Wavelet transform to quantify heart rate variability and to assess its instantaneous changes

1999 ◽  
Vol 86 (3) ◽  
pp. 1081-1091 ◽  
Vincent Pichot ◽  
Jean-Michel Gaspoz ◽  
Serge Molliex ◽  
Anestis Antoniadis ◽  
Thierry Busso ◽  

Heart rate variability is a recognized parameter for assessing autonomous nervous system activity. Fourier transform, the most commonly used method to analyze variability, does not offer an easy assessment of its dynamics because of limitations inherent in its stationary hypothesis. Conversely, wavelet transform allows analysis of nonstationary signals. We compared the respective yields of Fourier and wavelet transforms in analyzing heart rate variability during dynamic changes in autonomous nervous system balance induced by atropine and propranolol. Fourier and wavelet transforms were applied to sequences of heart rate intervals in six subjects receiving increasing doses of atropine and propranolol. At the lowest doses of atropine administered, heart rate variability increased, followed by a progressive decrease with higher doses. With the first dose of propranolol, there was a significant increase in heart rate variability, which progressively disappeared after the last dose. Wavelet transform gave significantly better quantitative analysis of heart rate variability than did Fourier transform during autonomous nervous system adaptations induced by both agents and provided novel temporally localized information.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 157-160
Mayura P. Deshmukh ◽  
Ashwini N. Patil ◽  
Gaurang Baxi

Primal reflex release technique (PRRT) is a paradigm shift in the treatment of pain which follows the principle of rebooting the autonomous nervous system (ANS), by down regulating the upgraded sympathetic component of ANS in a variety of pain syndromes. To check the effect of PRRT on chronic neck pain, a case study was done using Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) as outcome measures. After conducting the one minute nociceptive exam for startle reflex, indication of the upgraded Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS), a single session of PRRT was carried out on a 24 year old female patient with chronic neck pain having a VAS score of 7 on activity and that of 5 on rest. Pre and post treatment HRV analysis was done using frequency domain and time domain parameters. Post PRRT treatment, an improvement in VAS scale with a score of 4 on activity and that of 3 on rest was seen. HRV showed a decrease in HFnu (26.7 vs 24.5), RMSSD (63.553 vs 59.216), SDNN (28.58 vs 34.82) and PNN50 (48.3 vs 42.5) which refers to decreased parasympathetic activity, and increased LFnu (73.3 vs 75.5) which indicates increased sympathetic activity. This was the first study evaluating the effect of PRRT with HRV. Further research needs to be conducted to validate HRV findings in chronic pain patients undergoing PRRT using a large sample size and interval based assessment of HRV. Key words: Neck Pain, Primal reflex release technique, Startle Reflex, Heart Rate Variability.

2004 ◽  
Vol 43 (01) ◽  
pp. 118-121 ◽  
L. Moraru ◽  
L. Cimponeriu ◽  
S. Tong ◽  
N. Thakor ◽  
A. Bezerianos

Summary Objectives: A non-invasive method to monitor the functioning of the autonomous nervous system consists in heart rate variability (HRV) analysis. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes on HRV after an asphyxia experiment in rats, using several linear (time and frequency domain) and nonlinear parameters (approximate entropy, SD1 and SD2 indices derived from Poincare plots). Methods: The experiments involved the study of HRV changes after cardiac arrest (CA) resulting from 5 min of hypoxia and asphyxia, followed by manual resuscitation and return of spontaneous circulation. 5 min stationary periods of RR intervals were selected for further analysis from 5 rats in following distinct situations: 1) baseline, 2) 30 min after CA, 3) 60 min after CA, 4) 90 min after CA, 5) 120 min after CA, 6) 150 min after CA. The ANS contribution has been delineated based on time and frequency domain analysis. Results and Conclusions: The results indicate that the recovery process following the asphyxia cardiac arrest reflects the impaired functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Both linear and nonlinear parameters track the different phases of the experiment, with an increased sensitivity displayed by the approximate entropy (ApEn). After 150 min the ApEn RRI parameter recovers to its baseline value. The results forward the ApEn as a more sensitive parameter of the recovery process following the asphyxia.

2005 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 178-183
Pablo F. Viñas ◽  
Lázaro Gorostiaga Cánepa ◽  
Enrique Baeyens Lázaro ◽  
Javier. Perez Turiel ◽  
José R. Perán González

2016 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 200-206 ◽  
Osmar Pinto Neto ◽  
Andreia Oliveira Pinheiro ◽  
Valter Luis Pereira ◽  
Rafael Pereira ◽  
Ovidiu Constantin Baltatu ◽  

2004 ◽  
Vol 101 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-27 ◽  
Alain Deschamps ◽  
Ian Kaufman ◽  
Steven B. Backman ◽  
Gilles Plourde

Background Epidurals are effective in relieving labor pain but result in a sympathectomy that may compromise maternal hemodynamic stability and fetal perfusion. Decreases in blood pressure and heart rate can be corrected, but markers of autonomic activity would be useful to predict and prevent such changes. The goal of this study was to find markers describing the changes in autonomic nervous system activity with epidural anesthesia in laboring patients. Methods The authors analyzed heart rate variability and blood pressure variability in 13 laboring patients using wavelet transform, a time-frequency analysis that accommodates rapid changes in autonomic activity. Heart rate and blood pressure variability were obtained 5 min before and 10 min after injection of 20 ml bupivacaine, 0.125%, and 50 microg fentanyl in the epidural space. Results Blood pressure and heart rate were not affected by epidural analgesia. However, high-frequency power of heart rate variability increased after epidural (increase in parasympathetic drive). The ratio of low-frequency:high-frequency power of heart rate variability decreased. High- and low-frequency power of blood pressure variability decreased (decrease in sympathetic outflow). Conclusions Indices of parasympathetic and sympathetic activity after neuraxial blockade in laboring patients can be obtained by analysis of both heart rate variability and blood pressure variability. The analysis by wavelet transform can discern changes in autonomic activity when values of blood pressure and heart rate do not vary significantly. Whether this technique could be used to predict and prevent hemodynamic compromise after neuraxial blockade merits further studies.

2013 ◽  
Vol 94 (3) ◽  
pp. 321-327
D N Zaitsev

Aim. To study the relation of autonomic disorders severity, energy and lipid metabolism parameters, immune, hormonal disorders and structural and functional changes of the myocardium in patients with chronic prostatitis. Methods. The study included 75 patients with chronic prostatitis, who were divided into two groups: the first group consisted of 48 patients with the sympathetic autonomous nervous system hyper activation, the second group - of 27 patients with autonomic balance. Echocardiography, 24-hour ECG monitoring with heart rate variability analysis were performed in all patients. The overall serum level of non-esterified fatty acids and glycerol, red blood cells levels of macroergic substances, lipid and long-chain fatty acids fractions were measured. Hormonal profile included estimation of total testosterone level, sex hormone-binding globulin, calculated free testosterone index. Serum cytokines profile was also studied. Results. In patients with sympathetic activity and prostatitis, most of heart rate variability parameters were significantly lower compared to patients with autonomic balance and controls. Patients with left ventricle diastolic dysfunction had higher serum concentrations of pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Dysautonomia with prolonged sympathetic autonomous nervous system hyper activation was frequently found in patient with chronic prostatitis (64% of cases), contributing to low fatty acids utilization in myocardium and reduced levels of glycerol (by 32.3%) and adenosine triphosphate (by 49.5%) in erythrocytes. These disorders were accompanied by left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in 19.2% of patients and by arrhythmias in over than a half of patients. Conclusion. Autonomic disorders (sympathetic autonomous nervous system hyper activation associated with decreased parasympathetic control of the cardiovascular system) are quite common in patients with chronic prostatitis, leading to fatty acids utilization impairment, resulting in blood accumulation of non-esterified fatty acids, low serum glycerol levels, adenine nucleotide imbalance) accompanied by low unbound testosterone level, serum cytokines profile imbalance, reduction of cardiac hemodynamic indicators and development of cardiac arrhythmias.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 226-236
N. D. Sorokina ◽  
A. V. Tsagashek ◽  
S. S. Pertsov ◽  
G. V. Selitsky ◽  
A. S. Zherdeva

Objective: to study the electrophysiological parameters of brain bioelectric activity and features of the autonomous nervous system assessing heart rate variability, sympathetic skin response, clinical and physiological tests depending on the lateralization of migraine pain syndrome in the right or left brain hemisphere in patients with epileptic electroencephalogram (EEG) signs and migraine.Material and methods. Thirty six patients with aura-free episodic migraine at risk of developing epilepsy and 9 age-matched healthy subjects were examined. All participants underwent EEG, clinical and physiological tests, assessment of heart rate variability and sympathetic skin response.Results. Patients with right-hemisphere migraine headache had signs of activated sympathetic nervous system at baseline level and during exercise, lower baseline EEG epileptiform activity and in provocative tests. In contrast to the subjects of this group, patients of other group featured with a more stable migraine pain syndrome in the left hemisphere tended to dominate with functional activity of the parasympathetic system such as increased trophotropic support during exercise, as well as greater magnitude of baseline epileptiform bioelectric activity and during load tests.Conclusion. Values of heart rate variability in combination with objective results of clinical and physiological assessment of the autonomous nervous system and electrophysiological parameters of brain bioelectric activity are reliable prognostic indicators for varying functional conditions in patients with episodic migraine.

P.A. Bayguzhin ◽  
D.Z. Shibkova ◽  
A.E. Batueva ◽  
A.A. Kudryashov ◽  
O.V. Bayguzhina

The goal of the paper is to reveal the peculiarities of the autonomous nervous system responsiveness under emotiogenic video content in students with different initial vegetative tones. Materials and Methods. The authors examined 33 volunteers, their average age was 21.4±1.5. According to the stress index (SI), the subjects were divided into two groups: in the 1st group (n=14) a sympathetic tone of the autonomic nervous system prevailed (SI>140); in the 2nd group (n=19) initially, there dominated a parasympathetic tone (SI<140). Viewing video content with emotiogenic fragments served as a model for emotion induction. The responsibility of the autonomic nervous system was determined according to the change of indicators in temporal (RRNN, SDNN, RMSSD, pNN50) and mathematical analysis (heart rate, M, Mo, AMo, index of vegetative balance, vegetative rhythm indicator, tension index) of the cardiac rhythmogram. The cardiac rhythmogram was divided into successive analysis steps, which lasted 100 cardiac cycles synchronized with each episode of the stimulus video. Results. Regardless of the video valency, the indicators of a temporary RMSSD and pNN50 analysis are sensitive indicators of heart rate variability under emotiogenic video content in individuals with initial parasympathetic tone; in individuals with initial sympathetic tone these are the indicators of mathematical analysis – the index of vegetative balance and index of tension while watching a video evoking negative emotions. The revealed peculiarities of the vegetative body support at the stages following the exposure to the emotiogenic factors characterize stress-reactive thinking or rumination. The authors registered significant increase in heart rate in individuals with initial parasympathetic tone, whereas in individuals with initial sympathetic tone, there was a certain increase in vagal activity associated with SDNN and pNN50 increase. Conclusion. While evaluating the emotiogenic factor influence on the organism, evident in the autonomic nervous system responsiveness, one should consider the initial autonomic tone of the subjects, the degree of variability, the intensity of changes, and the sensitivity of heart rate variability. Keywords: reactivity, autonomic nervous system, heart rate variability, emotiogenic factor, video content, rumination, students. Цель работы. Выявить особенности реактивности автономной нервной системы при воздействии эмоциогенного видеоконтента у студентов с различным исходным вегетативным тонусом. Материалы и методы. На основании добровольного согласия обследовано 33 чел., средний возраст которых составил 21,4±1,5 года. В зависимости от величины индекса напряжения (ИН) обследуемые были разделены на две группы: 1-я группа (n=14) – с преобладанием симпатического тонуса автономной нервной системы (ИН>140 ед.); 2-я группа (n=19) – с исходным преобладанием парасимпатического тонуса (ИН<140 ед.). Моделью индукции эмоций являлся просмотр видеоконтента, содержащего эмоциогенные фрагменты. Реактивность автономной нервной системы определялась по степени изменения показателей временного (RRNN, SDNN, RMSSD, pNN50) и математического анализа (ЧСС, M, Mo, AMo, ИВР, ВПР, ИН) кардиоритмограммы. Кардиоритмограмма делилась на последовательные этапы анализа, длительность которых составляла 100 кардиоциклов, синхронизированных с каждым фрагментом стимульного видеоряда. Результаты. Чувствительными показателями вариабельности сердечного ритма при воздействии эмоциогенного видеоконтента у лиц с исходным парасимпатическим тонусом являются показатели временного анализа RMSSD и pNN50, независимо от валентности видеоролика; у лиц с исходным симпатическим тонусом – показатели математического анализа – индекс вегетативного равновесия (ИВР) и ИН при восприятии видеоролика, индуцирующего отрицательные эмоции. Выявленные особенности вегетативного обеспечения организма на этапах, следующих после воздействия эмоциогенного фактора, характерны для состояния стресс-реактивного размышления, или руминации. У лиц с исходным парасимпатическим тонусом регистрировалось значимое увеличение ЧСС, у лиц с исходным симпатическим тонусом – характерное увеличение вагусной активности на фоне увеличения показателей SDNN и pNN50. Выводы. Эффекты воздействия эмоциогенного фактора на организм, выраженные в особенностях реактивности автономной нервной системы, должны оцениваться с учетом исходного вегетативного тонуса обследуемых, степени вариативности, интенсивности изменений, а также чувствительности показателей вариабельности сердечного ритма. Ключевые слова: реактивность, автономная нервная система, вариабельность сердечного ритма, эмоциогенный фактор, видеоконтент, руминация, студенты.

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