Differential effects of ethanol and the rpsL1 (strA1) ribosomal mutation on the synthesis of an unusual protein coded by bacteriophages R17 and MS2 RNA
1981 ◽
Vol 59
pp. 799-801
During translation of R17 and MS2 RNA, ethanol stimulates the synthesis of a coat-related protein which has identical electrophotetic mobility to that of polypeptide 7 studied by Atkins and his colleagues. Streptomycin stimulates the synthesis of this polypeptide and broadens the protein band. In contrast the ribosomal protein S12 mutation rpsL1 (strA1) has no detectable effect on its synthesis.
1989 ◽
Vol 17
pp. 6722-6722
2007 ◽
Vol 1769
pp. 462-471
2005 ◽
Vol 187
pp. 3548-3550