scholarly journals Mutation of Amino Acids in the Connection Domain of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Reverse Transcriptase That Contact the Template-Primer Affects RNase H Activity

2003 ◽  
Vol 77 (15) ◽  
pp. 8548-8554 ◽  
John G. Julias ◽  
Mary Jane McWilliams ◽  
Stefan G. Sarafianos ◽  
W. Gregory Alvord ◽  
Edward Arnold ◽  

ABSTRACT The crystal structure of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) reverse transcriptase in a complex with an RNA-DNA template-primer identified amino acids in the connection domain that make specific contacts with the nucleic acid. We analyzed the effects of mutations in these amino acids by using a one-round HIV-1 vector. Mutations in amino acids in the connection domain generally had small effects on virus titers. To determine whether the mutations affected the level of RNase H activity or the specificity of RNase H cleavage, we used the two-long-terminal-repeat circle junction as a surrogate for the ends of linear viral DNA; specific RNase H cleavages determine the ends of the viral DNA. Several of the mutations in the connection domain affected the frequency of the generation of viral DNAs with aberrant ends. The mutation H361A had the largest effect on the titer and on the generation of DNAs with aberrant ends. H361 contacts the phosphate backbone of the nucleic acid in the same location as amino acid Y501 in the RNase H primer grip. Mutations at Y501 have been shown to decrease the virus titer and affect the specificity of RNase H cleavage. H361A affected the frequency of the generation of linear viral DNAs with aberrant ends, but in general the connection domain mutations had subtle effects on the efficiency of RNase H cleavage. The results of this study suggest that, in addition to its primary role in linking the polymerase and RNase H domains, the connection subdomain has a modest role in binding and positioning the nucleic acid.

2007 ◽  
Vol 81 (15) ◽  
pp. 7852-7859 ◽  
Jessica H. Brehm ◽  
Dianna Koontz ◽  
Jeffrey D. Meteer ◽  
Vinay Pathak ◽  
Nicolas Sluis-Cremer ◽  

ABSTRACT Recent work indicates that mutations in the C-terminal domains of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) reverse transcriptase (RT) increase 3′-azido-3′-dideoxythymidine (AZT) resistance. Because it is not known whether AZT selects for mutations outside of the polymerase domain of RT, we carried out in vitro experiments in which HIV-1LAI or AZT-resistant HIV-1LAI (M41L/L210W/T215Y) was passaged in MT-2 cells in increasing concentrations of AZT. The first resistance mutations to appear in HIV-1LAI were two polymerase domain thymidine analog mutations (TAMs), D67N and K70R, and two novel mutations, A371V in the connection domain and Q509L in the RNase H domain, that together conferred up to 90-fold AZT resistance. Thereafter, the T215I mutation appeared but was later replaced by T215F, resulting in a large increase in AZT resistance (∼16,000-fold). Mutations in the connection and RNase H domains were not selected starting with AZT-resistant virus (M41L/L210W/T215Y). The roles of A371V and Q509L in AZT resistance were confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis: A371V and Q509L together increased AZT resistance ∼10- to 50-fold in combination with TAMs (M41L/L210W/T215Y or D67N/K70R/T215F) but had a minimal effect without TAMs (1.7-fold). A371V and Q509L also increased cross-resistance with TAMs to lamivudine and abacavir, but not stavudine or didanosine. These results provide the first evidence that mutations in the connection and RNase H domains of RT can be selected in vitro by AZT and confer greater AZT resistance and cross-resistance to nucleoside RT inhibitors in combination with TAMs in the polymerase domain.

1997 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 353-362 ◽  
SW Baertschi ◽  
AS Cantrell ◽  
MT Kuhfeld ◽  
U Lorenz ◽  
DB Boyd ◽  

Previous work by Hafkemeyer et al. (1991) [ Nucleic Acids Research19: 4059–4065] indicated that a degradation product of ceftazidime, termed HP 0.35, was active against the RNase H activity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) reverse transcriptase (RT) in vitro. Attempting to repeat these results, we isolated HP 0.35 from an aqueous degradation of ceftazidime and, after careful purification, we found HP 0.35 to be essentially inactive against both the polymerase and RNase H domains of HIV-1 RT (IC50 of >100 μg mL−1). During the investigation we discovered that polymeric degradation products of ceftazidime inhibited both the polymerase and, to a greater extent, the RNase H activities of HIV-1 RT in vitro (IC50 approximately 0.1 and 0.01 μg mL−1, respectively). Subjecting HP 0.35 to conditions under which it could polymerize induced inhibitory activity similar to that of the polymeric ceftazidime degradation products. It is proposed that the previously reported activity of HP 0.35 may have resulted from the presence of low levels of polymeric material either from incomplete purification or from polymerization of HP 0.35 during storage or in vitro testing.

2007 ◽  
Vol 82 (2) ◽  
pp. 719-727 ◽  
Jangsuk Oh ◽  
Mary Jane McWilliams ◽  
John G. Julias ◽  
Stephen H. Hughes

ABSTRACT In retroviruses, the first nucleotide added to the tRNA primer defines the end of the U5 region in the right long terminal repeat, and the subsequent removal of this tRNA primer by RNase H exactly defines the U5 end of the linear double-stranded DNA. In most retroviruses, the entire tRNA is removed by RNase H cleavage at the RNA/DNA junction. However, the RNase H domain of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) reverse transcriptase cleaves the tRNA 1 nucleotide from the RNA/DNA junction at the U5/primer binding site (PBS) junction, which leaves an rA residue at the U5 terminus. We made sequence changes at the end of the U5 region adjacent to the PBS in HIV-1 to determine whether such changes affect the specificity of tRNA primer cleavage by RNase H. In some of the mutants, RNase H usually removed the entire tRNA, showing that the cleavage specificity was shifted by 1 nucleotide. This result suggests that the tRNA cleavage specificity of the HIV-1 RNase domain H depends on sequences in U5.

2004 ◽  
Vol 78 (10) ◽  
pp. 5056-5067 ◽  
Eric A. Hehl ◽  
Pheroze Joshi ◽  
Ganjam V. Kalpana ◽  
Vinayaka R. Prasad

ABSTRACT Reverse transcriptase (RT) and integrase (IN) are two key catalytic enzymes encoded by all retroviruses. It has been shown that a specific interaction occurs between the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RT and IN proteins (X. Wu, H. Liu, H. Xiao, J. A. Conway, E. Hehl, G. V. Kalpana, V. R. Prasad, and J. C. Kappes, J. Virol. 73:2126-2135, 1999). We have now further examined this interaction to map the binding domains and to determine the effects of interaction on enzyme function. Using recombinant purified proteins, we have found that both a HIV-1 RT heterodimer (p66/p51) and its individual subunits, p51 and p66, are able to bind to HIV-1 IN. An oligomerization-defective mutant of IN, V260E, retained the ability to bind to RT, showing that IN oligomerization may not be required for interaction. Furthermore, we report that the C-terminal domain of IN, but not the N-terminal zinc-binding domain or the catalytic core domain, was able to bind to heterodimeric RT. Deletion analysis to map the IN-binding domain on RT revealed two separate IN-interacting domains: the fingers-palm domain and the carboxy-terminal half of the connection subdomain. The carboxy-terminal domain of IN alone retained its interaction with both the fingers-palm and the connection-RNase H fragments of RT, but not with the half connection-RNase H fragment. This interaction was not bridged by nucleic acids, as shown by micrococcal nuclease treatment of the proteins prior to the binding reaction. The influences of IN and RT on each other's activities were investigated by performing RT processivity and IN-mediated 3′ processing and joining reactions in the presence of both proteins. Our results suggest that, while IN had no influence on RT processivity, RT stimulated the IN-mediated strand transfer reaction in a dose-dependent manner up to 155-fold. Thus, a functional interaction between these two viral enzymes may occur during viral replication.

2004 ◽  
Vol 78 (16) ◽  
pp. 8761-8770 ◽  
Galina N. Nikolenko ◽  
Evguenia S. Svarovskaia ◽  
Krista A. Delviks ◽  
Vinay K. Pathak

ABSTRACT Template-switching events during reverse transcription are necessary for completion of retroviral replication and recombination. Structural determinants of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) reverse transcriptase (RT) that influence its template-switching frequency are not known. To identify determinants of HIV-1 RT that affect the frequency of template switching, we developed an in vivo assay in which RT template-switching events during viral replication resulted in functional reconstitution of the green fluorescent protein gene. A survey of single amino acid substitutions near the polymerase active site or deoxynucleoside triphosphate-binding site of HIV-1 RT indicated that several substitutions increased the rate of RT template switching. Several mutations associated with resistance to antiviral nucleoside analogs (K65R, L74V, E89G, Q151N, and M184I) dramatically increased RT template-switching frequencies by two- to sixfold in a single replication cycle. In contrast, substitutions in the RNase H domain (H539N, D549N) decreased the frequency of RT template switching by twofold. Depletion of intracellular nucleotide pools by hydroxyurea treatment of cells used as targets for infection resulted in a 1.8-fold increase in the frequency of RT template switching. These results indicate that the dynamic steady state between polymerase and RNase H activities is an important determinant of HIV-1 RT template switching and establish that HIV-1 recombination occurs by the previously described dynamic copy choice mechanism. These results also indicate that mutations conferring resistance to antiviral drugs can increase the frequency of RT template switching and may influence the rate of retroviral recombination and viral evolution.

2005 ◽  
Vol 49 (7) ◽  
pp. 2657-2664 ◽  
Fernando A. Frankel ◽  
Bruno Marchand ◽  
Dan Turner ◽  
Matthias Götte ◽  
Mark A. Wainberg

ABSTRACT The L74V and M184V mutations in the reverse transcriptase (RT) gene of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) are frequently associated with resistance to the nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors abacavir, didanosine, and lamivudine. Yet viruses containing any of these mutations often display hypersusceptibility to zidovudine (ZDV). Two distinct mechanisms have been described to explain HIV-1 drug resistance. One of these involves diminished rates of incorporation of the nucleotide analogue by mutated RT, while the other mechanism involves increased rates of phosphorolytic excision of the drug-terminated primer. To understand the biochemical mechanisms responsible for the hypersensitization of L74V-containing viruses to ZDV, we studied the efficiency of excision of ZDV-monophosphate (ZDV-MP)-terminated primers by recombinant wild-type and mutated HIV-1 RTs in cell-free assays. We observed that the L74V mutation in RT caused reductions in ATP-dependent removal of ZDV-MP from newly synthesized viral DNA. In addition, we determined that the L74V and M184V mutations did not affect the ratio between the populations of RT-DNA/DNA complexes found at pre- and posttranslocational stages; however, they might have affected proper alignment between incorporated chain terminator and pyrophosphate donor, substrate orientation, affinity for ATP, and/or primer-template substrate. Finally, we confirmed previous findings that L74V-containing viruses display diminished replication capacity and that this is associated with reduced levels of synthesis of early reverse-transcribed viral DNA molecules.

2000 ◽  
Vol 74 (18) ◽  
pp. 8390-8401 ◽  
Richard H. Archer ◽  
Carrie Dykes ◽  
Peter Gerondelis ◽  
Amanda Lloyd ◽  
Philip Fay ◽  

ABSTRACT Three mutants of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) reverse transcriptase (V106A, V179D, and Y181C), which occur in clinical isolates and confer resistance to nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs), were analyzed for RNA- and DNA-dependent DNA polymerization and RNase H cleavage. All mutants demonstrated processivities of polymerization that were indistinguishable from wild-type enzyme under conditions in which deoxynucleoside triphosphates were not limiting. The V106A reverse transcriptase demonstrated a three- to fourfold slowing of both DNA 3′-end-directed and RNA 5′-end-directed RNase H cleavage relative to both wild-type and V179D enzymes, similar to what was observed for P236L in a previously published study (P. Gerondelis et al., J. Virol. 73:5803–5813, 1999). In contrast, the Y181C reverse transcriptase demonstrated a selective acceleration of the secondary RNase H cleavage step during both modes of RNase H cleavage. The relative replication fitness of these mutants in H9 cells was assessed in parallel infections as well as in growth competition experiments. Of the NNRTI-resistant mutants, V179D was more fit than Y181C, and both of these mutants were more fit than V106A, which demonstrated the greatest reduction in RNase H cleavage. These findings, in combination with results from previous work, suggest that abnormalities in RNase H cleavage are a common characteristic of HIV-1 mutants resistant to NNRTIs and that combined reductions in the rates of DNA 3′-end- and RNA 5′-end-directed cleavages are associated with significant reductions in the replication fitness of HIV-1.

2000 ◽  
Vol 74 (20) ◽  
pp. 9668-9679 ◽  
Christine Smith Snyder ◽  
Monica J. Roth

ABSTRACT Truncated tRNA-DNA mimics were examined in an in vitro assay for second-strand transfer during human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) reverse transcription. Strand transfer in this system requires the progressive degradation of the RNA within the 18-mer tRNA-DNA (plus-strand strong stop DNA) intermediate to products approximately 8 nucleotides in length. The ability of the truncated substrates to substitute for directional processing by RNase H or reverse transcriptase (RT) was examined. Using wild-type HIV-1 RT, substrates which truncated the 5′ end of the tRNA primer by 6, 9, and 12 nucleotides (Δ6, Δ9, and Δ12, respectively) were recognized by RNase H and resulted in strand transfer. An overlap of 5 nucleotides between the acceptor and newly synthesized DNA template was sufficient for strand transfer. The mutant RT, E478Q correctly catalyzed the initial cleavage of the 18-mer tRNA-DNA mimic in the presence of Mn2+; however, no directional processing was observed. In contrast, no RNase H activity was observed with the Δ6, Δ9, and Δ12 substrates with E478Q RT in this strand transfer assay. However, when complemented with Escherichia coli RNase H, E478Q RT supported strand transfer with the truncated substrates. E478Q RT did cleave the truncated forms of the substrates, Δ6, Δ9, and Δ12, in a polymerase-independent assay. The size requirements of the substrates which were cleaved by the polymerase-independent RNase H activity of E478Q RT are defined.

1999 ◽  
Vol 73 (8) ◽  
pp. 6700-6707 ◽  
Yudong Quan ◽  
Liwei Rong ◽  
Chen Liang ◽  
Mark A. Wainberg

ABSTRACT We have recently reported that the in vitro inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) reverse transcription by inhibitors of reverse transcriptase (RT) occurred most efficiently when the expected DNA products of RT reactions were long (Quan et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 26:5692–5698, 1998). Here, we have used a quantitative PCR to analyze HIV-1 reverse transcription within acutely infected cells treated with RT inhibitors. We found that levels of minus-strand strong-stop DNA [(−)ssDNA] formed in acutely infected MT2 cells were only slightly reduced if cells were infected with viruses that had been generated in the presence of either azidothymidine or nevirapine (5 μM) and maintained in the presence of this drug throughout the viral adsorption period and thereafter. Control experiments in which virus inoculation of cells was performed at 4°C, followed directly by cell extraction, showed that less than 1% of total (−)ssDNA within acutely infected cells was attributable to its presence within adsorbed virions. In contrast, synthesis of intermediate-length reverse-transcribed DNA products decreased gradually as viral DNA strand elongation took place in the presence of either of these inhibitors. This establishes that nucleoside and nonnucleoside RT inhibitors can exert similar temporal impacts in regard to inhibition of viral DNA synthesis. Generation of full-length viral DNA, as expected, was almost completely blocked in the presence of these antiviral drugs. These results provide insight into the fact that high concentrations of drugs are often needed to yield inhibitory effects in cell-free RT assays performed with short templates, whereas relatively low drug concentrations are often strongly inhibitory in cellular systems.

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