Intrinsically Bursting Olfactory Receptor Neurons

2007 ◽  
Vol 97 (2) ◽  
pp. 1052-1057 ◽  
Y. V. Bobkov ◽  
B. W. Ache

Rhythmically bursting neurons are fundamental to neuronal network function but typically are not considered in the context of primary sensory signaling. We now report intrinsically bursting lobster primary olfactory receptor neurons that respond to odors with a phase-dependent burst of action potentials. Rhythmic odor input as might be generated by sniffing entrains the intrinsic bursting rhythm in a concentration-dependent manner and presumably synchronizes the ensemble of bursting cells. We suggest such intrinsically bursting olfactory receptor cells provide a novel way for encoding odor information.

2019 ◽  
Vol 44 (7) ◽  
pp. 523-533
Tadashi Nakamura ◽  
Yoshihiro Noumi ◽  
Hiroyuki Yamakawa ◽  
Atsushi Nakamura ◽  
Durige Wen ◽  

Abstract Previously, we have detected the expression of 2 lipocalin genes (lp1 and lp2) in the olfactory epithelium of the Japanese newt Cynops pyrrhogaster. Recombinant proteins of these genes (Cp-Lip1 and Cp-Lip2, respectively) exhibited high affinities to various odorants, suggesting that they work like the odorant-binding proteins (OBPs). However, the physiological functions of OBP generally remain inconclusive. Here, we examined the effect of Cp-Lip1 on the electrophysiological responses of newt olfactory receptor cells. We observed that the electro-olfactogram induced by the vapor of an odorant with high affinity to Cp-Lip1 appeared to increase in amplitude when a tiny drop of Cp-Lip1 solution was dispersed over the olfactory epithelium. However, the analysis was difficult because of possible interference by intrinsic components in the nasal mucus. We subsequently adopted a mucus-free condition by using suction electrode recordings from isolated olfactory cells, in which impulses were generated by puffs of odorant solution. When various concentration (0–5 µM) of Cp-Lip1 was mixed with the stimulus solution of odorants highly affinitive to Cp-Lip1, the impulse frequency increased in a concentration-dependent manner. The increase by Cp-Lip1 was seen more evidently at lower concentration ranges of stimulus odorants. These results strongly suggest that Cp-Lip1 broadens the sensitivity of the olfactory cells toward the lower concentration of odorants, by which animals can detect very low concentration of odorants.

1995 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
pp. 172-177 ◽  
J. Kang ◽  
J. Caprio

1. We report for the first time in any teleost, a quantitative in vivo study of recordings from single olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) in the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, with odorant stimuli. 2. Responses of 69 spontaneously active single ORNs were recorded simultaneously with the electroolfactogram (EOG). Recording times ranged from 10 to 72 min per receptor cell with an average of 24 +/- 15 (SD) min/cell. The averaged spontaneous frequency ranged from < 1 to 12 action potentials/s with a mean frequency of 4.7 +/- 2.5 action potentials/s. 3. Catfish ORNs responded to the odorant stimuli (amino acids, bile salts, and ATP) with either an excitation or suppression of the background neural activity. Suppressive responses were encountered more frequently than excitatory responses, suggesting that suppressive responses also play an important role in olfactory coding. 4. Excitatory and suppressive responses to the different odorants were elicited from the same ORN, suggesting that different olfactory receptor molecules and different transduction pathways exist in the same ORN.

1995 ◽  
Vol 73 (6) ◽  
pp. 2207-2220 ◽  
P. I. Ezeh ◽  
L. M. Davis ◽  
J. W. Scott

1. Electroolfactorgram (EOG) recordings were made from different regions of the rat olfactory epithelium to test for spatial distribution of odor responses. 2. The EOG recordings showed spatial distribution of the odor responses in the olfactory epithelium. While some odorants (amyl acetate, anisole, and ethyl butyrate) were more effective in evoking responses in the dorsal recess near the septum, other odorants (including limonene, cineole, cyclooctane, and hexane) were more effective in the lateral recesses among the turbinate bones. These differences were seen as statistically significant odorant-by-position interactions in analysis of variance. 3. Comparisons of recordings along the anteroposterior dimension of the epithelium produced smaller differences between the odor responses. These were not significant for 3-mm distances, but were statistically significant for 5- to 6-mm distances along the dorsomedial epithelium. 4. The latencies were significantly longer in the lateral recesses than in the medial region. This probably reflects a more tortuous air path along the turbinate bones to the lateral recesses. 5. The olfactory receptor cells were activated by antidromic stimulation via the nerve layer of the olfactory bulb. The population spikes evoked from the olfactory receptor cells could be suppressed by prior stimulation with odorants that evoked strong EOG responses. This collision of the antidromic action potentials with the odor-evoked action potentials indicates that the same population of receptor cells was activated in both cases. 6. The flow rate and duration of the artificial sniff were varied systematically in some experiments. The differential distribution of response sizes was present at all flow rates and sniff durations. Some odors (e.g., amyl acetate and anisole) produced increased responses in the epithelium of the lateral recesses when flow rates or sniff durations were high. We suggest that these changes may reflect the sorptive properties of the nasal membranes on these odors. The responses to other odors (e.g., hexane or limonene) were not greatly affected by flow rate or sniff duration. 7. Taken with existing anatomic data, the results indicate that the primary olfactory neurons that project axons to glomeruli in different parts of the olfactory bulb are responsive to different odors. The latency differences between responses at medial and lateral sites are large enough to be physiologically significant in the generation of the patterned responses of olfactory bulb neurons.

1995 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
pp. 479-483 ◽  
A. B. Zhainazarov ◽  
B. W. Ache

1. Odor-evoked currents were recorded in Xenopus laevis olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) by the use of conventional, as well as nystatin and gramicidin-perforated, whole cell recording. The odor-evoked current ran down quickly in conventional, but not in perforated, whole cell recording. All three types of recording gave similar values for the amplitude, latency, time-to-peak, recovery time, and reversal potential of the odor-evoked current. 2. A secondary Cl current comprised a significant part of the odor-evoked current (55-65%). ECl measured by gramicidin perforation, which does not alter [Cl-]i, was -2.3 +/- 5.0 (SE) mV, indicating that these neurons maintain a high [Cl-]i and that the secondary Cl current plays an excitatory role in olfactory transduction.

1989 ◽  
Vol 61 (5) ◽  
pp. 994-1000 ◽  
I. Schmiedel-Jakob ◽  
P. A. Anderson ◽  
B. W. Ache

1. The basic electrical properties of olfactory (antennule) receptor cells were studied in an in situ preparation of the spiny lobster using whole cell patch-clamp recording. 2. The current-voltage relationship of the cells was linear for membrane potentials between -150 and -40 mV and rectified at more positive membrane potentials. The input resistance at rest averaged 508 M omega. The cells displayed two time constants, with mean values of 29.8 and 8.2 ms. 3. Depolarizing current steps elicited fast, overshooting action potentials at a mean threshold of -32 mV from an imposed resting membrane potential of -65 mV. The action potentials were tetrodotoxin (TTX) and tetraethylammonium (TEA) sensitive, suggesting they are typical sodium/potassium action potentials. 4. Odor stimulation evoked slow, dose-dependent, depolarizing receptor potentials up to 50 mV in amplitude. In approximately 30% of cells tested, these led to repetitive spiking when the cells were depolarized beyond -45 to -30 mV. The amplitude of the receptor potential was graded as a linear function of the logarithm of the odor concentration. 5. The amplitude of the receptor potential varied linearly with the membrane potential between -70 and -30 mV. Extrapolated reversal potentials appeared to be normally distributed around a mean value of -3.6 mV. 6. The results collectively indicate that lobster olfactory receptor cells have electrical properties similar to, but not necessarily identical with, those currently envisaged for olfactory receptor cells in other species.

2013 ◽  
pp. 455-462 ◽  
S. GAO ◽  
X. GUO ◽  
T. LIU ◽  
J. LIU ◽  
W. CHEN ◽  

Monoaminergic neurotransmitter 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), also known as serotonin, plays important roles in modulating the function of the olfactory system. However, thus far, the knowledge about 5-HT and its receptors in olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) and their physiological role have not been fully characterized. In the present study, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis revealed the presence of 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptor subtypes in mouse olfactory epithelium at the mRNA level. With subtype selective antibodies and standard immunohistochemical techniques, both receptor subtypes were found to be positively labeled. To further elucidate the molecular mechanisms of 5-HT act on the peripheral olfactory transduction, the whole-cell patch clamp techniques were used on freshly isolated ORNs. We found that 5-HT decreased the magnitude of outward K+ current in a dose-dependent manner and these inhibitory effects were markedly attenuated by the 5-HT1A receptor blocker WAY-100635 and the 5-HT1B receptor antagonist GR55562. These data suggested that 5-HT may play a role in the modulation of peripheral olfactory signals by regulating outward potassium currents, both 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptors were involved in this regulation.

1992 ◽  
Vol 162 (1) ◽  
pp. 231-249 ◽  

Electrical properties of isolated olfactory receptor cells were studied usingb voltage- and current-clamp techniques based on whole-cell patch-clamp methods. Squid olfactory receptor cells contain voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels and are capable of generating action potentials. Chemicals that elicit escape-jetting responses in behavioral experiments affect the excitability of isolated receptor cells. One set of such chemicals, including quaternary ammonium ions and aminopyridines, blocks K+ channels and increases excitability. Squid ink and L-Dopa also elicit escape jetting, but these substances increase membrane conductance, hyperpolarize the receptor cell and decrease excitability. These experiments indicate that sensory neurons of the olfactory organ are capable of detecting chemical signals and that at least two different transduction mechanismscan lead to similar behavioral responses.

2001 ◽  
Vol 204 (16) ◽  
pp. 2781-2794 ◽  

SUMMARY The biogenic amine octopamine is known to enhance the sensitivity of male moths to their species-specific pheromones in flight-tunnel experiments. This sensitization of pheromone-guided upwind flight is at least partly due to octopamine-dependent increases in the peak nerve impulse frequency of the pheromone response of olfactory receptor neurons. It is not known, however,whether octopamine exerts its effects directly on the electrical properties of the olfactory receptor neurons or indirectly, via modulation of the accessory cells of the sensillum. In extracellular tip recordings of pheromone-dependent trichoid sensilla on the antennae of male Manduca sexta moths, we investigated the effects of octopamine and serotonin on the transepithelial potential, which is generated by the activity of V-ATPases in sensillar accessory cells. In addition, the action potential activity of unstimulated olfactory receptor neurons was examined in the presence of biogenic amines. Under constant environmental conditions, the transepithelial potential oscillated regularly with periods of 2-8 min and with a 1-25 mV peak-to-peak amplitude over periods of several hours. These oscillatory intervals were interrupted by periods of relatively stable transepithelial potential, correlated with flight activity by the moth. Octopamine reduced the amplitude of the transepithelial potential oscillation and decreased the resistance of the sensillum preparation in a dose-dependent manner. Serotonin altered the waveform of the transepithelial potential, but did not change the resistance of the preparation. Thus, both amines affect the accessory cells, but have different targets in the regulation of the transepithelial potential. Neither amine significantly influenced the spontaneous action potential activity of the olfactory receptor neurons.

Bert Ph. M. Menco

Vertebrate olfactory receptor cells are specialized neurons that have numerous long tapering cilia. The distal parts of these cilia line the interface between the external odorous environment and the luminal surface of the olfactory epithelium. The length and number of these cilia results in a large surface area that presumably increases the chance that an odor molecule will meet a receptor cell. Advanced methods of cryoprepration and immuno-gold labeling were particularly useful to preserve the delicate ultrastructural and immunocytochemical features of olfactory cilia required for localization of molecules involved in olfactory signal-transduction. We subjected olfactory tissues to freeze-substitution in acetone (unfixed tissues) or methanol (fixed tissues) followed by low temperature embedding in Lowicryl K11M for that purpose. Tissue sections were immunoreacted with several antibodies against proteins that are presumably important in olfactory signal-transduction.

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