scholarly journals Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Maintain High Levels of Infectivity in the Complete Absence of Mucin-Type O-Glycosylation

2017 ◽  
Vol 91 (19) ◽  
James M. Termini ◽  
Elizabeth S. Church ◽  
Zachary A. Silver ◽  
Stuart M. Haslam ◽  
Anne Dell ◽  

ABSTRACT A highly conserved threonine near the C terminus of gp120 of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) was investigated for its contributions to envelope protein function and virion infectivity. When this highly conserved Thr residue was substituted with anything other than serine (the other amino acid that can accept O-glycosylation), the resulting virus was noninfectious. We found that this Thr was critical for the association of gp120 with the virion and that amino acid substitution increased the amount of dissociated gp120 in the cell culture supernatant. When HIV virions were generated in cells overexpressing polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 (GalNAcT1), viral infectivity was increased 2.5-fold compared to that of virus produced in wild-type HEK293T cells; infectivity was increased 8-fold when the Thr499Ser mutant was used. These infectivity enhancements were not observed when GalNAcT3 was used. Using HEK293T knockout cell lines totally devoid of the ability to perform O-linked glycosylation, we demonstrated production of normal levels of virions and normal levels of infectivity in the complete absence of O-linked carbohydrate. Our data indicate that O-glycosylation is not necessary for the natural replication cycle of HIV and SIV. Nonetheless, it remains theoretically possible that the repertoire of GalNAc transferase isoforms in natural target cells for HIV and SIV in vivo could result in O-glycosylation of the threonine residue in question and that this could boost the infectivity of virions beyond the levels seen in the absence of such O-glycosylation. IMPORTANCE Approximately 50% of the mass of the gp120 envelope glycoprotein of both HIV and SIV is N-linked carbohydrate. One of the contributions of this N-linked carbohydrate is to shield conserved peptide sequences from recognition by humoral immunity. This N-linked glycosylation is one of the reasons that primary isolates of HIV and SIV are so heavily resistant to antibody-mediated neutralization. Much less studied is any potential contribution from O-linked glycosylation. The literature on this topic to date is somewhat confusing and ambiguous. Our studies described in this report demonstrate unambiguously that O-linked glycosylation is not necessary for the natural replication cycle of HIV and SIV. However, the door is not totally closed because of the diversity of numerous GalNAc transferase enzymes that initiate O-linked carbohydrate attachment and the theoretical possibility that natural target cells for HIV and SIV in vivo could potentially complete such O-linked carbohydrate attachment to further increase infectivity.

2009 ◽  
Vol 83 (19) ◽  
pp. 9875-9889 ◽  
Elodie Beaumont ◽  
Daniela Vendrame ◽  
Bernard Verrier ◽  
Emmanuelle Roch ◽  
François Biron ◽  

ABSTRACT Lentiviruses, including human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), typically encode envelope glycoproteins (Env) with long cytoplasmic tails (CTs). The strong conservation of CT length in primary isolates of HIV-1 suggests that this factor plays a key role in viral replication and persistence in infected patients. However, we report here the emergence and dominance of a primary HIV-1 variant carrying a natural 20-amino-acid truncation of the CT in vivo. We demonstrated that this truncation was deleterious for viral replication in cell culture. We then identified a compensatory amino acid substitution in the matrix protein that reversed the negative effects of CT truncation. The loss or rescue of infectivity depended on the level of Env incorporation into virus particles. Interestingly, we found that a virus mutant with defective Env incorporation was able to spread by cell-to-cell transfer. The effects on viral infectivity of compensation between the CT and the matrix protein have been suggested by in vitro studies based on T-cell laboratory-adapted virus mutants, but we provide here the first demonstration of the natural occurrence of similar mechanisms in an infected patient. Our findings provide insight into the potential of HIV-1 to evolve in vivo and its ability to overcome major structural alterations.

Blood ◽  
1994 ◽  
Vol 84 (5) ◽  
pp. 1567-1572 ◽  
ST Fan ◽  
K Hsia ◽  
TS Edgington

Abstract Cells of monocytic lineage (Mo) persistently infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have been suspected to be a major reservoir for in vivo transmission of virus to susceptible target cells. Cellular events and mechanisms that upregulate viral gene expression in such cells are important issues. Because the traffic of such cells is central to biodistribution of HIV, we have explored the impact of interaction of endothelium with HIV-1-infected U1 promonocytic cells. Coculturing of U1 with human umbilical endothelial cells (HUVEC) for 24 to 72 hours in the absence of stimulation induced HIV-1 p24 biosynthesis significantly. Antibody-blocking experiments indicated that CD11/CD18 integrins play a role in upregulation of HIV expression elicited by interaction with HUVEC. Engagement of CD11b/CD18 by adherence of U1 to surfaces coated with either the cognate ligand fibrinogen or monoclonal antibody specific for CD11b/CD18 also enhanced p24 biosynthesis. Furthermore, endothelial cells were found to constitutively synthesize and secrete soluble factors that enhanced HIV- 1 synthesis. The enhancing factors, of estimated size 10 to 45 kD, were induced in HUVEC to high levels by monokines or by lipopolysaccharide, resulting in markedly enhanced HIV-1 expression by U1. These endothelial cell-derived HIV-1-enhancing factors consist of, among others, interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-1 beta, and granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF). Our results suggest that activation of HIV biosynthesis in infected Mo via interaction with endothelium may impact significantly on the tissue distribution and pathogenesis of HIV infections.

2010 ◽  
Vol 84 (9) ◽  
pp. 4840-4844 ◽  
Qiujia Shao ◽  
Yudi Wang ◽  
James E. K. Hildreth ◽  
Bindong Liu

ABSTRACT Proteasomal degradation of APOBEC3G is a critical step for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) replication. However, the necessity for polyubiquitination of APOBEC3G in this process is still controversial. In this study, we showed that although macaque simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVmac) Vif is more stable than HIV-1 Vif in human cells, SIVmac Vif induces degradation of APBOEC3G as efficiently as HIV-1 Vif. Overexpression of APOBEC3G or lysine-free APOBEC3G stabilized HIV-1 Vif, indicating that APOBEC3G degradation is independent of the degradation of Vif. Furthermore, an in vivo polyubiquitination assay showed that lysine-free APOBEC3G was also polyubiquitinated. These data suggest that polyubiquitination of APOBEC3G, not that of HIV-1 Vif, is crucial for APOBEC3G degradation.

2006 ◽  
Vol 81 (4) ◽  
pp. 1773-1785 ◽  
Marta Melar ◽  
David E. Ott ◽  
Thomas J. Hope

ABSTRACT Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) entry into target cells requires the engagement of receptor and coreceptor by envelope glycoprotein (Env). Coreceptors CCR5 and CXCR4 are chemokine receptors that generate signals manifested as calcium fluxes in response to binding of the appropriate ligand. It has previously been shown that engagement of the coreceptors by HIV Env can also generate Ca2+ fluxing. Since the sensitivity and therefore the physiological consequence of signaling activation in target cells is not well understood, we addressed it by using a microscopy-based approach to measure Ca2+ levels in individual CD4+ T cells in response to low Env concentrations. Monomeric Env subunit gp120 and virion-bound Env were able to activate a signaling cascade that is qualitatively different from the one induced by chemokines. Env-mediated Ca2+ fluxing was coreceptor mediated, coreceptor specific, and CD4 dependent. Comparison of the observed virion-mediated Ca2+ fluxing with the exact number of viral particles revealed that the viral threshold necessary for coreceptor activation of signaling in CD4+ T cells was quite low, as few as two virions. These results indicate that the physiological levels of virion binding can activate signaling in CD4+ T cells in vivo and therefore might contribute to HIV-induced pathogenesis.

2006 ◽  
Vol 80 (16) ◽  
pp. 8168-8177 ◽  
Wendy W. Yeh ◽  
Evan M. Cale ◽  
Pimkwan Jaru-Ampornpan ◽  
Carol I. Lord ◽  
Fred W. Peyerl ◽  

ABSTRACT The evolution of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) as they replicate in infected individuals reflects a balance between the pressure on the virus to mutate away from recognition by dominant epitope-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and the structural constraints on the virus' ability to mutate. To gain a further understanding of the strategies employed by these viruses to maintain replication competency in the face of the intense selection pressure exerted by CTL, we have examined the replication fitness and morphological ramifications of a dominant epitope mutation and associated flanking amino acid substitutions on the capsid protein (CA) of SIV/simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV). We show that a residue 2 mutation in the immunodominant p11C, C-M epitope (T47I) of SIV/SHIV not only decreased CA protein expression and viral replication, but it also blocked CA assembly in vitro and virion core condensation in vivo. However, these defects were restored by the introduction of upstream I26V and/or downstream I71V substitutions in CA. These findings demonstrate how flanking compensatory amino acid substitutions can facilitate viral escape from a dominant epitope-specific CTL response through the effects of these associated mutations on the structural integrity of SIV/SHIV.

2000 ◽  
Vol 74 (20) ◽  
pp. 9388-9395 ◽  
Simoy Goldstein ◽  
Charles R. Brown ◽  
Houman Dehghani ◽  
Jeffrey D. Lifson ◽  
Vanessa M. Hirsch

ABSTRACT Previous studies with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection of rhesus macaques suggested that the intrinsic susceptibility of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to infection with SIV in vitro was predictive of relative viremia after SIV challenge. The present study was conducted to evaluate this parameter in a well-characterized cohort of six rhesus macaques selected for marked differences in susceptibility to SIV infection in vitro. Rank order relative susceptibility of PBMC to SIVsmE543-3-infection in vitro was maintained over a 1-year period of evaluation. Differential susceptibility of different donors was maintained in CD8+T-cell-depleted PBMC, macrophages, and CD4+ T-cell lines derived by transformation of PBMC with herpesvirus saimiri, suggesting that this phenomenon is an intrinsic property of CD4+target cells. Following intravenous infection of these macaques with SIVsmE543-3, we observed a wide range in plasma viremia which followed the same rank order as the relative susceptibility established by in vitro studies. A significant correlation was observed between plasma viremia at 2 and 8 weeks postinoculation and in vitro susceptibility (P < 0.05). The observation that the two most susceptible macaques were seropositive for simian T-lymphotropic virus type 1 may suggests a role for this viral infection in enhancing susceptibility to SIV infection in vitro and in vivo. In summary, intrinsic susceptibility of CD4+ target cells appears to be an important factor influencing early virus replication patterns in vivo that should be considered in the design and interpretation of vaccine studies using the SIV/macaque model.

2005 ◽  
Vol 79 (21) ◽  
pp. 13579-13586 ◽  
W. David Wick ◽  
Otto O. Yang ◽  
Lawrence Corey ◽  
Steven G. Self

ABSTRACT The antiviral role of CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection is poorly understood. Specifically, the degree to which CTLs reduce viral replication by killing HIV-1-infected cells in vivo is not known. Here we employ mathematical models of the infection process and CTL action to estimate the rate that CTLs can kill HIV-1-infected cells from in vitro and in vivo data. Our estimates, which are surprisingly consistent considering the disparities between the two experimental systems, demonstrate that on average CTLs can kill from 0.7 to 3 infected target cells per day, with the variability in this figure due to epitope specificity or other factors. These results are compatible with the observed decline in viremia after primary infection being primarily a consequence of CTL activity and have interesting implications for vaccine design.

2003 ◽  
Vol 77 (18) ◽  
pp. 9993-10003 ◽  
Welkin E. Johnson ◽  
Hannah Sanford ◽  
Linda Schwall ◽  
Dennis R. Burton ◽  
Paul W. H. I. Parren ◽  

ABSTRACT Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) of macaques isolate SIVmac239 is highly resistant to neutralization by polyclonal antisera or monoclonal antibodies, a property that it shares with most primary isolates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). This resistance is important for the ability of the virus to persist at high levels in vivo. To explore the physical features of the viral envelope complex that contribute to the neutralization-resistant phenotype, we examined a panel of SIVmac239 derivatives for sensitivity to neutralization by a large collection of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). These MAbs recognize both linear and conformational epitopes throughout the viral envelope proteins. The variant viruses included three derivatives of SIVmac239 with substitutions in specific N-linked glycosylation sites of gp120 and a fourth variant that lacked the100 amino acids that encompass the V1 and V2 loops. Also included in this study was SIVmac316, a variant of SIVmac239 with distributed mutations in env that confer significantly increased replicative capacity in tissue macrophages. These viruses were chosen to represent a broad range of neutralization sensitivities based on susceptibility to pooled, SIV-positive plasma. All three of these very different kinds of mutations (amino acid substitutions, elimination of N-glycan attachment sites, and a 100-amino-acid deletion spanning variable loops V1 and V2) dramatically increased sensitivity to neutralization by MAbs from multiple competition groups. Thus, the mutations did not simply expose localized epitopes but rather conferred global increases in neutralization sensitivity. The removal of specific N-glycan attachment sites from V1 and V2 led to increased sensitivity to neutralization by antibodies recognizing epitopes from both within and outside of the V1-V2 sequence. Surprisingly, while most of the mutations that gave rise to increased sensitivity were located in the N-terminal half of gp120 (surface subunit [SU]), the greatest increases in sensitivity were to MAbs recognizing the C-terminal half of gp120 or the ectodomain of gp41 (transmembrane subunit [TM]). This reagent set and information should now be useful for defining the physical, structural, thermodynamic, and kinetic factors that influence relative sensitivity to antibody-mediated neutralization.

2003 ◽  
Vol 77 (11) ◽  
pp. 6138-6152 ◽  
Samantha J. Willey ◽  
Jacqueline D. Reeves ◽  
Richard Hudson ◽  
Koichi Miyake ◽  
Nathalie Dejucq ◽  

ABSTRACT The chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR4 are the major coreceptors for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). At least 12 other chemokine receptors or close relatives support infection by particular HIV and SIV strains on CD4+ transformed indicator cell lines in vitro. However, the role of these alternative coreceptors in vivo is presently thought to be insignificant. Infection of cell lines expressing high levels of recombinant CD4 and coreceptors thus does not provide a true indication of coreceptor use in vivo. We therefore tested primary untransformed cell cultures that lack CCR5 and CXCR4, including astrocytes and brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMVECs), for naturally expressed alternative coreceptors functional for HIV and SIV infection. An adenovirus vector (Ad-CD4) was used to express CD4 in CD4− astrocytes and thus confer efficient infection if a functional coreceptor is present. Using a large panel of viruses with well-defined coreceptor usage, we identified a subset of HIV and SIV strains able to infect two astrocyte cultures derived from adult brain tissue. Astrocyte infection was partially inhibited by several chemokines, indicating a role for the chemokine receptor family in the observed infection. BMVECs were weakly positive for CD4 but negative for CCR5 and CXCR4 and were susceptible to infection by the same subset of isolates that infected astrocytes. BMVEC infection was efficiently inhibited by the chemokine vMIP-I, implicating one of its receptors as an alternative coreceptor for HIV and SIV infection. Furthermore, we tested whether the HIV type 1 and type 2 strains identified were able to infect peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) via an alternative coreceptor. Several strains replicated in Δ32/Δ32 CCR5 PBMCs with CXCR4 blocked by AMD3100. This AMD3100-resistant replication was also sensitive to vMIP-I inhibition. The nature and potential role of this alternative coreceptor(s) in HIV infection in vivo is discussed.

2007 ◽  
Vol 81 (21) ◽  
pp. 11982-11991 ◽  
Judith N. Mandl ◽  
Roland R. Regoes ◽  
David A. Garber ◽  
Mark B. Feinberg

ABSTRACT Antiviral CD8+ T cells are thought to play a significant role in limiting the viremia of human and simian immunodeficiency virus (HIV and SIV, respectively) infections. However, it has not been possible to measure the in vivo effectiveness of cytotoxic T cells (CTLs), and hence their contribution to the death rate of CD4+ T cells is unknown. Here, we estimated the ability of a prototypic antigen-specific CTL response against a well-characterized epitope to recognize and kill infected target cells by monitoring the immunodominant Mamu-A*01-restricted Tat SL8 epitope for escape from Tat-specific CTLs in SIVmac239-infected macaques. Fitting a mathematical model that incorporates the temporal kinetics of specific CTLs to the frequency of Tat SL8 escape mutants during acute SIV infection allowed us to estimate the in vivo killing rate constant per Tat SL8-specific CTL. Using this unique data set, we show that at least during acute SIV infection, certain antiviral CD8+ T cells can have a significant impact on shortening the longevity of infected CD4+ T cells and hence on suppressing virus replication. Unfortunately, due to viral escape from immune pressure and a dependency of the effectiveness of antiviral CD8+ T-cell responses on the availability of sufficient CD4+ T cells, the impressive early potency of the CTL response may wane in the transition to the chronic stage of the infection.

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