Swarm robots in science fiction

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (56) ◽  
pp. eabk0451
Robin R. Murphy

In both science and science fiction, robot swarms are out of control.

Takahiro Endo ◽  
Ryuma Maeda ◽  
Fumitoshi Matsuno

This paper presents a stability analysis of swarm robots, a group of multiple robots. In particular, we focus on robot swarms with heterogeneous abilities, in which each robot has a different sensing range and physical limitations, including maximum velocity and acceleration. In addition, each robot has a unique sensing region with a limited angle field of view. We previously proposed a decentralized navigation method for such heterogeneous swarm robots consisting of one leader and multiple followers. With the decentralized navigation method, a single leader can navigate for followers while maintaining connectivity and satisfying the physical limitations unique to each robot; i.e., each follower has a target robot and follows it without violating its physical limitations. In this paper, we focus on a stability analysis of such swarm robots. When the leader moves at a constant velocity, we mathematically prove that the shape and orientations of all robots eventually converge to the equilibrium state. For this, we must first prove that the equilibrium state exists. Then, we show the convergence of the state to its equilibrium. Finally, we carry out experiments and numerical simulations to confirm the stability analysis, i.e., the convergence of the swarm robots to the equilibrium states.

Ledger ◽  
2019 ◽  
Jason A Tran ◽  
Gowri Sankar Ramachandran ◽  
Palash M Shah ◽  
Claudiu B. Danilov ◽  
Rodolfo A. Santiago ◽  

Blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt applications beyond cryptocurrencies. This work applies the concepts of blockchain technology to swarm robotics applications. Swarm robots typically operate in a distributed fashion, wherein the collaboration and coordination between the robots are essential to accomplishing the application goals. However, robot swarms may experience network partitions either due to navigational and communication challenges or in order to perform certain tasks efficiently. We propose a novel protocol, SwarmDAG, that enables the maintenance of a distributed ledger based on the concept of extended virtual synchrony while managing and tolerating network partitions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (56) ◽  
pp. eabf1538
Eduardo Castelló Ferrer ◽  
Thomas Hardjono ◽  
Alex Pentland ◽  
Marco Dorigo

The importance of swarm robotics systems in both academic research and real-world applications is steadily increasing. However, to reach widespread adoption, new models that ensure the secure cooperation of large groups of robots need to be developed. This work introduces a method to encapsulate cooperative robotic missions in an authenticated data structure known as a Merkle tree. With this method, operators can provide the “blueprint” of the swarm’s mission without disclosing its raw data. In other words, data verification can be separated from data itself. We propose a system where robots in a swarm, to cooperate toward mission completion, have to “prove” their integrity to their peers by exchanging cryptographic proofs. We show the implications of this approach for two different swarm robotics missions: foraging and maze formation. In both missions, swarm robots were able to cooperate and carry out sequential tasks without having explicit knowledge about the mission’s high-level objectives. The results presented in this work demonstrate the feasibility of using Merkle trees as a cooperation mechanism for swarm robotics systems in both simulation and real-robot experiments, which has implications for future decentralized robotics applications where security plays a crucial role.

1974 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-48

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11

Teknologi merupakan segala sesuatu sarana yang digunakan untuk memudahkah kehidupan manusia dalam menjaga kelangsungan hidup. Perkembangan teknologi juga sebagai indicator kemajuan suatu peradaban manusia pada setiap masanya dan itu menjadi dasar untuk perubahan dan perkembangan teknologi kedepannya. Kemajuan sebuah teknologi sangat berimplikasi pada perubahan kehidupan manusia baik secara positif maupun negative. Besarnya pengaruh dari teknologi membuat manusia terus melakukan berbagai pengembangannya untuk menciptakan teknologi-teknologi baru demi memudahkan kehidupan manusia dalam berbagai hal. Sebagaimana plot dalam film (science fiction) dengan judul “Jumper”, dalam film ini menggambarkan bagaimana pengaruh sains dan teknologi yang diimajinasikan terhadap masyarakat mampu membuka hubungan jarak jauh secara fisik seperti pesan suara atau gambar melalui teknologi frekuensi atau jaringan dengan kemampuan “teleportasi” (perpindahan fisik atau tubuh manusia dari suatu tempat ke tempat yang lain dalam waktu yang sangat cepat). Selanjutnya komunikasi merupakan interaksi dua orang atau lebih yang memiliki kesamaan makna mengenai hal yang diperbincangkan dan mengistilahkannya dengan komunikatif. selain membangun interaksi social, komunikasi juga sebuah proses penyampaian informasi kepada khalayak untuk diketahui dan dipahami. Sehingga penyebaran informasi tersebut melahirkan sebuah tatanan kehidupan social atau budaya yang baru ditengah masyarakat (peradaban), sesuai dengan tuntutan dan tuntunan perubahan jaman (masa)

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