Effect of vasopressin on sodium transport across inner medullary collecting duct

1990 ◽  
Vol 258 (5) ◽  
pp. F1438-F1447 ◽  
L. H. Kudo ◽  
A. A. van Baak ◽  
A. S. Rocha

We have used rat inner medullary collecting ducts (IMCD) perfused "in vitro" to study the effect of vasopressin (VP) on the unidirectional Na+ flux (in nmol.cm-2.s-1). We found that, at a high perfusion rate in the basal state, 24Na lumen-to-bath flux (Jl----b) was greater than the bath-to-lumen flux (Jb----l) (4.88 +/- 0.15 vs. 2.57 +/- 0.21), resulting in a significant net flux (Jnet) (P less than 0.001). Addition of 10 microU/ml of lysine vasopressin (LVP) to the bath produced a stable increase in Jl----b to 6.66 +/- 0.35 (P less than 0.001) without significant effect on Jb----l. Measuring directly the net flux absorption at lower perfusion rate (8 nl/min), we observed that LVP (10 microU/ml) produced a reversible stimulation on Jnet from 1.39 +/- 0.14 to 2.79 +/- 0.23 (P less than 0.01). The transtubular potential difference (PD) measured in the middle and final third of IMCD showed a small but significant PD (0.30 +/- 0.02 mV lumen positive) that increased significantly to 0.60 +/- 0.04 mV in the presence of LVP. However, dibutyryl adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (DBcAMP, 10(-4) M) added to the bath fluid did not change the JNa+l----b, nor was 1-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (50 microU/ml), a specific V2-agonist, able to increase the Na+. We also demonstrated that JNa+l----b stimulated by LVP from 4.70 +/- 0.08 to 6.33 +/- 0.26 (P less than 0.01) was completely and reversibly inhibited by V1-antagonist, d(CH2)Tyr(Me)AVP, to 4.79 +/- 0.05. On the other hand, the absence of Ca2+ in the bath or the addition of amiloride to the lumen fluid or ouabain to the bath fluid completely inhibited AVP-stimulated JNa+l----b. Therefore, AVP and LVP increase Na+ absorption in the rat IMCD by increasing the Na+ outflux, probably generated by an increase of luminal membrane Na+ permeability modulated by extracellular Ca2+ and mediated through V1-receptors and independent of cAMP cascade.

2002 ◽  
Vol 283 (6) ◽  
pp. F1337-F1350 ◽  
Darren P. Wallace ◽  
Marcy Christensen ◽  
Gail Reif ◽  
Franck Belibi ◽  
Brantley Thrasher ◽  

Inner medullary collecting ducts (IMCD) are the final nephron segments through which urine flows. To investigate epithelial ion transport in human IMCD, we established primary cell cultures from initial (hIMCDi) and terminal (hIMCDt) inner medullary regions of human kidneys. AVP, PGE2, and forskolin increased cAMP in both hIMCDi and hIMCDt cells. The effects of AVP and PGE2 were greatest in hIMCDi; however, forskolin increased cAMP to the same extent in hIMCDi and hIMCDt. Basal short-circuit current ( I SC) of hIMCDi monolayers was 1.4 ± 0.5 μA/cm2 and was inhibited by benzamil, a Na+ channel blocker. 8-Bromo-cAMP, AVP, PGE2, and forskolin increased I SC; the current was reduced by blocking PKA, apical Cl− channels, basolateral NKCC1 (a Na+-K+-2Cl−cotransporter), and basolateral Cl−/HCO[Formula: see text]exchangers. In fluid transport studies, hIMCDi monolayers absorbed fluid in the basal state and forskolin reversed net fluid transport to secretion. In hIMCDt monolayers, basal current was not different from zero and cAMP had no effect on I SC. We conclude that AVP and PGE2stimulate cAMP-dependent Cl− secretion by hIMCDi cells, but not hIMCDt cells, in vitro. We suggest that salt secretion at specialized sites along human collecting ducts may be important in the formation of the final urine.

1991 ◽  
Vol 261 (6) ◽  
pp. F951-F956 ◽  
R. Oishi ◽  
H. Nonoguchi ◽  
K. Tomita ◽  
F. Marumo

Endothelin causes diuresis despite an accompanying decrease in glomerular filtration rate and renal plasma flow. Binding sites for endothelin are located not only in glomeruli but also in the inner medulla, possibly in inner medullary collecting ducts (IMCD). To determine whether endothelin has a direct tubular effect, effects of endothelin on water and urea transport were investigated using isolated microperfusion of rat IMCD segments in vitro. Endothelin, at 10(-10) and 10(-8) M, reversibly inhibited 10(-11) M arginine vasopressin (AVP)-stimulated osmotic water permeability (Pf) by 18 and 24%, respectively. Endothelin (10(-8) M) also inhibited Pf by 23% in the presence of a much higher dose of AVP (10(-9) M), whereas endothelin had no effect on Pf in the absence of AVP. On the other hand, 10(-8) M endothelin did not inhibit Pf stimulated by 10(-3) M dibutyryl adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP). Endothelin had no inhibitory effect on AVP-stimulated urea permeability. These data suggest that endothelin can cause diuresis by inhibiting AVP-stimulated Pf in IMCD and that the site of action is previous to cAMP generation.

1985 ◽  
Vol 248 (4) ◽  
pp. F522-F526 ◽  
S. Bagnasco ◽  
D. Good ◽  
R. Balaban ◽  
M. Burg

Lactate production was measured directly in individual segments of the rat nephron. Tubules were dissected and then incubated in vitro with glucose as the only metabolic substrate. Each segment was incubated with and without antimycin A, an inhibitor of oxidative metabolism. Proximal tubules produced no lactate with or without antimycin A. The distal segments all produced lactate. The rate of lactate production without antimycin A ranged from 0.4 to 0.9 pmol X min-1 X mm-1 in all distal segments except one, the inner medullary collecting duct, which produced lactate at the significantly higher rate of 2.8 pmol X min-1 X mm-1. Antimycin A increased lactate production significantly in all of the distal segments. The increase was largest in medullary thick ascending limbs (1,400%) and cortical (798%) and outer medullary collecting ducts (357%). Increments were smaller in cortical thick ascending limbs (98%) and distal convoluted tubules (98%) and least in the inner medullary collecting ducts (28%). We conclude that lactate production occurs only in distal segments of the nephron and that under anoxic conditions significant amounts of ATP are produced by anaerobic glycolysis in these segments.

1990 ◽  
Vol 258 (1) ◽  
pp. F75-F84 ◽  
S. M. Wall ◽  
J. M. Sands ◽  
M. F. Flessner ◽  
H. Nonoguchi ◽  
K. R. Spring ◽  

The isolated perfused tubule technique was used to study net acid transport in rat terminal inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) segments. The stop-flow luminal pH [measured fluorometrically with the acidic form of the pH-sensitive dye 2',7'-bis(carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein in the lumen] fell 0.35 units below the bath pH in tubules from control rats and 0.53 units below the bath in tubules from deoxycorticosterone-treated rats. Tubules from control rats absorbed bicarbonate and secreted ammonium against concentration gradients, although at low rates. In control rats, 10(-8) M vasopressin added to the bath increased bicarbonate absorption almost threefold. Treatment of rats in vivo with deoxycorticosterone significantly increased the rate of bicarbonate absorption in vitro. In vivo NH4Cl loading also significantly increased bicarbonate absorption. Staining microdissected tubules with acridine orange confirmed that the perfused segments lacked intercalated cells. We conclude that the terminal IMCD spontaneously acidifies the lumen despite an absence of intercalated cells. Bicarbonate absorption appears to be regulated by the same factors that affect net acidification in other collecting duct segments.

1992 ◽  
Vol 262 (1) ◽  
pp. F1-F7 ◽  
M. F. Flessner ◽  
S. M. Wall ◽  
M. A. Knepper

Previous in vitro studies have demonstrated spontaneous bicarbonate absorption in the outer stripe portion of the rat outer medullary collecting duct (OMCD) and inner medullary collecting duct, but net acid transport has not been studied in the inner stripe of the rat OMCD (OMCDIS). When we perfused isolated OMCDIS segments with identical bath and perfusate solutions containing HCO-3 and NH4Cl, HCO-3 was spontaneously absorbed, and total ammonia was spontaneously secreted at rapid rates in tubules from both deoxycorticosterone (DOC)-treated and untreated rats. We next measured the NH3 flux due to imposed NH3 concentration gradients. Carbonic anhydrase (CA), when added to the lumen, enhanced the NH3 flux, implying an absence of endogenous CA. The NH3 permeability was 0.0042 +/- 0.0007 cm/s. By measuring the luminal pH in perfused OMCDIS segments with an imposed lumen-to-bath NH3 gradient, we determined the pH at the end of the lumen to be 0.23 units below the equilibrium pH calculated from the simultaneously measured total CO2 concentration in collected fluid, confirming the lack of luminal CA. These results are consistent with the view that ammonium secretion in the OMCDIS occurs predominantly by H+ secretion and parallel NH3 diffusion. A luminal disequilibrium pH due to H+ secretion in the absence of endogenous luminal CA enhances the NH3 entry rate. Spontaneous net acid secretion appears to occur more rapidly in the OMCD than in other parts of the rat collecting duct system.

1993 ◽  
Vol 264 (4) ◽  
pp. F690-F696 ◽  
K. Tomita ◽  
H. Nonoguchi ◽  
Y. Terada ◽  
F. Marumo

Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is known as a vasoconstrictor peptide. However, recent reports suggested the effects on the transport of renal tubule. We previously reported that ET-1 inhibited arginine vasopressin (AVP)-dependent adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate in rat collecting ducts. Physiologically, ET-1 reversibly and significantly inhibited AVP-stimulated water permeability in inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD). We therefore investigated the effects on water and electrolyte transport in rat cortical collecting ducts (CCD), where Na and Cl are actively reabsorbed more than in IMCD. Pathogen-free male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 80-120 g were used after treatment with deoxycorticosterone pivalate for 1-2 wk. Isolated CCD were microperfused in vitro. The Cl concentration was measured by a continuous-flow ultra-microcolorimeter, and the raffinose concentration was measured as a volume marker by a continuous-flow ultra-microfluorometer. In the presence of 10(-9) M AVP, 10(-8) M ET-1 significantly inhibited fluid absorption (nl.mm-1 x min-1) from 0.25 +/- 0.02 to 0.15 +/- 0.05 (mean +/- SE, n = 6, P < 0.01), Cl absorption (pmol.mm-1 x min-1) from 30. 6 +/- 2.8 to 14.9 +/- 4.0 (P < 0.01), and potential difference (mV) from -5.4 +/- 1.3 to -4.0 +/- 1.2 (P < 0.01). Similar results were obtained in the lower concentration of 10(-10) M AVP and 10(-10) M ET-1. As for the osmotic water permeability (microns/s), 10(-8) M ET-1 significantly inhibited this from 320.1 +/- 50.9 to 202.1 +/- 42.2 (n = 7, P < 0.01) in the presence of 10(-9) M AVP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

1990 ◽  
Vol 259 (2) ◽  
pp. F258-F268 ◽  
A. S. Rocha ◽  
L. H. Kudo

We examined the action of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) on Na+ and Cl- transport in in vitro microperfused inner medullary collecting ducts (IMCD) isolated from rat kidneys. First we studied the isotopic fluxes at low perfusion rates (7 nl/min). The results showed that ANF added to bath decreased lumen-to-bath flux (Jl----b) of Na+ and increased Na+ bath-to-lumen flux (Jb----l). This was substantiated by a direct demonstration that ANF reduces net Na+ and Cl- absorption. The effect of ANF on Jl----b and Jb----l of Na+ was also observed at high perfusion rates (25 nl/min). The inhibitory effect of ANF was observed even when Na+ Jl----b was stimulated by vasopressin (VP). ANF (6 x 10(-11) M) added to bath increased Cl- Jb----l and generated a negative lumen potential difference (PD). These two effects were inhibited by furosemide and by the replacement of Na+ by choline and Cl- by SO4(2-) in the bath fluid. These observations are compatible with the existence of a Na(+)-Cl(-)-K+ cotransport mechanism stimulated by ANF. Moreover, the effects of guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) added to the bath on PD, Jl----b, and Jb----l of Na+ were similar to those observed with ANF. Thus, physiological concentrations of ANF inhibit directly Na+ and Cl- absorption in IMCD by two mechanisms, 1) by increasing cotransport Na(+)-Cl(-)-K+ secretion and 2) by inhibiting NaCl absorption both in the absence and in the presence of VP. These effects on NaCl transport appear to be mediated by cGMP.

1989 ◽  
Vol 257 (5) ◽  
pp. F738-F745 ◽  
A. J. Magaldi ◽  
A. A. van Baak ◽  
A. S. Rocha

Ca2+ transport by the inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) of normal rats was studied using the "in vitro" microperfusion technique. Net (Jnet), lumen-to-bath (Jl----b), and bath-to-lumen (Jb----l) fluxes of Ca2+ were measured in the absence of net water absorption using 45Ca as a tracer. In the absence of an electrochemical gradient, an important net absorption of Ca2+ (11.1 +/- 1.6 pmol.cm-2.s-1), similar to the difference between the Jl----b and Jb----l, was observed by direct determination at low (5-6 nl/min) and high (12-17 nl/min) perfusion rates. The Jl----b of Ca2+ was reduced by the addition to the bath fluid of ouabain (10(-3) M) and verapamil (10(-4) M), by the presence of amiloride (10(-5) and 10(-3) M) and verapamil (10(-4) M) in the luminal fluid, or by perfusion with a Na+-free solution. Neither the presence of verapamil (10(-4) M) and ouabain (10(-3) M) in the bath nor the withdrawal of Na+ from bath and perfusion solution was able to modify the Jb----l of Ca2+. Incrementing Ca2+ bath concentration increased proportionally the Jb----l of Ca2+. Therefore Ca2+ outflux is in part dependent on Na+-K+-adenosinetriphosphatase luminal membrane Na+ transport and in part inhibited by verapamil. However, Ca2+ influx is independent of Na+ transport, is not blocked by verapamil, but is increased by Ca2+ transtubular gradient, indicating the presence of a passive diffusion mechanism.

2012 ◽  
Vol 302 (8) ◽  
pp. F998-F1004 ◽  
Titilayo O. Ilori ◽  
Yanhua Wang ◽  
Mitsi A. Blount ◽  
Christopher F. Martin ◽  
Jeff M. Sands ◽  

UT-A1, the urea transporter present in the apical membrane of the inner medullary collecting duct, is crucial to the kidney's ability to concentrate urine. Phosphorylation of UT-A1 on serines 486 and 499 is important for plasma membrane trafficking. The effect of calcineurin on dephosphorylation of UT-A1 was investigated. Inner medullary collecting ducts from Sprague-Dawley rats were metabolically labeled and treated with tacrolimus to inhibit calcineurin or calyculin to inhibit protein phosphatases 1 and 2A. UT-A1 was immunoprecipitated, electrophoresed, blotted, and total UT-A1 phosphorylation was assessed by autoradiography. Total UT-A1 was determined by Western blotting. A phospho-specific antibody to pser486-UT-A1 was used to determine whether serine 486 can be hyperphosphorylated by inhibiting phosphatases. Inhibition of calcineurin showed an increase in phosphorylation per unit protein at serine 486. In contrast, inhibition of phosphatases 1 and 2A resulted in an increase in UT-A1 phosphorylation but no increase in pser486-UT-A1. In vitro perfusion of inner medullary collecting ducts showed tacrolimus-stimulated urea permeability consistent with stimulated urea transport. The location of phosphorylated UT-A1 in rats treated acutely and chronically with tacrolimus was determined using immunohistochemistry. Inner medullary collecting ducts of the acutely treated rats showed increased apical membrane association of phosphorylated UT-A1 while chronic treatment reduced membrane association of phosphorylated UT-A1. We conclude that UT-A1 may be dephosphorylated by multiple phosphatases and that the PKA-phosphorylated serine 486 is dephosphorylated by calcineurin. This is the first documentation of the role of phosphatases and the specific site of phosphorylation of UT-A1, in response to tacrolimus.

1997 ◽  
Vol 273 (6) ◽  
pp. F857-F868 ◽  
Susan M. Wall

In the rat terminal inner medullary collecting duct (tIMCD), Na+ pump inhibition reduces transepithelial net acid secretion ( J tAMM) [ J H = total CO2 absorption ( J tCO2) + total ammonia secretion] and increases resting intracellular pH (pHi). The increase in pHi and reduction in J H that follow ouabain addition do not occur in the absence of[Formula: see text] nor when [Formula: see text]is substituted with another weak base. The purpose of this study was to explore the mechanism of the [Formula: see text]-dependent reduction in J tCO2 and increase in pHi that follow ouabain addition. We hypothesized that [Formula: see text]enters the tIMCD cell through the Na+-K+-ATPase with proton release in the cytosol. To test this hypothesis, tIMCDs were dissected from deoxycorticosterone-treated rats and perfused in vitro with symmetrical physiological saline solutions containing 6 mM NH4Cl. Since K+ and[Formula: see text] compete for a common binding site on the Na+ pump, increasing extracellular K+ should limit[Formula: see text] (and hence net H+) uptake by the Na+ pump. Upon increasing extracellular K+ concentration from 3 to 12 mM, the [Formula: see text]-dependent, ouabain-induced increase in pHiand reduction in J tCO2 were attenuated. In the presence but not in the absence of[Formula: see text], reducing Na+ pump activity by limiting Na+ entry reduced J tCO2 and attenuated ouabain-induced alkalinization. Ouabain-induced alkalinization was not dependent on the presence of[Formula: see text]/CO2and was not reproduced with BaCl2or bumetanide addition. Therefore, ouabain-induced alkalinization is not mediated by the Na+-K+-2Cl−cotransporter or a [Formula: see text] transporter and is not mediated by changes in membrane potential. In conclusion, on the basolateral membrane of the tIMCD cell,[Formula: see text] uptake is mediated by the Na+-K+-ATPase. These data provide an explanation for the reduction in net acid secretion in the tIMCD observed following administration of amiloride or with dietary K+ loading.

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