A systematic literature review on user centered design and participatory design with older people

Ezequiel Duque ◽  
Guilherme Fonseca ◽  
Heitor Vieira ◽  
Gustavo Gontijo ◽  
Lucila Ishitani
10.2196/13780 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. e13780 ◽  
Pieter Vandekerckhove ◽  
Marleen de Mul ◽  
Wichor M Bramer ◽  
Antoinette A de Bont

Background Generative participatory design (PD) may help in developing electronic health (eHealth) interventions. PD is characterized by the involvement of all stakeholders in creative activities. This is different from the traditional user-centered design, where users are less involved. When looking at PD from a research through design perspective, it is important to summarize the reasons for choosing a certain form of generative PD to further develop its methodology. However, the scientific literature is currently unclear about which forms of PD are used to develop eHealth and which arguments are used to substantiate the decision to use a certain form of generative PD. Objective This study aimed to explore the reporting and substantiation of generative PD methodologies in empirical eHealth studies published in scientific journals to further develop PD methodology in the field of eHealth. Methods A systematic literature review following the Cochrane guidelines was conducted in several databases (EMBASE, MEDLINE Ovid, Web of Science, and CINAHL EBSCOhost). Data were extracted on the recruitment and management of stakeholders, the use of tools, and the use of outcome measures. Results Of the 3131 studies initially identified, 69 were selected for qualitative synthesis. The reporting was very variable, depending to a large extent on whether the study stated that reporting on the PD process was a major aim. The different levels of reporting and substantiation of the choices of a recruitment strategy, stakeholder management, and tools and outcome measures are presented. Only a few authors explicitly used arguments directly related to PD guiding principles such as democratic, mutual learning, tacit and latent knowledge, and collective creativity. Even though PD principles were not always explicitly discussed in the method descriptions of the studies, they were implicitly present, mostly in the descriptions of the use of PD tools. The arguments used to substantiate the choices made in stakeholder management, PD tools, and the type of outcome measures adopted point to the involvement of PD principles. Conclusions Studies that have used a PD research methodology to develop eHealth primarily substantiate the choice of tools made and much less the use of stakeholders and outcome measures.

Sultan Alyahya ◽  
Ohoud Almughram

Abstract The integration of user-centered design (UCD) activities into agile information systems development has become more popular recently. Despite the fact that there are many ways the merging of UCD activities into agile development can be carried out, it has been widely recognized that coordinating design activities with development activities is one of the most common problems, especially in distributed environments where designers, developers and users are spread over several sites. The main approach to coordinate UCD activities with distributed agile development is the use of informal methods (e.g. communication through using video conference tools). In addition to the temporal, geographical and socio-cultural barriers associated with this type of methods, a major limitation is a lack of awareness of how UCD activities and development activities affect each other. Furthermore, some agile project management tools are integrated with design platforms but fail to provide the necessary coordination that helps team members understand how the design and development activities affect their daily work. This research aims to support the effective management of integrating UCD activities into distributed agile development by (i) identifying the key activity dependencies between UX design teams and development teams during distributed UCD/agile development and (ii) designing a computer-based system to provide coordination support through managing these activity dependencies. In order to achieve these objectives, two case studies are carried out. Our findings revealed 10 main dependencies between UCD design teams and development teams as shown by six types of activity. In addition, the participatory design approach shows that developing a computer-based system to manage seven of these selected dependencies is achievable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Muhammad Nasrullah ◽  
Nisa Dwi Angresti ◽  
Sayekti Harits Suryawan ◽  
Faizal Mahananto

Seiring perkembangan teknologi, virtual team dapat menjadi solusi untuk sebuah proyek software engineering, karena virtual team tidak terbatas oleh letak geografis dan waktu. Namun, untuk menentukan kebutuhan pengguna dari virtual team ini menemui beberapa kendala, karena para stakeholder yang tidak saling bertatap muka, sehingga sulit untuk saling mendapatkan feeling antara stakeholder. Salah satu teknik yang digunakan untuk penggalian kebutuhan pada virtual team ini adalah teknik kolaborasi. Kolaborasi dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan berbagai media/teknologi. Tujuan literature review ini adalah mengulas cara-cara penggalian kebutuhan pada virtual team dan mengulas tantangan apa saja yang dihadapi untuk penggalian kebutuhan pada virtual team. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan makalah adalah studi literatur dari berbagai sumber pustaka yang relevan. Hasil studi litetatur ini adalah sebuah pemaparan tentang cara penentuan kebutuhan terhadap virtual team dan tantangan yang dihadapi dalam penggalian kebutuhan pada virtual team. Penentuan kebutuhan pada virtual team dilakukan dengan cara pendekatan user-centered design dan wawancara online.

2013 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-121 ◽  
Pieternella C. Bots-VantSpijker ◽  
Jacques N.O. Vanobbergen ◽  
Jos M.G.A. Schols ◽  
Rob M.H. Schaub ◽  
Casper P. Bots ◽  

2013 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-123 ◽  
Yu Chen ◽  
Allan Hicks ◽  
Alison E. While

2021 ◽  
pp. 345-361
Jorge Galán ◽  
Wilson Valdez ◽  
Daniela Prado-Cabrera ◽  
Priscila Cedillo

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