scholarly journals Microscopic colitis impacts quality of life in older people

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. e228092 ◽  
Olayinka Ayodele Ogundipe ◽  
Amy Campbell

This report describes a frail 92-year-old woman with dementia who presented with a year’s history of chronic watery non-bloody diarrhoea. She had abdominal bloating, weight loss, faecal urgency, nocturnal stools and developed faecal incontinence. Her serum C reactive peptide and faecal calprotectin were elevated. Flexible sigmoidoscopy was macroscopically normal, but demonstrated histological features of microscopic colitis (MC) in sigmoid colon and rectal biopsies. Polypharmacy was reviewed for possible medication-induced MC. Ranitidine, donepezil and simvastatin were discontinued. She was started on oral budesonide with improvement in the abdominal and bowel symptoms. Stool frequency and consistency normalised, and the faecal incontinence resolved with treatment. The outcomes were an improved quality of life, reduced functional dependency, reduced carer strain and avoidance of premature transition from her home into a long-term/institutional care setting. We briefly review terminology, basic epidemiology, notable associations, the importance of establishing a diagnosis and some treatment considerations for MC.

2020 ◽  
pp. 105566562098133
Alyssa Fritz ◽  
Diana S. Jodeh ◽  
Fatima Qamar ◽  
James J. Cray ◽  
S. Alex Rottgers

Introduction: Oronasal fistulae following palatoplasty may affect patients’ quality of life by impacting their ability to eat, speak, and maintain oral hygiene. We aimed to quantify the impact of previous oronasal fistula repair on patients’ quality of life using patient-reported outcome psychometric tools. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 8- to 9-year-old patients with cleft palate and/or lip was completed. Patients who had a cleft team clinic between September 2018 and August 2019 were recruited. Participants were divided into 2 groups (no fistula, prior fistula repair). Differences in the individual CLEFT-Q and Child Oral Health Impact Profile-Short Form 19 (COHIP-SF 19) Oral Health scores between the 2 groups were evaluated using a multivariate analysis controlling for Veau classification and syndromic diagnosis. Results: Sixty patients with a history of cleft palate were included. Forty-two (70%) patients had an associated cleft lip. Thirty-two (53.3%) patients had no history of fistula and 28 (46.7%) patients had undergone a fistula repair. CLEFT-Q Dental, Jaw, and Speech Function were all higher in patients without a history of a fistula repair; however, none of these differences were statistically significant. The COHIP-SF 19 Oral Health score demonstrated a significantly lower score in the fistula group, indicating poorer oral health ( P = .05). Conclusions: One would expect that successful repair of a fistula would result in improved function and patient satisfaction, but the consistent trend toward lower CLEFT-Q scores and significantly increased COHIP-SF 19 Oral Health scores in our study group suggests that residual effects linger and that the morbidity of a fistula may not be completely treated with a secondary correction.

2021 ◽  
Fardowsa Mohamed ◽  
Megna Jeram ◽  
Christin Coomarasamy ◽  
Melanie Lauti ◽  
Don Wilson ◽  

Abstract Introduction Obesity increases the risk of pelvic floor disorders in individuals with obesity, including faecal incontinence. Faecal incontinence (FI) is a condition with important clinical and psychosocial consequences. Though it is associated with obesity, the effect of bariatric surgery on the prevalence and severity of FI is not well reported. Objective To assess the effect of bariatric surgery on the prevalence and severity of FI in adult patients with obesity. Methods This systematic review was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA statement. Two independent reviewers performed a literature search in MEDLINE, PubMed, Cochrane and Embase from 1 January 1980 to 12 January 2019. We included published English-language randomized control trials and observational studies assessing pre- and post-bariatric surgery prevalence or severity of FI. Random-effects models with DerSimonian and Laird’s variance estimator were used for meta-analysis. Results Thirteen studies were included, eight assessing prevalence (678 patients) and 11 assessing severity of FI (992 patients). There was no significant difference in prevalence post-operatively overall, though it trended towards a reduction [pooled OR=0.55; =0.075]. There was a significant reduction of FI prevalence in women post-bariatric surgery [95% CI 0.22 to 0.94, p=0.034]. There was a statistically significant reduction in FI prevalence following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and one anastomosis gastric bypass [0.46, 95% CI 0.26 to 0.81; p=0.007]. There was no significant reduction of incontinence episodes post-operatively [pooled mean difference =−0.17, 95% CI −0.90 to 0.56; p=0.65]. Quality of life (QOL) was not significantly improved post-bariatric surgery [mean differences for the following facets of QOL: behaviour −0.35, 95% CI −0.94 to 0.24; depression 0.04, 95% CI −0.12 to 0.2; lifestyle −0.33, 95% CI −0.98 to 0.33; p values of 0.25, 0.61 and 0.33, respectively]. Discussion There was a significant reduction in FI prevalence in women and those who underwent Roux-en-Y or one anastomosis gastric bypass. Our results for FI prevalence overall, FI severity and impact on quality of life were not statistically significant. Larger studies are needed in this under-researched area to determine the true effect of bariatric surgery on FI. Graphical abstract

2000 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-63 ◽  
Johan Herlitz ◽  
Kenneth Caidahl ◽  
Ingela Wiklund ◽  
Helén Sjöland ◽  
Björn Karlson ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 89 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-205 ◽  
Kyle S. Page ◽  
Bert Hayslip ◽  
Dee Wadsworth ◽  
Philip A. Allen

Persons with and without a family history of dementia report concerns for developing this syndrome; yet, less is known about the specific aspects of dementia that are feared. The Fear of Dementia (FOD) scale was created to assess these concerns. This study examined the psychometric properties of the FOD scale using a sample of middle-aged and older adults ( N = 734). We then explored the factor structure of the scale 2 years later using a smaller sample from the first study ( N = 226). Three factors emerged, highlighting several main areas of concern: Burden and Loss, Quality of Life, and Perceived Social and Cognitive Loss. Preliminary data suggest that the FOD scale is a reliable and valid instrument for assessing the multidimensional nature of the concern about developing dementia. Attention to what specifically is feared may help further our understanding of health behaviors, coping, and targeted supports.

2017 ◽  
pp. 118-122
O.I. Zadnipryanaya ◽  

The objective: the study of clinical and psychological features of acne and quality of life in women with infertility. Patients and methods. 151 patients were included in the study: 111 with acne and infertility, 40 fertile women with acne entered the comparison group. An anamnesis, a dermatological and gynecological status, a hormonal background, an assessment of the psycho-emotional state and quality of life of patients (a Dermatological Index of Quality of Life – DIQL, the Hospital Scale of Anxiety and Depression – HADS), and the psychological and social effect of acne (APSEA questionnaire) were evaluated. Results. Infertile women with acne reliably recorded open and closed comedones, more often papules, stagnant spots, hyperpigmentation, enlarged pores, as well as atrophic scars were more often detected. They are characterized by a later menarche, an early onset of sexual activity. In 56.8% of infertile patients in the history of the disease, sexually transmitted diseases, abortions (8.1%), miscarriages and stagnant pregnancies (12.6%), ectopic pregnancy (4.5%). It was found that infertility lasts on average 4.9±3.6 years, with primary infertility diagnosed in 69.4% of cases. The endocrine nature of infertility was confirmed in 48 (43.2%) patients, tubo-peritoneal – in 63 (56.8%) of the women. It was found that the disease has a very strong effect on the quality of their life (13.3±6.2 points), causes a strong psychological and social effect (87.8±28.1 points), clinically expressed anxiety (11.8±4.4 points) and depressiveness (11.6±3.8 points). Conclusion. Acne in infertile patients in addition to clinical features is accompanied by significant violations of the psycho-emotional sphere and a decrease in the quality of life. Key words: women with acne and infertility, quality of life, psycho-emotional disorders, psychological and social effect of acne.

Brain Injury ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 328-335 ◽  
Trandur Ulfarsson ◽  
Åsa Lundgren-Nilsson ◽  
Christian Blomstrand ◽  
Michael Nilsson

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