scholarly journals Genetic analysis of the bipolar pattern of bud site selection in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

1996 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 1857-1870 ◽  
J E Zahner ◽  
H A Harkins ◽  
J R Pringle

Previous analysis of the bipolar budding pattern of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has suggested that it depends on persistent positional signals that mark the region of the division site and the tip of the distal pole on a newborn daughter cell, as well as each previous division site on a mother cell. In an attempt to identify genes encoding components of these signals or proteins involved in positioning or responding to them, we identified 11 mutants with defects in bipolar but not in axial budding. Five mutants displaying a bipolar budding-specific randomization of budding pattern had mutations in four previously known genes (BUD2, BUD5, SPA2, and BNI1) and one novel gene (BUD6), respectively. As Bud2p and Bud5p are known to be required for both the axial and bipolar budding patterns, the alleles identified here probably encode proteins that have lost their ability to interact with the bipolar positional signals but have retained their ability to interact with the distinct positional signal used in axial budding. The function of Spa2p is not known, but previous work has shown that its intracellular localization is similar to that postulated for the bipolar positional signals. BNI1 was originally identified on the basis of genetic interaction with CDC12, which encodes one of the neck-filament-associated septin proteins, suggesting that these proteins may be involved in positioning the bipolar signals. One mutant with a heterogeneous budding pattern defines a second novel gene (BUD7). Two mutants budding almost exclusively from the proximal pole carry mutations in a fourth novel gene (BUD9). A bud8 bud9 double mutant also buds almost exclusively from the proximal pole, suggesting that Bud9p is involved in positioning the proximal pole signal rather than being itself a component of this signal.

1995 ◽  
Vol 129 (3) ◽  
pp. 751-765 ◽  
J Chant ◽  
J R Pringle

Cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae select bud sites in either of two distinct spatial patterns, known as axial (expressed by a and alpha cells) and bipolar (expressed by a/alpha cells). Fluorescence, time-lapse, and scanning electron microscopy have been used to obtain more precise descriptions of these patterns. From these descriptions, we conclude that in the axial pattern, the new bud forms directly adjacent to the division site in daughter cells and directly adjacent to the immediately preceding division site (bud site) in mother cells, with little influence from earlier sites. Thus, the division site appears to be marked by a spatial signal(s) that specifies the location of the new bud site and is transient in that it only lasts from one budding event to the next. Consistent with this conclusion, starvation and refeeding of axially budding cells results in the formation of new buds at nonaxial sites. In contrast, in bipolar budding cells, both poles are specified persistently as potential bud sites, as shown by the observations that a pole remains competent for budding even after several generations of nonuse and that the poles continue to be used for budding after starvation and refeeding. It appears that the specification of the two poles as potential bud sites occurs before a daughter cell forms its first bud, as a daughter can form this bud near either pole. However, there is a bias towards use of the pole distal to the division site. The strength of this bias varies from strain to strain, is affected by growth conditions, and diminishes in successive cell cycles. The first bud that forms near the distal pole appears to form at the very tip of the cell, whereas the first bud that forms near the pole proximal to the original division site (as marked by the birth scar) is generally somewhat offset from the tip and adjacent to (or overlapping) the birth scar. Subsequent buds can form near either pole and appear almost always to be adjacent either to the birth scar or to a previous bud site. These observations suggest that the distal tip of the cell and each division site carry persistent signals that can direct the selection of a bud site in any subsequent cell cycle.

Genetics ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 142 (3) ◽  
pp. 737-747 ◽  
Jacques Archambault ◽  
David B Jansma ◽  
James D Friesen

Abstract In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mutations in genes encoding subunits of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) often give rise to a set of pleiotropic phenotypes that includes temperature sensitivity, slow growth and inositol auxotrophy. In this study, we show that these phenotypes can be brought about by a reduction in the intracellular concentration of RNAPII. Underproduction of RNAPII was achieved by expressing the gene (RPO21), encoding the largest subunit of the enzyme, from the LEU2 promoter or a weaker derivative of it, two promoters that can be repressed by the addition of leucine to the growth medium. We found that cells that underproduced RPO21 were unable to derepress fully the expression of a reporter gene under the control of the INO1 UAS. Our results indicate that temperature sensitivity, slow growth and inositol auxotrophy is a set of phenotypes that can be caused by lowering the steady-state amount of RNAPII; these results also lead to the prediction that some of the previously identified RNAPII mutations that confer this same set of phenotypes affect the assembly/stability of the enzyme. We propose a model to explain the hypersensitivity of INO1 transcription to mutations that affect components of the RNAPII transcriptional machinery.

1997 ◽  
Vol 136 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-123 ◽  
Shirley Yang ◽  
Kathryn R. Ayscough ◽  
David G. Drubin

Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells select bud sites according to one of two predetermined patterns. MATa and MATα cells bud in an axial pattern, and MATa/α cells bud in a bipolar pattern. These budding patterns are thought to depend on the placement of spatial cues at specific sites in the cell cortex. Because cytoskeletal elements play a role in organizing the cytoplasm and establishing distinct plasma membrane domains, they are well suited for positioning bud-site selection cues. Indeed, the septin-containing neck filaments are crucial for establishing the axial budding pattern characteristic of MATa and MATα cells. In this study, we determined the budding patterns of cells carrying mutations in the actin gene or in genes encoding actin-associated proteins: MATa/α cells were defective in the bipolar budding pattern, but MATa and MATα cells still exhibit a normal axial budding pattern. We also observed that MATa/α actin cytoskeleton mutant daughter cells correctly position their first bud at the distal pole of the cell, but mother cells position their buds randomly. The actin cytoskeleton therefore functions in generation of the bipolar budding pattern and is required specifically for proper selection of bud sites in mother MATa/α cells. These observations and the results of double mutant studies support the conclusion that different rules govern bud-site selection in mother and daughter MATa/α cells. A defective bipolar budding pattern did not preclude an sla2-6 mutant from undergoing pseudohyphal growth, highlighting the central role of daughter cell bud-site selection cues in the formation of pseudohyphae. Finally, by examining the budding patterns of mad2-1 mitotic checkpoint mutants treated with benomyl to depolymerize their microtubules, we confirmed and extended previous evidence indicating that microtubules do not function in axial or bipolar bud-site selection.

2002 ◽  
Vol 22 (20) ◽  
pp. 6946-6948 ◽  
Joanna Kamińska ◽  
Beata Gajewska ◽  
Anita K. Hopper ◽  
Teresa ˙Zołądek

ABSTRACT Rsp5p is an ubiquitin-protein ligase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that has been implicated in numerous processes including transcription, mitochondrial inheritance, and endocytosis. Rsp5p functions at multiple steps of endocytosis, including ubiquitination of substrates and other undefined steps. We propose that one of the roles of Rsp5p in endocytosis involves maintenance and remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton. We report the following. (i) There are genetic interactions between rsp5 and several mutant genes encoding actin cytoskeletal proteins. rsp5 arp2, rsp5 end3, and rsp5 sla2 double mutants all show synthetic growth defects. Overexpressed wild-type RSP5 or mutant rsp5 genes with lesions of some WW domains suppress growth defects of arp2 and end3 cells. The defects in endocytosis, actin cytoskeleton, and morphology of arp2 are also suppressed. (ii) Rsp5p and Sla2p colocalize in abnormal F-actin-containing clumps in arp2 and pan1 mutants. Immunoprecipitation experiments confirmed that Rsp5p and Act1p colocalize in pan1 mutants. (iii) Rsp5p and Sla2p coimmunoprecipitate and partially colocalize to punctate structures in wild-type cells. These studies provide the first evidence for an interaction of an actin cytoskeleton protein with Rsp5p. (iv) rsp5-w1 mutants are resistant to latrunculin A, a drug that sequesters actin monomers and depolymerizes actin filaments, consistent with the fact that Rsp5p is involved in actin cytoskeleton dynamics.

2005 ◽  
Vol 280 (23) ◽  
pp. 22418-22424 ◽  
Neeti Puri ◽  
Jie Lai-Zhang ◽  
Scott Meier ◽  
David M. Mueller

The mitochondrial F1F0-ATP synthase is a multimeric enzyme complex composed of at least 16 unique peptides with an overall molecular mass of ∼600 kDa. F1-ATPase is composed of α3β3γδϵ with an overall molecular mass of 370 kDa. The genes encoding bovine F1-ATPase have been expressed in a quintuple yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae deletion mutant (ΔαΔβΔγΔδΔϵ). This strain expressing bovine F1 is unable to grow on medium containing a non-fermentable carbon source (YPG), indicating that the enzyme is non-functional. However, daughter strains were easily selected for growth on YPG medium and these were evolved for improved growth on YPG medium. The evolution of the strains was presumably due to mutations, but mutations in the genes encoding the subunits of the bovine F1-ATPase were not required for the ability of the cell to grow on YPG medium. The bovine enzyme expressed in yeast was partially purified to a specific activity of about half of that of the enzyme purified from bovine heart mitochondria. These results indicate that the molecular machinery required for the assembly of the mitochondrial ATP synthase is conserved from bovine and yeast and suggest that yeast may be useful for the expression, mutagenesis, and analysis of the mammalian F1- or F1F0-ATP synthase.

1998 ◽  
Vol 140 (4) ◽  
pp. 873-883 ◽  
S.H. Lillie ◽  
S.S. Brown

Abstract. We have previously reported that a defect in Myo2p, a myosin in budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), can be partially corrected by overexpression of Smy1p, which is by sequence a kinesin-related protein (Lillie, S.H., and S.S. Brown. 1992. Nature. 356:358– 361). Such a functional link between putative actin- and microtubule-based motors is surprising, so here we have tested the prediction that Smy1p indeed acts as a microtubule-based motor. Unexpectedly, we found that abolition of microtubules by nocodazole does not interfere with the ability of Smy1p to correct the mutant Myo2p defect, nor does it interfere with the ability of Smy1p to localize properly. In addition, other perturbations of microtubules, such as treatment with benomyl or introduction of tubulin mutations, do not exacerbate the Myo2p defect. Furthermore, a mutation in SMY1 strongly predicted to destroy motor activity does not destroy Smy1p function. We have also observed a genetic interaction between SMY1 and two of the late SEC mutations, sec2 and sec4. This indicates that Smy1p can play a role even when Myo2p is wild type, and that Smy1p acts at a specific step of the late secretory pathway. We conclude that Smy1p does not act as a microtubule-based motor to localize properly or to compensate for defective Myo2p, but that it must instead act in some novel way.

2001 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 2497-2518 ◽  
Heidi A. Harkins ◽  
Nicolas Pagé ◽  
Laura R. Schenkman ◽  
Claudio De Virgilio ◽  
Sidney Shaw ◽  

The bipolar budding pattern of a /α Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells appears to depend on persistent spatial markers in the cell cortex at the two poles of the cell. Previous analysis of mutants with specific defects in bipolar budding identifiedBUD8 and BUD9 as potentially encoding components of the markers at the poles distal and proximal to the birth scar, respectively. Further genetic analysis reported here supports this hypothesis. Mutants deleted for BUD8 orBUD9 grow normally but bud exclusively from the proximal and distal poles, respectively, and the double-mutant phenotype suggests that the bipolar budding pathway has been totally disabled. Moreover, overexpression of these genes can cause either an increased bias for budding at the distal (BUD8) or proximal (BUD9) pole or a randomization of bud position, depending on the level of expression. The structures and localizations of Bud8p and Bud9p are also consistent with their postulated roles as cortical markers. Both proteins appear to be integral membrane proteins of the plasma membrane, and they have very similar overall structures, with long N-terminal domains that are both N- andO-glycosylated followed by a pair of putative transmembrane domains surrounding a short hydrophilic domain that is presumably cytoplasmic. The putative transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of the two proteins are very similar in sequence. When Bud8p and Bud9p were localized by immunofluorescence and tagging with GFP, each protein was found predominantly in the expected location, with Bud8p at presumptive bud sites, bud tips, and the distal poles of daughter cells and Bud9p at the necks of large-budded cells and the proximal poles of daughter cells. Bud8p localized approximately normally in several mutants in which daughter cells are competent to form their first buds at the distal pole, but it was not detected in abni1 mutant, in which such distal-pole budding is lost. Surprisingly, Bud8p localization to the presumptive bud site and bud tip also depends on actin but is independent of the septins.

Gene ◽  
1991 ◽  
Vol 105 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-81 ◽  
David R. Hickey ◽  
Krishna Jayaraman ◽  
Charles T. Goodhue ◽  
Janak Shah ◽  
Sarah A. Fingar ◽  

2000 ◽  
Vol 350 (1) ◽  
pp. 313-319 ◽  
Joanna RYTKA

Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes related to respiration are typically controlled by oxygen and haem. Usually the regulation by these factors is co-ordinated; haem is indicated as the oxygen sensor. However, the responsiveness of peroxisome functions to these regulatory factors is poorly understood. The expression of CTA1, POX1 and PEX1 genes encoding the peroxisomal proteins catalase A, acyl-CoA oxidase and Pex1p peroxin respectively was studied under various conditions: in anaerobiosis, in the absence of haem and in respiratory incompetence caused by the lack of a mitochondrial genome (ρ0). The influence of haem deficiency or ρ0 on peroxisomal morphology was also investigated. Respiratory incompetence has no effect on the expression of CTA1 and POX1, whereas in the absence of haem their expression is markedly decreased. The synthesis of Pex1p is decreased in ρ0 cells and is decreased even more in haem-deficient cells. Nevertheless, peroxisomal morphology in both these types of cell does not differ significantly from the morphology of peroxisomes in wild-type cells. The down-regulating effect of anoxia on the expression of CTA1 and POX1 is even stronger than the effect of haem deficiency and is not reversed by the addition of exogenous haem or the presence of endogenous haem. Moreover, neither of these genes responds to the known haem-controlled transcriptional factor Hap1p. In contrast with the other two genes studied, PEX1 is up-regulated in anaerobiosis. The existence of one or more novel mechanisms of regulation of peroxisomal genes by haem and oxygen, different from those already known in S. cerevisiae, is postulated.

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