Carlos Leonardo Di Prinzio ◽  
Pastor Ignacio Achaval

In this work, the migration of a three-dimensional (3D) spherical crystal in the presence of mobile particles using a Monte Carlo algorithm was studied. Different concentrations of particles (<i>f</i>) and different particle mobility (<i>M<sub>p</sub></i>) were used. It was found that the grain size reaches a critical radius (<i>R<sub>c</sub></i>) which depends exclusively on <i>f</i>. This dependence can be written as: <i>R<sub>c</sub></i>∝<i>f</i><sup>1/3</sup>. The dynamic equation of grain size evolution and its analytical solution were also found. The analytical solution proposed fits successfully the simulation results. The particle fraction in the grain boundary was also found analytically and it fits the computational data.

Anales AFA ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 79-84
C.L. Di Prinzio ◽  
P.I. Achával ◽  
D. Stoler ◽  
G. Aguirre Varela

In this work, the migration of the three-dimensional (3D) spherical crystal in the presence of mobile particles using aMonte Carlo algorithm was studied. Different concentrations of particles (f) and different particles mobilities (Mp)were used. It was found that the grain size reaches a critical radius (Rc) which depends exclusively onf. This dependence can be written as:Rc~f^1/3. The dynamic equation of grain size evolution and its analytical solution were alsofound. The analytical solution successfully fits the simulation results. The particles fraction in the grain boundary wasalso found analytically and it fits with the computational data.

2009 ◽  
Vol 475 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 893-897 ◽  
Zheng Chen ◽  
Feng Liu ◽  
Wei Yang ◽  
Haifeng Wang ◽  
Gencang Yang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (9) ◽  
pp. 4589-4605
Mark D. Behn ◽  
David L. Goldsby ◽  
Greg Hirth

Abstract. Viscous flow in ice is often described by the Glen flow law – a non-Newtonian, power-law relationship between stress and strain rate with a stress exponent n ∼ 3. The Glen law is attributed to grain-size-insensitive dislocation creep; however, laboratory and field studies demonstrate that deformation in ice can be strongly dependent on grain size. This has led to the hypothesis that at sufficiently low stresses, ice flow is controlled by grain boundary sliding, which explicitly incorporates the grain size dependence of ice rheology. Experimental studies find that neither dislocation creep (n ∼ 4) nor grain boundary sliding (n ∼ 1.8) have stress exponents that match the value of n ∼ 3 in the Glen law. Thus, although the Glen law provides an approximate description of ice flow in glaciers and ice sheets, its functional form is not explained by a single deformation mechanism. Here we seek to understand the origin of the n ∼ 3 dependence of the Glen law by using the “wattmeter” to model grain size evolution in ice. The wattmeter posits that grain size is controlled by a balance between the mechanical work required for grain growth and dynamic grain size reduction. Using the wattmeter, we calculate grain size evolution in two end-member cases: (1) a 1-D shear zone and (2) as a function of depth within an ice sheet. Calculated grain sizes match both laboratory data and ice core observations for the interior of ice sheets. Finally, we show that variations in grain size with deformation conditions result in an effective stress exponent intermediate between grain boundary sliding and dislocation creep, which is consistent with a value of n = 3 ± 0.5 over the range of strain rates found in most natural systems.

2021 ◽  
Mark Coleman ◽  
Bernhard Grasemann ◽  
David Schneider ◽  
Konstantinos Soukis ◽  
Riccardo Graziani

&lt;p&gt;Microstructures may be used to determine the processes, conditions and kinematics under which deformation occurred. For a given set of these variables, different microstructures are observed in various materials due to the material&amp;#8217;s physical properties. Dolomite is a major rock forming mineral, yet the mechanics of dolomite are understudied compared to other ubiquitous minerals such as quartz, feldspar, and calcite. Our new study uses petrographic, structural and electron back scatter diffraction analyses on a series of dolomitic and calcitic mylonites to document differences in deformation styles under similar metamorphic conditions. The Attic-Cycladic Crystalline Complex, Greece, comprises a series of core complexes wherein Miocene low-angle detachment systems offset and juxtapose a footwall of high-pressure metamorphosed rocks against a low-grade hanging wall. This recent tectonic history renders the region an excellent natural laboratory for studying the interplay of the processes that accommodate deformation. The bedrock of Mt. Hymittos, Attica, preserves a pair of ductile-then-brittle normal faults dividing a tripartite tectonostratigraphy. Field observations, mineral assemblages and observable microstructures suggests the tectonic packages decrease in metamorphic grade from upper greenschist facies (~470 &amp;#176;C at 0.8 GPa) in the stratigraphically lowest package to sub-greenschist facies in the stratigraphically highest package. Both low-angle normal faults exhibit cataclastic fault cores that grade into the schists and marbles of their respective hanging walls. The middle and lower tectonostratigraphic packages exhibit dolomitic and calcitic marbles that experienced similar geologic histories of subduction and exhumation. The mineralogically distinct units (calcite vs. dolomite) of the middle package deformed via different mechanisms under the same conditions within the same package and may be contrasted with mineralogically similar units that deformed under higher pressure and temperature conditions in the lower package. In the middle unit, dolomitic rocks are brittlely deformed. Middle unit calcitic marble are mylonitic to ultramylonitic with average grain sizes ranging from 30 to 8 &amp;#956;m. These mylonites evince grain-boundary migration and grain size reduction facilitated by subgrain rotation. Within the lower package, dolomitic and calcitic rocks are both mylonitic to ultramylonitic with grain sizes ranging from 28 to 5 &amp;#956;m and preserve clear crystallographic preferred orientation fabrics. Calcitic mylonites exhibit deformation microstructures similar to those of the middle unit. Distinctively, the dolomitic mylonites of the lower unit reveal ultramylonite bands cross-cutting and overprinting an older coarser mylonitic fabric. Correlated missorientation angles suggest these ultramylonites show evidence for grain size reduction accommodated by microfracturing and subgrain rotation. In other samples the dolomitic ultramylonite is the dominant fabric and is overprinting and causing boudinage of veins and relict coarse mylonite zones. Isolated interstitial calcite grains within dolomite ultramylonites are signatures of localized creep-cavitation processes. Following grain size reduction, grain boundary sliding dominantly accommodated further deformation in the ultramylonitic portions of the samples as indicated by randomly distributed correlated misorientation angles. This study finds that natural deformation of dolomitic rocks may occur by different mechanisms than those identified by published experiments; notably that grain-boundary migration and subgrain rotation may be active in dolomite at much lower temperatures than previously suggested.&lt;/p&gt;

1991 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 2291-2304 ◽  
J.M. Rickman ◽  
S.R. Phillpot ◽  
D. Wolf ◽  
D.L. Woodraska ◽  
S. Yip

The migration of a (100) θ = 43.6°(Σ29) twist grain boundary is observed during the course of a molecular-dynamics simulation. The atomic-level details of the migration are investigated by determining the time dependence of the planar structure factor, a function of the planar interparticle bond angles, and the location of the center of a mass of planes near the grain boundary. It is found that a migration step consists of local bond rearrangements which, when the simulation cell is made large enough, produce domain-like structures in the migrating plane. Although no overall sliding is observed during migration, a local sliding of the planes near the migrating grain boundary accompanies the migration process. It is suggested that a three-dimensional cloud of thermally produced Frenkel-like point defects near the boundary accompanies, and facilitates, its migration.

Anales AFA ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol Vol.30 (Vol.30 N.2) ◽  
pp. 25-30
P. I. Achával ◽  
C. A. Rodríguez Luca ◽  
C. L. Di Prinzio

In this work, the evolution of a tridimensional (3D) spherical crystal with mobile particles using a Monte Carlo algorithm is presented. The mean radius R of spherical crystal without particles changes according to the law: R2 = -4kt + Ro2, where Ro is the initial radius and k is a crystal constant. However, this law is modified when mobile particles are included. The effect of two types of mobile particles on the grain boundary migration of a spherical grain was also studied. One type of particle remained located in the middle of the grain boundary once it was incorporated (CT), and the other type of particle remained at the grain boundary without having any particular location (NC). It could be seen that the CT particle slowed down more the grain boundary migration than the NC particles. It was also found that the rate of reduction of the grain area is inversely proportional to the concentration of CT particles in the grain boundary for all the CT particles concentrations. Finally, it was established that the grain reaches a limit radius for CT particles which is related to the amount of particles that can be accommodated in the grain boundary.

1991 ◽  
Vol 238 ◽  
J. Eckert ◽  
J. C. Holzer ◽  
C. E. Krill ◽  
W. L. Johnson

ABSTRACTNanocrystalline fee metals (Al, Cu, Ni, Pd, Rh, Ir) have been prepared by ball milling. The development of the microstructure is investigated by x-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The final grain sizes range from 6 to 22 nm and scale with the melting point and the bulk modulus of the elements: metals with higher melting point and bulk modulus have a smaller final grain size. From this a general relation between the deformation mechanism during ball milling and the ultimate grain size achievable by this technique is inferred. With decreasing grain size the lattice strain is enhanced and deformation enthalpies of up to 40 % of the heat of fusion are stored in the material. The contributions of the lattice strain and of die excess enthalpy of the grain boundaries to the stored enthalpies are critically assessed. The kinetics of grain growth are investigated by mermal analysis. The activation energy for grain boundary migration is derived from a modified Kissinger analysis and estimates of the grain boundary enthalpy are given.

1994 ◽  
Vol 40 (134) ◽  
pp. 46-55
C.J. L. Wilson ◽  
Y. Zhang

AbstractAn examination of both experiments and computer models of polycrystalline ice undergoing a simple shear suggests that there is good agreement. The model has correctly reproduced the deformational and microstructural features caused by glide on (0001) in the ice aggregates. This success is particularly prominent for those ice grains with a lattice orientation suitable for hard or easy glide or kinking, and where there is a sub-horizontal с axis and a larger grain-size. A limitation may be that the model cannot explicitly simulate recrystallization and grain-boundary migration, which are two other important processes operating jointly with glide in experimentally deformed ice. However, through the use of the models, it is possible to show how kinematic factors can control the processes of recrystallization. The localization of recrystallization in the polycrystalline ice aggregate is determined by the stress and strain variations between neighbouring grains.

2019 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-106
Haitao Ni ◽  
Jiang Zhu ◽  
Zhaodong Wang ◽  
Haiyang Lv ◽  
Yongyao Su ◽  

Abstract This review focuses on grain growth behaviors and the underlying mechanisms of bulk electrodeposited nanocrystalline nickel and nickel-iron alloys. Effects of some important factors on grain growth are described. During thermal-induced grain growth process, grain boundary migration plays a key role. For similar thermal conditions, due to grain boundary mobility with solute drag, limited grain growth occurs in nanocrystalline alloys, as compared to pure metals. Nonetheless, in the case of stress-induced grain growth process, there are a variety of mechanisms in samples having various deformation histories. As an example the grain growth of nanocrystalline nickel and Ni-20%Fe alloy with nearly the same grain-size distribution and average grain size is compared in this paper. Thermal analysis indicates nanocrystalline nickel is much more prone to rapid grain growth than nanocrystalline Ni-20%Fe alloy. Nevertheless, grain growth of nanocrystalline Ni-20%Fe is found to be more pronounced than nanocrystalline nickel during rolling deformation.

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