfold among treatments, with winter wheat following oat/pea being most suppressive of rye growth. Rye produced 63 seeds/plant in winter wheat with a competitive canopy that followed oat/pea, contrasting with 273 seeds/plant in conventional winter wheat following spring wheat. Yield loss in winter wheat due to rye interference increased with rye biomass, but winter wheat was more tolerant of rye interference following oat/pea compared with the other preceding crops. Regression analysis indicated that winter wheat yield loss at the same rye biomass was threefold higher following spring wheat or soybean compared with oat/pea as a preceding crop. Winter wheat competitiveness and tolerance to rye can be improved by increasing the seeding rate, using a starter fertilizer, and growing winter wheat after an oat/pea mixture.

2011 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 854-859 ◽  
Lin CHENG ◽  
Rong-Hua LIU ◽  
Zhi-Hong MA

2005 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-185 ◽  
Zs. Szentpétery ◽  
Cs. Kleinheincz ◽  
G. Szöllősi ◽  
M. Jolánkai

2010 ◽  
Vol 151 (34) ◽  
pp. 1365-1374 ◽  
Marianna Dávid ◽  
Hajna Losonczy ◽  
Miklós Udvardy ◽  
Zoltán Boda ◽  
György Blaskó ◽  

A kórházban kezelt sebészeti és belgyógyászati betegekben jelentős a vénásthromboembolia-rizikó. Profilaxis nélkül, a műtét típusától függően, a sebészeti beavatkozások kapcsán a betegek 15–60%-ában alakul ki mélyvénás trombózis vagy tüdőembólia, és az utóbbi ma is vezető kórházi halálok. Bár a vénás thromboemboliát leggyakrabban a közelmúltban végzett műtéttel vagy traumával hozzák kapcsolatba, a szimptómás thromboemboliás események 50–70%-a és a fatális tüdőembóliák 70–80%-a nem a sebészeti betegekben alakul ki. Nemzetközi és hazai felmérések alapján a nagy kockázattal rendelkező sebészeti betegek többsége megkapja a szükséges trombózisprofilaxist. Azonban profilaxis nélkül marad a rizikóval rendelkező belgyógyászati betegek jelentős része, a konszenzuson alapuló nemzetközi és hazai irányelvi ajánlások ellenére. A belgyógyászati betegek körében növelni kell a profilaxisban részesülők arányát és el kell érni, hogy trombózisrizikó esetén a betegek megkapják a hatásos megelőzést. A beteg trombóziskockázatának felmérése fontos eszköze a vénás thromboembolia által veszélyeztetett betegek felderítésének, megkönnyíti a döntést a profilaxis elrendeléséről és javítja az irányelvi ajánlások betartását. A trombózisveszély megállapításakor, ha nem ellenjavallt, profilaxist kell alkalmazni. „A thromboemboliák kockázatának csökkentése és kezelése” című, 4. magyar antithromboticus irányelv felhívja a figyelmet a vénástrombózis-rizikó felmérésének szükségességére, és elsőként tartalmazza a kórházban fekvő belgyógyászati és sebészeti betegek kockázati kérdőívét. Ismertetjük a kockázatbecslő kérdőíveket és áttekintjük a kérdőívekben szereplő rizikófaktorokra vonatkozó bizonyítékokon alapuló adatokat.

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