The Lord of the Ring Road: A Review and Evaluation of Autonomous Control Policies for Traffic in a Ring Road

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-25
Fang-Chieh Chou ◽  
Alben Rome Bagabaldo ◽  
Alexandre M. Bayen

This study focuses on the comprehensive investigation of stop-and-go waves appearing in closed-circuit ring road traffic wherein we evaluate various longitudinal dynamical models for vehicles. It is known that the behavior of human-driven vehicles, with other traffic elements such as density held constant, could stimulate stop-and-go waves, which do not dissipate on the circuit ring road. Stop-and-go waves can be dissipated by adding automated vehicles (AVs) to the ring. Thorough investigations of the performance of AV longitudinal control algorithms were carried out in Flow, which is an integrated platform for reinforcement learning on traffic control. Ten AV algorithms presented in the literature are evaluated. For each AV algorithm, experiments are carried out by varying distributions and penetration rates of AVs. Two different distributions of AVs are studied. For the first distribution scenario, AVs are placed consecutively. Penetration rates are varied from 1 AV (5%) to all AVs (100%). For the second distribution scenario, AVs are placed with even distribution of human-driven vehicles in between any two AVs. In this scenario, penetration rates are varied from 2 AVs (10%) to 11 AVs (50%). Multiple runs (10 runs) are simulated to average out the randomness in the results. From more than 3,000 simulation experiments, we investigated how AV algorithms perform differently with varying distributions and penetration rates while all AV algorithms remained fixed under all distributions and penetration rates. Time to stabilize, maximum headway, vehicle miles traveled, and fuel economy are used to evaluate their performance. Using these metrics, we find that the traffic condition improvement is not necessarily dependent on the distribution for most of the AV controllers, particularly when no cooperation among AVs is considered. Traffic condition is generally improved with a higher AV penetration rate with only one of the AV algorithms showing a contrary trend. Among all AV algorithms in this study, the reinforcement learning controller shows the most consistent improvement under all distributions and penetration rates.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 2574
Filip Vrbanić ◽  
Edouard Ivanjko ◽  
Krešimir Kušić ◽  
Dino Čakija

The trend of increasing traffic demand is causing congestion on existing urban roads, including urban motorways, resulting in a decrease in Level of Service (LoS) and safety, and an increase in fuel consumption. Lack of space and non-compliance with cities’ sustainable urban plans prevent the expansion of new transport infrastructure in some urban areas. To alleviate the aforementioned problems, appropriate solutions come from the domain of Intelligent Transportation Systems by implementing traffic control services. Those services include Variable Speed Limit (VSL) and Ramp Metering (RM) for urban motorways. VSL reduces the speed of incoming vehicles to a bottleneck area, and RM limits the inflow through on-ramps. In addition, with the increasing development of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) and Connected AVs (CAVs), new opportunities for traffic control are emerging. VSL and RM can reduce traffic congestion on urban motorways, especially so in the case of mixed traffic flows where AVs and CAVs can fully comply with the control system output. Currently, there is no existing overview of control algorithms and applications for VSL and RM in mixed traffic flows. Therefore, we present a comprehensive survey of VSL and RM control algorithms including the most recent reinforcement learning-based approaches. Best practices for mixed traffic flow control are summarized and new viewpoints and future research directions are presented, including an overview of the currently open research questions.

1993 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 228-235 ◽  
Yean-Jye Lu ◽  
Xidong Yuan

Image analysis for traffic data collection has been studied throughout the world for more than a decade. A survey of existing systems shows that research was focused mainly on the monochrome image analysis and that the field of color image analysis was rarely studied. With the application of color image analysis in mind, this paper proposes a new algorithm for vehicle speed measurement in daytime. The new algorithm consists of four steps: (i) image input, (ii) pixel analysis, (iii) single image analysis, and (iv) image sequence analysis. It has three significant advantages. First, the algorithm can distinguish the shadows caused by moving vehicles outside the detection area from the actual vehicles passing through the area, which is a difficult problem for the monochrome image analysis technique to handle. Second, the algorithm significantly reduces the image data to be processed; thus only a personal computer is required without the addition of any special hardware. The third advantage is the flexible placement of detection spots at any position in the camera's field of view. The accuracy of the algorithm is also discussed. Key words: speed measurement, vehicle detection, image analysis, image processing, traffic control, traffic measurement and road traffic.

1972 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-22 ◽  
N. Gartner

2012 ◽  
Vol 178-181 ◽  
pp. 1806-1814
Philemon Kazimil Mzee ◽  
Yan Chen

Countries of the developing world are characterized by rapid urbanization, high growth rates in traffic and congestion and decreasing regulation of public transport. Because the majority of the developing world's inhabitants are dependent on public transport services for their mobility needs, the need for safe, effective and efficient public transport is essential to ensure adequate, affordable, accessibility and the continuing sustainable development of livelihoods in the rural and urban. Finally, recommendations are made to reduce both the severity and number of public transport accidents in the future. This paper highlights the historical road safety and the transportation management in Dar es Salaam. In the field of road traffic control and management, the primary policy objective is to develop appropriate institutional and organizational arrangement towards further efficient road use.

2021 ◽  
Qi Zhang ◽  
Jiaqiao Hu

Many systems arising in applications from engineering design, manufacturing, and healthcare require the use of simulation optimization (SO) techniques to improve their performance. In “Actor-Critic–Like Stochastic Adaptive Search for Continuous Simulation Optimization,” Q. Zhang and J. Hu propose a randomized approach that integrates ideas from actor-critic reinforcement learning within a class of adaptive search algorithms for solving SO problems. The approach fully retains the previous simulation data and incorporates them into an approximation architecture to exploit knowledge of the objective function in searching for improved solutions. The authors provide a finite-time analysis for the method when only a single simulation observation is collected at each iteration. The method works well on a diverse set of benchmark problems and has the potential to yield good performance for complex problems using expensive simulation experiments for performance evaluation.

Solomon Adegbenro Akinboro ◽  
Johnson A Adeyiga ◽  
Adebayo Omotosho ◽  
Akinwale O Akinwumi

<p><strong>Vehicular traffic is continuously increasing around the world, especially in urban areas, and the resulting congestion ha</strong><strong>s</strong><strong> be</strong><strong>come</strong><strong> a major concern to automobile users. The popular static electric traffic light controlling system can no longer sufficiently manage the traffic volume in large cities where real time traffic control is paramount to deciding best route. The proposed mobile traffic management system provides users with traffic information on congested roads using weighted sensors. A prototype of the system was implemented using Java SE Development Kit 8 and Google map. The model </strong><strong>was</strong><strong> simulated and the performance was </strong><strong>assessed</strong><strong> using response time, delay and throughput. Results showed that</strong><strong>,</strong><strong> mobile devices are capable of assisting road users’ in faster decision making by providing real-time traffic information and recommending alternative routes.</strong></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2113 (1) ◽  
pp. 012030
Jing Li ◽  
Yanyang Liu ◽  
Xianguo Qing ◽  
Kai Xiao ◽  
Ying Zhang ◽  

Abstract The nuclear reactor control system plays a crucial role in the operation of nuclear power plants. The coordinated control of power control and steam generator level control has become one of the most important control problems in these systems. In this paper, we propose a mathematical model of the coordinated control system, and then transform it into a reinforcement learning model and develop a deep reinforcement learning control algorithm so-called DDPG algorithm to solve the problem. Through simulation experiments, our proposed algorithm has shown an extremely remarkable control performance.

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