A simple method for determining seismic demands on gravity load frames
This paper presents a simple method based on modal response spectrum analysis to compute internal forces in structural elements belonging to gravity framing not part of the seismic force resisting system (SFRS). It is required that demands on these gravity load resisting system (GLRS) be determined according to the design displacement profile of the SFRS. The proposed new method uses the fact that if the linear stiffness properties of the GLRS not part of the SFRS have negligible values compared to those of the SFRS, only the latter will provide lateral resistance. Displacements of the GLRS then correspond to those of the SFRS alone. The new method is illustrated by computing the seismic responses of a symmetric and an asymmetric multi-storey reinforced concrete building. These results are compared to those obtained from the application of the simplified analysis method proposed in the Canadian standard for the design of concrete structures. Nonlinear time history analyses are also performed to provide a benchmark for comparison. Results show that the new method can predict shear and bending moment in all members at once with ease. Therefore, this new simplified method can effectively be used to predict seismic forces in elements not considered part of the SFRS.