Revised stratigraphic nomenclature and age determinations for mid-Cretaceous volcanic rocks in southwestern British Columbia

1989 ◽  
Vol 26 (10) ◽  
pp. 2016-2031 ◽  
Derek J. Thorkelson ◽  
Glenn E. Rouse

Mid-Cretaceous volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks in southwestern British Columbia, east of the Fraser Fault System, constitute two principal lithostratigraphic units. The lower unit, a composite succession of basaltic to rhyolitic lavas and various clastic rocks, is exposed in a 215 km linear belt from near Pavilion to south of Princeton. The upper unit, mostly amygdaloidal andesite, is restricted to the centre of the belt between Spences Bridge and Kingsvale, where it overlies the lower unit and contiguous basement rocks. Both units were deposited subaerially, concurrent with folding and faulting, and share a contact that varies from gradational, near Kingsvale, to unconformable, near Spences Bridge.The names "Spences Bridge Group" and "Kingsvale Group" were used by several authors for various parts of the volcanic stratigraphy. We suggest revision of nomenclature whereby the lower and upper units are named "Pimainus Formation" and "Spius Formation", respectively; together they constitute the Spences Bridge Group. The term "Kingsvale Group" is abandoned.Assemblages of fossil leaves and palynomorphs, collected from one Spius and seven Pimainus localities, include several species of early angiosperms. A late Albian age is thereby indicated for both formations; this is largely corroborated by isotopic dates from the volcanic strata and cross-cutting granitic plutons.

2001 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-73
J W Riesterer ◽  
J Brian Mahoney ◽  
Paul Karl Link

Upper Cretaceous coarse clastic rocks exposed in the canyon of Churn Creek, south-central British Columbia, record active basin tectonism and coeval volcanism adjacent to the boundary between the Intermontane and Insular superterranes. Mid to late Albian (~104 Ma U–Pb), calc-alkaline andesite and basaltic andesite flows, with minor conglomerate and reworked epiclastic deposits and tuffs correlative with the Spences Bridge Group of the Intermontane superterrane are exposed in the canyon. In depositional contact above the volcanic rocks is the conglomerate of Churn Creek, which contains a thick (>1 km) sequence of complexly intertonguing conglomerate and sandstone that is divided into two members composed of four lithofacies. The lower member was deposited unconformably on the underlying Albian volcanic unit and contains late Albian–Cenomanian chert-pebble (>50% chert) conglomerate and interbedded chert- and volcanic-lithic sandstone. It is interpreted to have been deposited in a braided stream system flowing from southeast to northwest. The source for the chert was most likely the Bridge River terrane, a Mississippian to Jurassic ocean floor assemblage located to the southwest of Churn Creek, south of the Yalakom fault. Gradationally overlying the lower member throughout much of the basin is a mixed chert, plutonic, and volcaniclastic lithofacies of the upper member. Plutonic debris was provided to the mixed and plutonic lithofacies of the upper member by the Little Basin pluton, which was uplifted along the northeast-directed Little Basin thrust fault on the southwest margin of the basin. The upper member also contains a volcanic-rich lithofacies composed of chaotic volcanic conglomerate and local lithic tuff derived from a coeval proximal volcanic source. The conglomerate of Churn Creek records active northeast-vergent compressional tectonism and development of piggyback basins along the boundary between the Insular and Intermontane superterranes during Albian–Santonian time. The conglomerate of Churn Creek has been correlated to the Silverquick – Powell Creek succession of the Methow terrane, based on age, stratigraphic, lithologic, structural, geochemical, and paleomagnetic similarities, and may, therefore, represent an overlap assemblage linking the superterranes in the Late Cretaceous.

1979 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 305-311 ◽  
J. F. Davies ◽  
R. W. E. Grant ◽  
R. E. S. Whitehead

Carbonate alteration and hydrolysis of mafic volcanic rocks in the Timmins area have been accompanied by mobilization and redistribution of alkalies, CaO, MgO, and FeO. These major oxides are of dubious value in classifying the volcanic rocks, and are of no value in identifying and correlating lithostratigraphic units. The trace elements Y, Zr, TiO2, and Cr, whose fractionation tendencies parallel those of the alkalies, FeO and MgO, are relatively immobile and display characteristic patterns within different volcanic units. The trace-element patterns are highly diagnostic, and their distribution corresponds to the distribution of lithostratigraphic units. Immobile trace-element data represent a potentially valuable tool in stratigraphic correlation of Archean volcanic rocks, whether altered or unaltered.

2011 ◽  
Vol 48 (6) ◽  
pp. 1021-1037 ◽  
A.J. Calvert ◽  
N.E. Hayward ◽  
J.E. Spratt ◽  
J.A. Craven

In 2008, a Vibroseis seismic reflection survey was acquired by Geoscience BC across the eastern part of the volcanic-covered Nechako basin in central British Columbia, where Cretaceous sedimentary rocks have been exhumed along a NNW trend. Good signal penetration through the volcanic cover is indicated by lower crustal reflections at 8–12 s, which were recorded by the entire seismic survey. Comparison of the 2008 seismic survey with data from a previous survey indicates that the lack of reflectivity in the earlier surveys is generally representative of the subsurface geology. The seismic data show that ∼1700 and ∼2900 m thick sub-basins are present at the northern and southern ends of this trend, but the intervening Cretaceous rocks are discontinuous and relatively thin. The creation of a passive-roof duplex by Campanian or later low-angle thrusting is inferred within the thickest Cretaceous strata, but elsewhere faulting is likely related to Eocene extension or transtension. Seismic reflections are also recorded from folded volcanic stratigraphy, the base of the surface volcanic rocks, an underlying volcaniclastic stratigraphy, and intrusions projecting into a Quaternary volcanic cone. Seismic interpretation is complemented by coincident audiofrequency magnetotelluric surveys, from which faulting is inferred at offsets in a regional conductor. No regionally extensive stratigraphy can be identified within the seismic data, and the central Nechako basin appears to be a complex network of small, deformed sub-basins, rather than a single large basin.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 34-39
Kifayat Ullah Shah ◽  
Akhtar Muhammad Kassi ◽  
Aimal Khan Kasi

The newly proposed Middle Cretaceous “Bibai Group”, named after the Bibai peak, is exposed in Kach-Ziarat, Spera Ragha-Chingun areas of the Western Sulaiman Fold-Thrust Belt, Pakistan. It comprises thick succession of the mafic volcanic rocks, volcanic conglomerate, mudstone and sandstone. The stratigraphic nomenclature proposed by previous workers was not clear enough, as they used different names for the succession, such as “Kahan Conglomerate Member” of the Mughal Kot Formation, “Parh-related volcanics” by considering it as part of the “Parh Group, “Bibai Formation” and “Bela Volcanic Group”, which were confusing and misleading. Also previous workers did not realize that the succession may be further classified into distinct mappable lithostratigraphic units and deserved the status of a “Group”. Therefore, we carefully examined and mapped the area and hereby propose the name “Bibai Group” for the overall volcanic and volcaniclastic succession of the Middle Cretaceous age. Based on distinct lithostratigraphic characters we further subdivided the “Group” into two lithostratigraphic units of formation rank, for which we propose the names “Chinjun Volcanics” and “Bibai Formation”. Also based on distinct lithostratigraphic characters we further propose to subdivide our “Babai Formation” into three lithostratigraphic units of member rank, which we named as the “Kahan Conglomerate Member”, “Ahmadun Member” and “Kach Mudstone Member”. In this paper we have defined and briefly described the Bibai Group, its constituent formations and their members. Also we examined and discussed the validity and status of the proposed subdivisions; e.g. formations and members, of the Bibai Group, and are fully satisfied that the proposed subdivisions are appropriate and comply with the Article 24 and 25 of the North American Stratigraphic Codes (2005) and that the previous nomenclatures are inconsistent, confusing and do not comply with the International Stratigraphic Codes.

1989 ◽  
Vol 26 (7) ◽  
pp. 1368-1373 ◽  
Derek J. Thorkelson

The Fig Lake Graben is a narrow, complex Eocene basin that developed along part of the Coldwater fault system in southwestern British Columbia. Its origin as a pull-apart basin is probably related to dextral wrench faulting along the Fraser Fault and low-angle normal faulting of the Okanagan shear zone. Within the graben are Kamloops Group volcanic and sedimentary rocks, the thickness of which implies that one fault block has been downthrown at least 4.5 km. Geochemical interpretation of previously published analyses of Kamloops Group volcanic rocks indicates that magma production was genetically related to both extension and subduction.

2001 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
pp. 679-696 ◽  
Nancy C Grainger ◽  
Michael E Villeneuve ◽  
Larry M Heaman ◽  
Robert G Anderson

Twenty-three new, precise, Eocene U–Pb and 40Ar/39Ar age determinations for calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of the Ootsa Lake Group and associated intrusive rocks, widespread in the Nechako Plateau in central British Columbia, constrain the timing of the Eocene magmatism to 53.2–47.6 Ma, with a local duration of as little as 2–3 million years. The new dates show that magmatism in the study area is partly coeval with that responsible for the Babine Igneous Suite – Newman Volcanic Suite (53–50 Ma) to the north, and for the Endako Group (51–45 Ma), which overlies the Ootsa Lake Group; however, locally the three magmatic suites are distinct in age and (or) the strata record a magmatic hiatus of as much as 7.5 million years. The ages generally young from north to south (52–47 Ma) along the western portion of the study area. The Babine Igneous Suite – Newman Volcanic Suite represents the oldest member of this series. However, in the east, the Ootsa Lake Group volcanic rocks are generally older (53–51 Ma). The anomalously older ages may be related to the interaction of magmatism and formation of a nearby and coeval core complex, which ongoing studies show was uplifted at about the same time during the Eocene. Felsic plutonism associated with the Ootsa Lake Group occurred between 50.5 and 47.3 Ma. These plutons were emplaced in an extensional setting along north-northeast-trending faults. The new dates, stratigraphic relationships, and suggested correlations of Eocene strata in the study area with that to the west and north require a revision of the stratigraphic nomenclature for the Ootsa Lake and Endako groups.

2015 ◽  
Vol 52 (7) ◽  
pp. 466-494 ◽  
Tony Barresi ◽  
J.L. Nelson ◽  
J. Dostal ◽  
R. Friedman

Understanding the development of island arcs that accreted to the North American craton is critical to deciphering the complex geological history of the Canadian Cordillera. In the case of the Hazelton arc (part of the Stikine terrane, or Stikinia) in northwestern British Columbia, understanding arc evolution also bears on the formation of spatially associated porphyry Cu–Au, epithermal, and volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits. The Hazelton Group is a regionally extensive, long-lived, and exceptionally thick Upper Triassic to Middle Jurassic volcano-sedimentary succession considered to record a successor arc that was built upon the Paleozoic and Triassic Stikine and Stuhini arcs. In central Stikinia, near Terrace, British Columbia, the lower Hazelton Group (Telkwa Formation) comprises three volcanic-intrusive complexes (Mt. Henderson, Mt. O’Brien, and Kitselas) that, at their thickest, constitute almost 16 km of volcanic stratigraphy. Basal Telkwa Formation conglomerates and volcanic rocks were deposited unconformably on Triassic and Paleozoic arc-related basement. New U–Pb zircon ages indicate that volcanism initiated by ca. 204 Ma (latest Triassic). Detrital zircon populations from the basal conglomerate contain abundant 205–233 Ma zircons, derived from regional unroofing of older Triassic intrusions. Eleven kilometres higher in the section, ca. 194 Ma, rhyolites show that arc construction continued for >10 million years. Strata of the Nilkitkwa Formation (upper Hazelton Group) with a U–Pb zircon age of 178.90 ± 0.28 Ma represent waning island-arc volcanism. Telkwa Formation volcanic rocks have bimodal silica concentrations ranging from 48.1 to 62.8 wt.% and 72.3 to 79.0 wt.% and display characteristics of subduction-related magmatism (i.e., calc-alkaline differentiation with low Nb and Ti and high Th concentrations). Mafic to intermediate rocks form a differentiated suite that ranges from high-Al basalt to medium- to high-K andesite. They were derived from hydrous melting of isotopically juvenile spinel lherzolite in the mantle wedge and from subsequent fractional crystallization. Compared to basalts and andesites (εNd = +5 to +5.5), rhyolites have higher positive εNd values (+5.9 to +6.0) and overlapping incompatible element concentrations, indicating that they are not part of the same differentiation suite. Rather, the rhyolites formed from anatexis of arc crust, probably caused by magmatic underplating of the crust. This study documents a temporal and spatial co-occurrence of Hazelton Group volcanic rocks with a belt of economic Cu–Au porphyry deposits (ca. 205–195 Ma) throughout northwestern Stikinia. The coeval relationship is attributed to crustal underplating and intra-arc extension associated with slab rollback during renewed or reconfigured subduction beneath Stikinia, following the demise of the Stuhini arc in the Late Norian.

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