Foliar nutrition and wood growth in red pine: the distribution of radiocarbon photoassimilated by individual branches of young trees

1969 ◽  
Vol 47 (11) ◽  
pp. 1701-1711 ◽  
P. V. Rangnekar ◽  
D. F. Forward ◽  
N. J. Nolan

The distribution of photoassimilated carbon-14 in young plantation trees was studied 6 or 10 days after supplying 14CO2 for a day to a single branch in the second, third, or fourth whorl. Both apical and cambial growth occurred during the interval, and apical growth throughout the trees was measured. Elongating terminals and products of cambial growth in the fed branch were highly labeled. In all trees some 14C was exported to the adjacent side of the tree. Movement in the trunk was bidirectional, but the position of the donor branch determined the direction of major transport. Only from whorl 2 was it upward; from whorl 3 or 4 it was downward. In both directions activity decreased with distance from the base of the donor branch, and the leader did not accumulate more, per unit weight, than the intervening internodes. Some 14C entered branches arising in the path of transport.Radioactivity was concentrated only in regions of growth, whether apical or cambial. Most of the 14C was in ethanol-insoluble compounds, largely in cell wall constituents. Autoradiographs of stem sections confirmed that 14C was deposited in currently developing tracheids of secondary xylem during most of the 10-day growth period. The ratio of activity in lignin to that in cellulose was inversely related to the total 14C in the cell wall constituents.

1969 ◽  
Vol 47 (6) ◽  
pp. 897-906 ◽  
Pratap V. Rangnekar ◽  
Dorothy F. Forward

A 2- to 3-year-old red pine seedling was allowed to assimilate 14CO2 for 3 hours at 2000 ft-c and left under the same illumination for 6 days, then divided into segments and analyzed. Ethanol extracts were resolved by chromatography, insoluble residues by chemical methods. The radioactivity in various components was determined for all segments. Autoradiographs were made from stem sections at four levels.Radioactivity was found in all parts of the plant. Per unit mass of tissue, it was more or less uniformly apportioned among root, stem, and leaves, but the expanding terminal bud contained 5 times as much activity per gram of tissue. Overall, about one-third of the radioactivity was in insoluble compounds, mainly in cell wall constituents. In localities where conspicuous growth had occurred the proportion was higher. Autoradiographs of stem sections showed that 14C was concentrated in newly differentiated tracheids, and was still being incorporated after 6 days. About one-third of the activity in the ethanol extract was chloroform soluble, two-thirds water soluble. In the latter fraction, activity was largely in sugars and organic acids, little in amino acids. Activity in sugars, per unit weight of tissue, was more or less uniform throughout the plant, but activity in organic acids varied greatly. It was lowest in the stem, highest in the bud, where organic acids, almost exclusively quinic and shikimic, carried 75% of the label in the ethanol and water-soluble fraction, and 23% of all the activity in the bud.

1972 ◽  
Vol 50 (10) ◽  
pp. 2053-2061 ◽  
P. V. Rangnekar ◽  
D. F. Forward

14CO2 was supplied to shoots of 4-year-old seedlings of red pine, and segments analyzed after 8 h, 3 days, and 7 days. The distribution of 14C after 7 days was similar to that observed earlier in a seedling 6 days after feeding. This pattern of spatial distribution developed within 3 days, after which it was stable.Most of the 14C was found initially in sugars, but redistribution among metabolites continued for 7 days. Transfer to insoluble compounds reached 55–60% in the seedlings, more in the expanding bud and the leaves. Glucose and fructose were initially equally labeled, but the ratio of 14C fructose to 14C glucose increased with time as labeled glucose disappeared more rapidly.Transfer of 14C to quinic and shikimic acids began immediately in the expanding bud and after 3 days these acids contained more of the activity in the bud than sugars. Young leaves also acquired substantial label in quinic and shikimic acids, but the major increase occurred later.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 1002
Shenquan Cao ◽  
Cong Wang ◽  
Huanhuan Ji ◽  
Mengjie Guo ◽  
Jiyao Cheng ◽  

Secondary cell wall (SCW) deposition is an important process during wood formation. Although aspartic proteases (APs) have been reported to have regulatory roles in herbaceous plants, the involvement of atypical APs in SCW deposition in trees has not been reported. In this study, we characterised the Populus trichocarpa atypical AP gene PtAP66, which is involved in wood SCW deposition. Transcriptome data from the AspWood resource showed that in the secondary xylem of P. trichocarpa, PtAP66 transcripts increased from the vascular cambium to the xylem cell expansion region and maintained high levels in the SCW formation region. Fluorescent signals from transgenic Arabidopsis plant roots and transiently transformed P. trichocarpa leaf protoplasts strongly suggested that the PtAP66-fused fluorescent protein (PtAP66-GFP or PtAP66-YFP) localised in the plasma membrane. Compared with the wild-type plants, the Cas9/gRNA-induced PtAP66 mutants exhibited reduced SCW thickness of secondary xylem fibres, as suggested by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) data. In addition, wood composition assays revealed that the cellulose content in the mutants decreased by 4.90–5.57%. Transcription analysis further showed that a loss of PtAP66 downregulated the expression of several SCW synthesis-related genes, including cellulose and hemicellulose synthesis enzyme-encoding genes. Altogether, these findings indicate that atypical PtAP66 plays an important role in SCW deposition during wood formation.

Processes ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 420 ◽  
Shashidhar K. Shankarappa ◽  
Samuel J. Muniyandi ◽  
Ajay B. Chandrashekar ◽  
Amit K. Singh ◽  
Premaradhya Nagabhushanaradhya ◽  

Lentil (Lens culinaris) is an important winter season annual legume crop known for its highly valued seed in human and animal nutrition owing to its high lysine and tryptophan content. Shortage of water during the crop growth period has become the major impediment for cultivation of pulses in rice fallow in particular. Under such conditions, the application of hydrogel can be a potential alternative to improve photosynthetic efficiency, assimilate partitioning, and increase growth and yield. A field experiment was conducted from November to February during 2015–16 to 2017–18 on clay loam soil that was medium in fertility and acidic in reaction (pH 5.4) at Central Agricultural University, Imphal, Manipur. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replications. There were three hydrogel levels in total in the main plot and foliar nutrition with five different nutrient sprays in sub-plots, together comprising 15 treatment combinations. The data pooled over three years, 2015–2018, revealed that application of hydrogel at 5 kg/ha before sowing recorded a significantly greater number of pods per plant (38.0) and seed yield (1032.1 kg/ha) over the control. Foliar application of nutrients over flower initiation and pod development had a positive effect on increasing the number of pods per plant eventually enhanced the seed yield of lentil. Foliar application of either 0.5% NPK or salicylic acid 75 ppm spray at flower initiation and pod development stages recorded significantly more pods per plant over other nutrient treatments. Further, the yield attributed improved because of elevated growth in plant. Significantly maximum seed yield (956 kg/ha) recorded in the NPK spray of 0.5% remained on par with salicylic acid 75 ppm (939 kg/ha) over the rest of the treatments.

Samir Medjekal ◽  
Mouloud Ghadbane

Sheep have a gastrointestinal tract similar to that of other ruminants. Their stomach is made up of four digestive organs: the rumen, the reticulum, the omasum and the abomasum. The rumen plays a role in storing ingested foods, which are fermented by a complex anaerobic rumen microbiota population with different types of interactions, positive or negative, that can occur between their microbial populations. Sheep feeding is largely based on the use of natural or cultivated fodder, which is exploited in green by grazing during the growth period of the grass and in the form of fodder preserved during the winter period. Ruminant foods are essentially of plant origin, and their constituents belong to two types of structures: intracellular constituents and cell wall components. Cellular carbohydrates play a role of metabolites or energy reserves; soluble carbohydrates account for less than 10% dry matter (DM) of foods. The plant cell wall is multi-layered and consists of primary wall and secondary wall. Fundamentally, the walls are deposited at an early stage of growth. A central blade forms the common boundary layer between two adjacent cells and occupies the location of the cell plate. Most of the plant cell walls consist of polysaccharides (cellulose, hemicellulose and pectic substances) and lignin, these constituents being highly polymerized, as well as proteins and tannins.

IAWA Journal ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-137 ◽  
Shengcheng Zhai ◽  
Yoshiki Horikawa ◽  
Tomoya Imai ◽  
Junji Sugiyama

The cell wall organization of leaf sheath fibers in different palm species was studied with polarized light microscopy (PLM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The secondary wall of the fibers consisted of only two layers, S1 and S2. The thickness of the S1 layer in leaf sheath fibers from the different palm species ranged from 0.31 to 0.90 μm, with a mean value of 0.57 μm, which was thicker than that of tracheids and fibers in secondary xylem of conifers and dicotyledons. The thickness of the S2 layer ranged from 0.44 to 3.43 μm, with a mean value of 1.86 μm. The ratio of S1 thickness to the whole cell wall thickness in palm fibers appears to be higher than in secondary xylem fibers and tracheids. The lignin in the fiber walls is very electron dense which makes it difficult to obtain high contrast of the different layers in the secondary wall. To clarify the cell wall layering with cellulose microfibrils in different orientations, the fibrovascular bundles of the windmill palm (Trachycarpus fortunei) were delignified with different reaction time intervals. The treated fibers were surveyed using attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy analysis and TEM. The secondary fiber walls of windmill palm clearly showed only two layers at different reaction intervals with different lignin contents, even after almost all lignin was removed. We suggest that the two-layered structure in the secondary wall of palm leaf fibers, which presumably also applies to the homologous fibers in palm stems, is a specific character different from the fibers in other monocotyledons (such as bamboo and rattan) and dicot wood.

1998 ◽  
Vol 95 (16) ◽  
pp. 9693-9698 ◽  
Isabel Allona ◽  
Michelle Quinn ◽  
Elizabeth Shoop ◽  
Kristi Swope ◽  
Sheila St. Cyr ◽  

Secondary xylem (wood) formation is likely to involve some genes expressed rarely or not at all in herbaceous plants. Moreover, environmental and developmental stimuli influence secondary xylem differentiation, producing morphological and chemical changes in wood. To increase our understanding of xylem formation, and to provide material for comparative analysis of gymnosperm and angiosperm sequences, ESTs were obtained from immature xylem of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). A total of 1,097 single-pass sequences were obtained from 5′ ends of cDNAs made from gravistimulated tissue from bent trees. Cluster analysis detected 107 groups of similar sequences, ranging in size from 2 to 20 sequences. A total of 361 sequences fell into these groups, whereas 736 sequences were unique. About 55% of the pine EST sequences show similarity to previously described sequences in public databases. About 10% of the recognized genes encode factors involved in cell wall formation. Sequences similar to cell wall proteins, most known lignin biosynthetic enzymes, and several enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism were found. A number of putative regulatory proteins also are represented. Expression patterns of several of these genes were studied in various tissues and organs of pine. Sequencing novel genes expressed during xylem formation will provide a powerful means of identifying mechanisms controlling this important differentiation pathway.

1978 ◽  
Vol 58 (4) ◽  
pp. 775-781 ◽  
J. A. McKIRDY ◽  

A series of experiments has been carried out with tannin-free and tannin-containing cultivars of fababeans. The in vitro dry matter digestibility of the cotyledon portion of the two groups of fababeans was the same (88.2%) whereas the in vitro digestibility of the testa portion of the tannin-free cultivars was much higher (27.6%) than that of the tannin-containing cultivars (9.2%). The concentrations of certain cell wall constituents in the testae of tannin-free and tannin-containing cultivars were also different (P < 0.01); the respective average values for the two groups were: condensed tannins, 0.2 and 4.9%; lignin, 4.2 and 6.2%; acid detergent fiber, 72 and 66%; and cellulose, 67 and 60%. There was a negative correlation between the in vitro dry matter digestibility and the amount per unit weight of whole beans of either condensed tannin (r = −0.86, P < 0.01) or lignin (r = −0.89, P < 0.01). When expressed on a similar basis there was no correlation between levels of cellulose or acid detergent fiber and in vitro dry matter digestibility.

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