Earthquake-Resistant Design of Masonry Buildings

10.1142/p055 ◽  
1999 ◽  
Miha Tomazevic
2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 689-708 ◽  
F. Piroglu ◽  
K. Ozakgul

Abstract. The purpose of this study is to scrutinize and interpret the damages to masonry buildings after a series of earthquakes that occurred in Van, which is an eastern city of Turkey, within 17 days in 2011, i.e., the first earthquake hit on 23 October having the magnitude 7.1, and the second on 9 November with the magnitude 5.6 on the Richter scale. These consecutive earthquakes and their aftershocks caused extensive damage and the collapse of buildings in the city of Van and its villages and especially its near town, namely Ercis. For the investigation of masonry buildings, Hacibekir district, which is one of the regions comprising the highest density of masonry buildings in the city of Van, was selected and the seismic performance of these buildings was observed, tested in the field, and interpreted according to the Turkish earthquake-resistant design codes. In this region, masonry buildings were classified as adobe, unreinforced and confined masonry buildings. As a result of this field study, it was observed that whereas the confined masonry buildings had usually shown good performance during the earthquakes, the adobe and the unreinforced masonry buildings were seriously damaged and some of them were partially collapsed.

2007 ◽  
Vol 34 (11) ◽  
pp. 1403-1412 ◽  
Miha Tomaževič

The results of lateral resistance tests of masonry walls and shaking table tests of a number of models of masonry buildings of various structural configurations, built with various materials in different construction systems, have been analyzed to find a correlation between the occurrence of different grades of damage to structural elements, characteristic limit states, and lateral displacement capacity. On the basis of correlation between acceptable level of damage and displacement capacity, it has been shown that the range of elastic force reduction factor values used to determine the design seismic loads for different masonry construction systems proposed by the recently adopted European standard Eurocode 8 EN-1998-1 for earthquake resistant design are adequate. By using the recommended design values, satisfactory performance of the masonry buildings that have been analyzed may be expected when subjected to design intensity earthquakes with respect to both the no-collapse and damage-limitation requirements.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 41-45 ◽  
Dipendra Gautam

This paper compiles the indigenous technologies adopted in the Bhaktapur municipality, Nepal in the unreinforced masonry construction of traditional Newari houses constituting more than 90% buildings in Bhaktapur municipality and their significance during the earthquake. The building units adopted in this area are studied with respect to their performance during earthquake on the basis of seismic resistant design philosophy. The traditionally built non-engineered buildings have drawn the attention of disaster managers for many years; in this regard, the unreinforced masonry buildings (Newari houses) were assessed after the Sikkim-Nepal boarder earthquake of 2011.Still, the buildings constructed before the starting of engineering construction in Nepal are widely used for residential purpose at this culturally rich city and the traditional building construction technology which is the indigenous technology has been practiced for centuries too. The building features are analyzed with respect to their seismic performance and their contribution was analyzed as per the historical database; established practices and theories for earthquake resistant design (EQRD). The collected features and the analyses proved the features of the buildings to be sound during earthquake, though; the buildings were constructed with indigenous technology which nevertheless consults the EQRD within it. The indigenous technology at this city has been attached with the culture of the Newars for centuries.

1983 ◽  
Vol 1983 (339) ◽  
pp. 127-136 ◽  
Yoshio OHNE ◽  
Hidehiro TATEBE ◽  
Kunitomo NARITA ◽  


In earthquake-resistant design of structures, for certain structural configurations and conditions, it is necessary to use accelerograms for dynamic analysis. Accelerograms are also needed to simulate the effects of earthquakes on a building structure in the laboratory. A new method of generating artificial earthquake accelerograms is presented through adroit integration of neural networks and wavelets. A counterpropagation (CPN) neural network model is developed for generating artificial accelerograms from any given design spectrum such as the International Building Code (IBC) design spectrum. Using the IBC design spectrum as network input means an accelerogram may be generated for any geographic location regardless of whether earthquake records exist for that particular location or not. In order to improve the efficiency of the model, the CPN network is modified with the addition of the wavelet transform as a data compression tool to create a new CPN-wavelet network. The proposed CPN-wavelet model is trained using 20 sets of accelerograms and tested with additional five sets of accelerograms available from the U.S. Geological Survey. Given the limited set of training data, the result is quite remarkable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 246 ◽  
pp. 112991
Yun Zhou ◽  
Hetian Shao ◽  
Yongsheng Cao ◽  
Eric M. Lui

1975 ◽  
Vol 101 (7) ◽  
pp. 1349-1366
Anil K. Chopra ◽  
C-Y. Liaw

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