1988 ◽  
Vol 03 (13) ◽  
pp. 1227-1229 ◽  
A. WIDOM ◽  

Experimental probes of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, which are sufficiently sensitive to probe electro-weak unification contributions to (g−2), are also sufficiently sensitive to test an interesting feature of general relativity. The gravitational field of the earth produces a background space-time metric which will influence (g−2) measurements.

2010 ◽  
Vol 19 (14) ◽  
pp. 2353-2359 ◽  

In this essay, we introduce a new approach to energy–momentum in general relativity. Space–time, as opposed to space, is recognized as the necessary arena for its examination, leading us to define new extended space–time energy and momentum constructs. From local and global considerations, we conclude that the Ricci tensor is the required element for a localized expression of energy–momentum to include the gravitational field. We present and rationalize a fully invariant extended expression for space–time energy, guided by Tolman's well-known energy integral for an arbitrary bounded stationary system. This raises fundamental issues which we discuss. The role of the observer emerges naturally and we are led to an extension of the uncertainty principle to general relativity, of particular relevance to ultra-strong gravity.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 44
Edward A. Walker

<p class="1Body">A summarization of the Alcubierre metric is given in comparison to a new metric that has been formulated based on the theoretical assertion of a recently published paper entitled “gravitational space-time curve generation via accelerated particles”. The new metric mathematically describes a warp field where particle accelerators can theoretically generate gravitational space-time curves that compress or contract a volume of space-time toward a hypothetical vehicle traveling at a sub-light velocity contingent upon the amount of voltage generated. Einstein’s field equations are derived based on the new metric to show its compatibility to general relativity. The “time slowing” effects of relativistic gravitational time dilation inherent to the gravitational field generated by the particle accelerators is mathematically shown to be counteracted by a gravitational equilibrium point between an arrangement of two equal magnitude particle accelerators. The gravitational equilibrium point produces a volume of flat or linear space-time to which the hypothetical vehicle can traverse the region of contracted space-time without experiencing time slippage. The theoretical warp field possessing these attributes is referred to as the two gravity source warp field which is mathematically described by the new metric.</p>

V.G. Krechet ◽  
V.B. Oshurko ◽  
A.E. Baidin ◽  

In the framework of general relativity, possible effects of the gravitational interactions in the Dirac spinor field are considered. It is shown that these interactions manifest locally as contact spin-spin interaction of the gravitational and spinor fields. This interaction leads to the classical rotation of particles with spin ħ /2. As a result, it leads to appearance of local internal space-time with specific geometric properties for each particle. New effect of an increase of the mass of spinor particles due to this interaction is found. Also, an explanation of the existence of a magnetic moment in Dirac spinor particles as a result of a local electro-spin-spin interaction has been proposed.

R. d’E. Atkinson has shown that the path of a test particle, the light rays and the gravitational red shift predicted by general relativity for the case of the Schwarzschild metric may all be interpreted in terms of Euclidean space. By introducing the concept of a background space it is shown that Atkinson’s interpretation may be extended for the case of any finite static gravitating system. It is pointed out that the interpretation is applicable to any theory of gravitation in which the path of a test particle and the light rays are geodesics of the space-time metric.

2009 ◽  
Vol 24 (27) ◽  
pp. 5025-5032 ◽  
M. I. WANAS ◽  

Raychaudhuri equation is generalized in the parametrized absolute parallelism geometry. This version of absolute parallelism is more general than the conventional one. The generalization takes into account the suggested interaction between the quantum spin of the moving particle and the torsion of the background gravitational field. The generalized Raychaudhuri equation obtained contains some extra terms, depending on the torsion of space–time, that would have some effects on the singularity theorems of general relativity. Under a certain condition, this equation could be reduced to the original Raychaudhuri equation without any need for a vanishing torsion.

2020 ◽  
pp. 183-194
Richard Healey

Physics might show that space-time is an emergent structure without describing its ontological basis. Space and time are fundamental to metaphysics and physics. Their union remained fundamental after special relativity doomed each separately to fade away as a mere shadow of the space-time that Einstein later took to exist only as a structural quality of the gravitational field of general relativity. But problems meshing general relativity with quantum theory appear to show that space-time structure is not fundamental but emerges within a quantum theory of gravity. In a pragmatist view, quantum theory is typically applied not to represent target systems but to guide rational credence about events involving other systems. Applied to a gravitational field, quantum theory may guide credence about events in an emergent space-time without itself representing that field. If so, a fundamental physical theory would not describe any ultimate ground of space-time and its contents.

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (33) ◽  
pp. 1930014
J. H. Field

The role of preferred frames for light propagation and time dilation in the region of a massive, spherical, gravitating bodies, where according to general relativity, space–time curvature is described by the Schwarzschild metric equation, is discussed in the context of the Sagnac effect (for light propagation) and the Hafele–Keating experiment (for time dilation). Predictions for both translational and rotational motion relative to the preferred frame are calculated up to order [Formula: see text]. Different published theoretical calculations of the Sagnac effect are critically reviewed. The conflation in the literature of measured time differences in Sagnac experiments (a classical order [Formula: see text] effect) and time dilation (a relativistic order [Formula: see text] effect) are also discussed.

The problem of deriving scalar potentials governing electromagnetic and gravitational perturbations of vacuum space-times is discussed. For the case of an algebraically special vacuum background space-time, explicit formulae for all quantities of physical interest are given in terms of derivaties of the scalar potential.

1984 ◽  
Vol 94 (3) ◽  
pp. 379-396 ◽  
L. P. Grishchuk ◽  
A. N. Petrov ◽  
A. D. Popova

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (01n02) ◽  
pp. 1950007 ◽  
J. Struckmeier ◽  
J. Muench ◽  
P. Liebrich ◽  
M. Hanauske ◽  
J. Kirsch ◽  

The generic form of space-time dynamics as a classical gauge field theory has recently been derived, based on only the action principle and on the principle of general relativity. It was thus shown that Einstein’s general relativity is the special case where (i) the Hilbert Lagrangian (essentially the Ricci scalar) is supposed to describe the dynamics of the “free” (uncoupled) gravitational field, and (ii) the energy–momentum tensor is that of scalar fields representing real or complex structureless (spin-[Formula: see text]) particles. It followed that all other source fields — such as vector fields representing massive and nonmassive spin-[Formula: see text] particles — need careful scrutiny of the appropriate source tensor. This is the subject of our actual paper: we discuss in detail the coupling of the gravitational field with (i) a massive complex scalar field, (ii) a massive real vector field, and (iii) a massless vector field. We show that different couplings emerge for massive and nonmassive vector fields. The massive vector field has the canonical energy–momentum tensor as the appropriate source term — which embraces also the energy density furnished by the internal spin. In this case, the vector fields are shown to generate a torsion of space-time. In contrast, the system of a massless and charged vector field is associated with the metric (Hilbert) energy–momentum tensor due to its additional [Formula: see text] symmetry. Moreover, such vector fields do not generate a torsion of space-time. The respective sources of gravitation apply for all models of the dynamics of the “free” (uncoupled) gravitational field — which do not follow from the gauge formalism but must be specified based on separate physical reasoning.

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