Prediction of Cuttings Transport Behavior under Drill String Rotation Conditions in High-Inclination Section

Shihui Sun ◽  
Jinyu Feng ◽  
Zhaokai Hou ◽  
Guoqing Yu

Cuttings are likely to accumulate and eventually form a cuttings bed in the highly-deviated section, which usually lead to high friction and torque, slower rate of penetration, pipe stuck and other problems. It is therefore necessary to study cuttings transport mechanism and improve hole cleaning efficiency. In this study, the cuttings-transport behaviors with pipe rotation under turbulent flow conditions in the highly deviated eccentric section were numerically simulated based on Euler solid–fluid model and Realizable [Formula: see text]–[Formula: see text] model. The resulted numerical results were compared with available experimental data in reported literature to validate the algorithm, and good agreement was found. Under the conditions of drill string rotation, cuttings bed surface tilts in the direction of rotation and distributes asymmetrically in annulus. Drill string rotation, drilling fluid flow rate, cuttings diameter, cuttings injection concentration and drilling fluid viscosity affect the axial velocity of drilling fluid; whereas drilling fluid tangential velocity is mainly controlled by the rotational speed of drill string. Increase in value of drill string rotation, drilling fluid flow rate or hole inclination will increase cuttings migration velocity. Notably, drill string rotation reduces cuttings concentration and solid–fluid pressure loss, and their variations are dependent on inclination, cuttings injection concentration, cuttings diameter, drilling fluid velocity and viscosity. However, when a critical rotation speed is reached, no additional contribution is observed. The results can provide theoretical support for optimizing hole cleaning and realizing safety drilling of horizontal wells and extended reach wells.

Benjamin Werner ◽  
Velaug Myrseth ◽  
Bjørnar Lund ◽  
Arild Saasen ◽  
Zalpato Ibragimova ◽  

Drilling fluids play an important role in safe and efficient drilling operations. Wellbore stability, formation integrity, drill string lubrication, and cuttings transport are among their main requirements. The removal of a cuttings bed is one of the major difficulties while trying to keep up a steady drilling progress. Deviated and long horizontal wellbore sections provide challenges not only to the drilling equipment in use, but also to the fluids. Cuttings accumulate easily on the bottom of a wellbore section due to gravity and can therefore reduce hole cleaning efficiency. Cuttings transport is highly dependent on the properties of the drilling fluid. Viscosity, density and gel strength are among the key parameters. Drilling fluids have in general a complex composition with either water or oil as a base substance. Demanding operating conditions, for example high temperature difference from topside to the deep downhole sections or varying shear rates throughout the wellbore, also influence the properties of the fluids during operation. Drilling fluids have to be adapted to all these different drilling situations. The aim of the full project is to compare different water- and oil-based drilling fluids regarding their hole cleaning abilities. As part of the experimental study where drilling fluids are circulated in a 10 m long flow-loop test section with a free-whirling rotating inner drill string, rheological characterization with an Anton Paar MCR rheometer is performed. These measurements include determination of flow properties, yield stress and viscosity-temperature dependence. The results are correlated with the industry standard procedures for the testing of drilling-fluid properties with Fann 35 viscometers (API/ ISO standards). Measurements performed on viscometers at the oil rigs are done to receive fast results in order to control the drilling operation. In contrast, rheometer measurements provide the possibility of a deeper comprehension of the rheological properties of the drilling fluids due to the advanced measurement system. This work presents rheological properties for a typical oil-based drilling fluid commonly used on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, and includes a comparison with two other oil-based drilling fluids based on previously published work. The rheometer results are analyzed in relation to the flow loop experiments and to the viscosity data measured in accordance with the API/ISO specifications. The results from the rheological comparison together with the results from the flow-loop experiments are expected to make an influencing contribution to the question of why various drilling fluids perform so differently in terms of cuttings transport.

2011 ◽  
pp. 1-14 ◽  
Ali Piroozian ◽  
Issham Ismail

Lencongan dari laluan tegak menyebabkan rincisan gerudi berkumpul pada bahagian bawah lubang telaga sehingga terbentuknya lapisan rincisan. Akibatnya, berlaku beberapa permasalahan operasi ketika berlangsungnya penggerudian. Daya seret dan kilas yang melampau, kesukaran yang dialami ketika penyorongan rentetan selongsong ke dalam lubang telaga, kesukaran untuk memperoleh operasi penyimenan yang baik, dan lekatan mekanikal paip gerudi adalah antara beberapa contoh lazim yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan terbabit. Sehubungan itu, pemahaman yang baik tentang parameter utama operasi yang mempengaruhi pembersihan lubang telaga adalah penting. Artikel ini mengetengahkan keputusan daripada kajian makmal yang telah dilaksanakan untuk menilai keberkesanan tiga jenis bendalir gerudi dalam menyingkir rincisan gerudi. Kajian makmal melibatkan penggunaan gelung legap aliran sepanjang 17 kaki dengan diameter 2 inci sebagai bahagian ujian. Bagi setiap uji kaji, prestasi pengangkutan rincisan (CTP - Cuttings Transport Performance) ditentukan menerusi pengukuran berat. Keputusan uji kaji dianalisis untuk memperoleh kesan menyeluruh ketiga-tiga parameter operasi, iaitu kelikatan bendalir gerudi, halaju bendalir, dan kecondongan lubang telaga. Kajian terkini membuktikan bahawa penggunaan bendalir gerudi berkelikatan tinggi berupaya meningkatkan CTP jika regim aliran adalah gelora. Walau bagaimanapun, peningkatan kelikatan dalam regim aliran peralihan atau laminar masing-masing mengurangkan CTP secara beransur atau mendadak. Kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa peningkatan sudut kecondongan dari 60° ke 90° memberikan kesan yang positif terhadap CTP. Parameter operasi yang memberikan kesan yang ketara dalam kajian ini ialah halaju aliran, dengan peningkatan kecil yang dialami oleh halaju aliran berjaya memberikan kesan positif yang nyata dalam pembersihan lubang telaga. Kata kunci: Kecekapan penyingkiran rincisan; prestasi pengangkutan rincisan; rincisan gerudi; bendalir gerudi; pembersihan lubang telaga Deviation from vertical path makes drill cuttings to accumulate on the lower side of the wellbore that induces the formation of cuttings bed. Subsequently, relative problems occur while drilling. Excessive torque and drag, difficulties in running casing in hole and accomplishing good cementing jobs and mechanical pipe sticking are few of the classical examples of such problems. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of influential parameters on hole cleaning seems to be essential. This paper presents results of an experimental study that was carried out to evaluate cuttings removal efficiency of three types of drilling fluid. Experiments were conducted using a 17 feet long opaque flow loop of 2 inch diameter as test section. For each test, the amount of cuttings transport performance (CTP) was determined from weight measurements. Three operating parameters were considered, namely drilling fluid viscosity, fluid velocity, and hole inclination. It showed that the use of high-viscosity drilling fluid improved CTP if the flow regime was turbulent. However, increasing viscosity when flow regime was transient or laminar flow lessened CTP gradually or sharply respectively. It was also revealed that an incremental increase in hole inclination from 60° to 90° has a positive effect on CTP. The most influential parameter in this study was fluid velocity in which a small raise of fluid velocity resulted in a substantial positive effect on hole cleaning. Key words: Cuttings removal efficiency; cuttings transport performance; drill cuttings; drilling fluid; hole cleaning

2015 ◽  
Vol 48 (6) ◽  
pp. 171-176 ◽  
C. Berg ◽  
A. Malagalage ◽  
C.E. Agu ◽  
G.-O. Kaasa ◽  
K. Vaagsaether ◽  

Yaroslav Ignatenko ◽  
Oleg Bocharov ◽  
Andrey Gavrilov ◽  
Roland May

The paper presents the results of modeling the steady-state flow of drilling fluid with cuttings in an annulus for the flow regimes typical for horizontal drilling. The studied parameters include effects like fluid rheology, drillstring rotation and eccentricity on flow regime, pressure drop and cuttings bed. It has been demonstrated that increasing the drilling fluid’s effective viscosity increases the pressure drop, but it decreases the cuttings bed area, while drillstring rotation significantly changes the flow structure, improving cuttings transport and reducing the pressure drop. The considered flow structure can change abruptly due to changed drill string positioning and rheological fluid properties. Such structural changes are followed by abrupt changes in the pressure drop and cuttings bed area.

2017 ◽  
Xin Li ◽  
Deli Gao ◽  
Leichuan Tan ◽  
Hui Zhang ◽  
Xuyue Chen ◽  

Samuel Bright Olawale ◽  
Promise O. Longe ◽  
Samuel Felix Ofesi

AbstractThe most primitive hole challenge is cleaning the hole, which is more severe in deviated wells. This problem was tackled in this research via experimental analysis and graphical evaluations. To hit this aim, rheological parameters were experimentally obtained, and Noah’s model was used to determine cutting bed erosion time at varying heights. A graphical evaluation was done using a case study of deviated wells X and Y from a Niger Delta field. The result shows that low-viscosity fluid, KCL polymer fluid and high-viscosity fluid take 124, 283 and 342 min, respectively, to erode equal height as graphical evaluation shows that hole cleaning will grow complex on deviation. Thus, the deduction from this work in reducing non-productive time (NPT) related to hole cleaning in drilling operation is first, prior to making a trip, pumping low-viscosity fluid at a high flow rate. Secondly, during drilling, increasing drill string rotation in deviated wells can effectively stir the cuttings into the annulus above the low session of the hole.

Sneha Sayindla ◽  
Bjørnar Lund ◽  
Ali Taghipour ◽  
Benjamin Werner ◽  
Arild Saasen ◽  

Drilling fluids are very complex and are essential for safe and efficient drilling operations. It is vital for the drilling operator to be able to select an appropriate fluid for each individual well, including the decision of using oil-based or water-based fluids or “muds” (OBM or WBM). In this article we present results from a comparative study of three OBM’s which are based on the same fluid system (Versatec). This work is part of a larger investigation where the main objective is to identify and evaluate the difference in the hole cleaning capabilities of OBM’s and WBM’s with similar viscosity as measured by the API/ISO standards. This paper describes an experimental investigation of cuttings transport using flow loop laboratory tests without and with injected cuttings size particles using various industrial oil based fluids with varying density and viscosity. The flow loop includes a 10 meter long test section with 2″ OD free whirling rotating steel drillstring inside a 4″ ID wellbore made of concrete elements positioned inside a steel tubing. Sand particles were injected while circulating the drilling fluid through the test section. Experiments are conducted at atmospheric conditions, but are otherwise designed to represent downhole conditions as closely as possible with respect to fluid and particle properties, flow rates and geometry. Fluids are tested at different flow rates with and without rotation of drill string, with and without sand injection. This has allowed us to study the effects of flow rate and drill string rotation on hole cleaning capabilities of different fluids. The primary results are pressure drop, steady state sand bed height in a horizontal annulus versus fluid and cuttings rates for rotating and non-rotating drill string and in particular the critical rates for fully suspended flow. The results are interpreted in light of results from laboratory characterization of the same fluids, conducted as part of the same project. The results will increase understanding of the relationship between drilling fluid properties and hole cleaning performance. This will enable the development of improved drilling fluids, both operationally and environmentally. Such know-how will also be important in order to develop more accurate transport models.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 01025-1-01025-5 ◽  
N. A. Borodulya ◽  
R. O. Rezaev ◽  
S. G. Chistyakov ◽  
E. I. Smirnova ◽  

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 1644
Camilo Pedrosa ◽  
Arild Saasen ◽  
Bjørnar Lund ◽  
Jan David Ytrehus

The cuttings transport efficiency of various drilling fluids has been studied in several approaches. This is an important aspect, since hole cleaning is often a bottleneck in well construction. The studies so far have targeted the drilling fluid cuttings’ transport capability through experiments, simulations or field data. Observed differences in the efficiency due to changes in the drilling fluid properties and compositions have been reported but not always fully understood. In this study, the cuttings bed, wetted with a single drilling fluid, was evaluated. The experiments were performed with parallel plates in an Anton Paar Physica 301 rheometer. The results showed systematic differences in the internal friction behaviors between tests of beds with oil-based and beds with water-based fluids. The observations indicated that cutting beds wetted with a polymeric water-based fluid released clusters of particles when external forces overcame the bonding forces and the beds started to break up. Similarly, it was observed that an oil-based fluid wetted bed allowed particles to break free as single particles. These findings may explain the observed differences in previous cutting transport studies.

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