Bradycardia during face cooling in man may be produced by selective brain cooling

1979 ◽  
Vol 46 (5) ◽  
pp. 905-907 ◽  
M. Caputa ◽  
M. Cabanac

In human subjects, bradycardia was produced by immersing the subjects' faces in water at 15 degrees C when they were hyperthermic. When they were hypothermic, the same face cooling produced tachycardia. It is suggested that the difference in cardiac response originates in selective brain cooling during hyperthermia, by venous return from the face to the brain, via ophthalmic veins.

Jerome Kagan

This chapter analyzes how subject expectations affect all brain measures. An expectation of pain, a difficult task, an unpleasant picture, an air puff to the face, the sound of hands clapping, a metaphorical sentence, a caress, cocaine, an exemplar of a semantic category, or the benefit of a medicine each affects brain profiles as well as the speed and accuracy of perceptions. Meanwhile, unexpected events activate many brain sites, but especially the amygdala, hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, ventral tegmental area, and locus ceruleus. The difference in the oscillation frequencies evoked by the event anticipated and the one that occurs may be a critical cause of these activations. The brain and psychological states generated by an unexpected event depend on its desirability and familiarity.

1993 ◽  
Vol 74 (3) ◽  
pp. 1229-1233 ◽  
W. Rasch ◽  
M. Cabanac

The purpose of this work is to relate the concept of selective brain cooling (SBC) during exercise to heat loss from the head while either bare or covered. During hyperthermia, SBC is considered to occur if tympanic temperature (Tty) is lower than esophageal temperature (Tes). In experiment I the head heat loss was measured with and without headgear. Each of four subjects took part in three sessions of exercise on a cycle ergometer. The face was cooled to simulate outdoor conditions. The first session (no headgear) served as control for the two following sessions in which a headband and a woolen cap were worn. Evaporative and radiative-convective heat loss were monitored from the head. Wearing a cap significantly reduced the heat loss from the head compared with the control condition. During the headband session the heat loss was not significantly lower than the control values. Tty, Tes, and head skin temperatures (T(sk)) were also recorded. Tty was significantly lower (-0.55 +/- 0.15 degrees C) than Tes at the end of exercise (150-W exercise load) when no headgear was worn. During headgear sessions, Tty was no longer significantly lower than Tes, either during the headband (-0.15 +/- 0.31 degrees C) or during the cap session (-0.30 +/- 0.13 degrees C). In experiment II the influence of wearing headgear on temperature regulation was studied. Hand skin blood flow, hand T(sk), and heat loss from the hand were recorded in addition to the variables monitored in experiment I. Wearing headgear elevated Tty and peripheral vasomotor responses, whereas Tes evolved in the opposite direction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

1998 ◽  
Vol 275 (2) ◽  
pp. R363-R371
Michał Caputa ◽  
Lars Folkow ◽  
Arnoldus Schytte Blix

Hypothermia may limit asphyxic damages to the brain, and many small homeotherms have been shown to use anapyrexic strategies when exposed to asphyxic conditions. Larger homeotherms do not seem to use the same strategy, but could save oxygen and prevent hypoxic brain damage by employing selective brain cooling (SBC) in connection with asphyxia. To test the hypothesis that selective brain cooling may take place in connection with asphyxia, we have recorded brain [hypothalamic (THyp)] and body [colonic (TC)] temperatures and heart rates in four Pekin ducks during 5-min simulated (head submersion) diving in cold water (10°C). Diving resulted in a drop in THyp (3.1 ± 1.4°C) that continued into the recovery period ( P < 0.001). Restricting heat loss from the buccal cavity and eyes during diving compromised brain cooling in an additive manner. TC was not influenced by diving. Control cooling of the head with crushed ice during a 5-min period of undisturbed breathing had no effect on THyp. Warm water (35°C) markedly reduced brain cooling, and dive capacity was reduced by ∼14% ( P < 0.05) compared with diving in water at 10°C. The data suggest that SBC is used in ducks during diving, and we propose that this mechanism may enable the bird to save oxygen for prolonged aerobic submergence and to protect the brain from asphyxic damages.

2007 ◽  
Vol 103 (5) ◽  
pp. 1837-1847 ◽  
Matthew A. Neimark ◽  
Angelos-Aristeidis Konstas ◽  
Andrew F. Laine ◽  
John Pile-Spellman

A three-dimensional mathematical model was developed to examine the induction of selective brain cooling (SBC) in the human brain by intracarotid cold (2.8°C) saline infusion (ICSI) at 30 ml/min. The Pennes bioheat equation was used to propagate brain temperature. The effect of cooled jugular venous return was investigated, along with the effect of the circle of Willis (CoW) on the intracerebral temperature distribution. The complete CoW, missing A1 variant (mA1), and fetal P1 variant (fP1) were simulated. ICSI induced moderate hypothermia (defined as 32–34°C) in the internal carotid artery (ICA) territory within 5 min. Incorporation of the complete CoW resulted in a similar level of hypothermia in the ICA territory. In addition, the anterior communicating artery and ipsilateral posterior communicating artery distributed cool blood to the contralateral anterior and ipsilateral posterior territories, respectively, imparting mild hypothermia (35 and 35.5°C respectively). The mA1 and fP1 variants allowed for sufficient cooling of the middle cerebral territory (30–32°C). The simulations suggest that ICSI is feasible and may be the fastest method of inducing hypothermia. Moreover, the effect of convective heat transfer via the complete CoW and its variants underlies the important role of CoW anatomy in intracerebral temperature distributions during SBC.

1983 ◽  
Vol 245 (2) ◽  
pp. R293-R297 ◽  
C. A. Fuller ◽  
M. A. Baker

Many panting mammals can cool the brain below body core temperature during heat stress. Studies on human subjects suggest that primates may also be able selectively to regulate brain temperature. We examined this possibility by measuring hypothalamic (Thy) and colonic (Tco) temperatures of unanesthetized squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) in two different experiments. First, Thy and Tco were examined at four different ambient temperatures (Ta) between 20 and 36 degrees C. Over this range of Ta, Thy was regulated within a narrower range than Tco. In the cold Ta, Tco was lower than Thy; whereas in warm Ta, Tco was higher than Thy. Second, monkeys maintained at 35 degrees C Ta were acutely exposed to cool air blown on the face or abdomen. Air directed at the face cooled Thy more and faster than Tco, whereas air directed at the abdomen cooled Tco and Thy at the same rate. The second experiment was repeated in anesthetized animals with a thermocouple in the right atrium, and the results showed that this brain cooling was not produced by cooling of blood in the body core. These data demonstrate that the squirrel monkey is capable of selectively regulating Thy. Further the results suggest that venous blood returning from the face may be involved in selective brain cooling in warm environments.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Mohammad Fazel Bakhsheshi ◽  
Marjorie Ho ◽  
Lynn Keenliside ◽  
Ting-Yim Lee

Introduction: Selective brain cooling can minimize systemic complications associated with whole body cooling but maximize neuroprotection. Recently, we developed a non-invasive, portable and inexpensive system for selectively cooling the brain rapidly and demonstrated its safety and efficacy in porcine models. However, the widespread application of this technique in the clinical setting requires a reliable, non-invasive and accurate method for measuring local brain temperature so that cooling and rewarming rates can be controlled during targeted temperature management. In this study, we evaluate the ability of a zero-heat-flux SpotOn sensor, mounted on three different locations, to measure brain temperature during selective brain cooling in a pig model. Computed Tomography (CT) was used to determine the position of the SpotOn patches relative to the brain at different placement locations.Methods and Results: Experiments were conducted on two juvenile pigs. Body temperature was measured using a rectal temperature probe while brain temperature with an intraparenchymal thermocouple probe. A SpotOn patch was taped to the pig’s head at three different locations: 1-2 cm posterior (Location #1, n=1), central forehead (Location #2, n=1); and 1-2 cm anterior and lateral to the bregma i.e., above the eye on the forehead (Location #3, n=1). This cooling system was able to rapidly cool the brain temperature to 33.7 ± 0.2°C within 15 minutes, and maintain the brain temperature within 33-34°C for 4-6 hours before slowly rewarming to 34.8 ± 1.1°C from 33.7 ± 0.2°C, while maintaining the core body temperature (as per rectal temperature probe) above 36°C. We measured a mean bias of -1.1°C, -0.2°C and 0.7°C during rapid cooling in induction phase, maintenance and rewarming phase, respectively. Amongst the three locations, location #2 had the highest correlation (R2 = 0.8) between the SpotOn sensor and the thermocouple probe.Conclusions: This SBC method is able to tightly control the rewarming rate within 0.52 ± 0.20°C/h. The SpotOn sensor placed on the center of the forehead provides a good measurement of brain temperature in comparison to the invasive needle probe.

Circulation ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 118 (suppl_18) ◽  
Manuel C Boller ◽  
Joseph M Katz ◽  
Lance B Becker

Introduction : In patients with cardiac arrest, brain cooling is a powerful intervention to improve neurological outcome. However, brain temperature variation during the initial phase of untreated cardiac arrest has not been well characterized. Objective : To describe passive changes in brain temperature in early untreated cardiac arrest. Methods : Eleven domestic swine (35 kg) were anesthetized and routine respiratory and cardiovascular parameters were monitored and recorded. Temperature was recorded from various sites including the forebrain. External heat support was adjusted to maintain rectal temperature at 37±0.5 °C at baseline, but was discontinued thereafter. Ventricular fibrillation was then induced and cardiac arrest remained untreated for 15 minutes. During this phase, forebrain temperature was recorded every 60 seconds. Results : The brain temperature increased in all animals after induction of cardiac arrest and remained above baseline for the duration of the study period. Peak mean (±SEM) increase above baseline was 0.26 (±0.03) °C and was reached after 9 minutes. Brain temperature slowly declined thereafter. The maximum and minimum temperature increase in individual animals was 0.42 °C and 0.13 °C, respectively. Conclusions : Brain temperature consistently and rapidly increases in the early phase of untreated cardiac arrest in anesthetized swine. This may parallel ongoing, yet diminishing, heat production from cerebral metabolic activity in the face of cessation of convective heat removal via cerebral blood flow.

Physiology ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 281-286 ◽  
Claus Jessen

Artiodactyls employ selective brain cooling (SBC) regularly during experimental hyperthermia. In free-ranging antelopes, however, SBC often was present when body temperature was low but absent when brain temperature was near 42°C. The primary effect of SBC is to adjust the activity of the heat loss mechanisms to the magnitude of the heat stress rather than to the protection of the brain from thermal damage.

1994 ◽  
Vol 267 (2) ◽  
pp. R355-R359 ◽  
G. Kuhnen ◽  
C. Jessen

In species with a carotid rete, the arterial blood destined for the brain can be cooled on its passage through the rete. The temperature difference between the blood before the rete and the brain is termed selective brain cooling (SBC). The onset and degree of cooling depend on internal body temperature. The aim of this study was to determine the brain sites where the temperature signals driving SBC are generated. Thirty-six experiments were performed in three conscious goats, which were prepared with an arteriovenous shunt, carotid loops, and hypothalamic thermodes to manipulate the temperatures of the trunk (Ttr), the hypothalamus (Thyp), the extrahypothalamic brain (Texh), or the whole brain (Tbr). In all experiments, Ttr was clamped at 39.5 degrees C. The increase of SBC was 2.1 degrees C per 1 degree C increase of Tbr (gain = 2.1). The rise of Thyp at constant Texh yielded a gain of 1.6, whereas the gain of Texh at constant Thyp was 0.7. It is concluded that onset and degree of SBC are predominantly determined by temperature signals generated in the hypothalamus itself.

1995 ◽  
Vol 79 (6) ◽  
pp. 1849-1854 ◽  
F. F. McConaghy ◽  
J. R. Hales ◽  
R. J. Rose ◽  
D. R. Hodgson

Five horses were exercised on a treadmill [to central blood temperature (Tcore) approximately 42.5 degrees C]. Three of those horses were heated at rest in a climate room (53 degrees C, 90% relative humidity) (to Tcore approximately 41.5 degrees C). Temperatures were measured in the rectum, hypothalamus (Thyp), cerebrum, and cavernous sinus (Tsinus), on the skin of the head and midside, and Tcore. When Tcore increased above 38.5 degrees C, Thyp remained 0.6 +/- 0.1 degree C (SE) lower during heat exposure and 1 +/- 0.2 degrees C lower during exercise. During heat exposure, Tsinus was 2.2 +/- 0.4 degrees C below Tcore, and during exercise, Tsinus was 5 +/- 0.9 degrees C below Tcore. Upper respiratory tract bypass during exercise in one horse resulted in substantial reductions in Tcore-Thyp to 0.4 +/- 0.3 degrees C and Tcore-Tsinus to 0.9 +/- 0.2 degrees C. Thus the horse, a species without a carotid rete, can selectively cool the brain during exercise or heat exposure; this occurs, at least in part, via cool blood within the cavernous sinus, presumably resulting principally from cooling of venous blood within the upper respiratory tract.

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