scholarly journals Asymptotically (A)dS dilaton black holes with nonlinear electrodynamics

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (07) ◽  
pp. 1850075 ◽  
S. Hajkhalili ◽  
A. Sheykhi

It is well known that with an appropriate combination of three Liouville-type dilaton potentials, one can construct charged dilaton black holes in an (anti)-de Sitter [(A)dS] spaces in the presence of linear Maxwell field. However, asymptotically (A)dS dilaton black holes coupled to nonlinear gauge field have not been found. In this paper, we construct, for the first time, three new classes of dilaton black hole solutions in the presence of three types of nonlinear electrodynamics, namely Born–Infeld (BI), Logarithmic (LN) and Exponential nonlinear (EN) electrodynamics. All these solutions are asymptotically (A)dS and in the linear regime reduce to the Einstein–Maxwell-dilaton (EMd) black holes in (A)dS spaces. We investigate physical properties and the causal structure, as well as asymptotic behavior of the obtained solutions, and show that depending on the values of the metric parameters, the singularity can be covered by various horizons. We also calculate conserved and thermodynamic quantities of the obtained solutions. Interestingly enough, we find that the coupling of dilaton field and nonlinear gauge field in the background of (A)dS spaces leads to a strange behavior for the electric field. We observe that the electric field is zero at singularity and increases smoothly until reaches a maximum value, then it decreases smoothly until goes to zero as [Formula: see text]. The maximum value of the electric field increases with increasing the nonlinear parameter [Formula: see text] or decreasing the dilaton coupling [Formula: see text] and is shifted to the singularity in the absence of either dilaton field ([Formula: see text]) or nonlinear gauge field ([Formula: see text]).

2016 ◽  
Vol 94 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-70 ◽  
A. Sheykhi ◽  
S.H. Hendi

In this paper, we propose a n-dimensional action in which gravity is coupled to exponential nonlinear electrodynamics and scalar dilaton field with Liouville-type potential. By varying the action, we obtain the field equations. Then, we construct a new class of charged, rotating black brane solutions, with k = [(n – 1)/2] rotation parameters, of this theory. Because of the presence of the Liouville-type dilaton potential, the asymptotic behavior of the obtained solutions is neither flat nor (anti)-de Sitter. We investigate the causal structure of the space–time in ample details. We find the suitable counter term that removes the divergences of the action in the presence of the dilaton field, and calculate the conserved and thermodynamic quantities of the space–time. Interestingly enough, we find that the conserved quantities crucially depend on the dilaton coupling constant, α, while they are independent of the nonlinear parameter, β. We also check the validity of the first law of thermodynamics on the black brane horizon. Finally, we study thermal stability of the solutions by computing the heat capacity in the canonical ensemble. We disclose the effects of rotation parameter, nonlinearity of electrodynamics, and dilaton field on the thermal stability conditions.

2016 ◽  
Vol 94 (10) ◽  
pp. 1045-1053 ◽  
Ahmad Sheykhi ◽  
Seyed Hossein Hendi ◽  
Fatemeh Naeimipour ◽  
Shahram Panahiyan ◽  
Behzad Eslam Panah

It was shown that with the combination of three Liouville-type dilaton potentials, one can derive dilaton black holes in the background of anti-de-Sitter (AdS) spaces. In this paper, we further extend the study on the dilaton AdS black holes by investigating their thermodynamic instability through a geometry approach. First, we review thermodynamic quantities of the solutions and check the validity of the first law of thermodynamics. Then, we investigate phase transitions and stability of the solutions. In particular, we disclose the effects of the dilaton field on the stability of the black holes. We also employ the geometrical approach toward thermodynamical behavior of the system and find that the divergencies in the Ricci scalar coincide with roots and divergencies in the heat capacity. We find that the behavior of the Ricci scalar around divergence points depends on the type of the phase transition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (12) ◽  
pp. 2050081
S. Rajaee Chaloshtary ◽  
M. Kord Zangeneh ◽  
S. Hajkhalili ◽  
A. Sheykhi ◽  
S. M. Zebarjad

We investigate a new class of [Formula: see text]-dimensional topological black hole solutions in the context of massive gravity and in the presence of logarithmic nonlinear electrodynamics. Exploring higher-dimensional solutions in massive gravity coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics is motivated by holographic hypothesis as well as string theory. We first construct exact solutions of the field equations and then explore the behavior of the metric functions for different values of the model parameters. We observe that our black holes admit the multi-horizons caused by a quantum effect called anti-evaporation. Next, by calculating the conserved and thermodynamic quantities, we obtain a generalized Smarr formula. We find that the first law of black holes thermodynamics is satisfied on the black hole horizon. We study thermal stability of the obtained solutions in both canonical and grand canonical ensembles. We reveal that depending on the model parameters, our solutions exhibit a rich variety of phase structures. Finally, we explore, for the first time without extending thermodynamics phase space, the critical behavior and reentrant phase transition for black hole solutions in massive gravity theory. We realize that there is a zeroth-order phase transition for a specified range of charge value and the system experiences a large/small/large reentrant phase transition due to the presence of nonlinear electrodynamics.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Ahmad Sheykhi

We construct a new class of charged rotating black string solutions coupled to dilaton and exponential nonlinear electrodynamic fields with cylindrical or toroidal horizons in the presence of a Liouville-type potential for the dilaton field. Due to the presence of the dilaton field, the asymptotic behaviors of these solutions are neither flat nor (A)dS. We analyze the physical properties of the solutions in detail. We compute the conserved and thermodynamic quantities of the solutions and verify the first law of thermodynamics on the black string horizon. When the nonlinear parameterβ2goes to infinity, our results reduce to those of black string solutions in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Fatemeh Naeimipour ◽  
Masoumeh Tavakoli

In this paper, we investigate the thermal stability and Joule-Thomson expansion of some new quasitopological black hole solutions. We first study the higher-dimensional static quasitopological black hole solutions in the presence of Born-Infeld, exponential, and logarithmic nonlinear electrodynamics. The stable regions of these solutions are independent of the types of the nonlinear electrodynamics. The solutions with horizons relating to the positive constant curvature, k=+1, have a larger region in thermal stability, if we choose positive quasitopological coefficients, μi>0. We also review the power Maxwell quasitopological black hole. We then obtain the five-dimensional Yang-Mills quasitopological black hole solution and compare it with the quasitopological Maxwell solution. For large values of the electric charge, q, and the Yang-Mills charge, e, we showed that the stable range of the Maxwell quasitopological black hole is larger than the Yang-Mills one. This is while thermal stability for small charges has the same behavior for these black holes. Thereafter, we obtain the thermodynamic quantities for these solutions and then study the Joule-Thomson expansion. We consider the temperature changes in an isenthalpic process during this expansion. The obtained results show that the inversion curves can divide the isenthalpic ones into two parts in the inversion pressure, Pi. For P<Pi, a cooling phenomenon with positive slope happens in T−P diagram, while there is a heating process with a negative slope for P>Pi. As the values of the nonlinear parameter, β, the electric and Yang-Mills charges decrease, the temperature goes to zero with a small slope and so the heating phenomena happens slowly.

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (06) ◽  
pp. 1550040 ◽  
Seyed Hossein Hendi

In this paper, we consider third-order Lovelock–Maxwell gravity with additional (Fμν Fμν)2 term as a nonlinearity correction of the Maxwell theory. We obtain black hole solutions with various horizon topologies (and various number of horizons) in which their asymptotical behavior can be flat or anti-de Sitter with an effective cosmological constant. We investigate the effects of Lovelock and electrodynamic corrections on properties of the solutions. Then, we restrict ourselves to asymptotically flat solutions and calculate the conserved and thermodynamic quantities. We check the first law of thermodynamics for these black hole solutions and calculate the heat capacity to analyze stability. Although higher dimensional black holes in Einstein gravity are unstable, here we look for suitable constraints on the black hole radius to find thermally stable black hole solutions.

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