Selenium as a nutrient for freshwater bacterioplankton and its interactions with phosphorus

1990 ◽  
Vol 36 (7) ◽  
pp. 475-483 ◽  
Cecilia Eriksson ◽  
Carlos Pedrós-Alió

The influence of selenite on the growth of bacterioplankton present in samples of three lakes was analyzed; these samples were collected in sulfate-rich, oligotrophic Lake Banyoles, moderately eutrophic Lake Erken, and hypereutrophic Lake Vallentunasjön. Experiments were set up in a completely randomized factorial design to analyze the effect of selenite alone and, in the same experiment, the effect of selenite in the presence of phosphate. Cultures of bacterioplankton, free of algae and zooplankton, diluted with filtered natural water, were used in the bioassays. The addition of 100 μg P∙L−1 to samples from Lake Banyoles, collected during the winter, enhanced cell yield 2.7 times; the addition of 10 μg P∙L−1 to samples from Lake Erken, collected during the spring, doubled the yield. Strong effects of phosphate on growth rates were found in samples from lakes Banyoles and Vallentunasjön. When bacteria from Lake Banyoles were exposed to 100 μg P∙L−1, the specific growth rate was 0.08 h−1 (log units), compared with 0.03 h−1 in the control. In spring, Lake Vallentunasjôn contained water with a considerable amount of dissolved organic phosphorus (18 μg P∙L−1); the addition of 100 μg P∙L−1, in the form of phosphate, resulted in a shorter lag phase of at least 48 h and reduced the specific growth rate to about half that in the control. Selenite had a significant positive effect on cell yield in samples from lakes Banyoles (p = 0.0001) and Vallentunasjön (p = 0.020), whereas the effect on cell yield in samples from Lake Erken was slightly negative (p = 0.110). The addition of selenite alone (550 ng Se∙L−1) to samples from Lake Banyoles, collected during the summer, doubled the biovolume of bacterioplankton within 37 h. Among winter bacteria from Lake Banyoles, selenite, at concentrations of 55 and 550 ng Se∙L−1, increased the number of bacteria twofold and threefold, respectively, but only when the phosphate level was high (100 μg P∙L−1). A high inorganic phosphorus level of 100 μg P∙L−1 was also necessary to stimulate the effect of selenite on bacterial growth in samples from Lake Vallentunasjön; 550 ng Se∙L−1 enhanced cell yield 24%. The negative effect of selenite on samples from Lake Erken was most obvious when phosphate (10 or 100 μg P∙L−1) had been added simultaneously (p = 0.030 for selenium and phosphorus interaction). Cell yields were always greater at the highest temperature. With samples from Lake Vallentunasjön, selenite stimulated bacterial growth at 25 °C but had no effect at 10 °C. With samples from Lake Banyoles, the simultaneous addition of phosphate and selenite increased cell yield threefold at 15 °C and only twofold at 30 °C. Key words: phosphorus, sulfate, Lake Erken, Lake Vallentunasjön, Lake Banyoles.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 187 ◽  
Wijanarka Wijanarka ◽  
Endang Sutariningsih Soetarto ◽  
Kumala Dewi ◽  
Ari Indrianto

ACTIVITY OF INULINASE OF Pichia Manshuria AND FUSAN F4 ON BATCH FERMENTATION UDING DAHLIA TUBER (Dahlia sp) AS A SUBSTRATE. A dahlia tuber is one of the common inulin rich crops. Inulin is formed by units of fructans, which are polymers of D-fructose. Inulinases (EC catalyze the hydrolysis of inulin, producing fructooligosaccharides (FOS), inulooligosaccharides (IOS), pulullan, acetone, butanol and sorbitol, therefore dahlia tubers are used as growth media. The inulin hydrolyzing activity has been reported from various microbial strains Pichia manshurica and Fusan F4 which is the result of fusion protoplast. The objective of this study was to determine the activity of inulinase Pichia manshurica and Fusan F4 on the substrate dahlia tubers. Fusan F4 to increase inulinase activity compared with Pichia manshurica and to investigate the kinetics of specific growth rate (μ) and time double (g) from of Pichia manshurica and Fusan F4. The results showed that the exponential phase occurs at 0-12 hour without a lag phase. P. manshurica has a specific growth rate (μ) of 0.18/hour with time double (g) 3.90 hours and the inulinase enzyme activity of 0.56 IU, while for Fusan F4 consecutive has a value μ of 0.20/hour, g of 3.49 hours and the activity of 0.69 IU. The conclusion of this research is to improve Fusan F4 inulinase activity and the ability has to be better than the Pichia manshurica.Umbi dahlia merupakan salah satu umbi yang mengandung inulin. Inulin merupakan polimer fruktan yang dapat dipecah oleh enzim inulinase (E.C. menjadi fruktosa. Fruktosa merupakan bahan baku dasar untuk pembuatan FOS, IOS, pulullan, aseton dan sorbitol, oleh karena itu umbi dahlia digunakan sebagai media pertumbuhan. Enzim inulinase ini secara indigenous dimiliki oleh Pichia manshurica dan Fusan F4 yang merupakan hasil fusi protoplas.Tujuan  penelitian ini adalah  untuk mengetahui aktivitas inulinase Pichia manshurica dan Fusan F4 pada substrat umbi dahlia, Fusan F4 mampu meningkatkan aktivitas inulinase dibandingkan dengan Pichia manshurica serta untuk mengetahui kinetika kecepatan pertumbuhan specifik (µ) dan waktu generasi (g) Pichia manshurica dan Fusan F4. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fase  eksponensial terjadi pada jam ke-0 sampai jam ke-12 tanpa diikuti fase lag, Pichia manshurica mempunyai kecepatan pertumbuhan specific (µ)  sebesar 0,18/jam dengan waktu generasi (g) 3,90 jam dan aktivitas enzim inulinase yang dihasilkan sebesar 0,56 IU, sedangkan untuk fusan F4 secara berturut-turut mempunyai nilai µ sebesar 0,20/jam, g sebesar 3,49 jam dan aktivitas sebesar 0,69 IU. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Fusan F4 mampu meningkatkan aktivitas inulinase dan mempunyai kemampuan lebih baik dibanding dengan Pichia manshurica.

2019 ◽  
pp. 12-16
M. S. Firsova ◽  
V. A. Yevgrafova ◽  
A. V. Potekhin

Different liquid nutrient media supplemented with growth factors intended for Avibacterium paragallinarum strain No. 5111 cultivation were com­pared. The highest specific growth rate (μ = 0.787 ± 0.041 h-1) and the maximal accumulation of the agent’s biomass (Х = 9.52 ± 0.04 lg CFU/ cm3) were reported when cultured in casein soybean broth. Herewith, the mean time of the live microbial cell concentration doubling was minimal (td = 0.88 h), and the exponential growth phase lasted for 6 hours. The optimal method for Avibacterium paragallinarum cultivation in casein soy­bean broth in laboratory bioreactor Biotron LiFlus GX was determined through the measurements and adjustment of basic physical and chemical parameters. The time period until the culture reached the stationary growth phase was maximal with aeration at 1.0 l/min; herewith, the O2 partial pressure in the nutrient medium did not exceed 25%. The period of the intense decrease of medium’s pH was accompanied with the exponential phase of the bacterial growth. The nutrient medium’s pH ranging from 7.30 ± 0.02 to 7.90 ± 0.06 had no significant impact on the specific growth rate of the strain and the lag phase duration was minimal – 0.36–0.45 h. The strain cultivation in the nutrient medium with pH 7.90 ± 0.06 demonstrated maximal aggregation of the bacteria (9.76 ± 0.04 lg CFU/cm3). 40% glucose solution added at 0.6-0.8 g/l during cultivation facilitated the decrease of the suspension’s pH. Minimal redox value (–75 mV) was indicative of the completion of the exponential phase of the strain growth.  

1999 ◽  
Vol 65 (2) ◽  
pp. 732-736 ◽  
József Baranyi ◽  
Carmen Pin

ABSTRACT We developed a new numerical method to estimate bacterial growth parameters by means of detection times generated by different initial counts. The observed detection times are subjected to a transformation involving the (unknown) maximum specific growth rate and the (known) ratios between the different inoculum sizes and the constant detectable level of counts. We present an analysis of variance (ANOVA) protocol based on a theoretical result according to which, if the specific rate used for the transformation is correct, the transformed values are scattered around the same mean irrespective of the original inoculum sizes. That mean, termed the physiological state of the inoculum,α̂, and the maximum specific growth rate, μ, can be estimated by minimizing the variance ratio of the ANOVA procedure. The lag time of the population can be calculated as λ = −ln α̂/μ; i.e. the lag is inversely proportional to the maximum specific growth rate and depends on the initial physiological state of the population. The more accurately the cell number at the detection level is known, the better the estimate for the variance of the lag times of the individual cells.

2011 ◽  
Vol 21 (No. 2) ◽  
pp. 43-49 ◽  
D. Lauková ◽  
Ľ. Valík ◽  
F. Görner

The growth dynamics of the oxidative imperfect yeast strain Candida maltosa YP1 isolated from the surface of fruit yoghurt was studied in relation to the lactic acid concentration ranging from 0 to 1.6% (w/v). The maximal specific growth rate of 0.36 h<sup>&ndash;1</sup> and minimal lag-phase duration of 2.9 h were found in the glucose solution without lactic acid at 25&deg;C. The decrease of the natural logarithm of both the specific growth rate (ln &micro;) and the lag-phase prolongation (ln ) in the dependence on the increase of lactic acid concentration (0&ndash;1.59%) was significantly linear (ln&nbsp;&micro; = &ndash;1.1458 &ndash; 0.6056 c; R<sup>2</sup><sub>(&micro;) </sub>= 0.9526; ln l = 1.0141 + 1.9766 c; R<sup>2</sup><sub>() </sub>= 0.9577). Based on these equations, the prediction of the time necessary for C. maltosa YP1 to reach 1 &times; 10<sup>6</sup> CFU/ml in the dependance on lactic acid concentration and, the initial density of the yeast culture was calculated. For example, C. maltosa YP1 was able to reach the level of 1 &times; 10<sup>6</sup> CFU/ml in a model glucose solution at the initial concentration N<sub>0</sub> = 1 CFU/ml, 0.9% lactic acid and 25&deg;C within 2 d. The growth predictions presented indicate a considerable resistance of C. maltosa YP1 to lactic acid in the concentration of up to 1.3% (w/v). &nbsp;

1977 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 189-197 ◽  
V. D. Kuvshinnikov ◽  
M. Sobotka ◽  
I. G. Minkevtch ◽  
V. K. Eroshin

2005 ◽  
Vol 71 (12) ◽  
pp. 7792-7798 ◽  
Elanna Bester ◽  
Gideon Wolfaardt ◽  
Lydia Joubert ◽  
Kerstin Garny ◽  
Sanja Saftic

ABSTRACT Biofilm cells differ phenotypically from their free-floating counterparts. Differential growth rates in biofilms are often referred to, particularly in response to limited diffusion of oxygen and nutrients. We observed growth rates of attached Pseudomonas sp. strain CT07 cells that were notably higher than the maximum specific growth rate measured in batch culture. Despite dilution rates in continuous flow cells that exceeded the maximum planktonic specific growth rate by 58 times, sampling of the effluent revealed >109 cells ml−1, suggesting that biofilms function as a source of planktonic cells through high cell yield and detachment. Further investigation demonstrated considerable planktonic cell yield from biofilms as young as 6 h, indicating that detachment is not limited to established biofilms. These biofilm-detached cells were more sensitive to a commercial biocide than associated biofilm- and chemostat-cultivated populations, implying that detached biofilm cells exhibit a character that is distinct from that of attached and planktonic cell populations.

2011 ◽  
Vol 233-235 ◽  
pp. 575-578
Fang Fang Wu ◽  
Ling Feng Qiu

In this work, the biodegradation of nonylphenol by Rhodotorula sp. in batch culture was investigated over a wide concentration range (11~160 mg/l). Experimentally nonylphenol was an inhibitory type substrate to Rhodotorula sp.. Five kinetic models (Haldane, Webb, Yano, Aiba, and Teissier) were fit for the experimental growth kinetic data. It was found that the Haldane model was the most suitable one to predict the degradation of nonylphenol. The kinetic analysis demonstrated that bacterial growth and nonylphenol degradation of Rhodotorula sp. were based on a substrate concentration inhibition model. Analysis of growth factors indicated the highest specific growth rate (μ) of 0.127 h-1 was obtained at the initial nonylphenol concentration of 12.76 mg/l.

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