Generation and transmission of respiratory oscillations in medullary slices: role of excitatory amino acids

1993 ◽  
Vol 70 (4) ◽  
pp. 1497-1515 ◽  
G. D. Funk ◽  
J. C. Smith ◽  
J. L. Feldman

1. The involvement of excitatory amino acid (EAA) receptors in the generation of respiratory rhythm and transmission of inspiratory drive to hypoglossal (XII) motoneurons was examined in an in vitro neonatal rat medullary slice preparation. Slices generated rhythmic inspiratory activity in XII nerves. The role of EAAs in rhythm generation was determined by analyzing perturbations of respiratory network activity after bath application of EAA receptor antagonists or local microinjection of antagonists into the main column of respiratory neurons in the ventrolateral medulla (ventral respiratory group), particularly in the pre-Botzinger complex (pre-BotC). The involvement of EAAs in drive transmission to XII motoneurons was examined by recording perturbations in XII nerve discharge or motoneuron synaptic inputs after microinjection of EAA receptor antagonists into either the XII motor nuclei or sites in the ventrolateral medulla containing interneurons of the drive transmission circuit. 2. Block of non-N-methyl-D-aspartate (non-NMDA) receptors by bath application of 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) reversibly reduced XII nerve burst frequency and amplitude in a concentration-dependent manner, completely blocking respiratory motor output at concentrations > 4 microM. Activation of 2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid (AP-4)-sensitive receptors with D,L AP-4 reduced XII nerve burst amplitude by 30% but did not alter burst frequency. Block of NMDA receptor channels by bath application of (+)-5-methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d] cyclohepten-5,10-iminemaleate (MK-801) did not perturb the frequency or amplitude of motor output. Inhibition of EAA uptake in the slices by bath application of dihydrokainic acid reversibly increased the frequency and amplitude of XII motor discharge. 3. Block of non-NMDA receptors at multiple sites along the main column of respiratory neurons in the ventrolateral medulla, including the pre-BotC, by unilateral microinjection of CNQX produced a dose-dependent, bilateral reduction in XII nerve burst amplitude without substantial perturbations of the frequency of respiratory oscillations. Block of non-NMDA receptors within the pre-BotC at sites ventral to amplitude altering sites produced a reduction in frequency and ultimately bilateral block of respiratory network oscillations. 4. Non-NMDA receptor block within the XII motor nucleus by unilateral microinjection of CNQX produced a dose-dependent reduction in ipsilateral XII nerve discharge amplitude without perturbing the frequency of respiratory oscillations. Perturbations of contralateral XII nerve burst amplitude were significantly smaller. NMDA channel block within the XII motor nucleus did not affect inspiratory burst amplitude, whereas activation of AP-4 receptors caused a 30% reduction in amplitude.

2001 ◽  
Vol 91 (6) ◽  
pp. 2703-2712 ◽  
Stephen M. Johnson ◽  
Julia E. R. Wilkerson ◽  
Daniel R. Henderson ◽  
Michael R. Wenninger ◽  
Gordon S. Mitchell

Brain stem preparations from adult turtles were used to determine how bath-applied serotonin (5-HT) alters respiration-related hypoglossal activity in a mature vertebrate. 5-HT (5–20 μM) reversibly decreased integrated burst amplitude by ∼45% ( P < 0.05); burst frequency decreased in a dose-dependent manner with 20 μM abolishing bursts in 9 of 13 preparations ( P < 0.05). These 5-HT-dependent effects were mimicked by application of a 5-HT1A agonist, but not a 5-HT1B agonist, and were abolished by the broad-spectrum 5-HT antagonist, methiothepin. During 5-HT (20 μM) washout, frequency rebounded to levels above the original baseline for 40 min ( P < 0.05) and remained above baseline for 2 h. A 5-HT3 antagonist (tropesitron) blocked the post-5-HT rebound and persistent frequency increase. A 5-HT3 agonist (phenylbiguanide) increased frequency during and after bath application ( P < 0.05). When phenylbiguanide was applied to the brain stem of brain stem/spinal cord preparations, there was a persistent frequency increase ( P < 0.05), but neither spinal-expiratory nor -inspiratory burst amplitude were altered. The 5-HT3receptor-dependent persistent frequency increase represents a unique model of plasticity in vertebrate rhythm generation.

2003 ◽  
Vol 89 (6) ◽  
pp. 2975-2983 ◽  
Andrew K. Tryba ◽  
Jan-Marino Ramirez

Most mammals modulate respiratory frequency (RF) to dissipate heat (i.e., panting) and avoid heat stroke during hyperthermic conditions. During hyperthermia, the RF of intact mammals increases and then declines or ceases (apnea). It has been proposed that this RF modulation depends on the presence of higher brain structures such as the hypothalamus. However, the direct effects of hyperthermia on the respiratory neural network have not been examined. To address this issue, the respiratory neural network [i.e., ventral respiratory group (VRG)] was isolated in a brain stem preparation taken from the medulla of mice (P0 –P6). Integrated population activity, predominated by inspiratory neurons, was recorded extracellularly from VRG neurons. The bath temperature was then heated from 30 to 40°C, resulting in a biphasic frequency response in VRG activity. Following an initial six- to sevenfold increase and subsequent decline, fictive RF was maintained at a frequency that was higher than baseline frequency; at 40°C, the RF was maintained at about two to four times that at 30°C. The inspiratory burst amplitude and duration were significantly reduced during hyperthermic conditions. An increase in RF and decrease in VRG burst amplitude and duration also occurred when heating from 37 to 40°C. Fictive apnea typically occurred during cooling to the control temperature. Furthermore, changes in hypoglossal motor nucleus activity paralleled those of the VRG, suggesting that temperature modulation of the VRG is likely to have a behaviorally relevant impact on respiration. We conclude that the VRG activity itself is modulated during hyperthermia and the respiratory network is particularly sensitive to temperature changes.

2007 ◽  
Vol 292 (1) ◽  
pp. C508-C516 ◽  
Frank Funke ◽  
Mathias Dutschmann ◽  
Michael Müller

The pre-Bötzinger complex (PBC) in the rostral ventrolateral medulla contains a kernel involved in respiratory rhythm generation. So far, its respiratory activity has been analyzed predominantly by electrophysiological approaches. Recent advances in fluorescence imaging now allow for the visualization of neuronal population activity in rhythmogenic networks. In the respiratory network, voltage-sensitive dyes have been used mainly, so far, but their low sensitivity prevents an analysis of activity patterns of single neurons during rhythmogenesis. We now have succeeded in using more sensitive Ca2+ imaging to study respiratory neurons in rhythmically active brain stem slices of neonatal rats. For the visualization of neuronal activity, fluo-3 was suited best in terms of neuronal specificity, minimized background fluorescence, and response magnitude. The tissue penetration of fluo-3 was improved by hyperosmolar treatment (100 mM mannitol) during dye loading. Rhythmic population activity was imaged with single-cell resolution using a sensitive charge-coupled device camera and a ×20 objective, and it was correlated with extracellularly recorded mass activity of the contralateral PBC. Correlated optical neuronal activity was obvious online in 29% of slices. Rhythmic neurons located deeper became detectable during offline image processing. Based on their activity patterns, 74% of rhythmic neurons were classified as inspiratory and 26% as expiratory neurons. Our approach is well suited to visualize and correlate the activity of several single cells with respiratory network activity. We demonstrate that neuronal synchronization and possibly even network configurations can be analyzed in a noninvasive approach with single-cell resolution and at frame rates currently not reached by most scanning-based imaging techniques.

2007 ◽  
Vol 97 (3) ◽  
pp. 2283-2292 ◽  
Benjamin J. Barnes ◽  
Chi-Minh Tuong ◽  
Nicholas M. Mellen

In mammals, respiration-modulated networks are distributed rostrocaudally in the ventrolateral quadrant of the medulla. Recent studies have established that in neonate rodents, two spatially separate networks along this column—the parafacial respiratory group (pFRG) and the pre-Bötzinger complex (preBötC)—are hypothesized to be sufficient for respiratory rhythm generation, but little is known about the connectivity within or between these networks. To be able to observe how these networks interact, we have developed a neonate rat medullary tilted sagittal slab, which exposes one column of respiration-modulated neurons on its surface, permitting functional imaging with cellular resolution. Here we examined how respiratory networks responded to hypoxic challenge and opioid-induced depression. At the systems level, the sagittal slab was congruent with more intact preparations: hypoxic challenge led to a significant increase in respiratory period and inspiratory burst amplitude, consistent with gasping. At opioid concentrations sufficient to slow respiration, we observed periods at integer multiples of control, matching quantal slowing. Consistent with single-unit recordings in more intact preparations, respiratory networks were distributed bimodally along the rostrocaudal axis, with respiratory neurons concentrated at the caudal pole of the facial nucleus, and 350 microns caudally, at the level of the pFRG and the preBötC, respectively. Within these regions neurons active during hypoxia- and/or opioid-induced depression were ubiquitous and interdigitated. In particular, contrary to earlier reports, opiate-insensitive neurons were found at the level of the preBötC.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 2019
Swen Hülsmann ◽  
Liya Hagos ◽  
Volker Eulenburg ◽  
Johannes Hirrlinger

The role of inhibitory neurons in the respiratory network is a matter of ongoing debate. Conflicting and contradicting results are manifold and the question whether inhibitory neurons are essential for the generation of the respiratory rhythm as such is controversial. Inhibitory neurons are required in pulmonary reflexes for adapting the activity of the central respiratory network to the status of the lung and it is hypothesized that glycinergic neurons mediate the inspiratory off-switch. Over the years, optogenetic tools have been developed that allow for cell-specific activation of subsets of neurons in vitro and in vivo. In this study, we aimed to identify the effect of activation of inhibitory neurons in vivo. Here, we used a conditional transgenic mouse line that expresses Channelrhodopsin 2 in inhibitory neurons. A 200 µm multimode optical fiber ferrule was implanted in adult mice using stereotaxic surgery, allowing us to stimulate inhibitory, respiratory neurons within the core excitatory network in the preBötzinger complex of the ventrolateral medulla. We show that, in anesthetized mice, activation of inhibitory neurons by blue light (470 nm) continuously or with stimulation frequencies above 10 Hz results in a significant reduction of the respiratory rate, in some cases leading to complete cessation of breathing. However, a lower stimulation frequency (4–5 Hz) could induce a significant increase in the respiratory rate. This phenomenon can be explained by the resetting of the respiratory cycle, since stimulation during inspiration shortened the associated breath and thereby increased the respiratory rate, while stimulation during the expiratory interval reduced the respiratory rate. Taken together, these results support the concept that activation of inhibitory neurons mediates phase-switching by inhibiting excitatory rhythmogenic neurons in the preBötzinger complex.

2006 ◽  
Vol 101 (2) ◽  
pp. 521-530 ◽  
Hakan S. Orer ◽  
Gerard L. Gebber ◽  
Susan M. Barman

In an effort to characterize the role of the medullary lateral tegmental field (LTF) in regulating respiration, we tested the effects of selective blockade of excitatory (EAA) and inhibitory amino acid (IAA) receptors in this region on phrenic nerve activity (PNA) of vagus-intact and vagotomized cats anesthetized with dial-urethane. We found distinct patterns of changes in central respiratory rate, duration of inspiratory and expiratory phases of PNA (Ti and Te, respectively), and I-burst amplitude after selective blockade of EAA and IAA receptors in the LTF. First, blockade of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors significantly ( P < 0.05) decreased central respiratory rate primarily by increasing Ti but did not alter I-burst amplitude. Second, blockade of non-NMDA receptors significantly reduced I-burst amplitude without affecting central respiratory rate. Third, blockade of GABAA receptors significantly decreased central respiratory rate by increasing Te and significantly reduced I-burst amplitude. Fourth, blockade of glycine receptors significantly decreased central respiratory rate by causing proportional increases in Ti and Te and significantly reduced I-burst amplitude. These changes in PNA were markedly different from those produced by blockade of EAA or IAA receptors in the pre-Bötzinger complex. We propose that a proper balance of excitatory and inhibitory inputs to several functionally distinct pools of LTF neurons is essential for maintaining the normal pattern of PNA in anesthetized cats.

1997 ◽  
Vol 78 (6) ◽  
pp. 3408-3414 ◽  
M. J. Brierley ◽  
M. S. Yeoman ◽  
P. R. Benjamin

Brierley, Matthew J., Mark S. Yeoman, and Paul R. Benjamin. Glutamate is the transmitter for the N2v retraction phase interneurons of the Lymnaea feeding system. J. Neurophysiol. 78: 3408–3414, 1997. Electrophysiological and pharmacological methods were used to examine the role of glutamate in mediating the excitatory and inhibitory responses produced by the N2v rasp phase neurons on postsynaptic cells of the Lymnaea feeding network. The N2v → B3 motor neuron excitatory synaptic response could be mimicked by focal or bath application of l-glutamate at concentrations of ≥10−3 M. Quisqualate and α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) were potent agonists for the B3 excitatory glutamate receptor (10−3 M), whereas kainate only produced very weak responses at the same concentration. This suggested that non- N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA), AMPA/quisqualate receptors were present on the B3 cell. The specific non-NMDA receptor antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX; 10−5 M) blocked 85% of the excitatory effects on the B3 cell produced by focal application of glutamate (10−3 M), confirming the presence of non-NMDA receptors. CNQX also blocked the major part of the excitatory postsynaptic potentials on the B3 cell produced by spontaneous or current-evoked bursts of spikes in the N2v cell. As with focal application of glutamate, a small delayed component remained that was CNQX insensitive. This provided direct evidence that glutamate acting via receptors of the non-NMDA, AMPA/quisqualate type were responsible for mediating the main N2v → B3 cell excitatory response. NMDA at 10−2 M also excited the B3 cell, but the effects were much more variable in size and absent in one-third of the 25 B3 cells tested. NMDA effects on B3 cells were not enhanced by bath application of glycine at 10−4 M or reduction of Mg2+ concentration in the saline to zero, suggesting the absence of typical NMDA receptors. The variability of the B3 cell responses to NMDA suggested these receptors were unlikely to be the main receptor type involved with N2v → B3 excitation. Quisqualate and AMPA at 10−3 M also mimicked N2v inhibitory effects on the B7 and B8 feeding motor neurons and the modulatory slow oscillator (SO) interneuron, providing further evidence for the role of AMPA/quisqualate receptors. Similar effects were seen with glutamate at the same concentration. However, CNQX could not block either glutamate or N2v inhibitory postsynaptic responses on the B7, B8, or SO cells, suggesting a different glutamate receptor subtype for inhibitory responses compared with those responsible for N2v → B3 excitation. We conclude that glutamate is a strong candidate transmitter for the N2v cells and that AMPA/quisquate receptors of different subtypes are likely to be responsible for the excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic responses.

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