The Role of the European Landscape Convention on the Spatial Development Policy of European Continent

2009 ◽  
Vol 44.2 (0) ◽  
pp. 41-48
Kyungrock YE
Humaniora ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Abitassha Az Zahra ◽  
Eko Priyo Purnomo ◽  
Aulia Nur Kasiwi

The research aimed to explain the pattern of social communication on the issue of rejection of the PLTU Batang development policy. It used data on Twitter accounts involved in the rejection of the PLTU Batang development policy. In analyzing existing data, qualitative methods and social analysis networks were used. To see social networks in the rejection of the PLTU Batang development policy, the research used the NodeXL application to find out the patterns of social communication networks in #TolakPLTUBatang. From the results, it can be seen that in the dissemination of social networking information, the @praditya_wibby account is the most central account in the social network and has a strong influence on the social network. The @praditya_wibby account has a role in moving the community through Twitter to make a critical social movement. This means that in the current digital era, democracy enters a new form through the movement of public opinion delivery through social media. Besides, by encouraging the role of online news, the distribution of information becomes faster to form new perceptions of an issue. This is evident from the correlation network where the @praditya_wibby account has correlations with several compass online media accounts,, okezonenews, vice, antaranews, BBCIndonesia, and CNN Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-33
I.F. Kuzminov ◽  
P.A. Lobanova

The authors show the need and some existing opportunities for analysis of non-traditional data sources to obtain a complete and more relevant picture of industries spatial development. The research methodology includes the use of text mining for economic and geographical studies. The relevance of the research is determined by insufficient completeness of official statistical data, cheapening of relevant information processing technologies and abundance of large text data sources in open access. The article discusses the role of the pulp and paper industry (as a key part of the timber industry) in economic and spatial development of modern Russia. The authors identify main trends in the economic and spatial development of the pulp and paper industry of European Russia, draw the conclusions on the expected industry trends and give recommendations for strategic management decisions to respond to industry challenges. The authors claim that the industry needs liberalization and stabilization, primarily through moratoriums on policy changes. The role of the use of big data, and in particular of text mining in economic and geographical research for reasonable and objective conclusions formation that can be used to make timely and balanced management decisions in the timber industry and the pulp and paper industry, is emphasized.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-53
Līga Baltiņa

Abstract The EU’s regional development policy is gradually moving from the redaction of regional disparities towards regional development growth. The role and involvement of regional and local authorities in regional development policy is increasing. Global changes and challenges call for a growing need to develop more efficient regional development policy instruments that would result in growth and increased quality> of life. Place-based approach is a strategic approach aimed at the development of territorial resources. The aim of this research is to evaluate the role of place-based approach in regional development, to identify and assess the main elements and opportunities brought by the implementation of such an approach.

2005 ◽  
Vol 85 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-118 ◽  
Dejan Djordjevic ◽  
Tijana Dabovic

Although the European Union has no formal authority in the area of spatial policy, in sectoral policies can have a clear spatial impact. In this sense it conducts a de facto - and usually uncoordinated - form of spatial policy. An informal policy document produced six years ago sought to remedy this by offering an embryonic form of European spatial policy: the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP). So far, no follow-up has been produced. Is this because the current document is sufficient for addressing Europe's spatial issues or because interest in this endeavor has waned? Or are we simply in a period of transition towards a new ESDP? This brief review deals with those dilemmas, from a specific point of view of the observers, both curious and worried.

Алексей Анатольевич Артемьев ◽  
Павел Антонович Кохно ◽  
Илья Александрович Лепехин

Цель статьи - аргументировать тенденции и возможные направления развития придорожного сервиса как элемента проводимой в России политики пространственного развития, а также факторы, влияющие на его размещение. Проанализированы основные аспекты современного состояния придорожного сервиса как части сферы услуг, а также особенности территориальной организации придорожного сервиса. Аргументировано, что он находится на стыке таких важных и взаимосвязанных видов деятельности как транспорт, торговля, туризм, бытовое и техническое обслуживание, общественное питание. Новизной проведенного исследования можно считать обобщение опыта развития придорожного сектора в России и зарубежных странах, позволившее выявить основные факторы, оказывающие влияние на уровень его развития, а также принципы, которыми необходимо руководствоваться при его размещении. В статье представлены обоснованные показатели, позволяющие оценить существующий и возможный потенциал развития придорожного сервиса на конкретной территории. The purpose of the article is to analyze the trends and possible directions for the development of roadside service as an element of Russia's spatial development policy, as well as factors affecting its placement. The authors investigate the main aspects of the modern state of the roadside service as part of the service sector, as well as the features of the territorial organization of the roadside service. It is argued that it is at the junction of such important and interconnected activities as transport, trade, tourism, household and technical services, public food. The novelty of the study can be considered a generalization of the experience of the development of the roadside sector in Russia and foreign countries, which made it possible to identify the main factors that affect its level of development, as well as the principles that should be guided when placing it. The article presents reasonable indicators that allow you to assess the existing and possible potential for the development of roadside service in a specific territory.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (02) ◽  
pp. 101-109
Firdaus Agus ◽  
Septia Fanny ◽  
Rona Muliana

[ID] Untuk mengetahui tercapai atau tidaknya suatu tujuan  program perlu dilakukan evaluasi terhadap implementasi program tersebut, baik pelaksanaan program maupun hasilnya. Evaluasi diperlukan untuk mengukur tingkat efektivitas mekanisme program dari pembiyaan dan apakah efektivitas bila dilihat dari hasil pembangunannya, disamping itu akan diketahui sejauhmana peran pemerintah melalui Kepnmen PUPR No.348/KPTS/M/2015, sebab untuk beberapa tahun kedepan kebijakan pembangunan perumahan MBR ini masih relavan dilaksanakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat efektivitas program. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam peneltian ini adalah pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif yang didukung oleh data  dari hasil kuesioner, wawancara, dan observasi lapangan, serta data dari kajian dokumen dan telaah pustaka. Perhitungan efektivitas dilakukan dengan melakukan pembobotan menggunakan skala Likert yang didasarkan pada kriteria efektivitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara umum efektifitas Implementasi Program Perumahan Bersubsidi bagi MBR mendapat nilai 80% yang berarti Efektif. [EN] To find out whether or not a program goal has been achieved, it is necessary to evaluate the implementation of the program, both the program's implementation and its results. Evaluation is needed to measure the effectiveness of the program mechanism of financing and whether the effectiveness when viewed from the results of its development, besides that it will be known to what extent the role of government through the Ministry of PUPR No. 348 / KPTS / M / 2015, because for the next few years the MBR housing development policy is still relavan implemented. This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness of the program. The approach used in this research is a quantitative and qualitative approach which is supported by data from the results of questionnaires, interviews and field observations, as well as data from document review and literature review. The effectiveness calculation is done by measuring the Likert scale based on the effectiveness criteria. The results shows that  Effectiveness of Subsidied Housing Programs Implementation at a rate of 80% which mean generally Effective.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 126-131
Maciej TARKOWSKI ◽  
Marcin POŁOM ◽  

Identification of the role of the waterbus system in the development of tourism in a large coastal city – a tourist center of international importance. Cartographic materials, qualitative and quantitative data on the waterbus system, spatial development and tourist traffic were used. Quantitative temporal and spatial analyses were conducted, including GIS analyses. Service of the tourist traffic is the dominant function of the waterbus in Gdańsk. This is determined by three categories of factors: (i) the seasonal nature of the system and a low level of integration with the public transport system; (ii) low potential demand for transport services due to the fact that most of the stops are far away from large residential or work centers; (iii) proximity of most of the city’s main tourist attractions to the stops. The obtained results are helpful in programming the development of public transport systems, especially in large tourist coastal cities. The conditions of spatial development are of key importance for shaping the dominant function of the waterbus.

2018 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-123 ◽  
Przemysław Ciesiółka

Abstract Regeneration of degraded areas takes an important position in the Polish development policy. It is included in the legal framework resulting from the Regeneration Act and the Physical Planning and Spatial Development Act. It constitutes a significant element in the programming of socio-economic and spatial development. This is largely thanks to the EU funds which are the basis for financing the projects and programmes for regeneration. In the country’s development policy a complex approach to regeneration is promoted, manifested by the concentration of activities in the most neglected areas, integrated activities carried out with a broad social participation which will be continuously monitored and evaluated on this basis. The Polish model of regeneration, formulated in such a way, gives hope for the elimination of critical situations in cities and communes.

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