Absorption spectrum of the H2S molecule in the vacuum ultraviolet region
The optical absorption spectrum of the H2S molecule in the region from 2050 to 1150 Å has been studied by a photographic method, using the radiation from a 1.3-GeV electron synchrotron as a background source. Numerous bands including those due to dipole forbidden transitions are observed in the spectrum. Five types of Rydberg series are assigned to electronic transitions from the outermost 2b1 orbital to the d-like orbitals, three types to the p-like orbitals, and one type to the s-like orbital. The quantum defects of these transitions and a series limit of 84 417 ± 8 cm−1 (10.466 ± 0.001 eV) were determined using the extended Rydberg series. The first member of the A Rydberg series splits into four bands, which is discussed with jj coupling scheme. The upper state of the 2000-Å (6.20-eV) broad band is assigned to the (2b1)−1 (6a1/4sa1) 1B1 state which is predominantly of valence orbital character. Transitions to vibrationally excited state were also investigated and the limit to which the (100) vibrationally excited Rydberg series converges was determined to be 86 882 ± 20 cm−1 (10.772 ± 0.003 eV). The results obtained in this experiment are compared with theoretical calculations.