Childhood obesity: food, nutrient, and eating-habit trends and influences

2007 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 635-645 ◽  
Lynn Roblin

The need has never been greater to support healthy eating and physical activity in children and youth; the numbers of overweight and obese children have doubled and tripled, respectively, over the past 3 decades. Poor eating habits, including inadequate intake of vegetables, fruit, and milk, and eating too many high-calorie snacks, play a role in childhood obesity. Grain products provide the highest percentage (31%) of daily calories, followed by “other foods,” which have limited nutritional value (22% of daily calories). Snacks account for 27% of total daily calories, which is more than the calories consumed at breakfast (18%) and lunch (24%), but not dinner (31%). For Canadians older than 4 years of age, more than 41% of daily snack calories come from other foods, such as chips, chocolate bars, soft drinks, fruit drinks, sugars, syrup, preserves, fats, and oils. Habits that protect against childhood obesity include eating more vegetables and fruit, eating meals with family, and being physically active. Children’s food habits and choices are influenced by family, caregivers, friends, schools, marketing, and the media. Successful interventions for preventing childhood obesity combine family- and school-based programs, nutrition education, dietary change, physical activity, family participation, and counseling.

Chang-Yong Jang ◽  
Nam-Gyeong Gim ◽  
Yoonhee Kim ◽  
TaeEung Kim

This study examined the association between the obesogenic factors and the risk of suffering from weight excess in school-based state programs regarding physical activity, physical education, nutrition standards, and nutrition education in preventing childhood obesity. Data were drawn from the 1999–2011 Youth Risk Behavior Survey in the State of Mississippi (N = 8862; grades 9–12). Logistic regression with year-fixed effects was performed to capture the influence of the legislation on teenage obesity, controlling for demographics and nutrition- and physical activity-related behaviors. The age-, sex-, and ethnicity-adjusted mean of the body mass index had reduced since 2007 (year 1999: 23.52; year 2001: 23.53; year 2003: 23.76; year 2007: 24.26; year 2009: 24.29; and year 2011: 23.91). The legislation was significantly associated with a decreased likelihood of being overweight (year 2007, odds ratio (OR) = 0.686; year 2009, OR = 0.739; and year 2011, OR = 0.760; all p < 0.01). Children who were more sedentary, more frequently fasted to lose weight, and were less physically active and likelier to be overweight (OR = 1.05, 1.37, and 0.97, respectively; all p < 0.05), as were African-American children (OR = 0.64; p < 0.05) and female students (OR = 1.59; p < 0.05). In conclusion, schools are among the most easily modifiable settings for preventing childhood obesity and reducing its prevalence, with the implementation of physical activity and nutritional policies.

Francesca Sánchez-Martínez ◽  
Olga Juárez ◽  
Gemma Serral ◽  
Sara Valmayor ◽  
Rosa Puigpinós ◽  

Background: Childhood obesity preventive interventions should promote a healthy diet and physical activity at home and school. This study aims to describe a school-based childhood obesity preventive programme (POIBA Project) targeting 8-to-12- year-old. Design and methods: Evaluation study of a school-based intervention with a pre-post quasi-experimental design and a comparison group. Schools from disadvantaged neighbourhoods are oversampled. The intervention consists of 9 sessions, including 58 activities of a total duration between 9 and 13 hours, and the booster intervention of 2 sessions with 8 activities lasting 3 or 4 hours. They are multilevel (individual, family and school) and multicomponent (classroom, physical activity and family). Data are collected through anthropometric measurements, physical fitness tests and lifestyle surveys before and after the intervention and the booster intervention. In the intervention group, families complete two questionnaires about their children’s eating habits and physical activity. The outcome variable is the cumulative incidence rate of obesity, obtained from body mass index values and body fat assessed by triceps skinfold thickness. The independent variables are socio-demographic, contextual, eating habits, food frequency, intensity of physical activity and use of new technologies. Expected impact for public health: It is essential to implement preventive interventions at early ages and to follow its effects over time. Interventions involving diet and physical activity are the most common, being the most effective setting the school. The POIBA Project intervenes in both the school and family setting and focuses on the most disadvantaged groups, in which obesity is most pronounced and difficult to prevent.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Haiquan Xu ◽  
Yanping Li ◽  
Songming Du ◽  
Qian Zhang ◽  
Ailing Liu ◽  

Abstract Background Economic evaluation of school-based obesity interventions could provide support for public health decision of obesity prevention. This study is to perform cost–utility and cost–benefit assessment of three school-based childhood obesity interventions including nutrition education intervention (NE), physical activity intervention (PA) and comprehensive intervention (both NE and PA, CNP) with secondary data analysis of one randomized controlled trial. Methods The standard cost-effectiveness analysis methods were employed from a societal perspective to the health outcome and costs that are attributable to the intervention. NE, PA and CNP were carried out separately for 2 semesters for childhood obesity interventions in primary schools. The additional quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) resulting from the interventions were measured as the health outcome. A cost–utility ratio (CUR) and A cost–benefit ratio (CBR) was calculated as the ratio of implementation costs to the total medical and productivity loss costs averted by the interventions. Results The CUR and CBR were ¥11,505.9 ($1646.0) per QALY and ¥1.2 benefit per ¥1 cost respectively, and the net saving was ¥73,659.6 ($10,537.9). The CUR and CBR for nutrition education and physical activity interventions were ¥21,316.4 ($3049.6) per QALY and ¥0.7 benefit per ¥1 cost, ¥28,417.1 ($4065.4) per QALY and ¥0.4 benefit per ¥1 cost, respectively (in 2019 RMB). Compared with PA intervention, the ICERs were ¥10,335.2 ($1478.6) and 4626.3 ($661.8) for CNP and NE respectively. The CBR was ¥1.2, 0.7, and 0.4 benefits per ¥1 cost for CNP, NE, and PA interventions, respectively. Net estimated savings were achieved only through CNP intervention, amounting to ¥73,659.6 ($10,537.9). Conclusions Comprehensive school-based obesity intervention is a beneficial investment that is both cost-effective and cost saving. Compared with PA intervention, both CNP and NE intervention were more cost-effective.

Circulation ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 130 (suppl_2) ◽  
Jiyoon J Park ◽  
Randa Bakhet ◽  
Danica Karl ◽  
Fei Yuan ◽  
Eva Lonn

Background: Childhood obesity is a major public health threat. Various school-based interventions (SBIs) to prevent obesity through physical activity and/or dietary modifications were implemented. However, the effectiveness of such SBIs remains unproven. Therefore, we conducted a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of SBIs. Methods: We searched for RCTs of SBIs published since 1990. To be eligible studies had to have an RCT design, to include children aged 6-18 years and SBIs were defined as non-pharmacological and non-surgical interventions carried out in a school setting with a minimum duration of 12 weeks. The primary outcome was change in body mass index (BMI. For each study the difference in the mean change in BMI between the intervention and the control groups was computed. The summary estimate for the difference in mean change in BMI and the 95% confidence interval (CI) was computed using a weighted inverse variance approach and a random- effects model. The I 2 statistic was used to test for heterogeneity. Results: Of 504 studies identified, 41 involving 42 430 participants met the inclusion criteria. SBIs varied greatly between studies by type, duration and delivery. In 10 RCTs the SBI focused on physical activity, in 6 on dietary modifications and in 25 on both physical activity and dietary modifications. SBIs duration ranged from 12 weeks to 4 years. There was no significant difference in mean BMI change between the intervention and the control groups (mean difference = -0.281kg/m 2 ; 95% CI -0.584 to 0.022), although there was significant heterogeneity between the RCTs’ findings (Figure). We found also no consistent impact on other measures of adiposity, physical activity patterns, dietary intakes and psychosocial health and wellbeing. Conclusions: SBIs had no substantial impact on BMI in children aged 6-18 years. Further research is needed to identify effective interventions to prevent childhood obesity.

2021 ◽  
pp. 240-251
Márcia Greguol ◽  
Cristiana Conti ◽  
Bruno Marson Malagodi ◽  
Bruna Barboza Seron ◽  
Elaine Cappellazzo Souto ◽  

The global pandemic caused by the COVID-19 has profoundly changed the daily life of most of the world population. People with disabilities have been particularly affected by these changes, which often have accentuated their isolation and marginalization also due to greater difficulties in accessing healthcare services. People with disabilities have also been impacted in relation to their ability to participate in physical activity with even more adverse consequences for their quality of life and health. The aim of this study was to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity practice of people with disabilities and to understand the changes that caregivers have perceived for the participation in physical activity of this specific population. It emerged that, regardless of the type of disability, people with this condition experienced drastic reductions in their physical activity levels during the pandemic and in most cases did not have access to any type of remote guidance. Furthermore, a higher prevalence of sedentary behavior and negative changes in eating habits have been reported by the caregivers, highlighting the need for specific strategies and initiatives for people with disabilities to maintain healthy habits and a physically active lifestyle.

2016 ◽  
Vol 92 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-23 ◽  
Paulo Henrique Guerra ◽  
Jonas Augusto Cardoso da Silveira ◽  
Emanuel Péricles Salvador

Zheng Liu ◽  
Han-Meng Xu ◽  
Li-Ming Wen ◽  
Yuan-Zhou Peng ◽  
Li-Zi Lin ◽  

Abstract Background Childhood obesity is a serious public health concern. School-based interventions hold great promise to combat the rising trend of childhood obesity. This systematic review aimed to assess the overall effects of school-based obesity prevention interventions, and to investigate characteristics of intervention components that are potentially effective for preventing childhood obesity. Methods We systematically searched MEDLINE, CENTRAL and Embase databases to identify randomized- or cluster randomized- controlled trials of school-based obesity interventions published between 1990 and 2019. We conducted meta-analyses and subgroup analyses to determine the overall effects of obesity prevention programs and effect differences by various characteristics of intervention components on body mass index (BMI) or BMI Z-score of children. Results This systematic review included a total of 50 trials (reported by 56 publications). Significant differences were found between groups on BMI (− 0.14 kg/m2 (95% confidence interval: − 0.21, − 0.06)) and BMI Z-score (− 0.05 (− 0.10, − 0.01)) for single-component interventions; significant differences were also found between groups on BMI (− 0.32 (− 0.54, − 0.09) kg/m2) and BMI Z-score (− 0.07 (− 0.14, − 0.001)) for multi-component interventions. Subgroup analyses consistently demonstrated that effects of single-component (physical activity) interventions including curricular sessions (− 0.30 (− 0.51, − 0.10) kg/m2 in BMI) were stronger than those without curricular sessions (− 0.04 (− 0.17, 0.09) kg/m2 in BMI); effects of single-component (physical activity) interventions were also strengthened if physical activity sessions emphasized participants’ enjoyment (− 0.19 (− 0.33, − 0.05) kg/m2 in BMI for those emphasizing participants’ enjoyment; − 0.004 (− 0.10, 0.09) kg/m2 in BMI for those not emphasizing participants’ enjoyment). The current body of evidence did not find specific characteristics of intervention components that were consistently associated with improved efficacy for multi-component interventions (P > 0.05). Conclusions School-based interventions are generally effective in reducing excessive weight gain of children. Our findings contribute to increased understandings of potentially effective intervention characteristics for single-component (physical activity) interventions. The impact of combined components on effectiveness of multi-component interventions should be the topic of further research. More high-quality studies are also needed to confirm findings of this review.

Vera van den Berg ◽  
Eline Vos ◽  
Renate de Groot ◽  
Amika Singh ◽  
Mai Chinapaw

Schools are considered ideal venues to promote physical activity (PA) in children. However, a knowledge gap exists on how to adequately integrate PA into the school day and in particular, on the preferences of children regarding additional PA in school. Therefore, the aim of our qualitative study was to gain comprehensive insight into 10–13-year-old primary schoolchildren’s perspectives on how to increase PA in the school setting. We conducted nine focus groups (32 girls and 20 boys) with children attending the final two grades of primary school in the Netherlands. We used inductive thematic analysis to analyze the data. The results showed that children were enthusiastic about additional PA in school. Children suggested various ways to increase PA, including more time for PA in the existing curriculum, e.g., physical education (PE), recess, and occasional activities, such as field trips or sports days; school playground adaptation; improving the content of PE; and implementing short PA breaks and physically active academic lessons. Children emphasized variation and being given a voice in their PA participation as a prerequisite to keep PA enjoyable and interesting in the long term. Finally, children mentioned the role of the teacher and making efforts to accommodate all children and their different preferences as important. Children have concrete ideas, acknowledging the challenges that accompany integrating additional PA in school. We therefore recommend actively involving children in efforts to increase school-based PA and to make “additional PA in school” a shared project of teachers and students.

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