scholarly journals Curcumin Reduces the Motility of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium by Binding to the Flagella, Thereby Leading to Flagellar Fragility and Shedding

2016 ◽  
Vol 198 (13) ◽  
pp. 1798-1811 ◽  
Sandhya Amol Marathe ◽  
Arjun Balakrishnan ◽  
Vidya Devi Negi ◽  
Deepika Sakorey ◽  
Nagasuma Chandra ◽  

ABSTRACTOne of the important virulence properties of the pathogen is its ability to travel to a favorable environment, cross the viscous mucus barrier (intestinal barrier for enteric pathogens), and reach the epithelia to initiate pathogenesis with the help of an appendage, like flagella. Nonetheless, flagella can act as an “Achilles heel,” revealing the pathogen's presence to the host through the stimulation of innate and adaptive immune responses. We assessed whether curcumin, a dietary polyphenol, could alter the motility ofSalmonella, a foodborne pathogen. It reduced the motility ofSalmonella entericaserovar Typhimurium by shortening the length of the flagellar filament (from ∼8 μm to ∼5 μm) and decreasing its density (4 or 5 flagella/bacterium instead of 8 or 9 flagella/bacterium). Upon curcumin treatment, the percentage of flagellated bacteria declined from ∼84% to 59%. However, no change was detected in the expression of the flagellin gene and protein. A fluorescence binding assay demonstrated binding of curcumin to the flagellar filament. This might make the filament fragile, breaking it into smaller fragments. Computational analysis predicted the binding of curcumin, its analogues, and its degraded products to a flagellin molecule at an interface between domains D1 and D2. Site-directed mutagenesis and a fluorescence binding assay confirmed the binding of curcumin to flagellin at residues ASN120, ASP123, ASN163, SER164, ASN173, and GLN175.IMPORTANCEThis work, to our knowledge the first report of its kind, examines how curcumin targets flagellar density and affects the pathogenesis of bacteria. We found that curcumin does not affect any of the flagellar synthesis genes. Instead, it binds to the flagellum and makes it fragile. It increases the torsional stress on the flagellar filament that then breaks, leaving fewer flagella around the bacteria. Flagella, which are crucial ligands for Toll-like receptor 5, are some of the most important appendages ofSalmonella. Curcumin is an important component of turmeric, which is a major spice used in Asian cooking. The loss of flagella can, in turn, change the pathogenesis of bacteria, making them more robust and fit in the host.

mBio ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Michael Frahm ◽  
Sebastian Felgner ◽  
Dino Kocijancic ◽  
Manfred Rohde ◽  
Michael Hensel ◽  

ABSTRACTIncreasing numbers of cancer cases generate a great urge for new treatment options. Applying bacteria likeSalmonella entericaserovar Typhimurium for cancer therapy represents an intensively explored option. These bacteria have been shown not only to colonize solid tumors but also to exhibit an intrinsic antitumor effect. In addition, they could serve as tumor-targeting vectors for therapeutic molecules. However, the pathogenicS. Typhimurium strains used for tumor therapy need to be attenuated for safe application. Here, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) deletion mutants (ΔrfaL, ΔrfaG, ΔrfaH, ΔrfaD, ΔrfaP, and ΔmsbBmutants) ofSalmonellawere investigated for efficiency in tumor therapy. Of such variants, the ΔrfaDand ΔrfaGdeep rough mutants exhibited the best tumor specificity and lowest pathogenicity. However, the intrinsic antitumor effect was found to be weak. To overcome this limitation, conditional attenuation was tested by complementing the mutants with an inducible arabinose promoter. The chromosomal integration of the respective LPS biosynthesis genes into thearaBADlocus exhibited the best balance of attenuation and therapeutic benefit. Thus, the present study establishes a basis for the development of an applicably cancer therapeutic bacterium.IMPORTANCECancer has become the second most frequent cause of death in industrialized countries. This and the drawbacks of routine therapies generate an urgent need for novel treatment options. Applying appropriately modifiedS. Typhimurium for therapy represents the major challenge of bacterium-mediated tumor therapy. In the present study, we demonstrated thatSalmonellabacteria conditionally modified in their LPS phenotype exhibit a safe tumor-targeting phenotype. Moreover, they could represent a suitable vehicle to shuttle therapeutic compounds directly into cancerous tissue without harming the host.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (46) ◽  
Najwa Syahirah Roslan ◽  
Shagufta Jabeen ◽  
Nurulfiza Mat Isa ◽  
Abdul Rahman Omar ◽  
Mohd Hair Bejo ◽  

ABSTRACT Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium is one of several well-categorized Salmonella serotypes recognized globally. Here, we report the whole-genome sequence of S. Typhimurium strain UPM 260, isolated from a broiler chicken.

2012 ◽  
Vol 80 (7) ◽  
pp. 2454-2463 ◽  
Stephen J. Forbes ◽  
Daniel Martinelli ◽  
Chyongere Hsieh ◽  
Jeffrey G. Ault ◽  
Michael Marko ◽  

ABSTRACTInvasion of intestinal epithelial cells bySalmonella entericaserovar Typhimurium is an energetically demanding process, involving the transfer of effector proteins from invading bacteria into host cells via a specialized organelle known as theSalmonellapathogenicity island 1 (SPI-1) type 3 secretion system (T3SS). By a mechanism that remains poorly understood, entry ofS. Typhimurium into epithelial cells is inhibited by Sal4, a monoclonal, polymeric IgA antibody that binds an immunodominant epitope within the O-antigen (O-Ag) component of lipopolysaccharide. In this study, we investigated how the binding of Sal4 to the surface ofS. Typhimurium influences T3SS activity, bacterial energetics, and outer membrane integrity. We found that Sal4 treatment impaired T3SS-mediated translocon formation and attenuated the delivery of tagged effector proteins into epithelial cells. Sal4 treatment coincided with a partial reduction in membrane energetics and intracellular ATP levels, possibly explaining the impairment in T3SS activity. Sal4's effects on bacterial secretion and energetics occurred concurrently with an increase in O-Ag levels in culture supernatants, alterations in outer membrane permeability, and changes in surface ultrastructure, as revealed by transmission electron microscopy and cryo-electron microscopy. We propose that Sal4, by virtue of its ability to bind and cross-link the O-Ag, induces a form of outer membrane stress that compromises the integrity of theS. Typhimurium cell envelope and temporarily renders the bacterium avirulent.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (18) ◽  
Hugh M. B. Harris ◽  
Elisa C. Ale ◽  
Jorge A. Reinheimer ◽  
Ana G. Binetti ◽  
Paul W. O’Toole

Lactobacillus fermentum Lf2, an Argentine cheese isolate, can produce high concentrations of exopolysaccharides (EPS). These EPS were shown to improve the texture and rheology of yogurt, as well as to play a protective role in mice exposed to Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium.

2012 ◽  
Vol 56 (11) ◽  
pp. 6037-6040 ◽  
Vito Ricci ◽  
Stephen J. W. Busby ◽  
Laura J. V. Piddock

ABSTRACTRamA is a transcription factor involved in regulating multidrug resistance inSalmonella entericaserovar Typhimurium SL1344. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter fusions were exploited to investigate the regulation of RamA expression by RamR. We show that RamR represses theramApromoter by binding to a palindromic sequence and describe a superrepressor RamR mutant that binds to theramApromoter sequence more efficiently, thus exhibiting aramAinactivated phenotype.

2017 ◽  
Vol 85 (9) ◽  
Edna M. Ondari ◽  
Jennifer N. Heath ◽  
Elizabeth J. Klemm ◽  
Gemma Langridge ◽  
Lars Barquist ◽  

ABSTRACT The ST313 pathovar of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium contributes to a high burden of invasive disease among African infants and HIV-infected adults. It is characterized by genome degradation (loss of coding capacity) and has increased resistance to antibody-dependent complement-mediated killing compared with enterocolitis-causing strains of S. Typhimurium. Vaccination is an attractive disease-prevention strategy, and leading candidates focus on the induction of bactericidal antibodies. Antibody-resistant strains arising through further gene deletion could compromise such a strategy. Exposing a saturating transposon insertion mutant library of S. Typhimurium to immune serum identified a repertoire of S. Typhimurium genes that, when interrupted, result in increased resistance to serum killing. These genes included several involved in bacterial envelope biogenesis, protein translocation, and metabolism. We generated defined mutant derivatives using S. Typhimurium SL1344 as the host. Based on their initial levels of enhanced resistance to killing, yfgA and sapA mutants were selected for further characterization. The S. Typhimurium yfgA mutant lost the characteristic Salmonella rod-shaped appearance, exhibited increased sensitivity to osmotic and detergent stress, lacked very long lipopolysaccharide, was unable to invade enterocytes, and demonstrated decreased ability to infect mice. In contrast, the S. Typhimurium sapA mutants had similar sensitivity to osmotic and detergent stress and lipopolysaccharide profile and an increased ability to infect enterocytes compared with the wild type, but it had no increased ability to cause in vivo infection. These findings indicate that increased resistance to antibody-dependent complement-mediated killing secondary to genetic deletion is not necessarily accompanied by increased virulence and suggest the presence of different mechanisms of antibody resistance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (16) ◽  
pp. e00232-18 ◽  
Amanda Aparecida Seribelli ◽  
Miliane Rodrigues Frazão ◽  
Júlia Cunha Gonzales ◽  
Guojie Cao ◽  
Maria Sanchez Leon ◽  

ABSTRACT Salmonellosis is a disease with a high incidence worldwide, and Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium is one of the most clinically important serovars. We report here the draft genome sequences of 20 S. Typhimurium strains isolated from swine in Santa Catarina, Brazil. These draft genomes will improve our understanding of S. Typhimurium in Brazil.

2018 ◽  
Vol 86 (9) ◽  
Vivek Belde ◽  
Matthew P. Cravens ◽  
Dania Gulandijany ◽  
Justin A. Walker ◽  
Isabel Palomo-Caturla ◽  

ABSTRACTB cell antigen receptor (BCR) diversity increases by several orders of magnitude due to the action of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) during V(D)J recombination. Unlike adults, infants have limited BCR diversity, in part due to reduced expression of TdT. Since human infants and young mice respond poorly to polysaccharide vaccines, such as the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine Pneumovax23 and Vi polysaccharide (ViPS) ofSalmonella entericaserovar Typhi, we tested the contribution of TdT-mediated BCR diversity in response to these vaccines. We found that TdT+/−and TdT−/−mice generated comparable antibody responses to Pneumovax23 and survivedStreptococcus pneumoniaechallenge. Moreover, passive immunization of B cell-deficient mice with serum from Pneumovax23-immunized TdT+/−or TdT−/−mice conferred protection. TdT+/−and TdT−/−mice generated comparable levels of anti-ViPS antibodies and antibody-dependent, complement-mediated bactericidal activity againstS. Typhiin vitro. To test the protective immunity conferred by ViPS immunizationin vivo, TdT+/−and TdT−/−mice were challenged with a chimericSalmonella entericaserovar Typhimurium strain expressing ViPS, since mice are nonpermissive hosts forS. Typhi infection. Compared to their unimmunized counterparts, immunized TdT+/−and TdT−/−mice challenged with ViPS-expressingS. Typhimurium exhibited a significant reduction in the bacterial burden and liver pathology. These data suggest that the impaired antibody response to the Pneumovax23 and ViPS vaccines in the young is not due to limited TdT-mediated BCR diversification.

2018 ◽  
Vol 84 (8) ◽  
pp. e02567-17 ◽  
H. Bart van den Berg van Saparoea ◽  
Diane Houben ◽  
Marien I. de Jonge ◽  
Wouter S. P. Jong ◽  
Joen Luirink

ABSTRACT The Escherichia coli virulence factor hemoglobin protease (Hbp) has been engineered into a surface display system that can be expressed to high density on live E. coli and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium cells or derived outer membrane vesicles (OMVs). Multiple antigenic sequences can be genetically fused into the Hbp core structure for optimal exposure to the immune system. Although the Hbp display platform is relatively tolerant, increasing the number, size, and complexity of integrated sequences generally lowers the expression of the fused constructs and limits the density of display. This is due to the intricate mechanism of Hbp secretion across the outer membrane and the efficient quality control of translocation-incompetent chimeric Hbp molecules in the periplasm. To address this shortcoming, we explored the coupling of purified proteins to the Hbp carrier after its translocation across the outer membrane using the recently developed SpyTag/SpyCatcher protein ligation system. As expected, fusion of the small SpyTag to Hbp did not hamper display on OMVs. Subsequent addition of purified proteins fused to the SpyCatcher domain resulted in efficient covalent coupling to Hbp-SpyTag. Using in addition the orthogonal SnoopTag/SnoopCatcher system, multiple antigen modules could be coupled to Hbp in a sequential ligation strategy. Not only antigens proved suitable for Spy-mediated ligation but also nanobodies. Addition of this functionality to the platform might allow the targeting of live bacterial or OMV vaccines to certain tissues or immune cells to tailor immune responses.IMPORTANCE Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) derived from Gram-negative bacteria attract increasing interest in the development of vaccines and therapeutic agents. We aim to construct a semisynthetic OMV platform for recombinant antigen presentation on OMVs derived from attenuated Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium cells displaying an adapted Escherichia coli autotransporter, Hbp, at the surface. Although this autotransporter accepts substantial modifications, its capacity with respect to the number, size, and structural complexity of the antigens genetically fused to the Hbp carrier is restricted. Here we describe the application of SpyCatcher/SpyTag protein ligation technology to enzymatically link antigens to Hbp present at high density in OMVs. Protein ligation was apparently unobstructed by the membrane environment and allowed a high surface density of coupled antigens, a property we have shown to be important for vaccine efficacy. The OMV coupling procedure appears versatile and robust, allowing fast production of experimental vaccines and therapeutic agents through a modular plug-and-display procedure.

2019 ◽  
Vol 201 (13) ◽  
Shiwei Zhu ◽  
Maren Schniederberend ◽  
Daniel Zhitnitsky ◽  
Ruchi Jain ◽  
Jorge E. Galán ◽  

ABSTRACTThe bacterial flagellum is a sophisticated self-assembling nanomachine responsible for motility in many bacterial pathogens, includingPseudomonas aeruginosa,Vibriospp., andSalmonella enterica. The bacterial flagellum has been studied extensively in the model systemsEscherichia coliandSalmonella entericaserovar Typhimurium, yet the range of variation in flagellar structure and assembly remains incompletely understood. Here, we used cryo-electron tomography and subtomogram averaging to determinein situstructures of polar flagella inP. aeruginosaand peritrichous flagella inS. Typhimurium, revealing notable differences between these two flagellar systems. Furthermore, we observed flagellar outer membrane complexes as well as many incomplete flagellar subassemblies, which provide additional insight into mechanisms underlying flagellar assembly and loss in bothP. aeruginosaandS. Typhimurium.IMPORTANCEThe bacterial flagellum has evolved as one of the most sophisticated self-assembled molecular machines, which confers locomotion and is often associated with virulence of bacterial pathogens. Variation in species-specific features of the flagellum, as well as in flagellar number and placement, results in structurally distinct flagella that appear to be adapted to the specific environments that bacteria encounter. Here, we used cutting-edge imaging techniques to determine high-resolutionin situstructures of polar flagella inPseudomonas aeruginosaand peritrichous flagella inSalmonella entericaserovar Typhimurium, demonstrating substantial variation between flagella in these organisms. Importantly, we observed novel flagellar subassemblies and provided additional insight into the structural basis of flagellar assembly and loss in bothP. aeruginosaandS. Typhimurium.

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