scholarly journals Fructose ingestion acutely elevates blood pressure in healthy young humans

2008 ◽  
Vol 294 (3) ◽  
pp. R730-R737 ◽  
Clive M. Brown ◽  
Abdul G. Dulloo ◽  
Gayathri Yepuri ◽  
Jean-Pierre Montani

Overconsumption of fructose, particularly in the form of soft drinks, is increasingly recognized as a public health concern. The acute cardiovascular responses to ingesting fructose have not, however, been well-studied in humans. In this randomized crossover study, we compared cardiovascular autonomic regulation after ingesting water and drinks containing either glucose or fructose in 15 healthy volunteers (aged 21–33 yr). The total volume of each drink was 500 ml, and the sugar content 60 g. For 30 min before and 2 h after each drink, we recorded beat-to-beat heart rate, arterial blood pressure, and cardiac output. Energy expenditure was determined on a minute-by-minute basis. Ingesting the fructose drink significantly increased blood pressure, heart rate, and cardiac output but not total peripheral resistance. Glucose ingestion resulted in a significantly greater increase in cardiac output than fructose but no change in blood pressure and a concomitant decrease in total peripheral resistance. Ingesting glucose and fructose, but not water, significantly increased blood pressure variability and decreased cardiovagal baroreflex sensitivity. Energy expenditure increased by a similar amount after glucose and fructose ingestion, but fructose elicited a significantly greater increase in respiratory quotient. These results show that ingestion of glucose and fructose drinks is characterized by specific hemodynamic responses. In particular, fructose ingestion elicits an increase in blood pressure that is probably mediated by an increase in cardiac output without compensatory peripheral vasodilatation.

1989 ◽  
Vol 256 (3) ◽  
pp. R778-R785 ◽  
M. I. Talan ◽  
B. T. Engel

Heart rate, stroke volume, and intra-arterial blood pressure were monitored continuously in each of four monkeys, 18 consecutive h/day for several weeks. The mean heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and total peripheral resistance were calculated for each minute and reduced to hourly means. After base-line data were collected for approximately 20 days, observation was continued for equal periods of time under conditions of alpha-sympathetic blockade, beta-sympathetic blockade, and double sympathetic blockade. This was achieved by intra-arterial infusion of prazosin, atenolol, or a combination of both in concentration sufficient for at least 75% reduction of response to injection of agonists. The results confirmed previous findings of a diurnal pattern characterized by a fall in cardiac output and a rise in total peripheral resistance throughout the night. This pattern was not eliminated by selective blockade, of alpha- or beta-sympathetic receptors or by double sympathetic blockade; in fact, it was exacerbated by sympathetic blockade, indicating that the sympathetic nervous system attenuates these events. Because these findings indicate that blood volume redistribution is probably not the mechanism mediating the observed effects, we have hypothesized that a diurnal loss in plasma volume may mediate the fall in cardiac output and that the rise in total peripheral resistance reflects a homeostatic regulation of arterial pressure.

1991 ◽  
Vol 260 (1) ◽  
pp. H254-H259
R. Maass-Moreno ◽  
C. F. Rothe

We tested the hypothesis that the blood volumes of the spleen and liver of cats are reflexly controlled by the carotid sinus (CS) baroreceptors. In pentobarbital-anesthetized cats the CS area was isolated and perfused so that intracarotid pressure (Pcs) could be controlled while maintaining a normal brain blood perfusion. The volume changes of the liver and spleen were estimated by measuring their thickness using ultrasonic techniques. Cardiac output, systemic arterial blood pressure (Psa), central venous pressure, central blood volume, total peripheral resistance, and heart rate were also measured. In vagotomized cats, increasing Pcs by 100 mmHg caused a significant reduction in Psa (-67.8%), cardiac output (-26.6%), total peripheral resistance (-49.5%), and heart rate (-15%) and significantly increased spleen volume (9.7%, corresponding to a 2.1 +/- 0.5 mm increase in thickness). The liver volume decreased, but only by 1.6% (0.6 +/- 0.2 mm decrease in thickness), a change opposite that observed in the spleen. The changes in cardiovascular variables and in spleen volume suggest that the animals had functioning reflexes. These results indicate that in pentobarbital-anesthetized cats the carotid baroreceptors affect the volume of the spleen but not the liver and suggest that, although the spleen has an active role in the control of arterial blood pressure in the cat, the liver does not.

1978 ◽  
Vol 235 (3) ◽  
pp. F199-F202
L. J. Borucki ◽  
D. Levenson ◽  
N. K. Hollenberg

Both angiotensin and alpha-adrenergic blocking agents reduce arterial blood pressure in hypovolemic states. We have compared the effects of an angiotensin antagonist (saralasin) and an alpha-adrenergic blocking agent (phenoxybenzamine) in supramaximal dosage on cardiac output, total peripheral resistance, and venous tone in rabbits rendered hypovolemic by restriction of sodium intake, supplemented by a furosemide-induced diuresis 48 h prior to study. Saralasin (10 microgram/kg per min) reduced arterial blood pressure significantly (-15 +/- 1.2 mmHg) despite an unchanged cardiac output (P less than 0.025) due to a fall in total peripheral resistance. Phenoxybenzamine (5 mg/kg) induced a much larger fall in arterial blood pressure (-28 +/- 3.6 mmHg), despite an identical reduction in total peripheral resistance, because cardiac output also fell (+/- 9 ml/kg per min). The reduction in cardiac output was associated with a significant increase in hindlimb venous distensibility (P less than 0.001) after alpha-adrenergic blockade. Saralasin, conversely, had no influence on venous tone. Adrenergic mechanisms contribute to cardiovascular homeostasis through an influence on both arteriolar and venous tone, whereas the effect of angiotensin is directed entirely to the arteriolar side of the circulation.

1987 ◽  
Vol 252 (1) ◽  
pp. R127-R133 ◽  
B. R. Walker

Experiments were performed to test the possible involvement of arginine vasopressin (AVP) in the systemic cardiovascular responses to acute hypercapnic acidosis in conscious chronically instrumented rats. Exposure to 6% CO2 caused arterial PCO2 to rise from 34 +/- 2 to 53 +/- 1 Torr. This level of hypercapnia was associated with a consistent bradycardia; however, cardiac output, blood pressure, and total peripheral resistance were not significantly affected. Administration of 10 micrograms/kg iv of the specific V1 vasopressinergic antagonist d(CH2)5Tyr(Me)AVP during 6% CO2 had no effect on any of the measured hemodynamic variables. Furthermore, d(CH2)5Tyr(Me)AVP also had no effect in normocapnic control animals. Exposure to a more severe level of hypercapnia (10% CO2, arterial PCO2 = 89 +/- 1 Torr) resulted in marked hemodynamic alterations. Profound bradycardia and decreased cardiac output in addition to increases in mean arterial blood pressure and total peripheral resistance were observed. V1 vasopressinergic antagonism during 10% CO2 had no effect on heart rate but greatly increased cardiac output. In addition, blood pressure fell and resistance was decreased below prehypercapnic levels. These data suggest that a number of the hemodynamic alterations associated with severe hypercapnic acidosis in the conscious rat may be mediated by the peripheral cardiovascular effects of enhanced AVP release.

1956 ◽  
Vol 186 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-104 ◽  
Esther M. Greisheimer ◽  
Dorothy W. Ellis ◽  
George Stewart ◽  
Lydia Makarenko ◽  
Nadia Oleksyshyn ◽  

One hundred-twenty determinations of cardiac output by the dye dilution technic utilizing the cuvette oximeter were made on 20 dogs. Of these, 60 were done under thiopental sodium-oxygen analgesia and 60 were done after supplementing with ether. Arterial blood pressure was recorded by strain gauge. Electrocardiograms were taken periodically. Concentrations of thiopental and ether in arterial blood were determined. Cardiac output began to increase under thiopental analgesia and continued to increase when ether was administered. Arterial blood pressure and heart rate decreased slightly when ether was administered. Stroke index increased when ether was administered. Total peripheral resistance decreased markedly under thiopental analgesia, and continued to decrease when ether was administered. When compared with an earlier study in which cyclopropane was used as the supplementing agent, it was found that cyclopropane and ether exert opposite effects on cardiac output and peripheral resistance despite the fact that the effect on arterial blood pressure is similar under the two agents. Increase in cardiac output was found to be parallel with decrease in total peripheral resistance in this study. Amount of dye injected did not influence cardiac output. Under the conditions of this study, cardiac output was in no way dependent on the concentration of thiopental in the blood nor on the amount injected. Level of ether in the blood did not show much effect, if any, on cardiac output. It is probable that the changes observed in this study are comparable with those which obtain clinically when thiopental-oxygen analgesia is supplemented with ether. Systolic blood pressure is not an infallible guide to other cardiovascular functions since it may remain fairly steady while cardiac output and peripheral resistance undergo marked changes under anesthesia.

Cephalalgia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 266-277
Willebrordus PJ van Oosterhout ◽  
Guus G Schoonman ◽  
Dirk P Saal ◽  
Roland D Thijs ◽  
Michel D Ferrari ◽  

Introduction Migraine and vasovagal syncope are comorbid conditions that may share part of their pathophysiology through autonomic control of the systemic circulation. Nitroglycerin can trigger both syncope and migraine attacks, suggesting enhanced systemic sensitivity in migraine. We aimed to determine the cardiovascular responses to nitroglycerin in migraine. Methods In 16 women with migraine without aura and 10 age- and gender-matched controls without headache, intravenous nitroglycerin (0.5 µg·kg−1·min−1) was administered. Finger photoplethysmography continuously assessed cardiovascular parameters (mean arterial pressure, heart rate, cardiac output, stroke volume and total peripheral resistance) before, during and after nitroglycerin infusion. Results Nitroglycerin provoked a migraine-like attack in 13/16 (81.2%) migraineurs but not in controls ( p = .0001). No syncope was provoked. Migraineurs who later developed a migraine-like attack showed different responses in all parameters vs. controls (all p < .001): The decreases in cardiac output and stroke volume were more rapid and longer lasting, heart rate increased, mean arterial pressure and total peripheral resistance were higher and decreased steeply after an initial increase. Discussion Migraineurs who developed a migraine-like attack in response to nitroglycerin showed stronger systemic cardiovascular responses compared to non-headache controls. The stronger systemic cardiovascular responses in migraine suggest increased systemic sensitivity to vasodilators, possibly due to insufficient autonomic compensatory mechanisms.

2019 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-53 ◽  
Stefan Duschek ◽  
Alexandra Hoffmann ◽  
Casandra I. Montoro ◽  
Gustavo A. Reyes del Paso

Abstract. Chronic low blood pressure (hypotension) is accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, reduced drive, faintness, dizziness, cold limbs, and concentration difficulties. The study explored the involvement of aberrances in autonomic cardiovascular control in the origin of this condition. In 40 hypotensive and 40 normotensive subjects, impedance cardiography, electrocardiography, and continuous blood pressure recordings were performed at rest and during stress induced by mental calculation. Parameters of cardiac sympathetic control (i.e., stroke volume, cardiac output, pre-ejection period, total peripheral resistance), parasympathetic control (i.e., heart rate variability), and baroreflex function (i.e., baroreflex sensitivity) were obtained. The hypotensive group exhibited markedly lower stroke volume, heart rate, and cardiac output, as well as higher pre-ejection period and baroreflex sensitivity than the control group. Hypotension was furthermore associated with a smaller blood pressure response during stress. No group differences arose in total peripheral resistance and heart rate variability. While reduced beta-adrenergic myocardial drive seems to constitute the principal feature of the autonomic impairment that characterizes chronic hypotension, baroreflex-related mechanisms may also contribute to this state. Insufficient organ perfusion due to reduced cardiac output and deficient cardiovascular adjustment to situational requirements may be involved in the manifestation of bodily and mental symptoms.

2011 ◽  
Vol 121 (9) ◽  
pp. 389-396 ◽  
C. T. Paul Krediet ◽  
David L. Jardine ◽  
Wouter Wieling

We assessed the timing of vagal and sympathetic factors that mediate hypotension during CSM (carotid sinus massage) in patients with carotid sinus hypersensitivity. We hypothesized that a fall in cardiac output would precede vasodepression, and that vasodepression would be exaggerated by head-up tilt. We performed pulse contour analyses on blood pressure recordings during CSM in syncope patients during supine rest and head-up tilt. In a subset we simultaneously recorded muscle sympathetic nerve activity supine. During supine rest, systolic blood pressure decreased from 150±7 to 107±7 mmHg (P<0.001) and heart rate from 64±2 to 39±3 beats/min (P<0.01). Cardiac output decreased with heart rate to nadir (66±6% of baseline), 3.1±0.4 s after onset of bradycardia. In contrast, total peripheral resistance reached nadir (77±3% of baseline) after 11±1 s. During head-up-tilt, systolic blood pressure fell from 149±10 to 90±11 mmHg and heart rate decreased from 73±4 to 60±7 beats/min. Compared with supine rest, cardiac output nadir was lower (60±8 compared with 83±4%, P<0.05), whereas total peripheral resistance nadir was similar (81±6 compared with 80±3%). The time to nadir from the onset of bradycardia did not differ from supine rest. At the onset of bradycardia there was an immediate withdrawal of muscle-sympathetic nerve activity while total peripheral resistance decay occurred much later (6–8 s). The haemodynamic changes following CSM have a distinct temporal pattern that is characterized by an initial fall in cardiac output (driven by heart rate), followed by a later fall in total peripheral resistance, even though sympathetic withdrawal is immediate. This pattern is independent of body position.

1979 ◽  
Vol 57 (5) ◽  
pp. 995-1002 ◽  
David R. Jones ◽  
Robert M. Bryan Jr. ◽  
Nigel H. West ◽  
Raymond H. Lord ◽  
Brenda Clark

The regional distribution of blood flow, both before and during forced diving, was studied in the duck using radioactively labelled microspheres. Cardiac output fell from 227 ± 30 to 95 ± 16 mL kg−1 min−1 after 20–72 s of submergence and to 59 ± 18 mL kg−1 min−1 after 144–250 s of submergence. Mean arterial blood pressure did not change significantly as total peripheral resistance increased by four times during prolonged diving. Before diving the highest proportion of cardiac output went to the heart (2.6 ± 0.5%, n = 9) and kidneys (2.7 ± 0.5%, n = 9), with the brain receiving less than 1%. The share of cardiac output going to the brain and heart increased spectacularly during prolonged dives to 10.5 ± 3% (n = 5) and 15.9 ± 3.8% (n = 5), respectively, while that to the kidney fell to 0.4 ± 0.26% (n = 3). Since cardiac output declined during diving, tissue blood flow (millilitres per gram per minute) to the heart was unchanged although in the case of the brain it increased 2.35 times after 20–75 s of submergence and 8.5 times after 140–250 s of submergence. Spleen blood flow, the highest of any tissue predive (5.6 ± 1.3 mL g−1 min−1, n = 4), was insignificant during diving while adrenal flow increased markedly, in one animal reaching 7.09 mL g−1 min−1. The present results amplify general conclusions from previous research on regional distribution of blood flow in diving homeotherms, showing that, although both heart and brain receive a significant increase in the proportionate share of cardiac output during diving only the brain receives a significant increase in tissue blood flow, which increases as submergence is prolonged.

1989 ◽  
Vol 257 (2) ◽  
pp. H540-H552 ◽  
S. E. Spencer ◽  
W. B. Sawyer ◽  
A. D. Loewy

L-Glutamate microinjections into the tuberal region of the lateral hypothalamic area (LHAt) caused a fall in blood pressure and heart rate in pentobarbital-anesthetized rats. The bradycardia was mediated by both beta-adrenergic and muscarinic mechanisms as demonstrated with pharmacological blockade. The hypotension was due to a decrease in cardiac output, not a decrease in total peripheral resistance. In addition, there was a reduction in coronary blood flow. If heart rate was held constant by pharmacological blockade or by electrical cardiac pacing, L-glutamate stimulation of the LHAt still caused a fall in blood pressure. When the electrically paced model was used, this hypotension was due to a fall in cardiac output. In contrast, with the pharmacological blockade of the heart, the hypotension was due to a decrease in the total peripheral resistance. The cardiac output reduction in the paced condition was not mediated solely by either beta-sympathetic or parasympathetic mechanisms as determined by pharmacological blockade. With heart rate held constant by either drugs or pacing, LHAt stimulation did not alter regional blood flow or resistance in any vascular bed, including the coronary circulation. We conclude that L-glutamate stimulation of the LHAt lowers the cardiac output and heart rate by both parasympathetic and beta-adrenergic mechanisms and elicits hypotension by lowering cardiac output in the naive and electrically paced model.

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